THE C.A.S.H. COURIER THE COMMITTEE TO ABOLISH SPORT HUNTING A DIVISION OF WILDLIFE WATCH, INC. © 2018 BY WILDLIFE WATCH, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Winter/Spring 2018 MISSION STATEMENT: Wildlife Services: The mission of C.A.S.H. - Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting - is to accomplish what its name says in the shortest pos- sible time. Understanding that abolish- The Worst of the Worst ing hunting entails a process, a series of steps taken and not a single action BY JIM ROBERTSON that would effect our goal overnight, a time frame cannot be established. We Never in human his- hope for building a succession of wins, tory has a more self- and if not wins immediately then at serving, damaging and least a succession of stirrings of con- persistent lie been per- sciousness. We hope to encourage those who are still silent to speak out, petuated than the awakening community after community patently false notion about the heavy hand of state and fed- that non-human ani- eral wildlife management agencies. We mals lack conscious- hope to alter whatever belief still exists ness. I mean, who that sport hunters are conservationists and champions of the environment to a came up with the idea, realization that they are destroyers of anyway? Some human, wildlife and ecosystems in the narrow no doubt! Thankfully and broad sense. Where the natural for the animals’ sake, feeling for wildlife doesn’t exist, we we’ve come far beyond strive to engender among citizens out- rage that their own rights are violated that kind of thinking by legal hunting and their quality-of-life these days. diminished. Yet, the United Photo taken by an outraged employee of another gov- States Department of ernment agency. Jim Robertson received permission to Luke A. Dommer was the founder of the Agriculture’s shadowy use this photograph by Brooks Fahey of Predator Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting. He was its take-lethal-action- president from 1976 until his passing in August Defense. Please visit: 1992. Mr. Dommer’s research and publications against-natural-preda- www.predatordefense.org/USDA.htm served as the foundation for the anti-hunting tors-any-time-they- movement. He remains, through this organiza- might-even-cast-a-sideways-glance- weight of evidence indicates that tion, an invaluable and dedicated warrior in the battle to save wild animals, the environment, at-a-farm-animal division, the inaptly humans are not unique in possess- and general public from the silent economy that named “Wildlife Services,” a govern- ing the neurological substrates that encourages and preys on the passion of a few to ment agency that tries to claim science generate consciousness. Non- kill the wildlife that belongs to all. as its moral guide, conveniently human animals, including all mam- Wildlife Watch Inc. ignores modern peer-reviewed studies mals and birds, and many other a 501(c)3 Not-for-Profit Corporation. such as the findings of 16 scientists in creatures, including octopuses, also Contributions are tax-deductible. the 2014 Convention for possess these neurological sub- ------ C.A.S.H. COURIER Consciousness, which states: strates.” PO Box 562 New Paltz, NY 12561 “Convergent evidence indicates And the Delegation for Scientific 845-256-1400 - Phone that non-human animals have the Expertise takes it a step further, [email protected] neuroanatomical, neurochemical, including fish, invertebrates—and Anne Muller - Editor and neurophysiological substrates those institutionally exploited species ------ whose rights and well-being the Robert Greenough - Desktop Publishing of conscious states along with the www.wildwatch.org capacity to exhibit intentional agenda-driven humans would rather www.abolishsporthunting.org behaviors. Consequently, the not have to acknowledge—to the Please see WILDLIFE SERVICES Page 3 PAGE 1 C.A.S.H. is extraordinarily fortunate that Jim Robertson has stepped in to fill Joe Miele’s important role at C.A.S.H. We will miss Joe as President, but we are delighted that he is fulfilling his life’s goal of cat rescue. Joe will keep his big toe in C.A.S.H. by continuing to write his inimitable column, Uncle Joe, based on real letters that he receives. C.A.S.H. looks forward to its new chapter with Jim Robertson at the helm to continue to erode the false notion that hunting is a just a normal “sport.” LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Jim’s Book: OF COMMITTEE TO ABOLISH SPORT HUNTING Some of C.A.S.H.’s longtime members may be wondering who the heck is this guy and what qualifies him to be president of the Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting? Others may know me from my 2012 book, Exposing the Big Game: Living Targets of a Dying Sport. For those in the first group, here's some back- story from the publisher's biography page... Living