A Complete Bibliography of Publications in the Journal of Mathematical Physics: 2015{2019 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 27 March 2021 Version 1.30 Title word cross-reference (0; ) [1593]. (1 + 1) [1439, 1347]. (1 n d) [1077]. (2 + 1) 1 ≤ 0 ≤(1) (1) [9, 63, 967, 1249]. (4 + 1) [1635]. (A1 + A1) [376]. (A2 + A1) [376]. (p; q) [1417]. 1 [1814, 461, 1916, 1940, 1173, 103, 2118, 1481, 1682, 1455, 2048, 221, 942, 1336, 252, 806, 763, 1976]. 1 + 1 [166]. 1=2 [1699]. 16 [1033]. 2 [29, 1113, 1652, 761, 508, 1188, 1537, 1682, 1770, 1909, 2095, 725, 1068, 576, 2112, 1800, 1647, 1972, 1650]. 2 + 1 [1543, 1712]. 2k + 1 [783]. 2N [1140]. 2 2 [466]. 3 [551, 1300, 993, 1916, 1103, 994, 1919, 227, 577, 836, 900, 1125, 2203,× 1908, 1188, 347, 2179, 995, 1203, 1687, 1005, 70, 377, 787, 2082, 1656, 1961, 1930, 786, 1627, 351, 758]. 3 + 1 [590]. 33 [836]. 4 [2160, 1097, 1304, 658, 661]. 5 [1136, 1356, 1519, 2215]. 6 [1483]. [N] [N] [1564, 1476]. N [884, 460, 341]. N−1 ⊗ [113]. 1 [2055, 2120]. 2 [2077, 2190, 2155, 1994]. 3 [1687]. n [2053]. q [1981]. A [1295]. A2 [27]. AdS5 [626]. α [751, 368]. α z [87]. B [501]. B( ) (j) − 1 [1251]. B(λ) [1251]. B = j2ZMd (C) [229]. B2 [946]. Bn;l= 4 [1600]. ⊗ ∗ k (1) U¯q(sl2) [1210]. β [248, 1313]. C [564, 158]. C [1516]. C2 [194, 152]. Cn 2 N−1 [808]. = 2 [1314]. 5 [1687]. CP [553]. CP [553]. D N W 1 2 [420, 438, 772, 2021, 1731, 1077, 291, 1383, 848]. D(2; 1; α) [647]. d = 3 [406]. x¨ + f(x)_x2 + g(x) = 0 [2247, 2246, 570, 13, 19]. δ [1362, 282, 1179, 512]. 3=2 D 4 [1423]. H_ [542]. E [1277]. e6;−14 [1723]. e6;−26 [850]. E8 ≤ 2 [1197, 1048, 1350]. ` (Z) [1963]. f [1749, 1736, 1737, 1847]. F (4) [1376]. G2 (1) [946]. G2 [28]. Γ [2189, 1410]. GL(2;Fq) [576]. gl(m n) [195]. gl(N) [1925]. 2 1 s ^j ^ ^ gl2 [1896]. H(3) [1883]. H S [1355]. H [1501]. C [1690]. P [1690]. T [1690]. I [1924]. K [2110, 1786,× 1850, 668, 1089, 654]. κ [897]. kx−2 + !2x2 2 2 p [1593]. l [933, 830]. L [1028, 1590, 307]. L (R) [1639]. L [1215, 498]. L1 4 n [1821]. Lp [2107]. Λ [1305]. λϕ [1445]. LR [1531]. m [840]. m(r)=1=(1 + r4) [1682]. H3 [997]. S [280]. S3 [997]. Z(d) [280]. Z=pZ [2218]. [2190]. N [rtimes] ( ; R)C [2106]. µ [67, 1497]. N [1075, 731, 890, 1313, O h sp 2N 2128, 265, 2076, 530, 895, 1050, 1531, 1018, 630, 118, 135, 1394, 1754]. n +1 [1077]. n + 2 [630]. N =(4; 4) [622]. N = 2 [978]. N =2l [102]. N 2 [1024]. N 3 [2239]. O(1) [211]. O(3) [752, 1126]. O(N)3 [2064]. osp(n 2)≥ [1725]. p ≤ j [431, 1794, 559, 149, 1191, 305, 2198, 2183, 714]. p(x) [1288]. PIV [1391]. Pn 4 [1710]. PV [1391]. PVI [1281]. PGL(2;Fq) [576]. Φ [1218, 1920, 155]. Φ2 [247]. π [442]. PZ2n [739]. Q [1157, 107, 1327, 1850, 1021, 768, 614, 1966, 294, 1901, 213]. Q(N) [1297]. q = 1 [294]. R [73, 309, 505, 462, 53, 332, 651, 671, 1696, 118, 935]. R(p; q) [1894]. R2 [512]. R3 [910, 1879, 1285, 1632, 1179]. R6 [1316]. RN 3 [742, 266, 148, 149, 1591]. R1 [1895]. r 1 [328]. rmsl2 [716]. S 2 ≥n [550, 563, 1756, 915, 1175]. S [1898]. S [108]. σ [461]. σk [1618]. sl(2) [811]. sl(2;R) [1092, 151]. SL(3; C) [1551]. sl(3;R) [708]. slN [2103]. so(3; 2) [912]. 