Preprints (www.preprints.org) | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 25 September 2018 doi:10.20944/preprints201809.0476.v1 Article A Generalized Fractional Power Series for Solving a Class of Nonlinear Fractional Integro-Differential Equation Sirunya Thanompolkrang 1and Duangkamol Poltem 1,2,* 1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Burapha University, Chonburi, 20131, Thailand; [email protected] 2 Centre of Excellence in Mathematics, Commission on Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Bangkok 10400, Thailand * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +6-638-103-099 Version September 25, 2018 submitted to Preprints 1 Abstract: In this paper, we investigate an analytical solution of a class of nonlinear fractional 2 integro-differential equation base on a generalized fractional power series expansion. The fractional 3 derivatives are described in the conformable’s type. The new approach is a modified form of the 4 well-known Taylor series expansion. The illustrative examples are presented to demonstrate the 5 accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed method. 6 Keywords: fractional power series; integro-differential equations; conformable derivative 7 1. Introduction 8 Fractional calculus and fractional differential equations are widely explored subjects thanks 9 to the great importance of scientific and engineering problems. For example, fractional calculus 10 is applied to model the fluid-dynamic traffics [1], signal processing [2], control theory [3], and 11 economics [4]. For more details and applications about fractional derivative, we refer the reader 12 to [5–8]. Many mathematical formulations contain nonlinear integro-differential equations with 13 fractional order. However, the integro-differential equations are usually difficult to solve analytically, 14 so it is required to obtain an efficient approximate solution. For instance we can mention the following 15 papers. Rawashdeh [9] applied collocation method to study the integro-differential equations of 16 fractional order, authors of [10] applied spectral collocation method to solve stochastic fractional 17 integro-differential equations. Momani [11] applied the Adomian decomposition method (ADM) to 18 approximate solutions for fourth-order integro-differential equations of fractional order. Nawaz [12] 19 applied the variational iteration method and homotopy perturbation method for the fourth-order 20 fractional integro-differential equations, authors of [13] presented a computational method based 21 on the second kind Chebyshev wavelet to solve fractional nonlinear Fredholm integro-differential 22 equations. In Ref. [14] approximated solution of fractional integro-differential equations by Taylor 23 expansion method. Among these methods, the Taylor expansion method is more attractive. Hitherto 24 several fractional power series expansions have been presented in the literature [15–21]. In Ref. [18] the 25 authors presented a new algorithm for obtaining a series solution for a class of fractional differential 26 equations. Syam [19] investigate a numerical solution of fractional Lienard’s equation by using the 27 residual power series method. In Ref. [20] the authors develop a new method to solve rational 28 or irrational order fractional differential equations. This method is called the restricted fractional 29 differential transform method (RFDTM). Recently, Jaradat [21] proposed a new method based on Taylor 30 series expansion for solving the fractional (integro)-differential equations and compared numerical 31 solution with exact solution. A new series expansion is proposed to obtain closed-form solutions of 32 the fractional (integro-)differential equations in the Caputo’s type. This expansion provide a more 33 integrated representation of the fractional power series with a related convergence theorem called a 34 generalized fractional power series (GFPS). © 2018 by the author(s). Distributed under a Creative Commons CC BY license. Preprints (www.preprints.org) | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 25 September 2018 doi:10.20944/preprints201809.0476.v1 2 of 7 In this paper, we adopt the conformable fractional derivative with GFPS and apply it to solve a class of nonlinear integro-differential equation Z 1 Ta[y(t)] = h(t) + k(t, t)[y(t)]qdt, q ≥ 1, (1) 0 subject to the initial conditions (i) y (0) = ai, (2) 35 where ai, i = 0, 1, ..., r − 1, with r − 1 < a ≤ r, r 2 N, are constants. k(t, t) and h(t) are smooth 36 functions. The derivative which we use in this paper is the conformable fractional derivative. We 37 organize our paper as follows. In Section 2, we present some preliminaries which we use in this paper. 38 In Section 3, we present the proposed method which is the GFPS in conformable fractional derivative. 