-,...-....,.-_.-- -- - _. _. -' _. - , '. , . • . -', , . New Coalition Gov't>·,,, · • .i. ·•·.. , .... '1· S'" p'O' S' T' '. , . , . 'l'hursdaY.::()ctD»e,r,1,2,i951i., " T PngreSSive-GZ, StlenFomiog' Page Fourtee~~n~ ______....:. ...... ___~:,....---------~"""--·~·~!~:"":"~:"!.l· ~,,,,!!:,"~' ~,!'I"!:.:"'~'~:,:. :..:..'_....:.--'-':-:-~--....,;;.,..~.. :, i".~. ~..... ":,:-:-.~,., ....... ~;o;: ... :::;": . ..;.~'~~.'.'"' .... f,"",.;,:.: .. :;.··.. '-"'·~~·~.,..t.',~'· MiBi~terRostln, Prior to the rejection. of .. the' caretaker regime, the fo11~wing : ' '. ),," . ' . .,'. • . Mapai and Sephardim, besides his own progressiv~ report, was ,received: " , . which he calls "a race With til\'te."rangidrom bUilding anMequlpment VicU;r R~';iher,: brother of the', SEARCH I'OWEIiS', -c. , sM··" . '.' .,.. Chaim· party. :Th'elr representation'in the Knesset totals 63. Spe8\dng of his government's program, the premier emphasized that """,,,",' ..,...,.",..,..", ,.._ ..... """... """ _,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .". """,ow, _w- .' (.;..c ....... 'j .•.• ·,·.. 'of the Aftet' re'Porting Wednesday:!,,' the President his "we deny that either full capi~1ism or fun ~iaJjsm" is possible in Israel. ~ ~ i1!iT':::>-~·~ He insisted that 60th .courses have always been present in the country. ate Israeli investments, by govern- I';"a ',,;claInation, city 'ana' rural mobile workers union, and'hil\'tself ferredo';' him by the Cabinet to . drenCH the African 'and.'.'Mlddie failure to .get Knesset approval for a ca;ret,aker govern­ ment, 'Ben Gurian went to Haila to review army al1d He warned that. "there' will never be a government in this country which ment spendirig and by f6reign public housing . a;"d other'. vital. develop- ~ducati~nal:' direCt"r'. of" }J.A.W.~ ;iuthorizepolice an,d .trooPS Jo .ca~.E8st ghettos· at· so small a .c~t, ,After navy ytla-qoeuvers. The Kriess.e,t· voted "no co¢idence" will dare move from this line." , . and private loans, . The!. projects ments.! , cio., to Israel a short' til\'te out large-scah. searches for then Youth Aliyah is the greatest .b~ . During the rooming, prior to' the opening of Parliament, a short _.-L ago to. ~entsee'fo.;;.·li,lms.;)f .. ·'its...... ,p,r.o.·gtI!. ','ss' hOards''. of cOXtsumer'goOi!s;' ." .. , '.\' ','"mi~it , ., '.\' "! urge'.eVery member !>f the ,Win- in Ben Gurion~~" proposal to set up a seven man Mapai barl@in,inhuD1ll".~al~,e.ver.iII'Jd.ir the. caretaker cabinet, with a vote of 57 'against 43; Mapai Cabinet- meeting and heetic consultations among the representatives of all In Lethbridge STOP" At' THE iti unionism, His artiCle recounts his . Many per~ons,~ve .a]re~dy', be~n nl~if' coni'nWnlty::: to· ,dlter. -·the '. alone supported the move; Mapam, Herut, communists parties brought no concrete results. The. Religious bloc leaders continued , " ' astohi~hment in disc~v~ring that haif arrested; incluCliIig; a .~umb~r of ·wa.;;nes);. ',supp<>rt :tp Y01,lth:: '~yiil>, . , soUrce . and the Religious bloc vetaed it. Progressives, WIZO to insist that they would accept no "ultimatlm" from the premier and 'TEL the 'm~kis' oflsr8ei'~ parliament :well-known' rn,ercoants... ' One' .mer- b~cliuse;··thToiigh: their, generous' gift' ., Rosen (Rosenbleuth),' oniy . and SephariliID abst;Iined, The Knesse~ then ordered asked that the entire matter be dei8yed for a week. They also asked fo.