GUIDEBOOK TO THE MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE “GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY” INTERNATIONAL MASTER BILLING REVISED 6/13/14 • Changed “A.C.E.” to “ACE” after Film Editors’ credits on third line MARVEL STUDIOS PRESENTS A JAMES GUNN FILM “GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY” CHRIS PRATT ZOE SALDANA DAVE BAUTISTA FEATURING VIN DIESEL AS GROOT BRADLEY COOPER AS ROCKET LEE PACE MICHAEL ROOKER KAREN GILLAN DJIMON HOUNSOU CASTING MUSIC MUSIC HEAD OF VISUAL CO-HEAD OF VISUAL VISUAL EFFECTS COSTUME WITH JOHN C. REILLY WITH GLENN CLOSE AS NOVA PRIME AND BENICIO DEL TORO AS THE COLLECTOR BYSARAH HALLEY FINN, C.S.A. SUPERVISORDAVE JORDAN BYTYLER BATES DEVELOPMENTCHARLIE WEN DEVELOPMENTRYAN MEINERDING SUPERVISORSTEPHANE CERETTI DESIGNERALEXANDRA BYRNE EDITED PRODUCTION DIRECTOR OF CO- EXECUTIVE EXECUTIVE EXECUTIVE EXECUTIVE BYFRED RASKIN CRAIG WOOD, ACE HUGHES WINBORNE, ACE DESIGNCHARLES WOOD PHOTOGRAPHY BEN DAVIS, BSC PRODUCERSDAVID J. GRANT JONATHAN SCHWARTZ PRODUCERSNIK KORDA STAN LEE PRODUCERSVICTORIA ALONSO JEREMY LATCHAM PRODUCERALAN FINE PRODUCERLOUIS D’ESPOSITO Soundtrack available on MARVEL MUSIC / HOLLYWOOD RECORDS PRODUCED WRITTEN DIRECTED BY p.g.a. BY AND BY ® KEVIN FEIGE, JAMES GUNN NICOLE PERLMAN JAMES GUNN © 2014 MARVEL www.marvel.com IMAX is a registered trademark of IMAX Corporation. Collecting information from Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Infi nite Comic #1 (2014), and Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude #1-2 (2014). HEAD WRITER/COORDINATOR: MIKE O’SULLIVAN COORDINATION: DARON JENSEN WRITERS: ROB BOCK, ANTHONY COTILLETTA, PAT DUKE, MIKE FICHERA, DARON JENSEN, ROB LONDON, CHRIS McCARVER, JACOB ROUGEMONT, AND STUART VANDAL ARTISTS: WELLINTON ALVES, SIMONE BIANCHI, NICK BRADSHAW, SAL BUSCEMA, JOHN BYRNE, ROBERTO FERNANDEZ CASTRO, PAUL CATLING, JIM CHEUNG, GENE COLAN, GABRIELE DELL’OTTOIN, STEVE DITKOPROGRESS, ANDREA DIVITO, JACK DUDMAN, ANTHONY FRANCISCO, JAVIER GARRÓN, ADI GRANOV, BOB HALL, SCOTT HEPBURN, DAVE JOHNSON, GIL KANE, JACK KIRBY, NIC KLEIN, JOSÉ LADRÖNN, BOB LARKIN, AARON LOPRESTI, JORGE LUCAS, CHRIS MARRINAN, FRANCESCO MATTINA, MIKE MAYHEW, STEVE MCNIVEN, GRAY MORROW, RUDY NEBRES, ARIEL OLIVETTI, PAUL PELLETIER, GEORGE PÉREZ, KEITH POLLARD, OLIVIER PRON, JOE QUINONES, HUMBERTO RAMOS, VALERIO SCHITI, JIM STARLIN, GUS VAZQUEZ, AND PATRICK ZIRCHER COVER ARTIST: MIKE DEL MUNDO BACK COVER ARTIST: CHARLIE WEN BOOK DESIGN: JAY BOWEN EDITOR: SARAH BRUNSTAD EDITOR IN CHIEF: AXEL ALONSO VP, PRODUCTION & SPECIAL PROJECTS: JEFF YOUNGQUIST CHIEF CREATIVE OFFICER: JOE QUESADA MANAGER, SPECIAL PROJECTS: BRIAN OVERTON PUBLISHER: DAN BUCKLEY ASSOCIATE MANAGING EDITOR: ALEX STARBUCK EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: ALAN FINE EDITOR, SPECIAL PROJECTS: MARK D. BEAZLEY FOR MARVEL STUDIOS SENIOR EDITOR, SPECIAL PROJECTS: JENNIFER GRÜNWALD SVP PRINT, SALES & MARKETING: DAVID GABRIEL CREATIVE DIRECTOR, RESEARCH: WILL CORONA PILGRIM VP PRODUCTION & DEVELOPMENT: BRAD WINDERBAUM PRESIDENT: KEVIN FEIGE SPECIAL THANKS TO DAVE ALTHOFF, SHAWN “KEEBLER” BYERS, JEFF CHRISTIANSEN, STEVE COTTON, MATT DELMANOWSKI, ERIKA DENTON, TIM DILLON, HUNTER HARRINGTON, PERCIVAL LANUZA, AVIA PEREZ, JACQUE PORTE, AND RYAN POTTER GUIDEBOOK TO THE MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE — MARVEL’S GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, September 2016. Published Monthly by MARVEL WORLDWIDE, INC., a subsidiary of MARVEL ENTERTAINMENT, LLC. OFFICE OF PUBLICATION: 135 West 50th Street, New York, NY 10020. © 2016 MARVEL No similarity between any of the names, characters, persons, and/or institutions in this magazine with those of any living or dead person or institution is intended, and any such similarity which may exist is purely coincidental. $3.99 per copy in the U.S. (GST #R127032852) in the direct market; Canadian Agreement #40668537. Printed in the USA. ALAN FINE, President, Marvel Entertainment; DAN BUCKLEY, President, TV, Publishing & Brand Management; JOE QUESADA, Chief Creative Offi cer; TOM BREVOORT, SVP of Publishing; DAVID BOGART, SVP of Business Affairs & Operations, Publishing & Partnership; C.B. CEBULSKI, VP of Brand Management & Development, Asia; DAVID GABRIEL, SVP of Sales & Marketing, Publishing; JEFF YOUNGQUIST, VP of Production & Special Projects; DAN CARR, Executive Director of Publishing Technology; ALEX MORALES, Director of Publishing Operations; SUSAN CRESPI, Production Manager; STAN LEE, Chairman Emeritus. For information regarding advertising in Marvel Comics or on Marvel.com, please contact Vit DeBellis, Integrated Sales Manager, at [email protected]. For Marvel subscription inquiries, please call 888-511-5480. Manufactured between 07/01/2016 and 07/11/2016 by FRY COMMUNICATIONS, MECHANICSBURG, PA, USA. IN THE COMICS GUIDEBOOK TO THE MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE TANELEER TIVAN, AN ELDER OF the Universe known as the Collector, began gathering diverse objects and beings to repopulate the universe in case of genocide, COLLECTOR’S but became obsessed with collecting rarities and grew increasingly ruthless in this pursuit. The collection’s massive size required storage COLLECTION across several worlds and spacecraft . FIRST APPEARANCE: Thor: The Dark World (2013) FIRST APPEARANCE: AVENGERS #28 1966 eep within the mining Asgardians Sif and Volstagg de- colony of Knowhere, an livered the Aether, one of the extraordinary museum massively powerful Infinity houses the galaxy’s most Stones in fl uid form, to Tivan for Dunique artifacts, objects, plants, safekeeping aft er it was recov- IN PROGRESS animals, and creatures. This gath- ered from the Dark Elf Malekith ering’s curator, the enigmatic Ta- and deemed too dangerous to neleer Tivan, known as the Col- keep in the royal vault alongside lector, was assisted by his the Tesseract, another Stone. attendant slave, Carina. The col- Tivan later hired Gamora to lection included many captured obtain the Orb containing sentient beings, such as a Dark another Infi nity Stone. When Elf, a cosmic cocoon, a Chitauri Gamora and her new allies de- soldier, a cosmonaut dog named livered it, Tivan took particular Cosmo, and Howard, a humanoid interest in the tree-like humanoid CHITAURI duck. Carina’s predecessor was Groot, off ering payment for his also bound and imprisoned as part carcass upon his eventual death. of the collection for failing Tivan Explaining the origin of the In- in unknown circumstances. fi nity Stones, Tivan exposed the FACT SHEET Infi nity Stone within the Orb. When Carina, desiring