The College of Wooster Open Works The oV ice: 1941-1950 "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection 4-17-1941 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1941-04-17 Wooster Voice Editors Follow this and additional works at: https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1941-1950 Recommended Citation Editors, Wooster Voice, "The oosW ter Voice (Wooster, OH), 1941-04-17" (1941). The Voice: 1941-1950. 10. https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1941-1950/10 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection at Open Works, a service of The oC llege of Wooster Libraries. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oV ice: 1941-1950 by an authorized administrator of Open Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STUDENT SENATE WILL H&LD rrn VOICE CALLS REPORTERS, NOMINATIONS FOR OFFICERS SPORTS WRITERS, MONDAY, IN CHAPEL ON TUESDAY HE WOOSTE.R YO 1 4 P.M, VOICE OFFICE -- Official Student Publication "4f .the College ap.; Wooster -- 1 Volume LVII O WOOSTER, OHIO, THURSDAYAPRIL 17, 1941 Number 21 Wooster Mourns j of Jn Statement Policy Facts The 1941 '42 Voice staff intends to' pursue a much more Wilder and McCarley Head Sudden Death of vigorous editorial policy than has been the custom of the Review , '.,-- . paper-i- n thepast." - - - . STAN -V- ;:;.By COAtESm ainuJO-Jiel- oiee-Staff BM!OaFcock" We. p; formulate and 4jrecttudentj)pinion INTRODUCTION This " column, NewWooster rather than Be "merely itS "expressionrWhen-contraversi- al. unlike the late Senator Borah, does to an 6rgariof not claim to have any "inside infor- issues xarise, we shall not evade them either by : Crider, Slreeger, and mation". More like Will Rogers, "I . ignoring the facts or by begging the question, but rather shall only know what I read in the paper". present a clear cut declaration of our policy. Murdpck Serve as The purpose of this column is to Being fully aware of the general apathy which pervades provide a review""of the week's news, Assistant Editors world-shapin- g the student body, we shall endeavor to stimulate interest in and follow the trend of the . Robert G. Wilder, junior from events. ' campus affairs both thrbugh our news and editorial columns. HornelL, New York, and Don McCar- APRIL- - 10 THURSDAY, US. Frequently those students elected to responsible positions ley, junior from. Bellaire, Ohio, have takes over defense of. Greenland . on the campus have forgotten too soon after election the duties been elected editor and business man- German advances continue in Bal- which their newly assumed offices entail. will be our policy ager respectively of the Voice for the kans and North Africa. British of- It 1941-4- 2 school year. This issue is the ficers' admit speed of drives took them to keep ever in their minds their obligations to those who first put out under the new administra- by surprise. elected them. tion. Previously Robert had been one FRIDAY U. S. rushes troops and We shall not deliberately attack the policies of the of the managing editors and Don had supply ships to Greenland . administration unless we feel that they are not to the best been' advertising manager. The an- F. D. R. withdraws Red Sea from com. nouncement was made this evening at ' interests of the student body. However, we will give praise bat zone. Allows American ships to the annual ' formal banquet held in where due. - carry munitions around Africa, lower Babcock. through Red Sea, up to Suez . Realizing that there are many imperfections existing on Other members of the new staff an- Nazi-controlle- Hungary. - f d) - invades refor- the Wooster campus, we shall pursue a policy of liberal nounced - at , that time were . Ralph Yugoslavia to regain land lost after mation though conflict established precedents. Crider, associate editor; Hal Streeper, Berlin predicts Yugo- even it may with World War. sports editor; and Eugene Murdock, slav collapse hours. Impartiality will be our watch-wor- d. shall attempt in 48 B E 8ABCOCJZ We managing editor until the end of the SATURDAY German advance to give fair and unbiased coverage to each campus organization semester when tryouts will be held for Birt E. Babcock, member of trie continues in Greece . Ford strike and project. A) the editorship the following year. Board of Trustees of the College of Line - settled , . , American Export ( Jean Smeltz was- chosen feature edi- prepares send ships to Suez. Wooster and donor of Babcock hall, to f ' tor ; Harry Bigelow, advertising man- died suddenly at his home in Phelps, SUNDAY Greeks claim Nazis Four Have Leads Students' Concert ager; Cliff Alexander, make-u- p editor; New York, Monday, April 7, at the driven back . Angelic Russia re- and Lewis Van de Visse, auditor. Jane age of 71. , will bukes Hungary for the dastardly deed t - - Includes Classics Adams continue in her present Mr. Babcock -- of grabbing a neighbor's territory . was born in 'Clyde, In May Pageahl position as