AIRW\VES A Service of Continuing Education and Extension l5il University of Minnesota, Duluth VOL. 2 NUMBER 7 JANUARY 1981 calendar> of ~vents Tweed Museum Cla11lc FIim Festival Music at UMD Marahall Performing Arts Center Jan. 24 Mixed Company presents two at noon and 7 p.m. in the museum. plays for children, 2 & 4 p.m. Jan. 11 Senior Recital: Claudia Lund, Jan. 22, 23, 24 Evening of Opera Jan. 13 "Rembrandt" (1936 England) vocal, Boh 90, 3 p.m. Scenes, Donna Pegors, director, 8 p.m. Jan. 25 Mixed Company presents two Jan. 27 "Top Hat" (1935 USA) plays for children, 2 p.m. Jan. 15 Concert: Jazz Ensemble III Jan. 29-Feb. 8 UMD Theatre presents Combo, Marshall Center 8 p.m. " Born Yesterday," 8 p.m. Tweed Museum of Art Jan . 18 Senior Recital: Carla Duluth Superior Symphony Dec. 14-Jan.18 "History of Print- Christopherson, piano, Boh 90, 3 p.m. Kirby FIims making" by Warrington Colescott Jan. I 7 Daniel Adni, Pianist. Ravel, Jan. 25 Guest Recital: Carolyn Britton, Jan. 9 & 11 " Main Event" Boh 90, 7 & MaMere L'Oye; Mozart, Concerto No. Dec. 21 • Jan. 18 "Thirty Years of piano, Boh 90, 3 p.m. 9:15 p.m. 23, K 488; Bartok, Concerto for Photography for Fun and Pleasure" by Orchestra. Ken Moran Jan. 31 Scholarship Benefit Concert: Jan. 16 & 18 " Brubaker" Boh 90, 7 & Hungry Five Society, Normandy Inn, 9:15 p.m. - Dec. 23-Jan. 20 Selections from the 7:30 p.m. permanent collection Jan.23&25 "UpinSmoke"Boh90, 7& Pioneer Cratt1 9:15 p.m. Jan. 6-Feb. I "Inch Art" • Jan. 4 Joyce Gow, watercolor Jan. 30 "Frankenstein & Young demonstration, 11 a.m. • 3 p.m. Jan. 7-21 Photographs by William Frankenstein" Boh 90, 7 p.m. Stubenvoll Einstein Video Tape Serles The Depot on,anlzatlonal Members Jan. 5-Mar. 31 Design Concepts: all at 3 p .m. in Life Science I 75 Jan. 3 What to do with what you got for Selections from the permanent The following are Organizational collection Jan. 7 "The fourth dimension and Christmas-program for kids on model trains, 1:30 p.m. Members of WDTH. We gratefully computer-animated geometry of acknowledge their support. Jan. 25-Feb. 18 Recent photographs by relativity" Gloria DeFilipps-Brush Jan. 11 Young Artist Recital-artist to be announced. The Artery Jan. 14 "Majestic Clockwork" Builders & Laborers Commonwealth Jan. 25-Feb. 22 World Exhibition of Creative Collections Photography, Paintings by Kay Kurt Jan. 18 Lake Superior Contemporary Jan. 21 "NOVA" segment on Dew Glass Studio Jankofsky Einstein's search for order Writers Series-poetry reading, 2 p.m. Natcbio's Restaurant Slo -Poke-CB Sales A Collage of Nuclear Information Ann Schimpf, frN-lance writer ha produced • four-part Ml'I• on nuclear waate dlapoMI. Be aure to tune In Monday• durtng January at 7:00 p.m. for thNe apeclal program,. This is the portion of a report completed for the U.S. Department of Energy by Dames and Moore engineering firm of Cincinnati, Ohio, that generated a huge controversy this summer. The table appears to list seven northern Wisconsin counties and three northern Minnesota counties as the first, second, and third choices are locating a permanent nuclear waste repository. A total of 36 specific areas with granite bedrock are listed in the table. Although the Department of Energy later disavowed this section of the Dames and Moore report, the damage was done. And it didn't help matters that Minnesota and Wisconsin officials learned of the report through second- hand sources. TAI\LE 12-2 Pngc 1 of l PARTIAL LISTING Of' AREAS IN CRYS'."ALLWE INTRUSIVE ROCK WIIICII MAY CONTAIN POTENTIAL SITES FOR IIIGII-LEVl::L RADIOACTIVE W,,STE Rt.::POSITORil::S M.'\P REffRENCE NUMIJER MAP SYMllOL COUNTIES STATE (t'ICU!U: 12-1) COMMENTS Ygl/Xg Forest, Onelda, Prlce, Sawyer, Oconto, IH Wolf River batholith, three blocks in Taylor, flcr~nce Chequalllegon National Forest. Ymi Sc. Louis, Lake, Cook MN 2 Duluth Cabbro Complex, almost totally in Lake Superior National forest. Wg Sc. Louis MN j Saganaga Granite in Lake Superior National •·ore st. Ti Idaho ID 4 Located on Idaho batholilh in Bitterroot National Forest. Yg2 Teller, Park, Jefferson, Douglas co ) Pikes Peak batholith in Pike National (CONT',) Forest; includes the Tarryall batholith with areas of high (luart:i: content. P. 6 2 SUPPORT PUBLIC RADIO ½ Listener to' the Airwaves is a monthly publication of WDTH-FM, the public radio station at the University of Minne- sota, Duluth. A yearly membership REPORT TO THE LISTENER Respondents reported listening to an interviews, commentary, and sports, in WDTH costs just $25 Member- amazing total of 36 radio stations, some and that 18% of listeners are interested ship entitles you to receive ''Air- As of this writing, WDTH has 975 as far away as Minneapolis and in dramatic entertainment (radio waves" mailed directly to your current memberships