VOI.XTME X X X III. BUCHAN AX, BERRIEN CO., MICH., THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1899. ■ NUMBER 24 of this conference tnar oeoi e uu j -rvji^cx* discuss any ox tne facts connected wren 0 NEVER SAW HER HUSBAND. decided to leave the cabinet at this the resignation, expressed his personal SEEDS 'THAT HEED FIRE. GENTLENESS IN WAR. time. At this conference there were A Nantucket Couples Are Both Blind regret at the tVrn of affairs. He said: Cui'iaits and Interesting Facts AJuvut Singular Characteristic of th e present, besides Secretary Alger, his and He Thinks of Her its “I feel great- sympathy and great re­ Gcrlaiu Trees in GalWoniia Samoans—An Illustrative military aid and close personal and po­ spect for the Secretary. History will show Still young. litical friend and adviser, Maj. Hop­ that if he has erred it has heen on the t and Australia, In cid en t. kins, and perhaps some other persons side of the soldier, on the side of those who were fighting the battles. No man in that A .California pine ti\ee whose seed Mi*, and Mrs. Charles H. Chase, of War is savage in its very nature, and The Secretary of War Ten” or person who also felt a deep intores t position has ever had more at heart the Nantucket, ai*e each nearly 70 years old in the future of the secretary. There interests of the soldiers, their comfort and cones can only be opened by -fire or one looks for war among savages to be great heat has heen attracting consid­ and they have been married the greater peculiarly barbarous. That such is not ders His Resignation to has been no disclosure of w*hat passed their welfare. Time and again he has said part of that time, yet the wife has never by the seaside, but it is significant that to us that everything must yield before the erable attention at Hew Gardens, Lon­ always the case among the people of requirements of the men. in the field, and if don. It seems, however, that this tree, seen her husband, for she has been * the return of the secretary to Washing­ the funds were lacking lie would pay for it Samoa is attested by a letter sent f rom pinus muricata, is not alone in its blind since she was five. He, too, has Samoa by an American gentleman who ton was followed by prompt action. himself. He will leave the department with been blind since he was 18. He arrived in Washington Tuesday the respect and esteem of everyone in it.” salamander-like requirements, for a recently visited Apia, and who gives a Many Cabinet Changes. former Australian living in London A neighbor, talking to a Washington description of Mataafa’s army in camp night, too late to make any official Star man, says of them: calls. Almost before the executive de­ Secretary Alger’s departure from the writes as follows to the London Mail: after a battle between the rival claim­ Will Doubtless Be Accepted and cabinet will leave in it only three of “No one would suppose that blind partments were opened for business “The wattle tree of Australia (acacia ants to the throne, says Yonth’s Com­ Will Probably Become Effect­ those members who entered it at the be­ decurrens) also possesses the same pe­ persons were the caretakers of their panion, Wednesday morning he called at the ginning* of the administration, namely, culiarity and its seeds will only ger­ little home. Inside there is not a speck ive the First of August, white house and, visiting* the president of dust to be seen. The floors are spot­ “We went all about among the huts Messrs. Gage, Long and Wilson. The minate when subjected to great heat. where the savages were resting after in his office, announced that he had number of changes that have occurred Saaldng the seeds of this tree in boiling* less and the windows are decorated concluded to resign his office. What the battle and making preparations for in the 21/, years of its life has been very water or roasting* them in a frying pan with house plants. Both Mr. and Mrs. the next fight. It was a very peaceful | passed <?n that point between himself unusual. Six cabinet officers in all have Chase are devout members of the Bap­ Though Anticipated Later On, the for some hours has been tried and found scene, for their arms were all concealed I and the president is only a matter of resigned their portfolios either to re­ successful, but all other methods have tist church. They always decline guid­ ] surmise, for neither have anything to ance to the church, declaring that under the mats where the men sat, and Resignation at This Time tire to private life or to accept other po­ failed. After the seed has fallen from many of the soldiers were accompanied ! say on this point. Some routine busi- sitions of honor and trust at the hands the tree it will often lie dormant in when doing* their duty Providence will Comes as a Surprise. | ness pertaining* to the war department guard and protect them from all harm. by their wives and children. They of the president. These include Secre­ the ground for bears, but immediately were amusing themselves by smoking } was disposed of between the president taries of State Sherman, who went out a .