Page 1 of 32 REVISED ON 15-5-2018 ELECTION COMMISSION OF PAKISTAN FORM-28 [SEE RULE 50] DRAFT LIST OF POLLING STATIONS FOR A CONSTITUENCY Election to the Provincial Assembly Khyber Pakhtunkhwa No. and Name of Constituency PK-91 Lakki Marwat-I Number of voters assingned to In case of rural areas In case of Urban areas S.No. of voters No. of Polling Booths on the electoral polling S.NO No. and name of Polling Station roll in case electoral area is Census Name of Electoral Census Name of Electoral Area bifurcated Male Female Total Male Female Total Block code Area Block code 1 2 3 4 5 6 78910111213 Govt High School Pahar Khel Pahar Khel Thal 54011301 748 748 1 3 0 3 Thal(M) W/S Pahar Khel Thal 54011302 319 319 Govt High School Pahar Khel Pahar Khel Thal 54011301 543 543 2 0 2 2 Thal(F)E/S Pahar Khel Thal 54011302 247 247 Govt Girls Middle School PAHAR Pahar Khel Thal 54011303 363 125 488 3 2 1 3 Khel THALL© Pahar Khel Thal 54011304 411 316 727 Govt Primary School No.1 Pahar 4 Pahar Khel Thal 54011305 742 611 1353 2 2 4 Khel Thal© Govt Girls Primary School PAHAR 5 Pahar Khel Thal 54011306 862 862 3 0 3 Khel THAL(M)No.1 Govt Girls Primary School PAHAR 6 Pahar Khel Thal 54011306 642 642 0 2 2 Khel THAL(F)No.2 Govt High School Mela Mandra 7 Mandra Khel 54021401 927 927 3 0 3 Khel(M) N/S Govt High School Mela Mandra Mandra Khel 54021402 618 618 8 3 0 3 Khel(M)W/S Mandra Khel 54021404 465 465 Govt High School Mela Mandra 9 Mandra Khel 54021403 679 0 679 3 0 3 Khel(M)E/S Page 2 of 32 Govt Girls Primary School No.1 10 Mandra Khel 54021401 731 731 0 2 2 Mela Mandra Khel (F) Mandra Khel 54021402 344 344 Govt Primary School MELA 11 Mandra Khel 54021403 791 791 0 3 3 MANDRAH Khel NO.1(F) Mandra Khel 54021404 362 362 Abba Khel 54021501 442 442 Govt High SchoolS Abba Khel 12 Abba Khel 54021502 502 502 4 0 4 E/side (M) Abba Khel 54021509 600 600 Abba Khel 54021501 371 371 Govt High SchoolS Abba Khel 13 Abba Khel 54021502 458 458 0 3 3 W/s (F) Abba Khel 54021509 449 449 Govt High School Abba Khel W/s Abba Khel 54021503 123 123 14 3 0 3 (M) Abba Khel 54021510 845 845 Govt High School Abba Khel Abba Khel 54021503 119 119 15 0 2 2 E/s(F) Abba Khel 54021510 649 649 Govt Primary School ABBA Khel Abba Khel 54021507 907 907 16 4 0 4 NO.1(M) W/side Abba Khel 54021514 203 203 Govt Primary School ABBA Khel Abba Khel 54021507 814 814 17 0 3 3 NO.1(F) E/side Abba Khel 54021514 172 172 Govt Primary School Farid Abba Khel 54021504 329 282 611 18 2 2 4 Nawazl Abba Khel © Abba Khel 54021511 385 319 704 Govt Primary School ABBA Khel 19 Abba Khel 54021508 548 446 994 2 2 4 NO.2 © Govt Girls High School Abba Khel Abba Khel 54021505 330 330 20 0 3 3 (F) Abba Khel 54021513 379 379 Govt Primary School SHER ALI Abba Khel 54021506 262 262 21 0 3 3 ABBA Khel (F) Abba Khel 54021512 832 832 Govt Primary School MIRZA ALI Abba Khel 54021505 339 339 22 3 0 3 SHAH ABBA Khel (M) Abba Khel 54021513 593 593 Govt Primary School TAL KHAN Abba Khel 54021506 296 296 23 3 0 3 ABBA Khel (M) Abba Khel 54021512 872 872 Govt Primary School kata Khel 24 Ahmad Khel 54020701 698 665 1363 2 2 4 (C) Page 3 of 32 Govt Primary School Shaikh 25 Ahmad Khel 54020702 612 447 1059 2 2 4 Khula (C) Govt High School Ahmad Khel 26 Ahmad