
Association 11 130 Sessions Stree t P r ovidence, RI 0290 6 Support Jewish Read By Agencies More Than With Your 40,000 Membership People T~f l)NLY ENGL/Sf-1 JEN /SH WEEKlY IN R I AND SOUT HEAST N'A$( VOLUME LXVII, NUMBER 36 THURSDAY, J UL Y 17, 1980 25c, PER COPY Israel Delegation Westerly Restaurant Object Preparing For Resumption Of Talks Of Anti-Semitic Attack ., lY'DHL~~rn, -DIAS JERUSALE f (JTA) - Israel's Referring to the recent a nti•Sc m1t1c at• such mcidenu·· 10 1he pe1111on from local church groups autonomy n~utiatmg 1ea.m have met in prep.u.1t1on fo r resuming the autono my tack made on the Sea Bag Restaurant 1n The Weekend 1nc1den1 1nvohed the and v;mous individuals, bu1 no1hmg to 1.ilks ,..1th Eg)p1. suspended smcc May 8. Wciterly last Sunday eve ning, Richa rd painting of two S111ast 1kas on the door of ,..arra.nt such an unspeakable ac1," Mr JustK·c: \-hn1ster Shmuel Tam1r ,..111 head the Za1co m , area directo r of the Anll• the restaurant and the ant1-Sem1t1c Y..cw Slated. He also oted \ :mous· 1nc1- Israeli delegation to Cairo for the first scs• Odamat1on Le ag ue: , based 1n menage "Jews No Booz" dent.1 ,..here his partner, Huns Garber. bad \1un of a committee o n legal mancrs over Ma1sachuscus, has called upon Wciterly rccc.1\ed threatening. ant1-Sc-m11Jc plione ...,,h,ch he 1111II preside J01ntl) with Egyp1's residents lo make a "Strong statement con• The llatemcnt was made 1n referencx to calls since fihn& for the: pcouon four \11ms1er of State, Butros Ghah demning such act1v11 y" and the Slate of restaurant 0111ne r Ben We1.u's recent •P• mon1hs a10 Bui T.am1r told rcpor1ers after the \\ttll) Rhode Island to "allocate all available: phcat,on lo obtain • h«nK 10 scr,,c: hquor Arca reudent\ oft he Ru1aurant "'ere op­ raource.o; in order to stem the growth of at the c:s1abh1hmen1 "We had op~mon posed 10 the httn.K 11rplica11on bccau.K C.~bincl mcclmg that his mandate 1s not the)' felt 1ha1 1he Ale of bcc.r and 1111ne on r~tm:tcd 10 legal mJtters "The •~ucs a rc the premlk:S might aher the charac1cr or the the sub)tana of the autonomy These a rc ne11hborhood llo"'c\er. mo,1 rcs1dcnu not purch• legal matters They arc poht1 cal Court To Rule On CETA 111cre arpalkd to karn 1hat the s11u;,t1on Jnd JUd1c1al matters mterv.o\Cn," Tam1r 111a, 1umcd mto an ethnic issue 1.;11d ··tt \\Ill relate lo the source: of the Jutonom,. the score and po'Acrs of the School Participation " Th" 1nudcnt I.), not a ques11on of zon­ ing.. AOL d1roctor Za1~om slated "l',c Juh>nom\ as 'Adi .1..s the adm1n1strat1on of Nl:. W YORK (JTA)-A n.1lmg 11opc:c­ Zuclr.crman \&Id ( LT A "'U the main ,pol.en "'''h \l. e 1crl) Police Chief JU.o;l1cc, the u.~uc:s of k11sla1 1on imd ,1m1lar tc:d fr o m a U S Court of Appealli within §111 fundmi \Chicle for federall)"-,ponM>rcd GullOK10, m add1t1on to people w11h the , "'uc, 111h1ch relate to the ubstancc of the week~ m II case mvolvmg a lo...,,er fc:dc:r,11 manpo"'"er uam1ng progn,ms for 1hc R I Staie AttOf"ncy"s office and Vinous JUlomJm) ,"' he '.iUld .im1r Jddcd. " \lo e ~ha ll push ahead with court ban o n part1 cipa11on of rehg1ou1 "cconom,cally d1sadun1aged. uncmplo)cd ,u11e offioal Accordm& 10 Za1com this is l -.c hools in job tr111n1ng programs funded Jnd undercmplo)ed" C. LTA 1s the \UC• not an isolated 1nodcnl "There ha\e bcc.n the nego11a11ons. taclhng lhc difficult issues through the Comprchcn11vc Employment ccuor to Kveral earhcr such pro,um,. firtt vu1ous madcnll both m Y.. atcrl) and ,_,th •n all.out attempt to h11\e as qu1cl as and Tn11n1ng Act (CETA). Howard Luckcr­ enacted 1n 1964 Smee then, rcl1g1ou m•t1tu• around 1he Stale m the pu1 fc111 mon1h• and P<l'"~ •blca real breakthrough 1fonly possible. Y..c shall do uur utmost to bring autonomy, mun, prcin dent of the Na11o nal Jewish Com­ 11 ons. u ,..ell .it 01 hcr a1cnc1cs. have I plan 10 be: mmm11111th RI Sta1eoffic1als mi u 1o n on Law 11nd Public A ffairs provided thounnds of JOb 1ra1n1n1 and vtnous leaden of lhc Jc1111 h Com­ 111h1ch 111.i.s in1!1Jled by lsrJcl, mlo realit y,"' (COLPA), re po rted loday. All Jcw11 h programs to prepare the Jobku ror 1amful mun11 y over I.he matter " he w,d religiout schools with such CET A programs employment arc affected, he said . Rc)nold1 banned the use of CLT~ II The appeal 15 being made ag111ns1 a rul­ funds fo r all "foll-time o r part•l1mc cm­ Israel Reportedly Planning ing by Federal D1 s1nc1 Coun Judge John plo)'cs or any clemcntar) or .