‘bush’ fire comes along and reduces all When, however, the infrequent oppor­ 1 and the secretary, and then Mr. Alger tunity of going to hear m usie, of which and beating tom-toms. because of ill health and advanced age, the parent trees to ashes (as is often the “The Samoans are a most amiable ! went over to his office and spent some and Hay, who accepted a United States case in Australia), the seed germinates both are very fond, comes they are glad The Secretary’s Letter Not Made Pub­| time with Gen. Wilson, chief of cn- of .assistance, fearing, as they say, that race of savages, and white people are al­ lic, and No Official Statement Is judgeship; Attorney-General McKen­ and a perfect forest of young trees will ways perfectly safe among them. , gineei's, and Maj. Hopkins, Several na who accepted a position on the su­ spring up within 12 months. Even on in the pursuit of pleasure harm may ’ Made as to the Cause, ; times they were interrupted by Adjt. come to them. Everj'where we were greeted with preme court bench of the United ground where there has not been a wat­ smiles and friendly nods and the saluta­ ; Gen. Corbin, who had some matters of States; Postmaster-General Gary, who tle tree growing within living memory, “Mr. Chase has been blind 52 years, [ pressing current business requiring* but his wife lost her sight at five years tion, ‘Talofa,’ which means ‘Love to retired because of ill health, and Secre­ these trees have been noticed to grow y.ou,’ from men, women and children. 1 the personal action of the secretary to tary Bliss, of the- interior department, up after a bush fire. The wattle tree be­ of age, and has never seen her husband. Gossip Kcsardiiig tlie Succession— bring* to his attention. This attended He, however, saw her at 18, and thinks “One instance of their friendly feel­ Names. of Those Prominently who returned to New York and re­ ing* very susceptible to fire, is easily ing occurred during the big battle. A to. Secretary Alger wrote out his sumed active connection with business killed, and if the same means that of her now as still in the full flush of Mentioned tts Candidates. formal letter of resignation nod per­ girlish beauty. Mrs. Chase reads aloud white man, who lived in the street affairs. caused its destruction did not induce where they were fighting, saw that two sonally carried,-it over to the white it to grow again it would very soon be from the* raised-letter Bible for the house. Ilis eall on this occasion was PLAN A PLEASURE TRIP. blind, and this is their favorite occu­ of his horses had strayed out between Washington, July 20.—Secretary Al~ eradicated.” the hostile lines. He did not want to . ger on Wednesday tendered to the pres­ brief, and when he returned to the war The teak is said to be another tree pation when at leisure. In order that department he closed the door to his President and Mrs. M cKinley Expect the wife’s fingers may be in good condi­ lose them, and he did not want to ven­ ident his resignation of the war port­ to Make a Two W eeks’ Visit to whose seeds can only he sprouted by in­ ture out in the line of fire. So he stuck folio. The resignation will become ef­ office to most of the many callers who tense heat. tion to read the husband does the were waiting, and had a long confer­ Lake Chsunplnin. heavier wo**k of the household. The a white flag out of his window. Upon fective August 1, though it was ten­ seeing it, both chiefs ordered their men ence with Adjt. Corbin. MASTER SCULPTURE. couple are much esteemed by the towns­ dered “at the pleasure of the president.” Washington, July 20.—President and people, who never allow them to want to stop firing, and hostilities were sus­ Gossip has begun already as to his suc­ Plans for Future. Mrs. McKinley will leave Washington pended while the white man went out Probably by August 1 Secretary Al- TVie Author of It W as Unknown for for anything* that money can pur­ cessor*, but is entirely speculative, for probably within a week for a pleasure chase.” and drove his horses to a place of shel­ notwithstanding the reports that Mr.
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