Khel 54020703 949 949 3 0 3 (M)S/s Govt High School Ahmad Khel 27 Ahmad Khel 54020704 1003 1003 3 0 3 (M)N/s Govt Girls Primary School 28 Ahmad Khel 54020703 889 889 0 3 3 Ahmad Khel (F) 29 BHU Ahmad Khel(F) Ahmad Khel 54020704 734 734 0 3 3 Govt Middle School Wanda 30 Maidan wah 54020601 875 875 3 0 3 Kutana (M) Govt Girls Primary School 31 Maidan wah 54020601 715 715 0 3 3 Wanda Kutana(F) Govt Primary School Zarkhan Maidan wah 54020602 628 628 32 4 0 4 Surband (M) Maidan wah 54020603 799 799 Govt Girls Primary School No.2 Maidan wah 54020602 502 502 33 0 3 3 Surband (F) Maidan wah 54020603 740 740 Govt Primary School Shah Hasan Shah Hasan Khel 54020604 454 454 34 3 0 3 Khel No.1 (M) Shah Hasan Khel 54020605 475 475 Govt Primary School SHAH Shah Hasan Khel 54020604 514 514 35 0 3 3 HASSAN Khel NO.2 (F) Shah Hasan Khel 54020605 374 374 Govt High School Begu Khel (M) 36 Begu Khel Tarf Mer dad Khel 54021101 1022 1022 3 0 3 W/s Govt High School Begu Khel (M) 37 Begu Khel Tarf Mer dad Khel 54021102 947 947 3 0 3 E/s Govt Girls High School Begu 38 Begu Khel Tarf Mer dad Khel 54021101 898 898 0 3 3 Khel(F) Govt Primary School BEGU Khel 39 Begu Khel Tarf Mer dad Khel 54021102 796 796 0 3 3 NO.1 (F) Govt Primary School Wanda 40 Dabak Mankra Khel 54010301 275 143 418 1 1 2 Jandar © Dabak Mankra Khel 54010304 335 335 Govt High School Dabak Mandra 41 Dabak Mankra Khel 54010302 321 321 4 0 4 Khel (M) Dabak Mandra Khel 54010303 837 837 Page 4 of 32 Dabak Mankra Khel 54010304 256 256 Govt Primary School DABAK 42 Dabak Mandra Khel 54010302 243 243 0 3 3 MANDRA Khel NO.1 (F) Dabak Mandra Khel 54010303 688 688 Govt Primary School Achu Begu Khel Tarf Achu Khel 54021201 510 510 43 3 0 3 Khel(M) Begu Khel Tarf Achu Khel 54021206 291 291 Govt Girls Primary School Achu Begu Khel Tarf Achu Khel 54021201 498 498 44 0 2 2 Khel(F) Begu Khel Tarf Achu Khel 54021206 210 210 Govt Primary School Wanda Begu Khel Tarf Achu Khel 54021202 672 672 45 4 0 4 Amir(M) Begu Khel Tarf Achu Khel 54021203 577 577 Begu Khel Tarf Achu Khel 54021202 659 659 46 GGCMS Wanda Amir (F) 0 3 3 Begu Khel Tarf Achu Khel 54021203 445 445 Govt Primary School Wanda Wanda Fateh khan 54021204 219 219 47 3 0 3 Rehmana (M) Alam Shah Khel 54021205 666 666 Govt Girls Primary School Wanda Fateh khan 54021204 173 173 48 0 2 2 Wanda Rehmana (F) Alam Shah Khel 54021205 492 492 Chowki Jand Janubi 54010401 384 384 Govt Middle School Kundal 49 Chowki Jand Janubi 54010402 283 283 3 0 3 Chauni (M) Chowki Jand Janubi 54010408 297 297 Chowki Jand Janubi 54010401 271 271 Govt Girls Middle School Chowki 50 Chowki Jand Janubi 54010402 146 146 0 3 3 Jand (F) Chowki Jand Janubi 54010408 335 335 Govt High School Land Ahmad 51 Chowki Jand Janubi 54010403 742 531 1273 2 2 4 Khel © Chowki Jand Janubi 54010404 345 345 Govt Primary School No.1 Land 52 Chowki Jand Janubi 54010405 367 367 4 0 4 Ahmad Khel (M) Chowki Jand Janubi 54010409 336 336 Chowki Jand Janubi 54010404 306 306 Govt Primary School No.2 Land 53 Chowki Jand Janubi 54010405 155 155 0 2 2 Ahmad Khel (F) Chowki Jand Janubi 54010409 250 250 Govt Primary School Jabar Jabar Khel 54010406 444 344 788 54 2 2 4 Khel© Salar Khel 54010407 169 100 269 Govt Primary School Wanda Mahal Panyala 