€y Oa* b0it6 s.o.roo!tu), s"e="d Q9606 ra- _-----rJi-s6) -e)6 ae)" OaP aoaS bo6et cS.3ol))6)SJ e9o6dJ 550$6 bxr6o$$o provisional Seniori{ list 2020 Agl" Oar irOitS website $Oo1> 5) s"o.JeloJ:ili$ K:oaro6o0il rnail 6oc1: 6ot5.:tc aooSa. 6"5p 5)s 5poo. erd5oddi-ue! eiJ olcte) 6. 3O.O5.2O2O 66 dxDn 5> g:o>o6 ee6s.o 6J55dFe$ ;)obse)dr.$ 66 .i6;r..3 sd$) erdsoeidtu)el 555ooc5a:C$5 aoo$b6.5dE).16 -&rrlr A*y-/ aole.rV6s"o. \'\ &-$a+r1S:.r, A.O.b. s"gE"d File No.ZPPEG-DSEC0ESM(SENLy2/2020-SA(EST-D2)-ZPPEG Proceedings of the Chief Executive Otficer, Zilla praja parishad, 8.G., Kakinada Present : Smt. M.Jyothi, M.A., 8.L., Rc.No.D2l ZPPI 304964 12020, Daled: 05/o5/2020 Sub:- Establishment - [/inisterial - Zilla praja parishad, Easl codavari, Kakinada _ provisionar Preparation of seniority list or senior Assistants - call for objections - communication - Regarding. Ref :- l.Rule 33 of A.p State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 2.Earlier confirmed Seniority list of Superintendents communicated vjde Rc. No. D1/2059/2015. Dared 05.11.2015. ### OEUEs The Seniority list of senior Assistants .. appointed on promotion under Rule 10(a) of Ap state and Subordinate service Rules from rhe feeder citegory ot'JunioiRssistants I ryjstsin Parishad, paner z,rri-p,aa East Godavari up to year z0rs-20't6 has o..n.onrir*.J'una rli*i,rri..lt,iitr',i" concerned individua.rs vide rererence 2nd cited. Now, the senior Assistants who were appointed on under said p]?,T,li.n rure subsequent paners i.e zois-ro to ztrg-ig are added;s p;[;;iuuung.a rn the panels in t0 the Seniority list. The provisionar Seniority. rist now drawn is hereby communicated to afl the individuars concerned. The concerned individuars are informed that if aiybody wish to prefer in ;bF;ii;ffiilh regard ro their seni,rirv frxed in rhe risr now comrrnicuteJ .nrritr-riit livnu iuieition iil;iil;'.i;;g with recorded evidence, ir anv. within rs aavs trom irre oar or ir.ru ot this provisionar undersigned rist to rhe through the officeis concerned. rire oolections, in ,.-ipu.t or tn. individuais from sl. No. 1 t0 228 will not be re'entertained as theil seniority rd already been confirmed vide reference z citeo. itre otjections received after stipurated time wiil not'be.rt ft.i;;J.-ih; officers concerned are requested to, communicate the proceedings provisionar arong with the ieniority rist ano ootain acknowledgment i;e;il;; on the slip enclosed to the Seniority list The offrcers concerned are informed that they wifl be herd responsibre to obtain proper acknowledgements from the concerned ano to return me iame toir,,s or,c. immediatery for record. Encl : Provisionaj Seniority list of Senior Assistants, 2020, M.JYOTHI Chief Executive Otficer To Zilla praja parishad, Kakinada The person concerned. The Superintendenting Engineer, p.R.Circle, Kakinada. Copy to the Executive Engineer, p.R.l., p.l.U., / / R.W.S.