· , " are also members ofiiS big trade have. an.d· !'ttenda""",-at ,dlt!iler,itlj.et ' in fallen Cabinet; is· among top its judicia~, cominittee to prepare 'the election law die portfolios of deputy minister of education and .mde. ' ~h'mthas' ~,,"reporfuclto:, l;Pi~ . ~e Mapam, left-wing Socialist party. woUld ....t enter any government '. \ uniQn, . Histadiut. ". ' .. '. arrested,' ... .' S . ~ . for· formllig' tjJ.e neW withiil a' fortnight.," HO be.~ti ~ed ~O'lvi:ted. ~d, ~~ur~!!~;g se~t1 ,~r '.Ista,e~ do so, he will get .support based.. on the same' program as the one which just feli, but its l'1\'Presenta­ IS ent .",: MARQU -', Southern Alberta's Leading Hotel sentenced' to .18 years .mpnsoum .. ' ,;'. ".., . .•. c'.' ...' tives said that if the'Mapai and the left-wing·Socialists eauld agree. on 'a .1U Sample Rooms VISHINSKY CHIDES SHARETfAbout 40: 'tribunals have been 'set .,' .'. " . .,... - .. ' poliey, the latter would enter a broad coalition Cabinet. Dr. Peretz i . (Cont.hom- page 1) .' , ~p tadealspeedily with bl8.Ckirt~r_St~nographc;rWlliite"l, . ;, Berpstem, .General Zionist leader, expressed willingness to jOin the Cabinet I . , '. " ket cases and profiteering as numer-. If hiS party were 'awarded three' portfolios, including that of and' . ,'s~nographer waD.t;iil::bfHiiltadIl~t 'I. that 'cif Syngnun{ Rhee, should,not ., ."'" . d" '.' Of!ice. Ph.one 57315"or.. ca11 at' 285 St.. industry.. •· . ~.~. FclAL~~~ 1.. G. DIXON,Manager ,be Ufoiste~ on .. ~Ii',\Ulwi1ling ,piWUa.. ous organizations, ',unions-, an 50Cl-.'" Johns" .Ave "", '. ' ';r:' - -' . .' Coffee Shop" ' . i ment. and re~81Citrant. population.", eties:met'tO Cpl~dge support',tO the .. ,~. '."" . ALBERTA . Later,,< S<>viEit Foreign Minister; new~camp:i.igIt. "" ," . R'QPni: for 'Reni' .:. Andre Y. Vishinsky took Iss,li.e with --Large, 1>dgh.t, ".·.'.clcely·-fu,·· ~;",,'shed , Israel, Govt. severalForeign ofMini,ster the arguments' Sharrett pressed iAhis by. YOUTH 'ALIYAH . room for -rent~:·' Good' locatIon on ; :ro.,..\.,IlJT 21 1950 . ,. speech. "'At one point he chided'the ' 8 " f .' 1) . Machray Ave, east:.of Main. 'J;>hone Israel leailer: for criticizing .the ,<: .... rom ' ' . To "Destroy" ~nt page.'5;'2~. ,, . , •• Soviet..'proposal to have"a ; parity ers and ,sisters; wjlo we'f~ already. , ' H' f' R' . No. 42 cOmlnission oEN-orth and", South members of the Youth. Aliyah fam- ouse or ent ,'. 19.50' Koreans set up, and supervise elec- .ily at.. Nahalal agricultural schoor; Newly. house THURElDAY, --World'Mizrachi· IT'S' HERE!'. - dec'or~ted.six-~oom' Vol. XXVI tions there .. He said, in an apparent anilat,Hadassim. "They weie 'thriv- for rent, '321 Pntchard.ayenue .. , . - ' , The World Mizraehi.leader: said . New York, (JTA)~Leon Gell­ allusion to the ~alestine. mise, 'that ing 'there . '; blossoming into real , Suite to Share he . belived "the attemptS' to de-­ , ' "aggressots'" had been" allowed . a' :' sabras. Gone' was their 'anxiety, that Young lady wailted t9share 4- man, chairman of the World' Mizra- \ pme the Jewish Agency and· the . ..... hearing and a participation in .peace Ihaunted look of fear 'arid hopeless:". room modern suite will rent one DELICIOUS .or At chi E,x~cutiv~, who' arrivl?d here! Zionist movement of all onthority, 'I f making before; even .' though the • that' IDIstrustof every new' Two City Men Biltion Dollar, furnished room;. Phone 5976,46. last week from Israel, this week p'ower, and even activity in Israel, "aggressor", was 