220 Kinds of Goods

220 Kinds of Goods

TABULAR STATEMENTS OF THE SEVERAL BRANCHES OF .AMERICAN MANUFACTURES9 EXHIBITING THEM I. By States, Territories ancl Districts, II. By Counties, Cities and Towns, SO FAR AS TI-IEY ARE RETURNED IN THE REPORTS OF THE MARSHALS, AND OF THE SECHETARIES OF THE TERRITORIES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE ASSISTANTS, IN THE AUTUMN OF THE YEAR 1810; 'Together with similar Returns of certain doubtful goods, productions of the soil and agricultural stock, as----@--- far as they have been received. P HILA.DELPHI.ti., PRlN'fED DY A. CORNMAN, Ju1rn. ,................ 1813. A SERIES OF TABLES OF THE SE.VERAL BRANCHES OF AMERICAN MANUFACTUERS, EXHIBITING THEM BY States, Ter1,.itories and Districts, SO FAR AS THEY ARE RETURNED IN THE REPORTS OF THE MARSI{ALS, AND OF .THE SECRETA HIES OF THE TERRITORIES AND THEIR RESPECTIVE ASSISTANTS, IN THE AUTUMN OF THE YEAR 1810:, Together with similar Returns of certain doubtful goods~ productions of the soil and agricultural stock, ais far as they have been rect:ived. Goods for appard and furniture, of cotton, woollen, flaxen, hempen and silken yarn or thread, made in the year 1810. ( 2 ) --- Mixed goods, and Cotton goods in Ootton manufacturing Ffaxen cloths in STATES, Cotton duck. cotton do. chiefly families, &c. establishments. families, &c. 'TERRITORIES mixed. AND ~ ~ ... ... ~ ~ lo.'. '"'5 .;::, .... ~ ~ . <.J i;: .... ....; ~ (j .;;; tl .s Cl.) ...~ .... t: ~ ;: ~ ...:;:, ;:: \> ~ \> .... ~ ~ ~ ... ~ ~~ :i.. ~ ~ ;:: ..:::; :::::: ~ . ~ DISTRICTS. ~ ....... .... ~-~ ...... .., ~ '"ti c "ti ;:; c ~ ~~ ~ c ~ $.;. q R, ~ i... ~ ~ 'J.. ~ ~q ~q ~ q ~ ~ ~ ~ - :Maine (District,) 811,912 324,765 3 Massachusetts, . 54 36,COO 2S-,600 200 6,COO New-Hampshire, 516,985 . 12 • . 930,978 . 1,090,3.20 Vermont, 131,326 39,398 2 . , l,859,931 650,976 Rhode Island, 2,111,729 844,591 28 . 299,438 89,831 Connecticut, . 14 . 2,362,078 800,359 New-York, 216,0IS 69,124 26 . 5,372,645 2,014,742 New-Jersey, . 4 17,500 2,625 . 136,856 75,977 841,469 350,823 Pennsylvania, 611,481 . 64 65,326 . 2,990,82"2 Delaware, 661 661 s . ' 280,369 132,640 Maryland, . I! Virginia, S,007,255 . 1,272,322 . 4,918,273 Ohio, 56,072 43,660 2 . l,093,0SI 425,149 Kentucky, . 15 North Carolina~ East Tennessee, \Vest Tennessee, 1,790,514 . 4 South Carolina, 3,083,188 l,54.1,594 . 108,627 77,J25 690 345 Georgia, 3,688,534 1, 797,265 l 3,148 2,171 . 1, 790 . 1,790 Orleans Territory, 133,180 106,544 Mississippi Territory, 342,472 256,854 22 . 450 394 Louisiana Territory, Indiana Territory. 54,977 34,307 1 . 15,668 9,505 92,740 39,425 Illinois Territory, Michigan Territory, . 1,216 1,098 Columbia (District,) 26,000 19,500 3 25,000 12,500 16,581,299 . 269 146,974 200 6,000 2,464,451 21,2l),262 Goods for apparel and furniture, of cotton, woollen, flaxen, hempen and silken yarn or threa.d,, made in the year 1810.:- { 3 } Hempen cloth Mixed cloths, and Blended and unnamed Woollen cloth in STATES, hempen do. chiefly manufacturing Tow cloth. ~ cloths and stuffs. families, &c. mixed. establishments. TERRITORIES ~ AND {j .... :::: . ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ .::; ~ .; C:t !;:! .... t: <:.