Annotated Map of Ancient Polar Bear Remains of the World © Susan J. Crockford November 26, 2012 Electronic resource available at http://polarbearscience/references/ ISBN 978-0-9917966-0-1 Cite as: Crockford, S.J. 2012. Annotated Map of Ancient Polar Bear Remains of the World. Electronic resource available at http://polarbearscience/references/ ISBN 978-0-9917966-0-1. 1 Map Notes for Ancient Polar Bear Remains of the World - fossil and archaeological polar bear, Ursus maritimus, remains (please note that I use “fossil” here loosely – most non-archaeological remains are truly “subfossil” since they are not mineralized). Abbreviations: AK, Alaska USA; GRLD, Greenland; CAN, Canada; RUS, Russia; SE, Sweden; NO, Norway; DE, Denmark, UK, United Kingdom; F, female; M, male; LIA, Little Ice Age; DAC, Dark Age Cold; RWP, Roman Warm Period; MWP, Medieval Warm Period. Map ref. & specimen location* Age 14C Lab # Relative Specimen Reference (* indicates archaeological deposits) (BP) † (Collection #) Age Type 1. NE Point, St. Paul Island, Pribilofs, AK A.D. 1875 (NMNH 84594) Historic (LIA) 1 skull, old M, shot 1875 Ray (1971:13) [not a “fossil” but not archaeological] [collected 1895 by Townsend ] 2. Pottery House, St. Mathew Is. AK* ca. 350-430 > 1, on deposit Late Holocene (LIA) 9 specimens Frink et al. (2001) (USF&W, Anchorage) 3. Mackenzie River delta, ca. 350-750 on deposits Late Holocene (LIA) 1 bone, ? element Betts & Friesen (2006) Kuukpak house 1 CAN* 4. North-eastern GRLD * 820 ± 60 AAR-1776 Late Holocene (MWP) 1 bone, ? element Andreasen (1997) 5. Washington Land, GRLD* 960 ± 60 AAR-5775 Late Holocene (MWP) 1 bone, ? element Bennike (2002) 6. Washington Land, GRLD * 1, 415 ± 60 AAR-5774 Late Holocene (DAC) 1 bone, ? element Bennike (2002) 7. Kolnæs (Pearyland), GRLD* 1, 440 ± 451 K-352 Late Holocene (DAC) R. mandible Bennike (1991); Harington (2003:383) [Arctic Canada (?), CAN -not mapped 1, 510 ± 30 CAMS-66368 Late Holocene (DAC) 1 bone, ? element Ingolfsson & Wiig (2008) ] 8. Victoria Island, CAN* 1, 560 ± 65 Gif-7512 Late Holocene (DAC) 1 bone, ? element Harington (2003:383) 1, 350 ± 40 Gif-8434 Late Holocene (DAC) 1 bone, ? element Harington (2003:383) 1, 310 ± 40 Gif-8178 Late Holocene (DAC) 1 bone, ? element Harington (2003:383) 9. Brønlund Fjord, N. GRLD* 1, 520 ± 110 AAR-1357 Late Holocene (RWP) 1 ulna Bennike (1997) 10. Dezhnevo, Bering St., RUS* 1, 498-887 >1, on deposit Late Holocene (DAC) 33bones, assorted Gusev et al. (1999); (aka Kaniskak) Savinetsky et al. (2004) 11. Mainland south of Wrangel n/a n/a Holocene ? # bones/ ? elements Vereshchagin (1969:46) (Chukchi Sea, RUS) [*?]3 12. Cape Baranov, Kolyma River mouth, 1, 690± 165 LE 210 Late Holocene (RWP) 16 bones, including Bland (2008, translation) Russia (East Siberian Sea, RUS)* 1 intact skull Vereshchagin 1969:31) 13. Mainland south of Laptev Strait n/a n/a Holocene ? # bones/ ? elements Vereshchagin (1969:46) (eastern Laptev Sea, RUS) [*?]3 14. Mainland, near Tikai n/a n/a Holocene ? # bones/ ? elements Vereshchagin (1969:46) (Laptev Sea, RUS) [*?]3 15. Vandfeldsnaes, GRLD* 2, 070 ± 110 AAR-1357 Neoglacial/RWP ulna Harington (2003:383) 16. Prince of Wales Island, CAN * 2, 135 ± 120 Beta-18129 Late Holocene (RWP) canine tooth Harington (2003:383) (Cape Richard Collinson) 2 Map Notes for Ancient Polar Bear Remains of the World, con’t. Map ref. & specimen location* Age 