TABULAR STATEMENTS OF THE SEVERAL BRANCHES OF .AMERICAN MANUFACTURES9 EXHIBITING THEM I. By States, Territories ancl Districts, II. By Counties, Cities and Towns, SO FAR AS TI-IEY ARE RETURNED IN THE REPORTS OF THE MARSHALS, AND OF THE SECHETARIES OF THE TERRITORIES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE ASSISTANTS, IN THE AUTUMN OF THE YEAR 1810; 'Together with similar Returns of certain doubtful goods, productions of the soil and agricultural stock, as----@--- far as they have been received. P HILA.DELPHI.ti., PRlN'fED DY A. CORNMAN, Ju1rn. ,................ 1813. A SERIES OF TABLES OF THE SE.VERAL BRANCHES OF AMERICAN MANUFACTUERS, EXHIBITING THEM BY States, Ter1,.itories and Districts, SO FAR AS THEY ARE RETURNED IN THE REPORTS OF THE MARSI{ALS, AND OF .THE SECRETA HIES OF THE TERRITORIES AND THEIR RESPECTIVE ASSISTANTS, IN THE AUTUMN OF THE YEAR 1810:, Together with similar Returns of certain doubtful goods~ productions of the soil and agricultural stock, ais far as they have been rect:ived. Goods for appard and furniture, of cotton, woollen, flaxen, hempen and silken yarn or thread, made in the year 1810. ( 2 ) --- Mixed goods, and Cotton goods in Ootton manufacturing Ffaxen cloths in STATES, Cotton duck. cotton do. chiefly families, &c. establishments. families, &c. 'TERRITORIES mixed. AND ~ ~ ... ... ~ ~ lo.'. '"'5 .;::, .... ~ ~ . <.J i;: .... ....; ~ (j .;;; tl .s Cl.) ...~ .... t: ~ ;: ~ ...:;:, ;:: \> ~ \> .... ~ ~ ~ ... ~ ~~ :i.. ~ ~ ;:: ..:::; :::::: ~ . ~ DISTRICTS. ~ ....... .... ~-~ ...... .., ~ '"ti c "ti ;:; c ~ ~~ ~ c ~ $.;. q R, ~ i... ~ ~ 'J.. ~ ~q ~q ~ q ~ ~ ~ ~ - :Maine (District,) 811,912 324,765 3 Massachusetts, . 54 36,COO 2S-,600 200 6,COO New-Hampshire, 516,985 . 12 • . 930,978 . 1,090,3.20 Vermont, 131,326 39,398 2 . , l,859,931 650,976 Rhode Island, 2,111,729 844,591 28 . 299,438 89,831 Connecticut, . 14 . 2,362,078 800,359 New-York, 216,0IS 69,124 26 . 5,372,645 2,014,742 New-Jersey, . 4 17,500 2,625 . 136,856 75,977 841,469 350,823 Pennsylvania, 611,481 . 64 65,326 . 2,990,82"2 Delaware, 661 661 s . ' 280,369 132,640 Maryland, . I! Virginia, S,007,255 . 1,272,322 . 4,918,273 Ohio, 56,072 43,660 2 . l,093,0SI 425,149 Kentucky, . 15 North Carolina~ East Tennessee, \Vest Tennessee, 1,790,514 . 4 South Carolina, 3,083,188 l,54.1,594 . 108,627 77,J25 690 345 Georgia, 3,688,534 1, 797,265 l 3,148 2,171 . 1, 790 . 1,790 Orleans Territory, 133,180 106,544 Mississippi Territory, 342,472 256,854 22 . 450 394 Louisiana Territory, Indiana Territory. 54,977 34,307 1 . 15,668 9,505 92,740 39,425 Illinois Territory, Michigan Territory, . 1,216 1,098 Columbia (District,) 26,000 19,500 3 25,000 12,500 16,581,299 . 269 146,974 200 6,000 2,464,451 21,2l),262 Goods for apparel and furniture, of cotton, woollen, flaxen, hempen and silken yarn or threa.d,, made in the year 1810.:- { 3 } Hempen cloth Mixed cloths, and Blended and unnamed Woollen cloth in STATES, hempen do. chiefly manufacturing Tow cloth. ~ cloths and stuffs. families, &c. mixed. establishments. TERRITORIES ~ AND {j .... :::: . ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ .::; ~ .; C:t !;:! .... t: <:.