> <:.> r.; .5 i.. .~ c.; .s ~ ;:: CIJ l-.. E CIJ ~ ~ ~~ ~..g ~ }... ~ ~-...;;; DISTRICTS. <:.> ~ ~:!g .... ...... "~ ,..S! ~~ ~ ~ ............. ~ ~ !-..l:;j >§ ~ ~ "ti -~~- ·- ~ ...... l-.. ~ i.. ~ ._!:j ~~ i.. I::;- ~ ~ .i::s ~q ~ ""' ~~ }..:::; ;::-.i - ~ ~ Maine (District,) . 1,021,047 255,262 . 81~796 487,678 1\.Iassachu setts, • . 3,025 . 80,813 -4,048,209 2,060,576 60,000 33,000 New-Hampshire, . 112,540 . 723,089 . 900,273 Vermont, . 191,426 72,742 . 1,207,976 985,982 Rhode Island, . 151,315 121,052 Connecticut, . 12,148 605,615 241,223 . 1,119,145 1,098,242 New-York, . 180,659 63,231 21,721 6,516 3,257,812 2,850,.585 New-Jersey, . 582,539 480,808 . 374,313 360,632 Pennsylvania, :J.,801,025 . • 36,714 . 997,346 Delaware, 17,820 10,578 . 63,943 63,943 Maryland, . 1,755,963 1,013,32.0 Virginia, . 408.224 Ohio, . 701,156 418,244 . 93,074 112,485 Kentucky, . 4,685,385 2,0.57,081 North Carolina, . 7,376,154 2,989,140 East Tennessee, . 624,194 vVest Tennessee, . 228,193 . 34,141 South Carolina, . ~ . 7.2,636 58,109 Georgia, 2,348 2,174 . 471,065 325,623 . 5,591 4,449 Orleans Territory, .:Mississippi Territory, . 7,898 10,267 Louisiana Territory, Indiana Territory, . • j . 61,503 46,748 . 19,378 29,067' -~ Illinois Territory, . • ! . 90,0S9 54,023 I Michigan Territory, . • I . 2,405 2,312 Columbia (District,) . L . 20,000 20,000 I 1,821,1931 3,025 Ii 36,7141 22,131~553 802,718 . 9,528,2661 Goods for apparel and furniture, of cotton, woollen, flaxen, hempen and silken yarn or thread, made in the year 1810. ( 4 ) Mixed cloths W oo1len cloths One silk Blankets of Carpeting and Bagging (for cotton) ST.ATES, manufacturing and flaxen do. manufactory, wool. Coverlets. of hemp. chiefly mixed. TERRITORn:s establishments. .ti AND ~ E ....:::: DISTRICTS. ~ "'°.....,I:: -·1-------1kl"" Maine (District,) 1 2,000 5,250 i I Massachusetts, 1 6,860 10,290 i New-Hampshire, I Vermont, 2 Rhode Island, 2 11,000 10,000 Connecticut, 15 New-York, New-Jersey, 1,800 1,800 278 l,ll2 200 60 Pennsylvania, S0,666 9,034 9,049 5 Delaware, 2 20,500 41,000 Maryland, I 750 2,500 Vinrinia, Ohio, Kentucky, . IS 453, 750 159,445 North Carolina, East Tennessee, West Tennessee, South Carolina, • 2,000 1,050 Georgia, 9,463 5,032 10,512 7,138 Orleans Territory, Mississippi Territory, Louisiana Territory, Indiana Territory, ruinois Territory, Michigan Territory, I Columbia, (District,) ~~~~~~~~~-~~-~~~~1~~~~1-~~-1--~--1~~1·~~-1~~--1~~-+~--1-~~~~-~~~1~~~1--~~1~l 71,026' 1,800 .278' 9,984 13 463,213 12,512 s Goods for apparel and furniture, of cotton, woollen, flaxen, hempen and silken yarn or thread, made in the year 1810. ( 5 } Of all kinds Web lace and Cotton and wool Hempen and STATES, of cloths Yam. Stockings. fringe. spun in mills. flaxen yarn TERRITORIES and stuffs. - .AND ....~ ~ I:: • ..... ~ t:i ~ ... ~ ::: 0 ~ .... ~ ....... t:i .:. t: ........ ~ ~ t..;. .s ~ .... .s .; ~ ;:: ~ ~ ~;..;, ~ ~ ~ .§ ~ ~ ::: ~~ ~ ;:: ¥: ~--.;;;::::~ ~ ~ ;:i~ DISTRICTS. ..:;: c ~ ....... ;::i ~~ ~ ...._.~ :§c "'""' ~ ~ <:::> <::> ~ ~ ""' ....... ;:i ~ q ... ~q ;::: ~q 'i .... ~ ~ q A, ~q ~ ~q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. - --- J\.1aine (District,) 1,072,955 Massachusetts, 2,219,279 . 