California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Coyote Chronicle (1984-) Arthur E. Nelson University Archives 5-12-2014 May 12th 2014 CSUSB Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle Recommended Citation CSUSB, "May 12th 2014" (2014). Coyote Chronicle (1984-). 145. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle/145 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Arthur E. Nelson University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Coyote Chronicle (1984-) by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. XLIX, No. 5 COYOTECHRONICLE.NET THE INDEPENDENT STUDENT VOICE OF CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN BERNARDINO SINCE 1965 MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014 Coyote Chronicle Overhaul of CA’s education system By ANDRES IBARA suggest that we need less government, not Staff Writer more. It’s very diffi cult to do these things at the same time,” said Rogers. California’s educational system has Ben Austin, chief executive of the come under some recent scrutiny. non-profi t organization Parent Revolution, Neel Kashkari, Republican candi- was in favor of Kashkari’s proposals, cit- date for Governor of California, hopes to ing localized school funding and throwing change that. out parts of the educational code. Kashkari has ideas to overhaul the Among students, these ideas have also state’s educational system and change the received some mixed responses with the way they’re funded. He hopes to make proposed increase of online classes being traditional schools more like charter the most unpopular. schools, which also include increasing “More online classes would be a online education. bad idea. Physical classes feel more One of his ideas is to send money motivating while I feel online classes may directly to the schools rather than the encourage procrastination,” said student school district. Erika Chavez. Additionally he would increase the ”Online classes give students less hu- amount of time needed to attend school man interaction,” said junior Matt Deer. during the day and during the year, as well Senior Raymond Aguire, however, as increase merit pay for teachers. said that, “It’s a good idea in that it gives “We can absolutely transform people more choices.” California’s education system into a force The proposals to make schools more that not only lifts student achievement, but like charter schools were better received by ultimately addresses income inequality and students, as Deer says that it “gives schools eradicates poverty from our communities,” more control and helps implement their said Kashkari in a proposal. own rules.” His proposal includes an increase in “Charter-like schools can be benefi cial online classes, including the UC and the for students,” added Oropeza. CSU systems, requiring that each of them California’s education system has to put 20 percent of their classes online. had a lot of troubles prior to Gov. Jerry Another addition includes a Brown’s term and although many people scholarship program for students who and politicians were skeptical, many also major in science, technology, math, or agreed that he’s handled the educational engineering, in exchange for a small, but system fairly well. unspecifi ed percentage of what they earn “While the governor’s not perfect, in the future. he’s exceeded expectations when it comes Kashkari also plans to allow more to making tough calls on kids,” said local authority and less state authority, and Austin, citing Brown’s shift in school hopes for more changes that will require funding that provides more money to dis- centralized intervention. advantaged schools and how he vetoed a John Rogers, the Director of the bill that claimed to streamline a process Institute for Democracy, Education and to fi re bad teachers but instead increased Access in UCLA explained that a lot of teacher protection. suspicion surrounds a big government with As of now, Kashkari stands fi rm on contradictory initiatives and goals. his proposals to restructure the California Andres Ibara and Stephanie Para| Chronicle Photos “He wants to, at least rhetorically, school system. The proposed overhaul would send money directly to schools, lengthen school days, and put 20 percent of classes online. Pledge promises graduation in 4 years FCC law poses threat By CHELSEA GALVEZ “CSUSB is committed to student to Internet neutrality Staff Writer success in several ways. The Four Year Graduation Pledge is one method that By MINTIMER AVILA Verizon is just one of many companies The CSUSB website includes a the university works to ensure that stu- Online Editor that want to earn a profi t from its users that headline link that promises incoming dents are able to complete their degree in consume these large amounts of data. freshman that they can graduate in four the allotted four years,” said Academic The quest for speed could translate Netfl ix has become the leading choice years if they sign a commitment contract. Advisor Ebony Staten. into higher fees for some Internet access. for online streaming and consumes as When the student clicks on the link, According to Staten, interest in the Internet providers want to create much as one third of Internet traffi c during they discover there are three obligations program has grown tremendously. In discriminatory practices that would charge peak times, according to CNN. needed to sign up for the pledge. 2010, there were 46 students enrolled in some users more because they happen to The Federal Communications These obligations include signing the program, but this number increased stream more or go online for long periods Commission (FCC) has proposed new a 4-year pledge contract, promising to to 105 students in 2011, 251 students in of time. rules due to pressure from various com- register for 15 units every quarter, and to 2012, and 401 students in 2013. The most aggressive company fi ghting panies that would allow Internet service stay aware of the pledge obligations. Continued on Pg. 4for these changes is Verizon. Continued on Pg. 3 Difference in Starbucks Finding a sugar daddy and other coffee brands. is easier than ever. • A&E, Page 5 • Features, Page 7 Chronicle Page 2 News Monday, May 12, 2014 CSUSB president proposes plan to end student disturbance By MARLYN RODRIGUEZ and drug abuse and giving back to the com- Opinions Editor munity as well as about cultural diversity. “We remain committed to educating CSUSB president plans to work with our students on intangibles such as leader- local communities to help improve student ship, integrity, and responsibility,” stated conduct in residential areas surrounding Morales in his commentary. campus. When paying close attention to the President Dr. Tomas Morales provid- Standards for Student Conduct, the rules ed a commentary in The San Bernardino and regulations are followed by a state- Sun where he states he is planning on ment that reads, “At University related reaching out to local landlords at apartment activity or directed to a person within or complexes where students reside. related to the University community.” One claim is that local landlords CSUSB Police Chief Jimmie Brown should be responsible for maintaining their said that he doesn’t recall having to deal property and understanding the unpredict- with any misconduct around campus but ability that comes with housing too many that Campus Police have heard complaints residents. from the San Bernardino Police Depart- He states that he, along with many ment about problems caused by partying other college administrators across the na- around the local area. tion, understand that even though a student He also said the possible increase of is old enough to attend college, it doesn’t student misconduct in neighboring areas mean they are responsible and mature should be addressed before it becomes a enough to be on their own. problem. His plan is to come to some form of Psychology professor Christine agreement on what these landlords expect Weinkauff had her own views on this from students and ways that CSUSB can matter. help ensure their students fulfi ll those ex- “It is our responsibility as educators pectations. to go beyond teaching content to teaching Morales continued to say that students students about life, and how any content Marlyn Rodriguez and Shadya Qasem | Chronicle Photo are expected to abide by a code of conduct in which any given course is embedded President Thomas Morales is reaching out to local landlords to create a clear code of conduct expected of CSUSB students whether they live on or off campus. may be applied to their own lives,” said Students are informed an educated Weinkauff. prejudice, enhance self-esteem and in- disagree. about the code of conduct during their She also understands and recognizes crease the investment individuals have in “Integrity can’t be taught. Professors freshmen orientation that they are required that students look to professors as role their neighborhood, which in turn reduces tell us in every class every quarter to not to attend. models, which should be taken into con- crime,” added Weinkauff. plagiarize. Yet, students still do it,” said During the orientation, they are pre- sideration, as far as the impact these pro- She added that she completely agrees student Simrangitj Sandhu. sented a variety of topics aimed to help fessors have had on the students. with Morales and that she feels he makes a Currently, there are no details about them engage in their community. “Research has shown that by prac- good point. the specifi c plan or on how President For example, they learn about alcohol ticing pro-social behaviors we neutralize However, some students seem to Morales plans to carry out his idea. Coyote Chronicle Editor in Chief Koby Heramil Asst.
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