Who Killed Azaria? W omen Pastors Begin Baptizing - Journal of the Association of Adventist Forums Vohune 15 Number 2 THE GREAT CREATION DEBATE Beyond Arithmetic Conservative Takeover at Geoscience Odyssey of a Creationist _, .. ,. __ ..... _... _,_ .. ___ .. _. F;el·e r!q.c:=--I:-'~\;;;;~~~-nT 'T p.ars ~-I,,-AL SDA-, ,- -,,- - Creatl·om·sm, _,'_ -_' - ___ _ -__-- '_ - -- _' SPECTRUM Editorial Board Consulting Editors Edward Lngenbeal Roy Bruuon Earl W. Amundson Anthropology Editor Ethics, Kennedy Institute President Kettering. Ohio Georgetown University Atlantic Union Conference Roy Branson Margaret Mcfarland Molleunu COUperul Eric Anderson Attorney Associate Editor Physician History Washington, D.C. Angwin, California Pacific Union College Charles Scriven LaVoane Neff Gene Daffern Roy Benton Publishing Physician Mathematics Downers Grove, Illinois Senior Editor· W-asliington;·~D.C. CQ)~mbia Uni90·.Coliege Ronald Nnmben Tom Dybdahl BoanieDwyer Bonnie Catey History of Medicine Journalism Writer/Editor University of Wisconsin Lorna Linda, California Wash.ington, p.C . .. News Editor Gary PattersoD Bonnie Dwyer TomDybdahl George Colvin President Edi~or Government Georgia-Cumberland Conference AIlc:!ntown, Pennsylvania Mattuscript Editor Claremont Graduate School Edward E. RobiDson Richard Emmerson Raymond Cottren ··Attorney Gene· Daffern Engluh Theology , Chicago, I!linois wall. W.ll. College Loma Linda, California Gerhard Svrcek-Seiler .. Book Review Editors Alvia L. Kwiram" Ged Fnller Psychiatrist Peggy Corbett·· Ch~mistry . Public Relations Vieruia, Austri~ University of Washington W~shington, D.C. ,Clrolyn Stevens Rennie Schoepflin Gary Load Lawrence ~ty Engluh History Old Testament Walla Wall. College Andrews Univers~ty SDA Theological Seminary .Editorial Associate Helen W~ n.ompsoD Rennie $choepflin Fritz G~~ Administration Penelope Kellogg Winkler History Tlieology Walla w.lI. College University of Wisconsin SDA Theological Seminary L.E.Tndet Editorial Assistant CharI.. Scriven F.E.}. Harder Education Dana Lauren West Theology Educational Administration Marienhoehe Gymnasium w.lI. Wall. College College Place, Washington West Germany Ottilie Stafford JorgeD HeDl'ikIeD Louis Venden English Artist Pastor Atlantic Union College Boston, Massachusetts Loma Linda Univeristy Church Northern Pacific Association of Adventist Forums }o.... Brant Theology Wall. w.ll. Coliege President College Place, Washington Lyndrey A. Nil.. Directors Regional Representatives Communications AtlantiC Southern Howard University, Washington, D.C. Of Chapter Development Jo.... Homer T. Grace Emori Walter Donglu Business Nursing Administration Vice President Church History Hudson, Massachusetts Atlanta, Georgia Andrews ·University Edward Lagenbed Central Southern Pacific Systems Management Of International Relations Darrell}. Huenergudt Mike Scofield Kettering, Ohio Mo1leunu COa.,..... Attorney Business Physician Kimball. Ncbraska Anaheim, California Executive Secretary Angwin, California Claire HOlten Central Pacific Staff Attorney Of Membership Norman C. SOIl~Dg Washington, D.C. Ronald D. COple Physician Legal Consultant Business St. Helena, California Bndley Litchfield Silver Spring, Maryland Treasurer Columbia Attorney Richard C. Olborn Of Promotion· E. Theodore Agard Washington, D.C. Principal Richard B. Lewis, Jr. Radiation Physicist Secretary Takoma Academy Advertising Kettering Medical Center Villette AndenOD Takoma Park, Maryland Weston, Massachusetts .Kettering, Ohio Takoma Park, Maryland Editor Of Special Projects Lake Systems Manager Roy BraJIIOD GleanE •. Coe Donald Gillespie Don McNeil Ethics, Kennedy Institute Attorney Health Care Admiilistratio~ Comp.uter Programmer Georgetown University . Wes~ J:Iar.tford, Connecticut Stevensville, Michigan Spencerville, Maryland SPECTRUM is a journal established to encourage quarterly by the Association of Adventist Forums. Direct • Seventh-day Adventist participation in the discussion of all editorial correspondence to SPECTRUM, 7710Carroll contemporary issues from a Christian viewpoint, to look Avenue, Takoma Park, Maryland 20912. Manuscripts without prejudice at all sideS of a: subject, to evaluate the should be typewritten, double spaced and in matters of merits of diverse views, and to foster Christian intel­ style and documentation, conform to A Manual of Style lectual and cultural growth. Although effort is made to (University of Chicago Press). Submit the original and ensure accurate scholarship and discriminatingjudgment, two copies, along with a self-addressed, stamped enve­ the statements of fact are the responsibility of contrib­ lope. Responses from readers may be shortened before utors, and the views individual authors express are not publication. necessarily those of the editorial staff as a whole or as individuals. Subscription Information: In order to receive SPEC- The Association of Adventist Forums is' anonsubsi- TRUM, send a membership f~e ($15 per 4 issues, except dized, nonprofit organization for which gifts are deduc- $18 in Canada and in other foreign countries; $2 less for tible in the report of income for purposes of taxation. The students) to Association of Adventist Forums, Box 5330, .....publishing.o.