and 550 of those Hayward. But the four most frequently theater, poetry/ literature, old radio and home. are paid in full, and about another 50 mentioned were: WDTH, WSCD, humor). Greg observes in his report are paying in monthly installments. KQDS, and WHSA. that, as with the responses on their Write or call us at University of musical preference question, these Minnesota, Duluth, 130 Humani- The bulk of this month's report is taken When asked what kinds of music they answers indicate a strong correlation ties Bldg., Duluth, Minnesota up by an analysis of the listener survey prefer, respondents replied as follows: between WDTH's programming and 55812, 218-726-7181. we've completed in the last few months. the interests of our listeners. Thanks to all of you who took the time WDTH STAFF to return the cards. Jazz 18% They survey asked when people listen to radio most, and when they listen to Station Manager ....... Tom Livingston Mainstream Rock 15% WDTH most. The following chart Progyam Director ... ... ... John licgler indicates the patterns: Asst. Progra_m Director .. ... Paul Schmitz Folk 13% Enginttring .. .. Ralph (Kirk) Kersten BOOK REVIEW Senion Project ........ .. Jean Johnson Time R.adiQ '.rJD'I'H Layout . Cathe Hice Douglas 12% The Beatles Blues 24% By: Geoffrey Stokes 6-10 AM 28% The University of Minnesota is Introduction by: Leonard Bernstein Classical 12% .. committed to the policy that all 17% Times Books/ Rolling Stone Press IO AM-2 PM 16% persons shall have equal access to $29.95 Hardcqver Bluegrass 9% it s programs, facilities, and em- 19% 2-6PM 16% ployment without regard to race, Country Western 4% It looks like 60s nostalgia is in-The creed, color, sex. national origin, next logical step past Rock 'n Roll (Fats 6-10 PM 24% 21% or handicap. Domino, et.al) nostalgia, and the R &: B 3% obvious choice is the FAB FOUR, the IO PM-2 AM 14% 17% • Beatles. While this particular offering is Soul 3% neither terribly deep (the ·text tak~~ 2-6 AM 2% 2% In the area of non-musical about two hours) or revealing (the most Big Band/ Swing 2% shocking thing about the book is the programming, most of the comments Easy Listening 2% Alrwavn was rated by nearly 80% of were directed at expanding and price), the abundant pictures really respondents as very good or good. bring that period back to life. The text is improving this progranunj.ng. New Wave Rock 2% About 20% expressed no opinion, and well written: to the point, even brusque, most of the I% who rated Airwaves as and concise. It deals ·with the • 18 respondents asked for "more Progressive Country/ Kock I% poor complained that they don't receive news" in the areas of "commentary," phenomenon of the Beatles rather than it by the first of the month. Noone rated ,.,1,, .the music, as is probably appropriate. "analysis," "in-depth," and ''local and Airwaves as very poor. area news" bm: ""Nothing, beforeib11sfoce has-approached Jazz/ Rock fusion 1% 1 1110 • ch·e social ·si'gnificance of tHe Beatles. When asked which parts of Airwaves This might make a good present for Ethnic 1% • 16 said they "like local insight they find most useful, respondents features" ·and public affairs someone who you know is a big Beatles Spiritual/Religious 1% indicated Week at a Glance is most programming _in general fan, but otherwise, check it out at the useful, then Interviews/ Features, library some time, and spend a couple Women 1% Highlights, Events, Report to the • 13 wanted "more reports on / hours in 60s nostalgia. Listener, and Music Notes, in that alternative lifestyles," " energy Reggae .5% order. alternatives," .. self-suff i'ciency' " The last question on the survey form "environmental issues," and "local In the month or so before the fall Disco .5% asked for comments and suggestions. political issues." Marathon, WDTH staffers pounced Here we will list some of the most eagerly on the yellow listener survey commonly-made remarks. In the area of forms as they dribbled in with the mail. music: For those involved at WDTH, they When asked what kinds of other Many general comments were addressed made fascinating reading! Then, one programs they prefer, respondents • 27 respondents expressed a desire for to WDTH's overall performance: day last month, UMD Communica- replied: more live concerts. tions instructor Greg Swanson tossed • 53 respondents felt that WDTH is on Tom's desk the 31-page report News 23% • 14 expressed support for Soul Arrival "doing a terrific job," is a "great detailing results of the survey. (WDTH and 2 asked for more soul music. station" that should "keep up the good commissioned Greg to conduct the mail Public Affairs 13% work" survey and a telephone survey of radio • 67 wished to hear Jess soul music.
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