E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 No. 140 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was camp in Colorado. Tragically, his children and relatives and friends of called to order by the Speaker pro tem- daughter Valerie had been murdered. Senator Charles Percy that he lived an pore (Mr. HARRIS). And, of course, her twin is Sharon amazing life. It was one that was an in- f Percy Rockefeller, who serves with spiration to me, and I will greatly miss great distinction as the head of the him. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO WETA board and who has many other TEMPORE civic duties here in Washington, DC. f The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- I met Senator Percy when we were at MOURNING THE LOSS OF IMOGENE fore the House the following commu- Valerie Lodge, which was named for his JOHNSON nication from the Speaker: daughter, the camp in California; and WASHINGTON, DC, at that moment, Mr. Speaker, I saw The SPEAKER pro tempore. The September 20, 2011. someone who was clearly very dedi- Chair recognizes the gentleman from I hereby appoint the Honorable ANDY HAR- cated and extraordinarily principled. Oklahoma (Mr. BOREN) for 5 minutes. RIS to act as Speaker pro tempore on this His entire life was dedicated to public Mr. BOREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise day. service and to doing everything he pos- today to mourn the loss of Imogene JOHN A. BOEHNER, Johnson of Okemah, Oklahoma, who Speaker of the House of Representatives. sibly could to ensure that life was bet- ter for all around him. passed away on September 14, 2011, at f I came to Congress a little more than the age of 90. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE a decade after I’d met him when I was Imi, as we all knew her, was a very The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- at summer camp. He immediately took close friend of the Boren family, and I ant to the order of the House of Janu- me under his wing, and he made the can remember seeing her face at some ary 5, 2011, the Chair will now recog- pilgrimage from the Senate here to the of my earliest campaign events. She nize Members from lists submitted by House of Representatives, and visited was always there. the majority and minority leaders for me in my office several times. I took She was the wife of Oklahoma Fourth morning-hour debate. my first trip with him to Mexico, and District Congressman Glen D. Johnson, The Chair will alternate recognition it was the U.S.-Mexico Interparliamen- Sr., and the mother to Glen D. John- between the parties, with each party tary Conference. I remember very viv- son, Jr., the former speaker of the limited to 1 hour and each Member idly nearly three decades ago—well, ac- Oklahoma House of Representatives other than the majority and minority tually, three decades ago—what it is and now our current Chancellor for leaders and the minority whip limited that he said, Mr. Speaker. Higher Education. She supported both to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall He talked about the challenge and her husband and her son faithfully, and debate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. the relationship between the United I know her son especially will miss her. Imi was a civic leader and a dedi- f States and Mexico, and he character- ized his remarks as it related to his cated public servant. She was a mem- HONORING THE LIFE OF FORMER twin daughters, Sharon and Valerie. In ber of the Okemah Chamber of Com- SENATOR CHARLES H. PERCY that speech, he said, So many people merce, an active member and past The SPEAKER pro tempore. The talk about twins and the similarities. president of the American Legion Aux- Chair recognizes the gentleman from He said, For me, the greatness is to iliary, and a member of the PEO. In California (Mr. DREIER) for 5 minutes. look at the differences between the 1999, the city of Okemah honored her Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, it was two. by inducting her into the Okemah Hall with great sadness that we received the He carried that personal message as of Fame for her dedication to her news this past weekend of the passing he referred to the challenging relation- hometown. of one of my long-time family friends ship between the United States of Again, Imi was truly an inspiration and one of the most dedicated public America and Mexico, and I was struck to her beloved Oklahoma, and I am servants I’ve ever had the privilege of by that. He was chairman of the Senate honored to have called her a friend. I knowing or serving with. I’m referring, Foreign Relations Committee, and I know she has her son and other family of course, to Senator Charles Percy, was privileged to serve two terms here scattered across the State of Okla- who passed away on Saturday morning in the House while he served in the homa, particularly in Okemah. She has at the age of 91. Senate. touched them and many, many other Senator Percy was someone whom I So I want to say to his wonderful Oklahomans. Again, we will greatly first met when I was a kid at summer wife, Loraine, and to all of the other miss her. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6239 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:12 Sep 21, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20SE7.000 H20SEPT1 PWALKER on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 20, 2011 THE DEATH OF U.S. SENATOR made their success his success. Unlike HONORING CASSANDRA LLOYD CHARLES H. PERCY others in politics today, his generosity WARD The SPEAKER pro tempore. The to others was boundless and without The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from the slightest hint of envy or competi- Chair recognizes the gentleman from Illinois (Mrs. BIGGERT) for 5 minutes. tiveness. With Chuck Percy, there was North Carolina (Mr. BUTTERFIELD) for 5 Mrs. BIGGERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise no zero sum; there were only pluses for minutes. today to pay tribute to a man who everyone. Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I served Illinois, our country, and people They also are the other leaders out- rise this morning to pay tribute to from other nations around the world side of Illinois, like the former HUD some great Americans. I want to join for decades before his death this week- Secretary and USTR, Ambassador my colleague from Illinois (Mrs. end at age 91. That man is Senator Carla Hills, who first headed Percy’s BIGGERT) in recognizing the extraor- Charles H. Percy of Illinois. Alliance to Save Energy in the 1970s dinary life and work of Senator Charles Already, his life, legend, and list of when it became clear to Percy that our Percy. He will certainly be missed. accomplishments as a Senator, a reliance on foreign oil was Also, I want to extend condolences to statesman, and a larger-than-life polit- unsustainable. the Mondale and Kennedy families, ical figure are well documented. Others b 1210 who also lost a daughter this weekend have articulated these things far better at the young age of 51. than I could today, and I am confident They are former Senator Fred But, Mr. Speaker, I have come to the that history will record them well. Thompson, in whom Percy saw a bril- well today to pay tribute to another But, Mr. Speaker, what I wish to con- liant prosecutor and future star of the great American, to a friend in North vey today are the warm and wonderful Senate. They are those who went on to Carolina who has lost a long but coura- stories and the testimonies about become leaders in their own countries, geous battle to breast cancer at the age Chuck Percy that have only come to like the late Prime Minister of India, of 51. Mrs. Cassandra Lloyd Ward was me from those who knew him and loved Rajiv Gandhi and President of Lebanon the daughter of Johnnie and Mary him and from those whose views and Rafic Hariri, both of whom strove for Lloyd of Williamston, North Carolina. sentiments I hold in the highest re- peace and tragically were cut down by She was also the wife of Mr. Everett B. gard. Their stories are not always well assassination. Ward. For 29 long years, they were suited for publication or for statements They are Federal district and appel- married. Everett is a well-respected on the House or Senate floor; but they late judges and a Supreme Court Jus- public servant in North Carolina with are funny, warm, endearing, and gen- tice, whose service to our country our State Department of Transpor- uine. They reflect the incredible love of might never have been possible were it tation. life, humanity, and humor that made not for the fact that Chuck Percy be- Cassandra was a career educator in working for or with Senator Percy so lieved in them and believed that the Wake County, North Carolina. Many of incomparable. These volunteers, cronyism and corruption in judicial se- you will recognize that as our capital former Members, and political leaders lection must end.
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