175 Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 75 (2): 175-187 (2018) Toward a multidisciplinary chronostratigraphic calibration of the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition in the Neuquén Basin Diego A. KIETZMANN1, María Paula IGLESIA LLANOS1, Daría K. IVANOVA2, Melisa KOHAN MARTÍNEZ1, and Magalí A. STURLESI1 1Instituto de Geociencias Básicas, Ambientales y Aplicadas, Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Uni- versidad de Buenos Aires - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Buenos Aires Email: [email protected]; mpigle- [email protected]; [email protected] [email protected] 2Department of Paleontology, Stratigraphy and Sedimentology, Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria. Email: dariaiv@ geology.bas.bg ABSTRACT Detailed systematic studies have been carried out in the Vaca Muerta Formation in order to achieve an integrated multidisciplinary calibration of the Jurassic/Cretaceous transition in the Neuquén Basin. Although this unit has a very well-established ammonite biostratigraphy, the temporal distribution of biozones is yet a matter of hot debate. In this contribution we present the results of a well constrained integrated data from the Arroyo Loncoche section (southern Mendoza), where comprehensive cyclostratigraphic, paleomagnetic and biostratigraphic sampling/data allowed us to elaborate a very strong chronostratigraphic scheme for the Titho- nian-Berriasian interval. The proposed stratigraphic calibration of the Tithonian-Berriasian Andean succession brings foward two key points: 1) The base of the Vaca Muerta Formation shows a polarities pattern which would only be compatible to the uppermost part of Hybonotum Zone (lowermost Lower Tithonian). 2) The position of the Jurassic - Cretaceous boundary is located within the lower third of the S. koeneni Zone. Keywords: Vaca Muerta Formation, Tithonian, Berriasian, chronostratigraphy RESUMEN Calibración estratigráfica multidisciplinaria de la transición Jurásico-Cretácico en la Cuenca Neuquina Se realizaron estudios sistemáticos de detalle en la Formación Vaca Muerta con el fin de lograr una calibración multidisciplinaria integrada de la transición jurásico/cretácica en la Cuenca Neuquina. Aunque esta unidad se caracteriza por presentar una bioestra- tigrafía basada en amonites, la distribución temporal de las biozonas es todavía un tema de importante debate. En esta contribución se presentan los resultados integrados de la sección Arroyo Loncoche (sur de Mendoza), en donde exhaustivos estudios cicloestra- tigráficos, paleomagnéticos y bioestratigráficos han permitido elaborar un robusto esquema de correlación cronoestratigráfico para el intervalo Tithoniano-Berriasiano. La calibración estratigráfica propuesta para la sucesión tithoniano-berriasiana andina presenta dos puntos clave: 1) La base de la Formación Vaca Muerta muestra un patrón de polaridades que solo sería compatible con la parte superior de la Zona de Hybonotum (Tithoniano Inferior bajo). 2) La posición del límite Jurásico - Cretáceo está ubicada dentro del tercio inferior de la Zona de S. koeneni. Palabras clave: Formación Vaca Muerta, Tithoniano, Berriasiano, cronoestratigrafía INTRODUCTION marlstones, and limestones deposited as important oil and gas resources, as well result of a rapid and widespread Paleo-Pa- as its abundant fossil content and tempo- The Vaca Muerta Formation is a thick rhyth- cific Early Tithonian marine transgression ral continuity along several hundred me- mic alternation of dark bituminous shales, in the Neuquén Basin. It is famous for its ters of section that comprise the Jurassic/ Jurassic-Cretaceous transition in the Neuquén Basin 176 Cretaceous boundary (Leanza and Hugo proximately equivalent to the base of the biagi et al. 2008). 2) Thermal subsidence 1977, Legarreta and Uliana 1991, Uliana Calpionella Zone and correlated with the with local tectonic events established in the y Legarreta 1993, Desjardins et al. 2016). upper part of M19n.2n Subchron. 3) The Early Jurassic - Late Cretaceous was char- Jurassic-Cretaceous Andean biostratigra- last definition corresponds to the base of acterized by regional deposition of ma- phy is well defined by ammonites (Leanza the Occitanica ammonite Zone, correlat- rine sequences, included in the Mendoza and Hugo 1977, Riccardi 2008, 2015) and ed with the middle part of the Calpionella Group. The Vaca Muerta Formation (Early to a lesser extent, by microfossils (Ballent Zone and the lower part of M17r Subchron Tithonian - Early Valanginian) represents et al. 2011). Andean ammonite zones are (Hoedemaeker 1990). Recently, the Berri- the most distal deposits (e.g., Legarreta essentially based on the works of Lean- asian Working Group of the International and Uliana 1991). 