9,efeat.ed.' . arid',. eveJ;'y-" "new face~", he: NEW YORK, (JTA)_Thirty-three major JewiSh organizatioM, whose membership . Hebrew .Teacher constitutes a majority of .the 5,000,000 Jews in t.he U:nited States, this week announced. blamed "certain forces -within. the and the attempt to take all fund­ CHOP; SUEV raising activities out of the bands . Experi';;"~eci Hebrew teach¢t will their active participation in the National Planning Conference for Israel and Jewish Re- present Israel Government who are .. HO E_'.,-1' give lessons to children and adults. of loyal and stalwart Zionists· and habilitation, . wb.ichwlll btl held in Washington October 27-2.9. directly or indirectly seeking to Ph9ne 595114. ... transfer them ta non-ZionISts, and weaken, and perhaps even to destroy iversity Institute Technion; .Women's the constant wooing by the goven>­ i For S'ale,. Meanwhile, it was announced t~at the .authority, power and influence American ORT; W o~en's .Branch, ment of these non-:j!:ionists and 'Must be sold immediately! 8'cubic ElIezer Kaplan, Israel.Finance Min­ of the World Zionist MoveIl'ent. Union of Orthodox Jewish Con­ even non-Zionists, are apparmt1y foot fridge;· enamel washing' ma­ 'Istet, has called. off his trip to This policy has been developing girls' bicycle. Apply:· 250 gregations; Women's Division, Am­ part of a plan to achieve disarm­ HOURS:,4 p.m. to -4 a;m: the United .States to report on the ever since the establishment of the . ' erican Jewish Congress' 'and Zionist ament of the World Zionlst.move-, Jewish state'.s' economic pOsitiQn to 'organizations 'of 1\inerica~ .' . state of Israel," he added. 'I'b~ Best in '. " . \ the;' Planning' Conference. The pro­ Chinese E'ofJds F our Room· Suite tor Rent -------- roejm . ilq,Wl1stairs s\lite' for jeCted visit ·to·this country of Israel's " Four per month. 518 JewiSh Family Service ren~. J.\M~Golden~Ig, KC,One­ .. ' , Names Vera Kare pirec,tor; THE. HEST IN, . Man ,··Zion E'fiort, Bears· : ' Moves to Y Quth Centre ADTOMATIC HEATING' . HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS TO . " ,..-,. \ Joining the Jewish W elfar~ ~d HERSHEL AND .SONIA GEinIGER, . Cl~an CON C P - Heat .. , cuts, Fruit :In' 'West "Region . which recently moved to the Youth '.<.' cleaning' '.' a :J;l d-' 'redecQrating ,'. " . cbs,", effi~ient CONCO~'Heat i. M. GOLDENBERG, K.C. ONE-' '. The parley followed two simllar Centre, the Jewish Family Service cuts fuel costs by giving you . !Saskat';on (Speckl)":" Etithusiasm emergency meetings in Regina and of Winnipeg also announced its re­ more heat from less coal. Best . of all you h",ve steady, health- m.u.ked the successful regional can:' Calgary, where ~le committees moval, this week from offices in the . £)11 warmth ... ' .• .'. ferencei . held' .. ' here to launch this' under ch:i.irmanship of S .. Karby Confederation Life Building, to the and Mrs. 'M. Markus respectivley. Jewish Youth Centre, 123 Matheson' city's part 41 the Materials for' Is- , (Cont. on page 15) (Cont. 'on Page 15) WINNIPE(;' AND rael drive. ·v ICINI'l'Y .ON LY! • Big 30-07.: ..• Viennes(f#. Politician 'Approves F;AMILY SIW "Mild" Anti-Semitism As In . BOTTLE " , U.S. , , VIENNA, (JTA),,--Herbert Kraus, ehairman of the League of b.dependent voters, a neti-Na"; Take Home a Reheoher group in' Austria. admitted'in court this week that his patty advocates "moderate anti-SemitiSm." Mr.
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