INDEX Accounting. 53 Carter, William T., Foundation of Administrative offices, 4, 199 Child Helping, 50 Admissions, Office of, 37 Chaplain, Catholic, 194 Advertising, 47 Chaplain, University, ISg Agnew. D. Hayes, Memorial Pavilion, Chaplain's Religious Council, 190 1I8, 134 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Alumni, 196 63, 109 Alumni Records Office. 202 Child Helping, William T. Carter American Academy of Political and Foundation of, 50 Social Science, 41 Children's Hospital, 141 American Law Institute, 97 Christian Association, 190 Anatomy, 107 Civil Engineering, 58 Anesthesia, Division of, 133 College, 5 Animal Pathology, School of (Dolton College Collateral Courses, 5 Farm), 163 College of Liberal Arts for Women, 72 Anthropology, 21 College Hall, 3; bell, 3 Archaeology, 21, 91 Commerce, Transportation, and Public Architecture, 69 Utilities, 44 Associated Pennsylvania Clubs Cox, George S., Medical Research In­ (alumni), 196 stitute (Diabetic Clinic), 124 Astronomy, 27 Crawley. Howard, Memorial Lectures, 39 Dacteriology, 115, 148 Cultural Olympics. 78 Dennett Club, 174 Dennett Hall, 71 Debate Council, 181 Diddle Law Library, 97, 100 Dental School, 157 Biology, 33 Departmental organizations and clubs Blanchard Hall, 199 (undergraduate). 182 Boathouse, 187 Departmental societies (alumni), 196 Dolton Farm (School of Animal Pa- Dermatological Research, Laboratory thology), 163 of, 146 Botanical Gardens, 30 Dermatology and Syphilology, 144 \ Botany, 29, 33, 34 Directress of Women, 165 I Bronchoscopic Clinic, 144 Dormitories, men's, IGg " t BUildings and Grounds, 200 Dormitory Annex, 174 'J Business Administration, Graduate Dormitory Houses, men's: J Course in, 38 Ashhurst, 173 Dusiness Law, 54 Baird, 172 " \ 2°5 \ 206 INDEX Dormitory Houses, men's:-(Continued) Electrical Engineering, Moore School Baldwin, '7" 01, 65 Birthday, '73 Engineering, 57, 65 Bodine, '72 Engineering Building, 56 Brooks, '7' English, 6 Carruth, '72 Evans Ins1itute and School of Den­ Chesnut, '73 tistry. 157 Class oE 1887, '72 Evans, Dr. Thomas W., Museum, '58 Cleeman, '73 Evening School of Accounts and Fi­ Coxe, '72 nance, 38 Craig, '72 Extension courses, 38 Filler, '72 Foederer, '7' Finance, 41 Franklin, '7' Fine Arts Building, 68 Graduate, '73 Fine Arts, School of, 69 Hopkinson, '72 Flower Ohservatory, 27 Leidy, '7' Franklin Building, 201 Lippincott, '72 Franklin Field, 185 Magee, 173 Mask and Wig, '73 Franklin Sociely, 180, 202 McIlhenny, '73 Fraternities, honorary scho~stic, 183 McKean, '7' Fraternities. men's, 174 Memorial Tower. 172 Fraternities, women's. 176 Morgan, 172 Furness Memorial Library, 88 Morris, 172 New York Alumni, '72 General Alumni Society, '96 Penn, '73 Geography and Industry, 45 Rodney, '73 Geological Museum, 20 Provost Smith, '72 Geology and Mineralogy, 20 Provosts' Tower, 173 German, 14 Edgar F. Smith, '72 Gibson Wing (University Hospital), Ward, '73 118, 143 Warwick, '73 Graduate Hospital, '5' Bishop White, '73 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Wilson, 172 80 Dormitory, women's (Sergeant Hall), Graduate School oE Medicine, 149 '74 Greek, '5 Dramatics, '76 Gymnasium, 184, ,86 Dulles, Crothers, Memorial Hospital, Gynecean Hospital Institute of Gyne. 118 cologie Research, '37, 138 Gynecology, '37 Earth Sciences, 20 Economic and Social Statistics, 48 Hare Building, 36 Economics, 39 Harrison Department of Surgical Re­ Education, School oE, 73 search, '35 INDEX r- Harrison, John, Laboratory of Chem­ Libraries: istry, 62 Biddle Law Library, 97. 100 Hartzell. Milton B.. Department of Brinton Library, University Museum, Research Therapeutics, 127 92 Hearing Plant, 203 Burr Library of Neurology, 130 History, 8 Dental School Library, 159 History of Religion, 86 Fine Arts Library, 68 Honor societies. 183 Furness Library of Shakespeareana, Honorary scholastic fraternities. 183 88 Hospital- University, 116; Graduate, '5' Lea Library of Medieval History, 89 Houston Hall. ,67; Store, 168 Lippincott Library, Wharton School, Hutchinson Gymnasium. ,86 39 Hygiene, Laboratory of, 148 Medical School Library. 104 Singer Library of Eighteenth-century IIlman·Carter Unit for Kindergarten Fiction. 89 and Primary Teachers, 77 Singer Library of Recorded Music, Ind,o-European Philology. 82 69 Industrial Research, 55 Tablet Library. University Museum, Infirmary. 185 94 Institute for the Control of Syphilis, University Library, 87 145 Lippincott Library. 39 Institute for Mental Hygiene, '47 Literary societies. 