& S Division, concerned. Copy to all parishad the Mandal Dev. Officers in the Distilct. Copy to the Accounts Officefs table. / CEo, zifla pr4a parishad, SigndUfi ff0pn Kakinada. Digitally signed RI JYOTHI Date: 05. 15:03 IST Reaso ProV1 S 1 on a 1 Sen or1 ty List of Sen1or Asststan L5 lvo1'kin o un CI N{ (, d the anaa,emen t of Zilla Par Sha d EaS t Godavari, Kakinada. 2020 SNo Name of the Employee, Date of Birth Date of Caste/ Native Place/ Mandal Educatio- Date of the Appointment Datc of Date of Date of Remarks Institution/ Place Retirement Sub District nal Quali- in the lower post and Appointment Regularisation Passing of Caste fications Name of the Lower Post to Present in the present Account Test Post post I 2 3 l 5 6 7 8 PANEL -1994-95 9 10 11 "t2 1 C.N.MANI, 74.01.1952 31.01.20i 0 OC Peddapuram, BA LDC 2^1.04.7975 PRI 27.01,.1995 72.01.1995 P7-70/74 Retired on SI) ahmundr' E.C.Dt., ) P.A.VARAPRASAD, Plt-10 71 31.01.2010 21 .09.1954 ?0.09.2012 SC.C Siripuram, Yelesu'aram Inter I-DC 15.09.-1977 12.01.1995 Pt-6 / 87 Retired on while MPg Tuni Mala E.G.Dt., Pt-6/92 continued under PANEL -- 1997-98 5US ensron 3 M.A. RAHMAN, 04.08.1954 37.08.20'12 OC Anaparthi, SSC T.W Typist 14.05.1981 01.05.1998 08-05.1998 Pt-6 / 87 Retired on 31.08.2012 PRSD, Rajahmundry E.G.Dt., HR.T&E Prr-5/89 4 D.VYKUNTA RAO, 06.04.1953 30.04.2011 OC Gudimellanla, SSC MPP, Jr.Asst 08.07.-198-t 10.04.1999 08.07.-1999 Pt-72/9-t Retired on 30.04.2011 Yeleswaram Brahmin E.G.Dt., P\-71/95 5 D.Y.NARAYANA. 1.1,.11."t959 30.71.2019 OC Kamarajulanta, Inter 11,.06.7982 R.W.S.S.D., ,r.Asst 01.05.1998 10.06.1998 Pr-"12/87 Promoted to the post Ramachandrapuram Brahmin Ravulapalem, Plt--t / 86 of EO., (PR & RD.) E.G.Dt., 6 P.MANESWARA RAO, 01.07.7964 30.06.2024 OC Kakinada SSC P.R.Divn., Jr.Asst 24.02.-1983 01.05.1998 08.05.1998 Pt-72/85 Promoted to the post Kakinada E.G.Dt., Plt-s/84 of EO., (PR & RD.) 7 P.KANAKA DURGA, 01_11.1955 31.10.2013 OC Kakinada BA T.W, R.Asst ZPP, 20.-17.7979 01.05.1998 0s.08.1998 P1-5l85 Relired on 31.10.13 Kakinada E.G.Dt., HR. E&T Typist 01.10.1983 Prr-5/85 PANEL - 1998-99 6 M.V.MADHAVARAO, 08.08.1955 31.08.2013 OC Kothapeta, BAT/W R.Asst '16.04.1981 P.R.S.D., 10.04.7999 77.O4."1999 Pr-11l88 Retired on 31.08.2013 Kothapeta Kapu E,G.Dt., E&T HI Typist 05.10.1983 Prr-11/88 K.A.L.SATYAVATHI, 09.02.1960 '28.02.2020 BCB Kakinada BA Typist 23.08.i ZPP, Kakinada 983 1,0.M.