14C Lab # Relative Specimen Reference (* indicates archaeological deposits) (BP) † (Collection #) Age (Kyr) Type 17. Seahorse Gully, near Churchill, CAN* 2, 495± 100 S-521 Neoglacial a few bones Nash (1976) (western Hudson Bay, IeKn 6) [date on the deposit] 18. Gulf of Boothia, central CAN* 3, 265 ± 15 UCI-42204 Neoglacial 1 bone, ? element Dyke et al. (2011:161) (four specimens) 3, 515 ± 15 UCI-42211 Neoglacial 1 bone, ? element Dyke et al. (2011:161) 3, 290 ± 15 UCI-42210 Neoglacial 1 bone, ? element Dyke et al. (2011:161) 3, 765 ± 15 UCI-2207 Neoglacial 1 bone, ? element Dyke et al. (2011:161) 19. Ekven, Bering St., RUS* < 2, 700 BP uncal. Neoglacial 10 bones, assorted Savinetsky et al. (2004) 20. Cape Espenberg, Seward Pen., AK* ca 2, 500 BP >1, on deposit Neoglacial/Late Holo. 1 bone, ? element Saleeby (1994:333; 2003) (1 site in BELA Nat. Park, NPS) 21. Sønderland, west GRLD* 3, 320 ± 85 K-5928 Neoglacial 1 bone, ? element Rasmussen (1996) (two specimens) 3, 470 ± 85 K-5930 Neoglacial 1 bone, ? element Rasmussen (1996) 22. Qagnax Cave, St. Paul Is. 4, 830 ± 40 Beta-182978 Neoglacial 1 radius, distal, juvenile Veltre et al. (2008) Pribilof Islands, AK 4, 410 ± 60 (SPC-03-76) Neoglacial 1 phalanx, adult Veltre et al. (2008) not dated Neoglacial ? 248 bones from 6 more Veltre et al. (2008) adult bears, 2 M & 4 F 23. Bogoslov Cave, St. Paul Is. not dated (USNM 26108) Mid-Holocene? 2 adults, 1 juvenile Ray (1971) Pribilof Islands, AK 15 bones/fragments total 24. Devil’s Gorge, Wrangel Is., RUS* 3, 620-2, 950 >1, on deposit Neoglacial 1 skull frag, 1 claw Dikov (1988) 25. Walakpa Site, Barrow, AK* ca. 1, 500-1, 100 Gak-2298 (charcoal) Late Holocene (DAC) 15 bones , assorted Stanford (1976); (NPS Anchorage) ca. 1, 100-600 Gak-2297 (charcoal) Late Holocene (MWP) 6 bones, assorted Murray (2008) ca. 600-historic Late Holocene (LIA) 13 bones, assorted (dates on deposit) 26. Margaret Bay, Unalaska Is., AK* ca. 4, 700-4, 100 on charcoal Neoglacial 24 plus 85 “Ursus sp.” Davis (2001); Murray (2008) (dates on deposit) including 1 mandible Crockford & Frederick (2007) 3 Map Notes for Ancient Polar Bear Remains of the World, con’t. Map ref. & specimen location* Age 14C Lab # Relative Specimen Reference (* indicates archaeological deposits) (BP) † (Collection #) Age (Kyr) Type 27. Nuulliit, Thule, GRLD* 5,060 ± 95 K-2560 Early Holocene 1 bone, ? element Grønnow & Jensen (2003) 28. Svenskøya, Svalbard, NO 7,760 ± 50 T-4167 Early Holocene 1 bone, ? element Harington (2008:S25); Ingolfsson & Wiig (2008) 29. Svalbard, NO ca. 8,200 on deposit? V. Early Holocene >1 bone, ? elements Harington (2008) 30. Zhokhov Island, RUS* 8, 480-8, 175 >1, on deposit V. Early Holocene 397 total, ++ skulls & Pitul'ko (2003); postcranial, most adult F, Murray (2008); a few juveniles Pitul'ko & Kasparov 1996 31. Kuröd, Bohuslän, SE 10, 170 ± 125 Lu-1075 V. Early Holocene 1 dist. femur, juv. Kurtén (1988); (N.H.M. Goteborg) (+ 4 other elements) Berglund et al. (1992) 32. Nedre Kuröd Bohuslän, SE 10, 360 ± 130 Lu-1074 V. Early Holocene 1 rib fragment Kurtén (1988); (N.H.M. Goteborg) (3 bones total ) Berglund et al. (1992) 33. Finnøy, NO 10, 925 ± 110 T-4724 V. Early Holocene 1 complete skeleton, Blystad et al. (1983); (Arch. M. Stavanger) old M Berglund et al. (1992) 34. Asdal, DE 11, 240 ± 180 K-3741 V. Early Holocene 1 L. mandible w. teeth, M Kurtén (1988); Aaris- Sørensen & Petersen (1984); Berglund et al. (1992) 35. Östra Karup, Bastad, SE 12, 230 ± 130 Lu-1076 V. Early Holocene 1 R. ulna, subadult F Berglund et al. (1992) (archived LUZM) 36. Hisingen, SE not dated (1919-3356) V. Early Holocene 1 L. maxilla w. teeth Kurtén 1988; Berglund (archived N.H.M. Goteborg) deposit subadult M et al. (1992) 37. Kärraberg, Vekkinge parish, SE not dated (1925-4354) V. Early Holocene 1 Skull w. teeth Kurtén (1988); Berglund (archived N.H.M.Goteborg) (on strata) juv/subadult F? et al. (1992) 38. Kullaberg, Scania, SE 12, 320 ± 125 Lu-602 V. Early Holocene 1 R. femur Berglund et al. (1992) 12, 450 ± 145 Lu-660 V. Early Holocene (3 dates, same specimen) 12, 480 ± 185 Lu-661 V. Early Holocene 4 Map Notes for Ancient Polar Bear Remains of the World, con’t. Map ref. & specimen location* Age 14C Lab # Relative Specimen Reference (* indicates archaeological deposits) (BP) † (Collection #) Age (Kyr) Type 39. Nordcemgrotta, Kjæpsvik, NO 22,000 uncalibrated? ? LGM interstadial4 1 ulna dated Lauritzen et al. (1996); other bones present? Hufthammer (2001:206) 40. Mordy-Yahk River mouth, Yamal not dated "Pleistocene" 1 R. ulna ♂ Vereshchagin (1969:31) ; Peninsula, west side (Russia) Harington (2008:S25) 41. Pechora River, Russia not dated "Pleistocene?" 1 R. molar 1 Harington (2008:S25) 42. Baillie Islands, CAN n/a "Pleistocene" 1 bone?, ? elements Harington (2003:306); Vincent (1989) 43. Hamnsundhelleren, NO 36,000–28,000 ? Late Weichselian (MIS 3) >1 bones, elements? Valen et al. (1996); Hufthammer (2001) 44. Kew Bridge, Thames, UK not dated (BM24361) Middle Weichselian 1 R. ulna, M Kurtén (1988); (taxonomy disputed)2 deposit Harington (2008) 45. Nordcemgrotta, Kjæpsvik, NO >70,000 ± 8.5 (IRSL) ? Early Weichselian 1 rib; successful mtDNA Lauritzen et al. (1996); deposit date (ca. 115 kyr BP) (3 total: metatarsal + Hufthammer (2001); vert. disc) Davison et al. (2011) 46. Poolepynten, Prins Karls > 45,000 Forland, Svalbard, NO 150-80 kyr (IRSL) LuS-6155 MIS 5e to Early 1 L. mandible, canine, M Ingolfsson & Wiig (2008) Weichselian deposit complete mtDNA sequence (ca. 130–110 kyr BP) Lindqvist et al. (2010) Footnotes: † These are calibrated radiocarbon years BP unless indicated otherwise (cal. yr BP). Dates on polar bear bone are corrected for marine reservoir effect unless indicated otherwise (e.g. Pribilof polar bear specimen Beta-182978 uncorrected date of 4830 ± 40 cal yr BP gives a corrected date 4587 cal yr BP at two sigmas). One historic specimen (#1) is a calendar date (e.g. A.D. 1875) 1. This sample (K-352) is listed in Ingolfsson & Wiig (2008:table 1) as “440 ± 45” - corrected from Bennike 1991 and Harington 2003:383) 2. From Harington (2008:S25) “Andy Currant of the Natural History Museum–London (personal communication) believes that the Kew Bridge bear ulna represents a huge brown bear rather than a polar bear, based on faunas similar to that at Kew Bridge from many British sites containing dominant steppe bison (Bison priscus) and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) with wolves (Canis lupus) and gigantic brown bears moderately represented.” This information awaits verification, as Kurtén (1988) identified this as polar bear and large even for that species—if Andy Currant disagrees, he needs to publish a note to this effect.
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