Planning Committee AGENDA Friday 9 November 2018 10.00am Page 1. To receive apologies for absence and introductions 2. To receive declarations of interest 3. To receive and confirm the minutes of the previous 3 – 13 meeting held on 12 October 2018 (herewith) 4. Points of information arising from the minutes 5. To note whether any items have been proposed as matters of urgent business MATTERS FOR DECISION 6. Chairman’s Announcements and Introduction to Public Speaking Please note that public speaking is in operation in accordance with the Authority’s Code of Conduct for Planning Committee. Those who wish to speak are requested to come up to the public speaking desk at the beginning of the presentation of the relevant application 7. Request to defer applications included in this agenda and/or to vary the order of the Agenda To consider any requests from ward members, officers or applicants to defer an application included in this agenda, or to vary the order in which applications are considered to save unnecessary waiting by members of the public attending 8. To consider applications for planning permission including matters for consideration of enforcement of planning control: • BA/2018/0364/COND - Ice House, The Shoal, Irstead 14 – 24 • BA/2018/0149/FUL Broadlands Marina, Marsh Lane, 25 –31 Oulton Broad - site visit 1 Page • BA/2018/0390/FUL Hippersons Boatyard, Gillingham 32 – 40 Dam, Gillingham 9. Enforcement Update 41 – 45 Report by Head of Planning (included) 10. Waveney Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 46 – 50 Report by Planning Policy Officer (included) 11. Wroxham Neighbourhood Plan – Proceeding to 51 - 52 Publication Report by Head of Planning (covering report included, detailed report to follow) 12. Literature Review: Broads Landscape Sensitivity Study 53 – 61 for Renewables and Infrastructure Report by Planning Policy Officer (included) MATTERS FOR INFORMATION 13. Appeals to the Secretary of State Update 62 – 63 Report by Administrative Officer (included) 14. Decisions made by Officers under Delegated Powers 64 – 67 Report by Head of Planning (included) 15. To note the date of the next meeting – Friday 7 December 2018 at 10.00am at Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich NR1 1RY 2 Broads Authority Planning Committee Minutes of the meeting held on 12 October 2018 Present: In the Chair – Mr Bruce Keith Mr M Barnard Mr P Rice Mr W A Dickson Mr H Thirtle Ms G Harris Mr V Thomson Mrs L Hempsall In Attendance: Mrs S A Beckett – Administrative Officer (Governance) Mr B Hogg – Historic Environment Manager (Minutes 3/12 – 3/13) Ms C Smith – Head of Planning Ms P Smith – Historic Environment Consultant (Minute 3/12) Mrs M-P Tighe – Director of Strategic Services Ms Ruth Sainsbury – Planning Officer (for introductions) Members of the Public in attendance to answer questions if required: Somerton Conservation Area Reappraisal (Minute 3/12) Mr Richard Starling On behalf of Somerton Parish Council 3/1 Apologies for Absence, Welcome and Housekeeping Matters Bruce Keith (Vice-Chair) as Acting Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies had been received from Melanie Vigo di Gallidoro (Chair), Jacquie Burgess and John Timewell. The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations The Chair gave notice that the Authority would be recording the meeting in accordance with the Code of Conduct and that copyright remained with the Authority. No other member of the public indicated that they would be recording the meeting. 3/2 Declarations of Interest and introductions Members and staff introduced themselves. Members provided their declarations of interest as set out in Appendix 1 to these minutes in addition to those already registered. SAB/pcmins/081018 /Page 1 of 11/221018 3 The Chairman welcomed Ruth Sainsbury Planning Officer to the Authority. The Authority contracted Ruth for a few months as a self-employed qualified Planner. She explained she was a Chartered Town Planner and had been a Senior Planning Officer at Broadland District Council for 17 years. At present, the main matter she was dealing with was the Marina Quays application at Great Yarmouth. 3/3 Minutes: 14 September 2018 The minutes of the meeting held on 14 September 2018 were agreed and the Chairman signed them as a correct record. 