View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Valto Opetusministeriö Ministry of Education International Evaluation of the Academy of Finland Michael Gibbons Patrick J Dowling Gretty Mirdal Publications of the Ministry of Education, Finland 2004:16 Ralf F Pettersson International Evaluation of the Academy of Finland Publications of the Ministry of Education, Finland 2004:16 Michael Gibbons Patrick J Dowling Gretty Mirdal Ralf F Pettersson Opetusministeriö • Koulutus- ja tiedepolitiikan osasto • 2004 Ministry of Education • Department for Education and Science Policy • 2004 Ministry of Education Department for Education and Science Policy Meritullinkatu 10, Helsinki P.O. Box 29, FIN-00023 Government Finland http://www.minedu.fi www.minedu.fi/minedu/publications/index.html Layout: Teija Metsänperä, Ministry of Education Printed by Helsinki University Press, 2004 ISBN 952-442-735-4 (pbk.) ISBN 952-442-736-2 (PDF) ISSN 1458-8110 Publications of the Ministry of Education, Finland 2004:16 Foreword The purpose of the evaluation is to examine the progress that the Academy has made in achieving its strategic objectives since the last review in 1993. Over the last decade, the Academy has introduced a number of significant changes and done so in a way, which demonstrates that overall it is functioning well. Accordingly, our intention in this report is to make suggestions and recommendations that will assist the Academy in making its performance "even better". This is the general context within which the Evaluation Panel has interpreted the terms of reference set out by the Ministry of Education. We would like to thank all those who assisted us in this exercise whether by participating in interviews, preparing papers, or simply providing helpful information. We are particularly grateful for the assistance of President Vihko and his staff at the Academy and for the unstinting support of Dr. Katri Haila and Ms. Hanna Raijas. We are grateful to Katri for guiding us expertly through the mass of paper generated by the Academy and the complex relationships that operate both inside the Academy and link it to other institutions in Finland. We would also like to thank Hanna for organising the site visits and assisting us in interviews. All have contributed considerably to our understanding of the Academy and increased our efficiency as a team. Of course, the Evaluation Panel, though it has been guided by evidence presented by others, accepts full responsibility for what is presented herein. Finally, the Panel is keenly aware that the Academy funds research in many different areas; for example, in the physical and life sciences, in technology and computer science, in the social sciences and in the humanities. Rather than repeating the complete list every time the work of the Academy is referred to, we have used the term science as a collective descriptor. This is a label of convenience and its frequent use throughout this report does not in any was indicate that the Evaluation Panel has a predisposition for any particular type of science. M. Gibbons (Chair) P. Dowling G. Mirdal R. Pettersson Summary The present International Evaluation of the Acade- 3 We recommend that the Ministry of Trade and my of Finland aims to support further development Industry and the Ministry of Education make a of the Academy of Finland and science policy in fresh effort to establish closer working Finland. The Evaluation Panel's recommendations relationships between Tekes and the Academy. (Section 6.3) are summarised here: 4 We recommend that the remit, composition, 1 We recommend that the Academy's and function of the Board be reconsidered contribution to research policy be re-evaluated in the light of the need to develop more in relation to the role that it has, can, and broadly based research policies which would should play in the larger national system with encourage interdisciplinarity, develop more the purpose of increasing its effectiveness cross-council cooperation, and promote and its sustainability. greater connectivity with other research producing institutions and organisations. 2 We recommend that consideration be given to the establishment of a forum located 5 To help strengthen the Board to become somewhere in the institutional space between a more effective science policy organisation, the Academy and Science and Technology we further recommend that the Academy Policy Council of Finland, perhaps involving considers extending the tenure of Board university rectors and directors of members and staggering the dates of their the government research institutes, appointment. Changing membership every to help strengthen horizontal connectivity three years, as is done currently, leaves with other participants in the innovation system the collective memory of the Board repeatedly who have interest in, and a need for, high depleted, undermines continuity and limits quality research. In this, we believe that the the effectiveness of policy development. exploration of more robust career structures for researchers would be helpful in 6 We recommend that in future, the Academy strengthening connectivity. should build upon its expertise in research policy and in funding of scientific excellence through experimenting with more broadly based project evaluation systems, in its efforts to foster interdisciplinarity and stimulate cross- council research. 