> <:.> r.; .5 i.. .~ c.; .s ~ ;:: CIJ l-.. E CIJ ~ ~ ~~ ~..g ~ }... ~ ~-...;;; DISTRICTS. <:.> ~ ~:!g .... ...... "~ ,..S! ~~ ~ ~ ............. ~ ~ !-..l:;j >§ ~ ~ "ti -~~- ·- ~ ...... l-.. ~ i.. ~ ._!:j ~~ i.. I::;- ~ ~ .i::s ~q ~ ""' ~~ }..:::; ;::-.i - ~ ~ Maine (District,) . 1,021,047 255,262 . 81~796 487,678 1\.Iassachu setts, • . 3,025 . 80,813 -4,048,209 2,060,576 60,000 33,000 New-Hampshire, . 112,540 . 723,089 . 900,273 Vermont, . 191,426 72,742 . 1,207,976 985,982 Rhode Island, . 151,315 121,052 Connecticut, . 12,148 605,615 241,223 . 1,119,145 1,098,242 New-York, . 180,659 63,231 21,721 6,516 3,257,812 2,850,.585 New-Jersey, . 582,539 480,808 . 374,313 360,632 Pennsylvania, :J.,801,025 . • 36,714 . 997,346 Delaware, 17,820 10,578 . 63,943 63,943 Maryland, . 1,755,963 1,013,32.0 Virginia, . 408.224 Ohio, . 701,156 418,244 . 93,074 112,485 Kentucky, . 4,685,385 2,0.57,081 North Carolina, . 7,376,154 2,989,140 East Tennessee, . 624,194 vVest Tennessee, . 228,193 . 34,141 South Carolina, . ~ . 7.2,636 58,109 Georgia, 2,348 2,174 . 471,065 325,623 . 5,591 4,449 Orleans Territory, .:Mississippi Territory, . 7,898 10,267 Louisiana Territory, Indiana Territory, . • j . 61,503 46,748 . 19,378 29,067' -~ Illinois Territory, . • ! . 90,0S9 54,023 I Michigan Territory, . • I . 2,405 2,312 Columbia (District,) . L . 20,000 20,000 I 1,821,1931 3,025 Ii 36,7141 22,131~553 802,718 . 9,528,2661 Goods for apparel and furniture, of cotton, woollen, flaxen, hempen and silken yarn or thread, made in the year 1810. ( 4 ) Mixed cloths W oo1len cloths One silk Blankets of Carpeting and Bagging (for cotton) ST.ATES, manufacturing and flaxen do. manufactory, wool. Coverlets. of hemp. chiefly mixed. TERRITORn:s establishments. .ti AND ~ E ....:::: DISTRICTS. ~ "'°.....,I:: -·1-------1kl"" Maine (District,) 1 2,000 5,250 i I Massachusetts, 1 6,860 10,290 i New-Hampshire, I Vermont, 2 Rhode Island, 2 11,000 10,000 Connecticut, 15 New-York, New-Jersey, 1,800 1,800 278 l,ll2 200 60 Pennsylvania, S0,666 9,034 9,049 5 Delaware, 2 20,500 41,000 Maryland, I 750 2,500 Vinrinia, Ohio, Kentucky, . IS 453, 750 159,445 North Carolina, East Tennessee, West Tennessee, South Carolina, • 2,000 1,050 Georgia, 9,463 5,032 10,512 7,138 Orleans Territory, Mississippi Territory, Louisiana Territory, Indiana Territory, ruinois Territory, Michigan Territory, I Columbia, (District,) ~~~~~~~~~-~~-~~~~1~~~~1-~~-1--~--1~~1·~~-1~~--1~~-+~--1-~~~~-~~~1~~~1--~~1~l 71,026' 1,800 .278' 9,984 13 463,213 12,512 s Goods for apparel and furniture, of cotton, woollen, flaxen, hempen and silken yarn or thread, made in the year 1810. ( 5 } Of all kinds Web lace and Cotton and wool Hempen and STATES, of cloths Yam. Stockings. fringe. spun in mills. flaxen yarn TERRITORIES and stuffs. - .AND ....~ ~ I:: • ..... ~ t:i ~ ... ~ ::: 0 ~ .... ~ ....... t:i .:. t: ........ ~ ~ t..;. .s ~ .... .s .; ~ ;:: ~ ~ ~;..;, ~ ~ ~ .§ ~ ~ ::: ~~ ~ ;:: ¥: ~--.;;;::::~ ~ ~ ;:i~ DISTRICTS. ..:;: c ~ ....... ;::i ~~ ~ ...._.~ :§c "'""' ~ ~ <:::> <::> ~ ~ ""' ....... ;:i ~ q ... ~q ;::: ~q 'i .... ~ ~ q A, ~q ~ ~q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. - --- J\.1aine (District,) 1,072,955 Massachusetts, 2,219,279 . 