3) A compressive defor- za (1945) and Leanza (1980), with minor Commission on Stratigraphy has defined mation regime was established during the modifications. Such zones have high bio- the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary at the Late Cretaceous, and continued through- stratigraphic resolution, even though their base of the Calpionella Zone in the middle out the Cenozoic, although alternating with autochthony prevents a straightforward part of M19n.2n Subchron (e.g. Ogg et al. extensional events (Ramos and Folguera correlation with the Tethys and prompts 2016, Wimbledon 2017). 2005, Ramos 2010). This Andean defor- the occurrence of different correlation In addition to this global problem, absolute mation resulted in the development of a schemes between Andean and Tethyan ages coming from the Neuquén Basin are series of N-S-oriented fold and thrust belts ammonite Zones (e.g. Leanza 1980, 1996, non-consistent with those of the geologi- (Aconcagua, Malargüe and Agrio fold and Riccardi 2008, 2015, Vennari et al. 2014). cal time scales (Ogg and Hinnov 2012, thrust belts) where extensive outcrops of The study of microfossils has advanced Ogg et al. 2016). A TIMS age of ~139.5 the Mesozoic successions are exposed. considerably since the first synthesis Ma for the middle part of the Argentinic- In the southern Mendoza area of the works of Musacchio (1978). An extremely eras noduliferum ammonite Zone obtained Neuquén Basin, the Lower Mendoza Sub- detailed work that characterize the Juras- by Vennari et al. (2014) led these authors group (Leanza 2009) consists of aggrada- sic – Cretaceous microfossils from out- to suggest a difference of c. 5 Ma with the tional sequences, with a maximum thick- crops and subsurface sediments is found present geologic time scale, based on ness of 500 m towards the center of the in Ballent et al. (2011). Particularly, the oceanic basalts dating. basin (Legarreta and Gulisano 1989). It studies of calcareous nannofossils (Bown The aim of this work is to combine different includes continental deposits of the Tordil- and Ellison 1995, Scasso and Concheyro methods in order to improve the reliability lo Formation (Kimmeridgian-Early Titho- 1999, Bown and Concheyro 2004, Lesca- and accuracy of chronocorrelation in the Ti- nian?), basinal to middle carbonate ramp no and Concheyro 2009, 2014, Vennari et thonian–Berriasian of the Neuquén Basin, deposits of the Vaca Muerta Formation al. 2014), as well as other Tethyan calcar- using biostratigraphy (Kietzmann 2017, (Early Tithonian-Early Valanginian) and eous microfossils, such as calpionellids, Ivanova and Kietzmann 2017), cyclostra- middle to inner ramp oyster-deposits of the saccocomid microcrinoids and calcareous tigraphy (Kietzmann et al. 2011b, 2015) Chachao Formation (Early Valanginian), dinoflagellate cysts (Fernández Carmona and magnetostratigraphy (Iglesia Llanos which form a homoclinal carbonate ramp et al. 1996, Fernández Carmona and Ric- et al. 2017). We consider that the only way system (e.g. Carozzi et al. 1981, Mitchum cardi 1998, 1999, Kietzmann and Palma to resolve such discrepancies with abso- and Uliana 1985, Kietzmann et al. 2014). 2009, Kietzmann et al. 2011a, Kietzmann lute ages is in the first place, to build up In this work, a detailed stratigraphic anal- 2017, Ivanova and Kietzmann 2017). a refined chronostratigraphic scheme that ysis of the Arroyo Loncoche section is The remarkable increase of faunal provin- could allow a reliable correlation between presented. This corresponds to a classi- ciality, as well as the uncertainties in the the Andean and Tehyan realms. cal Jurassic-Cretaceous section from the inter-regional correlation constitutes a ma- Neuquén Basin, where the Lower Mendo- jor classic problem for the Tithonian-Ber- za Subgroup includes the Tordillo Forma- riasian across the world (e.g., Ogg and GEOLOGICAL SETTING tion (~150 m), the Vaca Muerta Formation Hinnov 2012). The definition of the base of (~280 m) and the Chachao Formation (~25 the Cretaceous System is still controver- The Neuquén Basin was a retro-arc basin m). The biostratigraphy has also been de- sial. Historically, at least three definitions developed in Mesozoic times along the Pa- rived from complementary outcrops (Tres are considered (Remane 1991, Wimble- cific margin of South America (Fig. 1). Dif- Esquinas in the Atuel depocenter, and Río don 2008, Grabowski 2011, Gradstein et ferent tectonic regimes exerted a first-order Seco de Tosca, and Río Seco del Altar in al. 2012): 1) one is the base of the Grandis control in basin development and sedimen- Sierra de la Cara Cura), as well as subsur- ammonite Zone defined in the Colloque tary evolution (Legarreta and Uliana 1991, face data (Fig. 1). sur la Crétacé
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