39 Some analytical and numerical results are presented in Section 4. We end this paper by conclusions 40 which presented in Section 5. 41 2. Preliminaries 42 In this section, we present some definitions and properties of the conformable fractional derivative 43 and GFPS. The derivative in Equation (1) is in the conformable fractional derivative. The conformable 44 fractional derivative is defined as follows; see [22]. Throughout the rest of this section, we assume 45 a 2 (0, 1]. Definition 1. Given a function f : [0, ¥) ! R, where the conformable fractional derivative of f order a is defined by f (t + #t1−a) − f (t) Ta[ f (t)] = lim , (3) #!0 # 46 for all t > 0. Theorem 1. If f and g be a-differentiable at a point t > 0, then Ta[a f + bg] = aTa[ f ] + bTa[g], 47 for all a, b 2 R. 48 The power rule of the conformable fractional derivative is given as follows. Theorem 2. The conformable fractional derivative of the power function is given by Ta[tp] = ptp−a, 49 for all p 2 R. 50 We implement the generalized fractional power series (GFPS) [21] to solve Equation (1). We start 51 by the following definition and some related properties to the GFPS. Definition 2. A generalized fractional power series of the form ¥ ia+j 1 a 2 a+1 2a ∑ cijt = c00 + c01t + c10t + c02t + c11t + c20t + ··· (4) i+j=0 52 where t > 0, is called generalized fractional power series (GFPS) about t = 0. cij denote the coefficients of the 53 series, where i, j 2 N. Preprints (www.preprints.org) | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 25 September 2018 doi:10.20944/preprints201809.0476.v1 3 of 7 Moreover, the GFPS is naturally obtained as a Cauchy product of two power series, as following ¥ ¥ ! ¥ ! ia+j ia j ∑ cijt = ∑ ait ∑ bjt , (5) i+j=0 i=0 j=0 54 where cij = aibj. ¥ ka 55 Proposition 1. If ∑k=0 akt converges for some t = a > 0, then it converges absolutely for t 2 (0, a). 56 Proof. See [21]. ¥ k 57 Corollary 1. If ∑k=0 bkt converges for some t = b > 0, then it converges absolutely for t 2 (0, b). 58 Proof. See [21]. ¥ ka ¥ k 59 Theorem 3. Consider the two power series A = ∑k=0 akt and B = ∑k=0 bkt such that A converges 60 absolutely to a for t = ta > 0 and B converges to b for t = tb > 0. Then the Cauchy product of A and B 61 converges to ab for t = tc > 0 where tc = min fta, tbg . 62 Proof. See [21]. 63 3. The Generalized Conformable Fractional Power Series Method In this section, we present a generalized conformable fractional power series method to solve problem (1) and (2). We assume that the solution y(t) takes the form ¥ ia+j y(t) = ∑ cijt , (6) i+j=0 64 where y(0) = y0 and cij are constants to be determined. Clearly, c00 = y0. 65 Theorem 4. The generalized conformable fractional power series (GCFPS) of order a is given by ¥ ¥ a (i−1)a j−a T [y(t)] = ∑ ci0(ia)t + ∑ c0j(j)t i=1 j=1 ¥ ia+j+1 + ∑ ci+1,j+1[(i + 1)a + j + 1]t , (7) i+j=0 66 where t be a positive real number. Proof. Assuming we can interchange the summation and the fractional derivative operator and using Theorems 1 and 2, by term-by-term differentiation within the interval of convergence of t > 0, if ¥ ia+j y(t) = ∑ cijt i+j=0 67 then we obtain Equation (7). 68 The proposed GCFPS expansion (7) will be utilized to introduce a parallel scheme to the power 69 series solution method. The illustrative examples are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and 70 effectiveness of the proposed method in Section 4. Preprints (www.preprints.org) | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 25 September 2018 doi:10.20944/preprints201809.0476.v1 4 of 7 12 α=1 10 α=0.75 α=0.5 8 α=0.25 6 y(t) 4 2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 t Figure 1. The approximate solution of Example 1 for a = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1. 71 4. Numerical Results 72 In this section, we have dealt with three examples of the nonlinear integro-differential equations 73 to exhibit the usefulness of GCFPS expansion. It should be noted here that all the necessary calculations 74 and graphical analysis are done by using MATLAB2017a. Example 1. Consider the nonlinear Fredholm fractional integro-differential equation Z 1 Ta[y(t)] = tet + et − t + ty(t)dt, 0 ≤ t < 1, 0 < a ≤ 1 (8) 0 75 subject to the initial condition y(0) = 0. In the previous discussion and using the initial condition, the proposed generalized fractional power series solution to Equation (8) has the form ¥ ia+j y(t) = ∑ cijt . (9) i+j=1 By substituting Equation (9) into Equation (8), the coefficients cij, i + j ≥ 1 are determined by equating the coefficients of like powers of t through determining a formal recurrence relation. We have obtained " # a + 2 a(a + 1) + 1 ¥ j + 1 c = + , (10) 11 2 + + ( + ) ∑ ( + )( + + ) a 3a 1 a a 1 j=2 a j a j 1 j! j + 1 c = for j = 0, 2, 3, 4, .
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