10,000 838,348 931,906 . .1 . 37,951 28,453 New-Hampshire, 1,760,417 Vermont, 1,953,277 1,240 174 8,960 3,960 . 1,688 . 24,129 17,737 Rhode Island, 1,065,474 20,000 3,120 433,815 305,8.24 . 14,760 7,380 Connecticut, 2,151,972 . lll,021 New-York, 5,004.198 New-Jersey, 1,273,8:.>7 . 8,200 9,.2.25 17,200 1.2,890 . 15,831 11,877 Pennsylvania, 4,060,772 721,850 96,246 403,681 S54,962 . 6 26 5,160 ~ 107,508 134,406 Ddaware, 248,82.2 . 130,000 91,000 . 6,563 4, 7.59 Maryland, 1,015,820 . 96,760 111,274 . 41,088 23,546 Virginia, 4,611,445 . 227,578 227,578 Ohio, 999,538 . 10,000 11,250 Kentucky, 2,216,5261 North Carolina, 2,989,140 East Tennessee, 624,194 ' 'Vest Tennessee, 1,051,115 . 13,000 9,495 South Carolina, 1,678,.223 I _ , Georgia, 2,145,642 . ' 5,685 5~685 Orleans Territory, 106,544 . - . 300 soo Mississippi Territory, 267,51.5 ·I Louisiana Territory, Indiana Territory, 159,052 . , . 150 Illinois Territory, 54,023 Michig-,m Territory, 3,470 Columbia (Distri~t,) 52,000 I - 38,785,250 743,o9o I 109,540 I 1,942,764 1,834,046111,200 I 14,578 '6~ s,rno I 481,399 572,742 * See stocking looms and establislzments under the general head qf " Instruments and Machinery, f:Jc. '' H Goods for apparel and furniture, of cotton, woollen, flaxen, hempen, &c. t Instruments :ind machinery, &c. ( 6) Spinning Looms Stock: Shirt Sewing silk Hand wheels for Manufactories ing STATES, Thread. for cotton, cotton, looms buttons. and raw silk. cards. flax, wool, wool, of reeds. and TERRITORIES &c. &c. estabs. A.ND ~ I ;: .~..; ..; ~ . ~ 'g .,; . i::: .. I.:. ... .., .s ~ ... -<:;)~ . ~ t lb +;. ~ ~ ~ ~ l:: ii ;:: .s ·-... ~ ~ Q;i~ N ;:s~ ;::s ~~ .., ~ -2! ..... ;::: ""!:: ~ ..... ~ DISTRICTS. ............ ........... ·- ._;:t "t5 ~ c ~ § ~ lb. ~ ~q ~ ~· ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ R:; Maine (District,) . 16,057 Massachusetts, . 103 618 . 22,564 New-Hampshire, . 20,970 Vermont, . 4,742,920 189,716 . 67,756 14,801 430 545 Rhode Island, . 15,600 976 . 4,622 Connecticut, . 28,503 . 16,132 New-York, . 43,680 7,644 . 33,068 New-Jersey, . 4,648 800 hOOO Pennsylvania, 7,968 404 . 55,963 133,007 17,577 . 3,025 136 D elaware, . -. 2,005 M aryland, . 6 388 . 12 . ' . 0 Virginia, • . 13,381 40,856 Ohio, . I0,856 K entucky, I . 23,559 N orth Carolina, . 128,484 40 978 . 6 ' 963 E ast Tennessee, . ' West Tennessee, . 10, 353 . 5,334 14 938 South .Carolina, . ' G eorgia, . 20,058 13 ,290 0 deans Territory, : I . 518 993 . 1330 M ississippi Territory, . ' L ouisiana Territory, . 1,777 601 I ndiana Territory, . 1,380 1,256 Ill. inois Territory, . 630 460 M ichig-an Territory, . 120 17 c olumbia (District,) . 328 IIO ~ - 7,968 404 103 29,121 4,802,200 1.98,336 55,963 372,743 325,392 I,230 4,570 148 Instruments and machinery for the manufacture of cotton, Hait, hemp, wocl and silk into cloths, &c. ( 1 ) STATES, Carding machines. Fulling mills. Labour-saving machinery. TERRITORIES .; ~~ ~ ~ ~ .;; AND i::.5 i1 . ~ ;.: ti ..:::: \:I .-::: ~ !:: lo.. • \> i: ~ .; - .; -ci ~ 'I.> ~ "ti ~ 'I.> "ti .s ~ 'I.> i;: ~ e~ ~ ~ ~ -.:::.

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