7 To ensure that existing resources are 10 We recommend that the Academy effectively utilised and that resources reviews the level of funding for the social continue to be available for new initiatives, sciences and humanities with a view of we recommend that the Academy should satisfying itself that the funds available are insist on an exit strategy as a prerequisite for sufficient to allow researchers in these successful bids for research programmes areas to participate fully in the Academy's and centres of excellence. If more broadly programmes and to promote based expert systems are developed, we interdisciplinary research. stress the need not only for a great deal of experimentation but also for openness and 11 We recommend that the Academy transparency in the procedures adopted. ensures that it has established areas of excellence that are of sufficient credibility 8 The Panel recommends that the most to attract researchers internationally and that successful Academy Research Fellows the Academy considers an initiative should be able to get a 3–5 year extension to develop further Finland as of their appointment, following a peer review an international research "attractor". evaluation. In addition, we recommend that the Academy, the universities, and the Ministry 12 We recommend that the procedures of Education should jointly formulate a national governing the many funding forms of policy to ensure continuity in the career the Academy be reviewed, rationalised development of researchers who want to and shortened. pursue an academic career. One attractive model would be a tenure-track system. 13 We recommend that the Academy devote more effort to clarifying the raison 9 We recommend that the Academy, in co- d'etre for targeted funds and the selection operation with the Finnish research community processes that govern both the choice at large, the universities, and the main players of topics and the allocation of resources of the Finnish research system develop to research programmes and centre of transparent and scientifically sound excellence programmes. solutions to the problems of the evaluation of interdisciplinary projects. Tiivistelmä Tämä Suomen Akatemiaa koskeva kansainvälinen 4 Arviointipaneeli suosittelee, että Suomen arviointi pyrkii tukemaan Suomen Akatemian ja Akatemian hallituksen vastuualuetta, suomalaisen tiedepolitiikan kehittämistä tulevaisuu- kokoonpanoa ja toimintaa harkittaisiin dessa. Seuraavassa on yhteenveto arviointipaneelin uudelleen siinä valossa, että on tarvetta suosituksista (ks. kappale 6.3): kehittää laajapohjaisempaa tutkimuspolitiikkaa, joka kannustaisi poikkitieteellisyyttä, kehittäisi 1 Arviointipaneeli suosittelee, että Suomen tieteellisten toimikuntien välistä yhteistyötä Akatemia arvioi uudelleen tutkimuspoliittisen sekä edistäisi vahvempien yhteyksien panostuksensa suhteessa siihen rooliin, luomista muiden tutkimuslaitosten ja mikä sillä on, voi olla ja tulisi olla laajemmassa -organisaatioiden välille. kansallisessa järjestelmässä, jonka tarkoituksena on kasvattaa tehokkuutta 5 Auttaakseen vahvistamaan Akatemian sekä kestävyyttä. hallitusta tulemaan tehokkaammaksi tiedepoliittiseksi organisaatioksi, 2 Arviointipaneeli suosittelee harkittavaksi, arviointipaneeli suosittelee, että Akatemia että perustettaisiin foorumi, joka harkitsee hallituksen jäsenten toimikauden organisatorisesti sijoittuisi Suomen Akatemian pidentämistä sekä porrastaa ajallisesti ja valtion tiede- ja teknologianeuvoston välille jäsenten nimitykset. Nykyinen kolmen ja jossa olisi mukana myös yliopistojen vuoden välein vaihtuva jäsenyys vähentää rehtoreita ja valtion tutkimuslaitosten johtajia. hallituksen kollektiivista muistia, heikentää Tämä auttaisi vahvistamaan horisontaalisia jatkuvuutta ja rajoittaa toiminnan yhteyksiä kansallisen innovaatiojärjestelmän kehittämisen tehokkuutta. muiden toimijoiden välillä, joilla kaikilla on kiinnostusta ja tarvetta korkealaatuiseen 6 Arviointipaneeli suosittelee, että tutkimukseen. Paneeli uskoo, että tulevaisuudessa Suomen Akatemian kestävämpien tutkijanuran rakenteiden tulisi hyödyntää olemassa olevaa etsintä auttaisi
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