DOCUMENT RESUME ED 272 694 CE 044 783 TITLE Apprentice Still Photographic Specialist (AFSC 23132). INSTITUTION Air Univ., Gunter AFS, Ala. Extension Course Inst. PUB DATE 79 NOTE 390p.; Supersedes ED 226 227. PUB TYPE Guides Classroom Use - Materials (For learner) (051) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC16 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Apprenticeships; Behavioral Objectives; Correspondence Study; Laboratory Procedures; Learning Activities; Military Personnel; Military Training; *Photographic Equipment; *Photographs; *Photography; Postsecondary Education; *Production Techniques; *Trade and Industrial Education IDENTIFIERS Air Force; Military Curriculum Materials ABSTRACT This four-volume student text is designed fow use by Air Force personnel enrolled in a self-study extension course for apprentice still photographic specialists. Covered in the indiviCual volumes are general subjects (career ladder progression, security, photographic safety, and photographic laboratory administration); still photographic fundamentals (existing and supplemental light sources, photographic exposure, sensitized black-and-white materials, photographic optics, and photographic filters); photographic camera assignments (principles of photographic composition, general and studio assignments, and reproduction photography); and photographic laboratory applications (black-and-white chemistry, film processing and finishing, printing, and finishing; principles of color photography; and quality control). Each volume in the set contains a series of lessons, exercises at the end of each lesson, a bibliography, and answers to the exercises. Volume review exercises are also included. (MN) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** APPRENTICE STILL PHOTOGRAPHIC SPECIALIST (AFSC 23132) U S. DEPARTMENT OP EDUCATION Ohic f ducetional Research and linproverYfint ED AT1ONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERICI This deCurnent has been reerecluced as received liarn tra: Der Seri or ei'clit^i23?ic' caiginatng it Minor changes have bee' made to innaiove reprOduCtion Quality Points of yiee. ei OPin.ons slated .^In'S dccu men! de not necessarily rePresent official OER, Incisilq7n or poliCy Extension Course Institute Air University BEST COPY AVAILAbLE ECI COURSE MATERIALS SHIPPING LIST COURSE COUFGE T1 TLE EFFECTIVE DATE NO APPRENTICE STILL PHOTOGRAPHIC SPECIALIST OF SHIPPING L/57 (AFSC 23132) 21132 5 Oct 84 INSTRUCTIONS: The following materials are needeci ta complete thiscourse. Chck thislistimmediately upen recsiving your course pcknts und if any mciterials are missing or incorrect (numbers don't match) notify ECI immediately. Use the E:I Form 17 for this purpost, and be sure to include your identification number, address,courseand volume number, and VRE form designation(if a VRE h involved). Send all correspondence separately from youranswer chest. ITEM TYPz: 1 INVENTORY CONTROL VRE ANSWER SHEET DESIGNATION OR TIME NUMBER IDENTIFl CATI ON VOL VOL 1, General Subiects II :II: VRE V. i VIEW IS V VOL 2, Still Photographic VOL Fundamentals 23132 02 710 . VE VOLUME REVI A R ISE VO 2 I 7 VOL 3, Photographic Camera VOL Assianments 2 Il VRE VOLUME REVIEW EXERCISE WOL 3J 23 2 3 2 I 'Y') VOL 4, Photographic Laboratory . A pjcations 1n ., ' , 242.2-4W-2.2 23132 04 22 [NOTE: DIRECT ANY QUESTIONS OF COM- MENTS RELATING TO ACCURACY OR CUR7 RENLY OF TEXTUAZ MATErTALS TO AUTOVON 926 1142. .......- I YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO POST ANY CHANGES LISTED IN THIS SHIPPING LIST WHICH CORRECT TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS, UNLESS SUCH ERRORS CHANGE OR OTHER- WISE AFFECT THE MEANING OF THE MATERIAL. ECI ":)11"4 25 oet 73 (Page 1 of2 ) (SEE REVERSE JIDE FOR ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS) .$ LIST Of CHAFJGES COURSE CAREER FIELDS, POLICIES, PR:DCEDURES AND EQUIPMENT CHANGE. ALSO ERRORS NO. OCCASIONALLY GET INTO PRINT. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS UPDATE AND CORRECT 23132 YOUR COURSE MATERIALS. PLEASE MAKE ThE tNDICATED CHANGES. EFFECTIVE UAYE OF SHIPPING 5 Oct 84 1. CHANGES FOR THE TEXT: VOLUK a Page 16, col 2, line 2 from bottom: Change "normal or wide angle" to "longer thnn normnl focal length." Line 4 from bottom: Change "foreground" to "backgrount .12.re 1-20: Change "Foreshortening" to "Diminutior." b. Page 17, col 1, line 2: Change "longer" tr- "shorte 2. CHANGE FOR THE VOLUME REVIEW EXERCISE: VOLUME 1 `---The following questions are no longer scored and need not ba answered: 30 and 50. 3. CHANGE FOR THE VOLUME REVIEW EXERCISE: VOLUME 2 L-Tage 2, question 7: In the stem of the question, change "quarts iodine" to "quartz halogen." 4. CHANGES FOR THE VOLUME REVIEW EXERCISE: VOLUME 3 a. Page 6, questioq 30, choice d: Change "investigate" to "investigating." b. Question 4 is no longer scored and need not bc ansvmred. 