freedom UPON RECEIVING THE AETHER, THE from servitude, grabbed the COLLECTOR MUTTERED UNDER HIS BREATH, “ONE DOWN, FIVE TO GO.” Stone, its power consumed her and explosively destroyed much of the Collection. DARK ELF COSMIC COCOON After Ronan purloined the Orb DRAX and Quill and Gamora were cap- FIRST APPEARANCE: tured by the Ravagers, a pirate Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) crew Quill had previously be- trayed, Groot and the repentant rax was a humanoid soldiers—to the Collector, Drax convinced a reluctant warrior seeking ven- unaware the Orb contained a Rocket to help rescue Quill and geance for the murder vastly powerful Infinity Stone. Gamora. Confronting the Ravag- of his wife Ovette and While awaiting the Collector’s ers, the trio threatened to destroy Ddaughter Camaria by Kree warlord representative, they enjoyed brief the pirates’ ship with Rocket’s Ronan the Accuser. After claiming revelry at a nearby bar until Drax Hadron Enforcer weapon, but many lives in his quest, Drax, inadvertently insulted Rocket. stood down upon learning Quill a.k.a. “the Destroyer,” was impris- Though Quill defused hostilities, and Gamora had struck a deal, oned in the Kyln penal facility. an infuriated and inebriated Drax promising the Ravagers the Stone Upon learning that the assassin in exchange for help stopping Gamora, a former associate of Ronan from destroying the Ronan’s, had also been incarcer- planet Xandar. ated, Drax planned to kill her until Drax united inmate Peter Quill convinced him with his allies to Boarding Ronan’s ship, the Dark to spare her since she could ulti- Aster, Drax, Groot, Gamora, and mately lead him to Ronan. When share the Stone’s Quill fought Ronan’s minions, Gamora and Quill escaped along- power and turn it including his lieutenant, Korath, side mercenaries Rocket and Groot against Ronan. whom Drax personally slew. and fled to Quill’s ship the Upon confronting Ronan, Drax Milano, Drax joined their part- was again overpowered but was nership, but only in hopes of saved by Rocket, who flew into using Gamora to find Ronan. left their company and impulsive- Ronan with a Ravager ship. The ly transmitted a challenge to damaged Dark Aster crashed on The five traveled to the mining Ronan, revealing their location. Xandar, but Groot saved Drax outpost Knowhere to sell an Upon arriving, Ronan easily de- and the others by forming a pro- Orb—stolen by Quill and sought feated Drax and left him to tective nest around them, appar- by Ronan and his Sakaaran drown, but Groot saved Drax’ life. ently sacrificing his own life. GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY | 2 | GUIDEBOOK TO THE MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE IN THE COMICS REAL ESTATE AGENT ARTHUR Douglas and his family were attacked by Titan warlord Thanos when they inadvertently witnessed his landing on Earth. Though Douglas and his wife were killed, Mentor, an elder Eternal and Thanos’ father, transferred Douglas’ consciousness to an artifi cial body, remaking him into Drax the Destroyer, a super-strong behemoth with no memory of his past and an insatiable desire to kill Thanos. Drax subsequently regained his memories, and eventually joined the Guardians of the Galaxy on their
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