3/4 Points of Information Arising from the Minutes (1) Minute 2/10 Marina Quays: (Also part of the report under Minute 3/9) The Head of Planning reported that a number of objectors had convened a public meeting on 4 October 2018 to discuss the proposed development at Marina Quays in Great Yarmouth. Approximately 70 – 80 people attended the meeting where the developers described their proposals, the Authority’s officers set out the planning process and there was an opportunity for questions. There was a wide ranging discussion with the main issues being access relating to highways and an existing public right of way, design and scale of the development, the moorings and how the boatyard would operate. The applicant was considering how to proceed and a report would be brought to the Committee in due course, although this was unlikely to be before December 2018. (2) Matter arising from a previous meeting The Chairman commented that he wished to report back to the Planning Committee on a decision taken at the last Broads Authority meeting because it was originally raised at a Planning Committee meeting on 23 June in 2017. The matter concerned the conduct of a member and a subsequent Code of Conduct Complaint. He stated: ‘The Broads Authority resolved at its meeting on the 28th September 2018 : (i) to express its thanks to the Members of the Hearings Committee who had the task of dealing with the matter; (ii) to express its profound regret for the serious distress this issue has caused members of staff over a protracted period; (iii) to note that the investigation found that Officers did not in any way mislead the Planning Committee at all, far less “wilfully and deliberately”, and that the Authority reaffirms its unqualified confidence in its officers.’ SAB/pcmins/081018 /Page 2 of 11/221018 4 The Chairman stated that it would not be appropriate to discuss the matter and therefore it would now rest. (3) Minute 2/11 Lake Lothing Third River Crossing The Head of Planning reported that the Broads Authority’s comments had been submitted to the Planning Inspector. As part of their case, Suffolk County Council wished to agree a Statement of Common Ground with the Authority. Officers would prepare this with the Chair of the Planning Committee. 3/5 To note whether any items have been proposed as matters of urgent business There were no items of urgent business. 3/6 Chairman’s Announcements and Introduction to Public Speaking Public Speaking The Chair stated that as there were no planning applications for consideration there would be no public speaking. 3/7 Requests to Defer Applications and /or Vary the Order of the Agenda The Chair proposed to vary the order of the Agenda to take Agenda Item 12 before item 9 to avoid the Chairman of Somerton Parish Council (Mr Richard Starling), having an unnecessary wait as he was attending specifically for the item on Somerton Conservation Area re-appraisal. 3/8 Applications for Planning Permission There were no applications for planning permission to consider at this meeting. In accordance with Minute 3/7 and Standing Order No 3 (2)(a) Agenda Item 12 was considered at this point in the meeting. 3/9 Enforcement Update The Committee received an updated report on enforcement matters previously referred to Committee. Further updates were provided for: Burghwood Barns, Burghwood Road, Ormesby St Michael. The Breach of Conditions Notices had been issued concerning the non-compliance with conditions of BA/2018/0444/FUL and prosecution proceedings had commenced. The statements had been referred to Nplaw. SAB/pcmins/081018 /Page 3 of 11/221018 5 Barnes Brinkcraft, Riverside Estate, Hoveton. Following the granting of planning permission subject to conditions including a Management Plan, a draft Management Plan was being progressed. Former Waterside Rooms, Station Road, Hoveton: Untidy land and Building. The Section 215 Notices had been issued on 28 August 2018 with a compliance date of 28 October 2018. Officers had inspected the site and it appeared that 90% of the required compliance work had been carried out. Two contractors were on site to complete the work. Members welcomed the progress made. RESOLVED that the report be noted. 3/10 Consultation Documents and Proposed Response : Great Yarmouth Local Plan The Committee received a report on the recent consultation from Great Yarmouth Borough Council on its Draft Local Plan part 2 – Development Management Policies, Site Allocations and Revised Housing Target, together with the proposed response, upon which members comments were invited. The Committee commended the detailed response prepared and thanked officers for the thoroughness in their examination. The Chairman proposed the recommendation in the report and it was RESOLVED unanimously that the report is noted and that the proposed response be endorsed for submission to Great Yarmouth Borough. 3/11 Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing The Committee received a report and presentation on the recent consultation on the planning application for the third river crossing across the lower Yare at Great Yarmouth submitted by Norfolk County Council. This development was a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) and therefore the Planning Inspectorate would determine the application. It was noted that initial discussions for a third river crossing had been held in 2007. Substantial funding towards the crossing had now been secured from the Department of Transport in 2017. The crossing was to be sited towards the south-east of the town approximately 1 kilometre south of the Haven Bridge at one of the narrowest crossing points of the river.
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