181 Institute of Local and State Govern- LOb",n Hall, 36 ment, 52 Institute of Neurology. 129 Macfarlane Hall of Botany, 29 Insurance, 43 f\1ail Service, 201 International Students' House, 193 Maloney. Martin. Memorial Clinic, 119 , Irvine Auditorium, 166 Marketing. 47 Marshall Hall, '94 Jackson, Chevalier, Bronchoscopic Marshall, Louis, Society, '94 Clinic. 152 Mask and Wig Club, '77; House, 178 Johnson. Eldridge Reeves, Foundation Maternity Department (University Hos- , for Medical Physics, 127 pital), "9 A-fathematics, 18 "Journalism Building," 7 McCracken in China, 193 Mechanical Engineering, 59 Kinsey-Thomas Foundation (GasllO­ Medical Bacteriology, '15, 148 " Intestinal Section of the Medical Medical Laboratories. 103 Clinic). 121 Medical School. 106, 149 Afedicine, Department of, 120 Landscape Architecture. 70 Military Science and Tactics. 189 Law School, 98; Building, 97 Moore School of Electrical Engineering, Latin, 16 65 Lea Library of Medieval and Church Morgan, Randal, Laboratory of Phys­ History, 8g ics, 25 Lenape Club, 204 Morris Arboretum, 3' 208 INDEX Morris Biological Farm, 155 Printing and Duplicating Service, 201 Music, 70 Provost's House, 204 Musical organizations, 181 Psychiatry. '46 Musser, John Herr, Department of Re­ Psychological Clinic. 22 search Medicine, 126 Psychological Laboratory, 22 Psychology, 22 Neurological Surgery. Division of. 1~3 Publications, Student. '79 Neurology. 129 Public Health and Preventive Medi­ Newman Club. '93 cine. 148 Newman Hall, 19~ Purchasing Department. 200 Nurses' Home (University Hospital). "7 Radiology. '31 Nursing Education, 76 Recorder, 202 Religious life. 189 Obstetrics and Gynecology, '37 River Athletic Fields, 186 Ophthalmology. 14' Robinette, Edward B.• Foundation for Oriental Studies. 84 Study and Treatment of Circula­ Orthopedic Surgery. Division of. 1 ~4 tory Diseases, 122 Otolaryngology. 143 Romance Languages. 12 Palestra. 186 St. Bede's Chapel. 193 Pathology. 11~ San Francisco Mountain Zoological Pediatrics. 140 Station. 33 Penniman, Maria Hosmer, Memorial Scholastic fraternities. 183 Library of Education. 75 Schoolmen's Week. 78 Pennsylvania Players, 178 "School of American History and In­ Pennsylvania School of Social Work. stitutions," 9 50 School of Animal Pathology (Bolton Pepper. William. Laboratory of Clin­ Farm). 163 ical Medicine, 125 School of Architecture. 6g Pharmacology, III School of Biology, 33 Philadelphia School of Occupational School of Dentistry. 157 Therapy. 15~ School of Edncation. 73 Philomathean Literary Society, 176. 181 School of Medicine, 106 Philosophy. 10 School of Nursing. 117 Phipps Institute for the Study, Treat­ School of Veterinary Medicine. 161 ment. and Control of Tuberculosis. Senior societies, 18S 155 Sergeant Hall (women's dormitory). 174 Photographic Service. 202 Settlement House, 192 Physical Education and Athletics. 18; Smith. Edgar Fahs, Memorial Collec- Physical Therapy, 124 tion (History of Chemistry). 63 Physics, 26. 127 Sociology. 49 Physiological Chemistry. 109 Statistics. 48 Physiology. 110 Statues: Placement Service. 20~ Benjamin Franklin. by Boyle. 4 Political Science. 51 Benjamin Franklin. by McKenzie. 184 INDEX Statues:-(Continued) University Press, 90 Charles C. Harrison, by Jenkins, 171 Urology, Division of, 133 William Pepper, by Bitter, 91 Edgar Fahs Smith, by McKenzie, 63 Valley Forge Project, 195 George Whitefield, by McKenzie, 171 Veterinary School and Hospital, 161 Student activities, 176 Vivarium, 32 Student Affairs, Dean of, 165 Vocational Teacher Training, 76 Student Health, Division of, 188 Student Publications, Graduate Man- Weightman Hall, 184 ager of, 179 Wharton Evening School, 38 Studio (Fine Arts), 69 Wharton School of Accounts and Fi· Summer School, 79 nance, 37 Surgery, 132 White, J. William, Surgical Pavilion, Surgical Research, 135 117, 134, 138 Swimming Pool, 1-86 White, J. William, Training House and Student Infirmary, 185 3400 Walnut Street, 202 Wistar and Horner Museum of Anat­ 3438-40 Walnut Street, 199 omy, 153 Towne Scientific School, 57 Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Bi- Training House, 185 ology, 153 209 South Thirty-sixth Street, 200 Women at the University, 71 Women's Athletic Association, 188 Undergraduate Council, 165 Women's Student Government Asso- University Camp (Christian Associa- ciation, 166 tion), 192 University Camp for Girls, 193 Zelosophic Literary Society, 176, 181 University Hospital, 116 ZoOlogical Laboratory, 111 University Museum, 91 ZoOlogy, 29, 33, 35.
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