«ondary Reynold\ ,n Milwaukee, m11dc m1t1ally o n school o pera ted by or for a ny rcl111ous or July I, 1979 and rcaflirmcd by h1m hut s«lanan o raan1u11on " Reynolds cited Feb. 12 , that rnch part1cipat1on m For New Settlements Supreme our1 doc1s1ons en1om1n1 V1 rious JER USA LEM -Accord1n1 to sources In announcing plans for 20 new 1c:11 lc- programs funded under T11le II of C ETA public aid progra ms 10 pa rochial JC.hoots closc to M•llt1ahua Oro blcu. co-chairm an ment, last year. Drobless, whose o rganiza- violate the Finl Amendment ban against I-le ruled th 11 11hc fund1n1 of programs "'"h1ch of the World 21on1st Oraan1ut1on's 1e1tlc. t,on is responsible for establishing new governmcn1 involvement in religio n. migh t result m indirect Services 10 such ment dcpanmcnt, lsrach plannen have Jewish o utpo11s 1n occupied Arab Final briefs to the Court of Appeals for school1, even ma ETA 1ra1ning contu11n­ dr..... n up dt:1a1kd, confidential plans which tcrutoric:s. stated that perhaps 200,000 the Seventh Circuil, which sits in Chicago volvin1 no n•reltg,ous ac11v1t1es, violated the ...,, ould establish 8S new sclllcmcnll ,n the Israelis would settle in occupied territories and has jurisdiction over Wiscon1i n. were First Amendment. Wcs1 Bank area, by 1985. filed June 5 by Milwauktt County, the In response to Rt)'nolds' ruling, the The pro posal, which focuse, on the nut The chairman's new plan, along with a Archdiocese of Milwauktt and the rcderal labor Dcpartmcn1 sent• telqram on Apr1I five years, at1matcs 1h11 by that time the detailed map ind1ca1ing 1hc exact localioo Department o f Labor, which is the source of 28 not1fy1ng prime 1ponson of CETA II prCKnl Jcw11h population of the West of each new established settlement, was CETA funds. programs that, as of 10 days a ncr that date, Bank: , numbering close to 14 ,000, will have presented 10 1he Cabincl Israeli Cabinel in On June 6, COLPA filed for ilsclfand four all persons auigncd to such schools under increased 10 between 120,000 and IS0,000. March. The documents abo included a other Orthodox Jewish o rganizations a CET A 11 funding were to be terminated. lsracli Prime Minister Mcnachcm Begin chart of a new road network which would friend oft he court brief. prepared by Nathan While the exact number of such tr11nCC1 1s ho,.ever, has stated 1ha1 Israel has plans fo r be built 10 link the. se1tlemenu. Lewin, COLPA vice-president. The brief not ce rta in , Zuckerman nid 11 wu assumed only 10 new 1ettkmenu. Since coming into The World Zionist Organization source was filed for COLPA, Agudalh Israel of 1ha1 the Labor Dcpartmen1 o rder had been po111er ,n 19n, 1he BcRm 1tovc.rnment hu 101d that the Cabinet had not voted on the America, the National Council of Young implemented by June I. set up 27 scttlcmenu m the West Bank and, plan. "Each individual ~ttlcment _has to be Israel, Torah Umcsorah, and the Union of In the brief, Lewin 11nerted thal according 10 the Prime Mini1tcr_. that is all approved by a mini11cnal commit.tee an~, Orthodox Jewish Congrcgation1. Reynolds' ban, issued regardless of whether that is required. in ca.sa or controversy, the Cabinet will Zuckerman described the brief as a major or nol the lrainee might advance the In announcing plans for 20 new senle- decide." He did say. however, that the defense ·for the Jewish community of the religious mission of the religious institu­ menu last year, Droblcss stated that -government had approved the first seven legality of such pa rticipation by religious tions, had generated grcal concern in the perhaps 200,000 Israelis would settle in the and work on the scll]emenu hu already schools. Both the appeal and the brief were religious community. occupied territories within the next by 1985 . begun. filed in Chicago. Jerusalem's Old City Wall May Receive A Facelift ... For the complete story read this week's issue of The Herald A RENOERINC of the~ changn which W'ill tab place outsilk the wflll:c.m SKtor of JffUSllem's Oki City Wall• .- ... ·.·.·~-- ~ .·.·.·.·.·.' THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1980 REBECCA T. GOLDMAN LEO I\OFMAN BROOKLYN. NY-Leo Kofman. of PROVIDE CE-Rebecca T. Goldman, Ocean Park•ay, dicd unexpectedly rccen• Obituaries 73 , of 217 Summit Ave .. died )'esterday al ti) while on vacation.
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