r.*i Everything Has Been Arranged So as to THESHOPPING CENTER This Event Planned Months Ago Facilitate Your Anticipating conditions, we planned this event months ago, buying immense Choosing stocks at prices then prevailing. An event which again portrays the Palais The major part of our Third Floor Ready-to-Wear Section fs given over to ESTAB Royal merchandising ingenuity in offering larger stocks, greater variety. The 1877 A.LISNER latest Novemberthis event. Extra salespeople added, extra packers, etc. EleventhSaleandG Streets newest materials, Coatsmodels at prices exceptionally low. An Annual Fall Event.the Biggest Coat Sale of the Year .Offering Hundreds of Coats in Four Great Groups A logical, corpmon-sense reason, year after year, has made this sale the biggest event ofthe Fall season.selling a larger volume at a smaller than regular profit. An opportunity to secure best made coats of dependable quality. The most desirable fabrics and models at minimum price. Offering an extraordinary latitude of choice. 20 Coats are illustrated sketched from our stock Straight line model-, a Misses' coat of Silver- Velour coat, a full belt¬ A splendid model of Silvertone coa.? half A youthful coat for V«- Printzess coat, rolling tone a ed style, sleeves and back Silvertone, full sitk lined, 80I A Printzess Polo Coat Coat of Heavy Wool A soft Polo mixture, A Misses' Model of shawl collar, mixture, high lined With satin, full of toft dark colored, aii- Valour, full lined with misses of Heavy Wool patch pockets, two-way narrow belt, shoestring wasit model with large low yoke, skirt trimmed yok^ifront, plaited back, lour lined, be*, full silk Hied and m belted, two-way collar wool mixtures, rolling 801 eat in, large convert¬ tucks trim collar; pin tucks and yoke sealinc with cluster tucks, silk large convertible collar, with an in¬ ible collar skunk Valour, pin the Wool Vr- deep-set Dolman sleeves, interlined, tinsel'one or roomy sleeves, and with plaited fullness collar, belted, of the tack, collars and complete duvet de laine cloths, trimmed large cape col¬ lined, $49.00. trimmed <oitH self but¬ verted plait in back, opossum fur, full belted, lour, Sol satin lined back, which are silk embroider¬ one be- $49.00. below belt, $19.00. $>9.00. cuffs embroidered, $39.00. $39.00. ed in self color, $39.00. 149.00. lar, full silk lined, $49.00. in piccc, fullmss tons, This Group of Serviceable Coats The Largest Group in the Sale Materials and Colors Many fine Juniors' and Misses' Materials and Colors A wonderful group of coats.sizes for Coats.including Printzess models misses, juniors and women. Coats for Voloart Blue* women's coats, of warm, service¬ Velour* New Blue* every occasion. Warm velours, silver- Green able tones, polo mixtures, tinseltone and Keney* materials. Splendid general Silvertone* Block* duvet de laine and a number of firte Polo Cloth* Brown* utility and motoring coats. A num¬ Polo Cloth Brown* plushes, made up in short models. In¬ ber of other styles besides the Plmh Mixture* cluded are a great many Printzess coats, Mixture* Taupe* styles illustrated above. Kersey Cray* all underpriced. Palais Royal.Third Floor. Palais R*ral.Tklr* Floor. A l(wi model Of Im« PrinMM* ooat of in¬ A conservative ooat o/ Coat o/ A11-Wool Vol. An all black ooat ./ a unusual coat o/ Smart short ooat of A late model with belt- A full belted coat of Blouse Model of Ttn- visible plaid Silvertene Cfccvroxa, novelty two- out. doable bolted book Ane Kersey cloth, full An "Salts" Oehring Seat ad front and loose back, Chinchilla, distended seltone, c*#«, back and r«K»w wttk yorMonJariy with collar and lan and in Tineeltone with aide trfn- Hum facing of way ootlor, rat sleeve, cratting front, belted, plaited fuUnee« of sUk twtot stitcK- Belt, cuffs and large col¬ roomy sleeves, sealing pockets, convertible col¬ rolling oottgt turned with «Ml /or l«r#« /itf- black fur fabric, tall yoke /rout, coat trimmed convertible collar of sea- fc«Jev> Ml, convertible ming but- lar with scarf ends of collar. Material Is a fine lars, back has three strap corded tucks. Peau da silk lined and lined with Sol tcltfc line Vene¬ ing and email self ktm, /(Moy latin, Ml/ etitcMftff, fancy fur, »tlf color, collar, lining o/ eOfc jteau tone, faneg silk lining, Beaver plush, fancy satin soft doeskin, fancy silk plaits from collar to hem, eygne tU* toled and in¬ (S9.04. $51.00. silk linsd, $69.00. tian lining, $50.00. de oygne, $59.00. $.9.00. lining, $69.00. lined, $69.00. fancy silk lined, $69.00. terlined, $69.10. All Sizes for Women and Misses The Finest Group in the Sale Materials and Colors All unusual values, in plain and fur- Materials and Colors Dozens of handsome new models, in trimmed styles, all full lined and warmly plain or fur-trimmed models, fashioned SUvertones Blacks interlined, rfch, warm and serviceable Bolivias Blacks $ of soft, rich, warmth without weight Fur Fabrics Blues coats, such as every woman is interested Peach Bloom Blues fabrics; loose back, half and full belted Velours Browns in for street and general wear, motor¬ Tinseltones New Browns cloth coats and a splendid lot of fur- Kerseys ing or dress. Many other styles in the Swedine fabric coats of the better grades.all Are Cheviot* lot besides the styles illustrated above. Fur Fabrics Novelty Shades finely silk lined and interlined. m Burgundy 4 U * i:-s..
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