-199 77.04.7999 Pl-71/9^1 promoted to the post Settibalij E.C.Dt., T/W E&T I Pl-17 /97 of Superintendent L.V. PRASAD, 25.05.1958 SC.C Kotikesavaram Inter 18.02.1985 g P.R.Division, Amalapuram Jr.Asst 70.04.7999 27.04.1999 P1-5 / 88 Promoted to the post 31.05.2018 Mala Korukonda (M), E.G.Dt., Pfi-^L1/87 of EO., (PR & RD.) PANEL - 1999-2000 77 D.RAVIKUMAR, 01.08.19s3 31.07.20-t7 SC.C Amalapuram SSC Jr.Asst 30.03.1979 12.10.-1999 71.1'1.1999 Retired on 31,07,2011 P.R.S.D, Kathipudi Mala 12 J.DAVID RA]U, 10.04.1961 30.0,1.2021 BCC Chodavaram Inter "t2.70.^t99 '15.7"1.1999 Jr.Asst 18.02.1985 Pr-12/91 promoted to the post ZPP, Kakinada Christian Ramachandrapuram, Ptr--l/9L of Superintendent E.C.Dt. 73 S.V.CHALAM, 20.08.7964 31.08.2024 o.c., U.Kothapalli, Inter 18.12.1985 MPP, Jr.Asst 72.1,0.7999 79.11.1999 P1-6/88 promoted to the post Prathipadu E.G,Dt., P|-12/97 of Superintendent of Date of Remarks Date of the APPointment f)ate of Date Date of Caste/ Native Place/ Mandal Educatio- SNo Name of the Employee, Date of Birth Appointment Regularisation Passing of District nal Quali- in the lower Post and Place Retirement Sub- AccounL lest lnstitution/ of the l,ower Post to Present in the present Caste fications Name Post post_ 11 12 7 I 9 5 6 to the 1 2 3 I 12.10.199g 11 .1-1.-1999 Pr-6/87, promoted Post Konluduru, B.Com., Jr.Asst 18.02.1985 1.1 K.NARENDRA REDDY, 24.07 .1967 o.c., Prr-12l8s of Superintendent Biccavolu (M), E.G.Dt., ZPP, IGkinada 37.07.2027 Reddy on 28.02.2013 12.-t0.1999 11.'.l-[.1999 PI-l1/88 Retired Analapuram lnter Jr.Asst 20.02.1985 15 V.V.SUBBA RAO, 09.02.1955 BC B, P\-7 /97 28.02.2013 Settibafii '12.12.'t999 to the MPP, A urarn 12.10;1999 Pt-71/87 Promoted Post MA Jr.Asst. 20.02.1985 "t6 V.BABIIRAJU, 25.09.\965 SC.C, Antervadipalem Pll-1u88 of EO., (PR & RD.) Sakhinetipalli, E.C.Dt., P.R.S.Division, Razole 30.09.2025 Mala Pt-6 promoted to the Post 20.02.7985 12.-10.-1999 75.'.|1.-1999 /86 -t2.05.1960 BC B, Karapa, Ainavilli Inter Jr.Asst 1,7 K-RAMAKRISHNA RAO, P\-6/86 of Su tendent 31.05.2020 Settibalii E.G.Dt., MPB Mamidikudur u 03.-12.-1999 Pt-z/89 promoted to the Post Inter .lr.Asst 20.02.7985 12.10.1999 18 A.APPALACHARI, 14.08..1964 31.08.2024 BC, Jagapathinagaram, Prr-s/e9 of Superintendent V.Brahmi Kirlampudi, E.G.Dt., MPP, Biccavolu to the 12.10.-lED 19.11.1999 Pr-11/88 promoted PoFt Peddapuram, Inter Jr.Asst 20.02.1985 19 V.SRINIVAS, 14.06.1967 30.06.2027 B.C.-A, Prr-11/88 of Superintendent Raiaka E.G.Dt., ZPP, Kakinada promoted to the Post 20.02.-t985 12.70.^199 71 .11.1999 Pt-1^r/87 Bedhilanka, Ramachan B.Com., Jr.Asst 20 M.APPALASWAMY NAIDU, 29.09.^1961 BC B, PIJ-6/86 of Superintendent Settibalij drapuram, E.G.Dt., P.R.S.D.No.3, Kakinada 30.09.2021 promoted to the Post 20.02.1985 '12.10 .-1999 27.11 ;1999 Pr-5l85 CJc, Rajahmundry, Inter Jr.Asst 21 D.N.RATHNA KUMARI, 01.06.1963 Plr-11/85 _ of 5u 31.05.2023 Brahmin E.G.Dt.
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