1j2 so(3; R) [433]. so(3;R) [1092]. SO(N) [92]. Sp(1) [1208]. sp(4) [1355]. SPq [1011]. spl(2; 1) [1349]. SU(1; 1) [1605, 1770, 1849]. SU(2) [1232, 1688, 1605, 1674]. SU(3) [1291]. SU(N)P [500, 438, 531, 532]. SU(p; q) [1469]. su(r + 1) [1089]. SU2(C) [1769, 1764]. s ps + µ [382]. T [446]. τ j j 2 [2206, 1702, 1813]. [1900, 2146]. U(1) [391, 1266]. U(1) [593]. Uq(sl2) (1) × [1031]. Uq(G2 ) [2191]. Uq(osp(1 2n)) [1138]. (MjN) (MjN) (MjNj) c d Uq(sl )Uq(sl )Uq(sl ) [1722]. Uq(gl2) [716]. Uq( 2) [2052]. 4 sl Uqsl(2 1) [506]. Ur;s(osp(1 2n)) [505]. V [1695, 1700]. ' [49]. W j j d [2007, 647, 1297, 30, 502]. W1 [650]. WN [1418]. 2 [2081]. X [1540, 1068]. 2 sl Y (R)F [592]. Z [1068]. Z2 [511]. Z2 Z2 [1314]. × * [158]. *-derivations [158]. -adic [559]. -algebra [1754, 1297]. -algebras [158, 2189, 647, 30, 502]. -arm [1481]. -associated [2035]. -belts [2203]. -body [1519, 900, 995, 135, 1394, 1075, 731]. -brane [2198]. -Camassa [1497]. -categorical [29]. -categories [446]. -class [1501]. -coherent [811]. -completions [564]. -conformal [830, 102]. -corrections [368]. -coupled [840]. -d [1814, 761, 227, 1940, 1173, 103, 2095, 942, 1976, 351]. -deformed 3 [768, 1966, 1157, 1894]. -designs [1068]. -diagonal [1068]. -dimensional [993, 994, 1919, 1304, 2021, 63, 1731, 9, 967, 1077, 291, 576, 2082, 1383, 1930, 1635, 848, 1249, 661, 772]. -discretization [1277]. -divergences [1736, 1737, 1847]. -embedding [1516]. -ensembles [1313]. -entropies [1218]. -exact-solvability [2021, 108, 1383]. -expansion [563, 1175]. -fold [1033, 2128]. -forms [668, 1188]. -function [248, 2206]. -functions [1702, 1813, 438, 1410]. -Gaussians [107]. -imaginary [155]. -interaction [1362]. -interactions [512]. -invariant [593, 391, 2064]. -Kepler [1208, 211]. -Kirchhoff [1288, 1794]. -Laplacian [1798, 1417, 149, 1191, 305, 2183, 714]. -lattice [1688]. -level [1089, 118]. -local [508]. -matrices [1696, 118, 935, 671]. -matrix [73, 309, 505, 462, 332, 651, 915]. -models [461]. -modules [1725, 811]. -norm [1028]. -orthogonal [294]. -plane [1749]. -point [577, 1540]. -polynomials [1850]. -preserving [1924]. -pseudo-bosons [420]. -qubit [658]. -Racah [1901]. -R´enyi [87]. -shell [1179]. -Sobolev [1920]. -spaces [2107]. -spacetime [897]. -spectral [1327]. -spectrum [550, 1215, 1756]. -sphere [551]. -stability [307]. -state [836]. -statistical [213]. -statistics [1021]. -step [654]. -super [933]. -supercritical [1590]. -supermanifolds [739]. -symmetries [2007]. -symplectic [1050, 1531]. -theory [1786, 1850, 2110]. -tori [1097]. -twistor [1018]. -vertex [836]. -Virasoro [614]. -wave [431]. -Yamabe [1618]. 1/2 [2073]. 2018 [2238]. 3d [1811]. 48 [804, 428]. 49 [119,4,8]. 50 [1321]. 51 [63, 571]. 52 [427]. 53 [603]. 54 [1643, 426, 908, 2247, 879, 604, 2246, 1282, 570, 19]. 55 [145, 570, 301]. 56 [302, 1322, 805, 1093, 1870, 339]. 57 [878, 465, 980, 1162, 940, 641, 1966, 1412, 605]. 58 [1123, 1352, 1283, 2243, 1871]. 59 [1967, 1904, 1642, 1906, 1492, 1764, 1822, 1763, 2011]. 