among the likes of deer, elk, wolves and bears has led to a keen awareness of animals as indi- viduals. Yet, with wildlife habitat comes the depraved concept of “sportsmen’s paradise” and, con- Photo courtesy of Jim Robertson sequently, the wanton evils of hunt- urging us to expand our circle of ing. The painful loss of some of his compassion and re-examine our cherished animal neighbors has stance on killing for sport. And as I said in the book's epi- To order the book or Kindle version triggered an evolution from out- logue: Sooner or later, the obdurate visit: spoken animal advocate to all out www.amazon.com/Exposing-Big-Game-Living- anti-hunter. hunter crouching in the darkness of Targets/dp/1846948088 Exposing the Big Game challenges ages past must cave in and make Visit Jim’s photos here: the archaic, yet officially endorsed, peace with the animals or rightfully, www.all-creatures.org/aw/index.html#photo viewpoint that the primary value of if figuratively, die off and be To view Jim’s blog: replaced with a more compassion- https://exposingthebiggame.wordpress.com/ wildlife in America is to provide cheap entertainment for anyone with a ate, more evolved earthling gun and an unwholesome urge to kill. Since I started working for Exposing the Big Game blends Portraits and portrayals of tolerant C.A.S.H. last fall, I've recorded spectacular photography, indis- bears, loquacious prairie dogs, tem- scores of hunting accidents. Although putable facts and clear reason. Jim peramental wolves, high-spirited there's certainly a sense of satisfac- does not mince words in describing ravens and benevolent bison will tion in learning just how many of the senselessness and depravity of leave readers with a deeper appreci- these hunting excursions end up dis- hunting and the psychopaths who ation of our fellow beings as sover- appointing or even tragic for these kill for pleasure. eign individuals, each with his or murderous perpetrators, I plan to Peter Muller, President Emeritus her unique personality. take C.A.S.H. in a slightly different of the League of Humane Voters, Above all, this book is a condem- direction as well. Knowing that each VP Committee to Abolish Sport nation of violence against animals, and every successful kill a hunter Hunting both historic and ongoing. It explores makes is yet another tragedy for the See additional reviews by: the true, sinister motives behind animals, I'm going to try to re-per- Laura Mauretti hunting and trapping, dispelling the sonalize and re-value the animal Jeffrey Masson myths that sportsmen use to justify victims of hunting, bringing them Ingrid Newkirk their brutal acts. Exposing the Big back to life, so to speak, as they Norm Phelps Game takes on hunting and defends naturally are when viewed in the Captain Paul Watson the animals with equal passion, while wild or appreciated in a photo. Ethan Smith PAGE 2 WILDLIFE SERVICES Continued from page 1 thinking, feeling fold: sciousness did not arise full-fledged “Livestock species, such as poultry, with the human species, but as the pigs, and sheep, exhibit cognitive most highly evolved end point of a behaviors that seem to imply levels long evolutionary history.” and contents of consciousness that And as Marc Bekoff, PhD, profes- until recently were considered exclu- sor emeritus of Ecology and sive to humans and to some primates. Evolutionary Biology at the That is even more the case for fish and University of Colorado, wrote in his invertebrates that until recently were column for Psychology Today: not even considered as sentient.” www.psychologytoday.com/blog/animal-emotions/201801/animal-consciousness-new-report-puts-all-doubts-sleep But like Cartesian vivisectionists “...sentient nonhuman beings care of dark ages past, USDA’s Wildlife about what happens to themselves Services must secretly wish that ani- and to family members and friends, mals were unconscious so they could and deserve to be treated with dig- carry out their cruelties without nity and respect for who they are, protest from struggling victims (or Photo by Wildlife Services not what we want them to be. ...ani- mals’ lives are valuable because their advocates). gically misnamed federal program When Wildlife “Services” speaks they are alive — they have what is within the USDA that wastes millions referred to as inherent value — not of animal suffering, it’s with the cal- of dollars each year killing wild ani- lous disassociation—indeed, the because of what they can do for us mals with traps, snares, poisons, gas, — what is called their instrumental downright disregard and doubles- and aerial gunning at the request of peak—of the friendly neighborhood value. It’s about time that we wel- corporate agriculture and the hunting come them into our world and the psychopath. And like a psychopath, lobby.
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