circulation manager. May Ohio, 1870. He graduated -- Hitler and Mussolini exchange Easter 20r Students of the music department - News assistants for the coming year from Clyde high school 1889 in bi-month- will and re-citalsJn-thehapeLM- Qriday, . be Arthur Griffen, Rick, telegrams. presented one of their ly Dorothy his-A.BandMAd- John Bathgate, Rolland Rhatz, egreei . "' received ards, Grace" Ohki, Martha ; MONDAY Japan and Russia Apr. 14. Stark, and from the College of Wooster in 1893 Eleanor Leach, and Virginia Lee have Mary Ellen participate in- - the current fad and The program included four piano se- Park. and 1894 respectively. He was a stu- been given the principal roles in Becky Hostetter and Jean Hudson sign a neutrality pact . Axis troops lections and one for voice. At the BOB WILDER DON McCARLEY dent at the Lane Theological Seminary will -- be copy editors. Wooster' first . retake Bardia, Solium, and Capuzzo - thirty annuaL Color pianoWere Jdarilyn . Eccles, playing in Cincinnati from 1896 to 1898 and . U. S. supports Danish minister Day pageant entitled "In a Persian Chopin's "Waltz in D flat"; Rachel Murray Presents Key farmed and worked in a kraut factory who refuses to obey a recall order Market" by Betty Shobert Chopin's "Impromptu, Op. Music Mr. Arthur Murray, on behalf of in Clyde for the next two years. written Dodds and Miss Little Picks Club Gives from Nazi-controlle- d Copenhagen. 29, No. 1"; Rebecca Perkins, Allegro the Collier Printing Company, which Alice Forman. The pageant preceded He became secretary of the Empire Bach's "Italian Con- each year awards gold silver keys TUESDAY New draft registra-tio- n movement of 'Nineties' Program and State Pickling Co., of Phelps, in by the crowning of Miss Ruth Lam- planned to catch youths just 1901, certo"; and Grace Ohki, Schuman's New Headwaiters to members of the staff, made the vice-president-secretarys- advancing to the hip born as May Queen will be held the Dorothy Braid formal presentation turned 21 . British in Greece re- on "In Night". sang According to Jim Wise, master of of the awards. .in '1907, and to the presi- ' "My Love is Like a Red Rose" by ceremonies colorful, gala "Gay Combining the system of last year and treat to "new strategic defense posi- May 10. VitellaV Bean, Les Thomas, ,a dency in has held Jim Jim S.- 1918. He that of? Rogers. Nineties" program will be given the the system inaugurated this year six tions" . Denmark voids U. Cast Chosen Cal Dagg, and Cameron Satterthwaite at flee since then. Mr. Babcock was the Fortnightly music club meeting, Mon. gold keys were awarded. Receiving Greenland pact. .The entire cast was chosen at an Two freshman girls, Rachel Shobert will assume their new duties as head-waite- rs . is operator of seven factories and day, April 21, at the Conservatory. them were Helen Merry, Robert Jaff-ra- y, WEDNESDAY F. D. R. asserts organization meeting held Saturday, and Elizabeth Geer, Were among the in college dormitories at the recognized as the world's largest kraut A the program will be Jim Wise, Tim CannelL will ships local of the week- meal Wednesday, May portion of Jean U. S. protect its outside 12 lounge. four participants noon on 21, manufacturer. He was a member of April in Babcock All .those devoted to members giving their ver- Carroll, and 6eth Duffield. of combat zones . London dis- ly college radio broadcast from Can- according to Miss Mabel Little, Di thejiochester Chamber of Commerce in attendance at the meeting were sion of the old familiar tunes of the Seniors awarded silver keys for their patch says Nazis have broken eastern ton, Saturday, April 12. rector of Dormitories. At that time the "Gay-Nineties- and director of National Bank of ", will work were Robert Al- - British-Greec- given a brief description of the pag- and includea Ricksecker, Jim e flank ; . Violent The program was opened by a 37 seniors, 13 in Kenarden, 8 in Bab- Phelps. sextet of mixed voices. Mrs. Daniel lardice, Betty' Dodds, Robert Wilkin- earthquake in Mexico . Thousands eant and of the various music and Chopin "Polonaise", played by Rachel cock, 1 2 in Holden, and 3 in Hoover, Among his morejrecent gifts to the i Parmelee will furnish special piano son, Mildred McGellan, Robert Lau-- killed. dance themes to be used. Shobert, and was followed by Chopin's will be released from duty for the re- school are the Scotch kilties, bought in numbers, "Narcissus" and "Hearts bach, and Ted Jacob, Lois Lambie, Opus No. 8 for string trio. .The trio mainder of the school year. the fall of 1939, a Steinway piano for Alladin will be portrayed by John and Flowers." All will participate in Ralph Crider, Jean Smeltz, Don Mc was composed of Elizabeth Geer, Vitella will ' become headwaiter in Bathgate, Sultan by Roland cake-walk- the chapel, and 5,000 to be used as The Ratz, the grand finale, a ,- held to Carley, Jean Hudson, and Hal Streep- Lamborn Chooses piano1, Prof.
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