5. CHANGES FOR THE VOLUME REVIEW EXERCISE: VOLUME 4 a. 2, jt :ion 6: Before "The" insert "(603)." b. Page 15, question 108: Change "(680)" to "(680b)." c. The following questions are no longer scored and need not be aaswered: 7 and 47. (Page2of2 23132 01 7808 CDC 23132 APPRENTICE STILL PHOTOGRAPHIC SPECIALIST (AFSC 23132) Volume 1 General Subjects Extension Course Institute Air University t)I Prepared by MSgt Curtis Mayne and MSgt Jay Perry 3430th Technical Training Group USAF School of Applied Aerospace Sciences (ATC) Lowry AFB, Colorado 80230 Reviewed by Carole C. Jones, Education Specialist Extension Course Institute (AU) Gunter AFS, Alabama 36118 PREPARED BY 3430TH TECHNICAL TRAINING GROUP USAF 'CHOOL OF APPLIED AEROSPACE SCIENCES (ATC) LOWRY AIR FORCE BASE. COLORADO CXTFNSION COURSE INSTITUTE, GUNTER AIR FORCE STATION, ALABAMA THIS PUBLICATION HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED SY COMPETENT PERSONNEL OF THEPREPARING COMMAND IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT DIRECTIVES ON DOCTRINE, POLICY,ESSENTIAUTY, PROPRIETY, AND QUALITY. 6 Preface TH!S CAREER Development Course is designedto help you qualify for the duties and responsibilities of an Air Force Apprentice Still Photographic Specialist, AFSC 23 /32. The course consists of four volumes: this volume containsinformation on career ladder progression, security, photographic safety, and photographic laboratory administration; Volume 2 deals with photographic fundamentals; Volume 3covers the different types of photographic camera assignments;and Volume 4, covers photographic duties within the laboratoiy. If you have questions on the accuracy or currency of the subjectmatter of the text, or recommendations for its improvement, send them to the 3430thTechnical Training Group irTMZS, Lowry AFB CO 80230. Questions requiringimmediate resolution may be directed to the course authors at AUTOVON 926-4142 between 0800-1600 hrs ( MST) Monday through Friday. NOTE: Do not use the suggestionprogram to submit corrections for typographical or other errors. If you have questions oncourse enrollment or administration, or any of ECI's instructional aids (Your Key to Career Development, Behavioral ObjectiveExercises, Volume Review Exercise, and Cc se Examination), consultyour education officer, training officer, or NCO. as appropriate. If this agent can'tanswer your questions, send them to ECI, Gunter AFS AL 36118, preferably on ECI Form 17,Student Request for Assistance. This volume is valued at 6 hours (2 points). Material in this volume is technically accurate, adequate,and current as of May 1977. ill Contents Page Preface iii Chapter 1 Career LaddfProgression 1 2 Security 8 3 Photographic Safety 14 4 Photographic Laboratory Administration 18 Bibliography 35 )._ Answers fo?' Exercises 37 iv CHAPTER 1 -4.1111, NOTE: In thls volume, the subject matterla developed by a series of student-cern . objectives. Each of these carries a three-diglt numberand is in boldface type. Each sets a learning goal for you. The text that fr. Ns the oi...,:ctive gives you the information you need to reach that goal. Th0 aollovt....g the information glve you a checkon your achievement. When you comr see whether your answers match those in the back of this volume. If your response to an exercise Is Incorrect, review the objective andits text. .11.11111. Career Ladder Progression CONGRATULATIONS on your assignment asan 001. Define the Military Classification System and audiovisual helper in the still photographic job specialty. state what the components of an AFSC mean. As you begin studying this career development course (CDC), you are entering a highly professional and The audiovisual career field is an integral part of the satisfying career field. As a photographer, you will be Military Classification System. This classification system permitted and even encouraged to express yourself in identifies the duties required for each position essential in your work. The rewards of your efforts in photography accomplishing the mission of the Air Force and I, xurately are the recognition you receive when your work is put on identifies tile abilities of individuals in relation to the display on office walls, printed in base and local qualifications required to perform in these positions. newspapers, or possibly in service-wide or national Positions are grouped according to requiredcommon publications. Very few Air Force careers offer this special knowledge, skills, and other abilities into Air Force type of recognition for individual job accomplishment. Specialties (AFSs) with each AFS having a specialty In this chapter, you should learn several of the factors description, title, and number known as an AFSC (Air that affect your progression in
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