54010501 429 362 791 55 2 2 4 Nezami © Mahal Panyala 54010502 259 201 460 Page 5 of 32 Govt High School Wanda Baru Mahal Panyala 54010503 445 445 56 3 0 3 E/side (M) Mahal Panyala 54010504 461 461 Govt High School Wanda Baru Mahal Panyala 54010503 333 333 57 0 2 2 W/side (F) Mahal Panyala 54010504 394 394 Govt Middle School Wanda 58 Mahal Panyala 54010505 545 403 948 2 1 3 Miralam © Govt Primary School Dara Tang Chowki Jand Janubi AchuKhel 54010506 314 261 575 59 2 1 3 © Chowki Jand Janubi AchuKhel 54010507 204 120 324 Issak Khel 54020901 512 512 Govt Degree College Issak Khel 60 Issak Khel 54020902 423 423 4 0 4 (M) Issak Khel 54020903 493 493 Issak Khel 54020901 453 453 61 Govt High School Issak Khel (F) Issak Khel 54020902 333 333 0 3 3 Issak Khel 54020903 405 405 Daulat Khel 54020801 544 544 Govt Primary School DAULAT Daulat Khel 54020802 209 209 62 4 0 4 Khel NO.1(M) Daulat Khel 54020803 314 314 Daulat Khel 54020804 233 233 Daulat Khel 54020801 435 435 Govt Girls Middle School Daulat Daulat Khel 54020802 161 161 63 0 3 3 Khel (F) Daulat Khel 54020803 247 247 Daulat Khel 54020804 153 153 Govt Primary School Masti Khel Masti Khel 54020805 461 349 810 64 2 2 4 © Masti Khel 54020806 276 241 517 Govt Primary School langer Khel 65 Langer Khel Hindal 54010201 631 501 1132 2 2 4 Hidal © Govt High School Mela Shahab 66 Shahab Khel 54010202 818 818 3 0 3 Khel (M) Govt Primary School Mela 67 Shahab Khel 54010202 743 743 0 2 2 Shahab Khel (F) Dalo Khel 54010101 783 0 783 68 Govt Primary School Kalan (M) 4 0 4 Dalo Khel 54010105 359 359 Page 6 of 32 Govt Girls Primary School Kalan Dalo Khel 54010101 707 707 69 0 3 3 (F) Dalo Khel 54010105 359 359 Govt Primary School Wanda Ihsanpur 54011101 381 274 655 70 2 2 4 Saeed Khel © Ihsanpur 54011102 276 239 515 Govt Primary School Dalo Khel 71 Dalo Khel 54010104 1350 1350 4 0 4 (M) Govt Primary School Sher Zaman 72 Dalo Khel 54010104 1167 1167 0 3 3 Dalo Khel (F) Govt High School Dalo Khel (M) 73 Dalo Khel 54010102 1000 1000 4 0 4 W/s Govt High School Dalo Khel (M) 74 Dalo Khel 54010103 830 830 3 0 3 E/s Govt Girls High School Dalo Dalo Khel 54010102 849 849 75 0 3 3 Khel(F) Dalo Khel 54010103 645 645 Govt Girls Degree College Lakki Mina Khel 54060101 725 725 76 3 0 3 (M) N/Side Nazim Town 54060104 55 55 Govt Girls Degree College Lakki Sher khan Khel 54060102 414 414 77 4 0 4 (M) S/Side Eidga Mashriqi Hesa 54060103 610 610 Govt Girls Degree College Lakki 78 Mina Khel 54060105 723 723 2 0 2 (M) E/Side Govt Centinial Model High Mina Khel 54060101 610 610 79 School No.1 Lakki Marwat(F) Sher khan Khel 54060102 373 373 0 3 3 N/Side Nazim Town 54060104 53 53 Govt Centinial Model High Eidga Mashriqi Hesa 54060103 577 577 80 School No.1 Lakki Marwat(F) 0 3 3 Mina Khel S/Side 54060105 574 574 Govt Post Graduate College 81 Umer Abad Graban 54060201 327 222 549 1 1 2 Lakki© Govt Primary School No.1 82 Haqdad Abad 54060202 645 551 1196 3 0 3 Haqdad Abad Lakki Marwat(M) Govt Primary School No.2 Haqdad Abad 54060207 464 464 83 3 0 3 Haqdad Abad (M) Haqdad Abad 54060208 631 631 Govt Girls Primary School Haqdad Abad 54060207 0 379 379 84 0 3 3 Haqdad Abad Lakki Marwat(F) Haqdad Abad 54060208
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