60 [2244, 1905, 2245]. = [170, 1789]. ABCD [435]. Abel [429]. abelian [1128, 1361, 1513, 382, 390, 2149, 1550, 1294, 525, 1266, 1570]. Ablowitz [2206, 52, 801, 1753, 1641]. Abraham [831, 595]. Absence [94, 2080, 512]. absolutely [94, 600, 980]. absorbing [2233]. absorption [387]. AC [1159]. 4 acceleration [174, 700, 447]. acceleration-dependent [700]. according [1546]. account [79]. Accumulation [987, 620]. Achieving [688]. acknowledgment [1872]. acoustic [1619]. across [990, 1889]. acting [1509]. action [1862, 268, 3, 562, 577, 1760, 1307, 2129, 1321, 1440, 4, 1076, 41, 1851]. action-angle [2129]. action-dependent [1440]. Actions [716, 1786, 1850, 413, 664, 666, 2074]. activation [2028]. adapted [490]. added [276, 1611]. Addendum [1322]. Addition [2019, 287]. additive [508, 1156, 1809, 408, 2197]. additivity [1760]. Adiabatic [722, 453, 2164, 1943]. adic [559]. Adjoint [678, 2123, 11, 1643, 870, 1841, 1260, 796, 2128]. adjointness [1038, 510, 380]. ADM [392]. admit [1306]. AdS [896, 965, 1687, 2155, 1994]. advantage [2061]. advection [303]. adversarial [2028]. affine [1327, 2055, 28, 655, 210, 1197, 527, 809, 1858, 1447, 2067, 808, 1048, 30, 502, 678]. affine-Virasoro [2055]. affinizations [1658]. AG [2077]. against [1672]. aggregate [1003]. AGT [1136, 951]. Aharonov [23, 1254]. AKNS [1710]. algebra [2101, 167, 933, 1866, 563, 1136, 2103, 1529, 949, 1836, 328, 329, 851, 2055, 577, 2049, 194, 1004, 1863, 2248, 1771, 152, 28, 1789, 702, 816, 1894, 1659, 236, 1133, 2158, 716, 1883, 2104, 614, 2106, 1962, 1297, 151, 32, 463, 887, 1689, 1754, 1030, 848, 1938, 674, 650, 2239, 564]. algebra-valued [463]. Algebraic [683, 2240, 2241, 1636, 335, 2172, 507, 1111, 1330, 1842, 1984, 857, 319, 2224, 619, 1601, 275, 115, 1851]. algebras [122, 1314, 1900, 1867, 1543, 73, 309, 677, 478, 394, 1559, 1366, 1582, 889, 1802, 1327, 852, 708, 1444, 646, 1583, 473, 1089, 462, 1696, 439, 762, 1542, 1541, 1882, 210, 26, 1736, 1737, 1847, 1251, 1504, 2120, 809, 112, 652, 158, 1803, 269, 895, 1110, 1741, 1470, 1299, 1662, 633, 2189, 1060, 849, 1887, 25, 649, 2067, 355, 647, 808, 1914, 1418, 30, 502, 137, 1135, 270, 1030, 421, 155, 446, 310, 153, 847, 2027]. algebro [178]. algebro-geometric [178]. Algebroid [1812]. algebroids [368, 1008]. algorithm [878, 799, 2203, 218, 1252, 1640, 1489, 554]. Algorithmic [1041, 1042]. Algorithms [438, 1922]. Alice [1690]. aligned [676, 1301]. All-order [925, 591]. Almost [1220, 1510, 1354, 827, 1528, 2241, 1221, 2114, 2200, 1501, 1634]. almost-commutative [2241, 1221]. almost-symmetries [2114]. alone [396]. along [448]. alternating [2052]. ambient [1620]. ambiguity [34]. Amp`ere [1119]. amplifier [2194, 682]. amplitude [1594, 966]. Analog [436, 1080]. analogs [2103]. analogue [357, 1226]. Analysis [1389, 724, 1765, 743, 182, 1172, 1452, 2040, 1626, 535, 759, 740, 1310, 2031, 258, 838, 700, 2130, 604, 1044, 1282, 874, 1495, 12, 1283, 1685, 163, 1527, 977, 1174, 1236, 872, 843, 1053, 1176, 2170, 15, 605, 1249].
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