£:SPECTRUM.dependsonsubscriptions,.gi£ts ... ;.Takoma.J)ark, ... Mary:land20912;..~.P.hone:.~301.}270d)423... 1i0011~~u~ffn¥t$' . ot:::me:: ... ~~~ !1la}cEept1~.Eil4i":£atlj~ehd:ixmi,4e" - contributors and the staff. out to the Association of Adventist Forums. For address Editorial Correspondence: SPECTRUM IS published changes, send old address label along with the new @ 1983 All rights reserved. address. Litho USA 1 In This Issue Vol. 15, No.2, August 1984 From The Editor A Church Of, By, and For the People Roy Branson 2 Articles Women Pastors Begin Baptizing Judith P. Nembhard 7 Who Killed Azaria? Adventists on Trial in Australia Lowell T arling 14 Special Section: The Great Creation Debate The Conservative Restoration at Geoscience Edward Lugenbeal 23 Fifty Years of Creationism: The Story of An Insider Richard Hammill 32 Odyssey of An Adventist Scientist . Roy Benton 46 Beyond Arithmetic: The Truth of CreatIOn F.E.]. Harder 54 Responses ministerial licenses in the Seventh-day Ad­ About This Issue ventist denomination. They have begun 1 or many years, Ad­ baptizing new members into the church. An Fventist scientists essay in this issue explores how this has have met just before the annual meeting of taken place, and draws attention to some of the many women in the history of the the Geological Society of America. In t~e Adventist church who have received minis­ autumn of 1983, Richard Ritland and BIll terial licenses. Hughes, both members of the Andrews Other changes coming in the church­ University department of biology, orga­ particularly its structure-continue to be nized three days of lectures celebrating the discussed in this issue. Some may justifiably 25th anniversary of the founding of the wonder if questions about organization are Adventist Geoscience Research Institute. the most fundamental facing our church. Ritland, a former director of the Institute, But even apparently unrelated issues such as and author of Search for Meaning in Nature: A whether Adventist women may receive New Look at Creation and Evolution, selected as ministerial licenses become questions of speakers several past members of the Insti­ how much authority local conferences enjoy tute. We thank Dr. Ritland and Dr. Hughes in applying General Conference policy to for permitting us to print the views of four their regions. who participated in the conference they Finally, we introduce to our readers the planned. Dr. Edward Lugenbeal contri~­ most celebrated murder case in the history uted not only his own essay, but also hIs of Australia. Those convicted of the crime editorial skills and energy in preparing this are faithful Adventists in good and regular cluster of articles for publication. standing. The second and concluding install­ Women pastors in North Amer~ca ~a~e ment will appear in the next issue. recently expanded the scope of theIr ~I~IS­ tl:Y,-·and~~te welL.on".the _w.ay.tQX~CelYJn~ -The.J~;(;ktgrs . Prom the Editor A Church Of, By And For the People by Roy Branson n a few weeks Adventism: the historical, the corporate, I Annual Council will and the representative. Recently, denomi­ be asked by a commission chaired by Francis national leadership has had difficulty con­ D. Wernick, vice president of the General tinuing to claim authority on the basis of Conference, to recommend to the 1985 historical or corporate models. Careful General Conference Session alterations in analysis of the structure of the church the way the church carries out its business. reveals that denominational leaders can also The reports of the commissions on church no longer say that their authority is based on structure established by the Pacific and the church being representative. Now, the North Pacific Unions, various local con­ higher the officers the less representative ferences and the Association of Adventist their selection, and in a church that claims Forums have already made a chorus of to be "truly representative," the less legiti­ suggestions for improving the church (see mate their authority. Spectrum, Vol. 14, No.4). What emerges at General Conference must be more than cosmetic, half-way measures. What is Historical Model necessary is nothing less than completely reestablishing the basis for the authority of church leadership. The historical model Adventists want to respect their elected places
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