10,000 838,348 931,906 . .1 . 37,951 28,453 New-Hampshire, 1,760,417 Vermont, 1,953,277 1,240 174 8,960 3,960 . 1,688 . 24,129 17,737 Rhode Island, 1,065,474 20,000 3,120 433,815 305,8.24 . 14,760 7,380 Connecticut, 2,151,972 . lll,021 New-York, 5,004.198 New-Jersey, 1,273,8:.>7 . 8,200 9,.2.25 17,200 1.2,890 . 15,831 11,877 Pennsylvania, 4,060,772 721,850 96,246 403,681 S54,962 . 6 26 5,160 ~ 107,508 134,406 Ddaware, 248,82.2 . 130,000 91,000 . 6,563 4, 7.59 Maryland, 1,015,820 . 96,760 111,274 . 41,088 23,546 Virginia, 4,611,445 . 227,578 227,578 Ohio, 999,538 . 10,000 11,250 Kentucky, 2,216,5261 North Carolina, 2,989,140 East Tennessee, 624,194 ' 'Vest Tennessee, 1,051,115 . 13,000 9,495 South Carolina, 1,678,.223 I _ , Georgia, 2,145,642 . ' 5,685 5~685 Orleans Territory, 106,544 . - . 300 soo Mississippi Territory, 267,51.5 ·I Louisiana Territory, Indiana Territory, 159,052 . , . 150 Illinois Territory, 54,023 Michig-,m Territory, 3,470 Columbia (Distri~t,) 52,000 I - 38,785,250 743,o9o I 109,540 I 1,942,764 1,834,046111,200 I 14,578 '6~ s,rno I 481,399 572,742 * See stocking looms and establislzments under the general head qf " Instruments and Machinery, f:Jc. '' H Goods for apparel and furniture, of cotton, woollen, flaxen, hempen, &c. t Instruments :ind machinery, &c. ( 6) Spinning Looms Stock: Shirt Sewing silk Hand wheels for Manufactories ing STATES, Thread. for cotton, cotton, looms buttons. and raw silk. cards. flax, wool, wool, of reeds. and TERRITORIES &c. &c. estabs. A.ND ~ I ;: .~..; ..; ~ . ~ 'g .,; . i::: .. I.:. ... .., .s ~ ... -<:;)~ . ~ t lb +;. ~ ~ ~ ~ l:: ii ;:: .s ·-... ~ ~ Q;i~ N ;:s~ ;::s ~~ .., ~ -2! ..... ;::: ""!:: ~ ..... ~ DISTRICTS. ............ ........... ·- ._;:t "t5 ~ c ~ § ~ lb. ~ ~q ~ ~· ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ R:; Maine (District,) . 16,057 Massachusetts, . 103 618 . 22,564 New-Hampshire, . 20,970 Vermont, . 4,742,920 189,716 . 67,756 14,801 430 545 Rhode Island, . 15,600 976 . 4,622 Connecticut, . 28,503 . 16,132 New-York, . 43,680 7,644 . 33,068 New-Jersey, . 4,648 800 hOOO Pennsylvania, 7,968 404 . 55,963 133,007 17,577 . 3,025 136 D elaware, . -. 2,005 M aryland, . 6 388 . 12 . ' . 0 Virginia, • . 13,381 40,856 Ohio, . I0,856 K entucky, I . 23,559 N orth Carolina, . 128,484 40 978 . 6 ' 963 E ast Tennessee, . ' West Tennessee, . 10, 353 . 5,334 14 938 South .Carolina, . ' G eorgia, . 20,058 13 ,290 0 deans Territory, : I . 518 993 . 1330 M ississippi Territory, . ' L ouisiana Territory, . 1,777 601 I ndiana Territory, . 1,380 1,256 Ill. inois Territory, . 630 460 M ichig-an Territory, . 120 17 c olumbia (District,) . 328 IIO ~ - 7,968 404 103 29,121 4,802,200 1.98,336 55,963 372,743 325,392 I,230 4,570 148 Instruments and machinery for the manufacture of cotton, Hait, hemp, wocl and silk into cloths, &c. ( 1 ) STATES, Carding machines. Fulling mills. Labour-saving machinery. TERRITORIES .; ~~ ~ ~ ~ .;; AND i::.5 i1 . ~ ;.: ti ..:::: \:I .-::: ~ !:: lo.. • \> i: ~ .; - .; -ci ~ 'I.> ~ "ti ~ 'I.> "ti .s ~ 'I.> i;: ~ e~ ~ ~ ~ -.:::.
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