Bulletin No. 67.Pdf

Bulletin No. 67.Pdf

Bulletin Journal of Sport Science and Physical Education No 67, October 201 !eature: Traditional Physical Cultures, Sport and Games ICSSPE/CIEPSS Hanns-Braun-Straße, Friesenhaus II 14053 Berlin, Germany, el!" #4$ 30 311 0%3% 10, Fax" #4$ 30 311 0%3% %$ #$SSPE B%&&ETIN '(B&E O! $ONTENTS 'able of $ontent #$SSPE B%&&E'#N '(B&E OF $ON'EN'))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))2 PUB&#S*ER'S S'('EMEN'))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). !OREWORD))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))6 Edit(rial Katrin Koenen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) President*s Message Uri Schaefer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- .el/(me 0e1 Members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$ !EA'%RE: 'raditional Physical $ultures, Sport and 1a2es)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))10 Intr(du/ti(n Wolfgang Baumann!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10 raditi(nal S3(rts and Games as a Means 4(r Inte,rati(n (4 Pe(3le 1ith 5isabilities Ursula Barrett!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1% Bri',in, the Past 1ith the Future" raditi(nal S3(rts and Games as a 6in7 bet1een raditi(n and C(ntem3(raneity Małgorzata Bronikowska!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1$ I(máin" raditi(n in Practi/e" Ho1 Ireland and S/(tlan'9s Celti/ Ri;alry In4luen/ed the 5e;el(3ment (4 the +(dern-5ay Game (4 I(m8in Pat Daly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! %) 5e;el(pin, a Culturally-Base' S3(rts 4(r All Pr(,ramme 4(r the Indi,en(us Pe(ples (4 Mindanao Henry C Daut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3% he Indian Heritage (4 raditi(nal S3(rts and Games Suresh Harihar Deshpande!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!41 Indi,en(us Games: < Stru,,le bet1een Past and Present Maria Beatriz Rocha $erreira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4$ raditi(nal S3(rts and Games in 5enmark – 4r(m Resear/h t( 6i;in, Practi/e %ars Hazelton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5) Re/all" Games (4 the Past – S3(rts 4(r (day Jean'$rancois %aurent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)3 raditi(nal Play and +(;ement Culture in E&tremadura/Spain Dirk (asser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )- raditi(nal S3(rt and Games and S3(rt 4(r All" A B(nd (4 Unity and Re/reati(n - the <4ri/an ?0i,erian) Perspe/ti;e Comfort )bot (wankwo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A4 #$SSPE B%&&ETIN '(B&E O! $ONTENTS >0ESCB9s Instituti(nal <33r(ach 4(r the Preservati(n and 5e;el(3ment (4 raditi(nal S3(rts and Games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AA $%RREN' #SS%ES)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))32 Relati(nships bet1een Athleti/ Identity and S3(rt C(mmitment lin7ed t( S3(rt In;(l;ement +oichi Hagiwara and Hirohisa ,sogai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$% B((7 Re;ie1" Pr(,ress in 0eur(l(,i/al Sur,ery" C(n/ussi(n! 6!5! 6unsf(r', <! 0iranCan ?%014@ $rank Coni"i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 101 $ON'($'S)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))10 #$SSPE B%&&ETIN P%B&#S*ER,S S'(TEMEN' PUB&IS*ER'S S'(TEMEN' No. 67, October 201 , #SSN 17245.303 he D(urnal (4 the Internati(nal C(un/il (4 S3(rt S/ien/e an' Physi/al Edu/ati(n (ICSSPE@ is publishe' t1i/e a year! Its ,(al is t( 3r(;ide a 4(rum 4(r ICSSPE members an' (ther /(ntribut(rs t( share ne1s an' e&perien/es, raise issues 4(r discussi(n, de;el(3 internati(nal an' e&ternal lin7s an' pr(m(te e;ents. he 4eature' arti/les an' (ther /(ntents are m(nit(re' by the ICSSPE E&e/uti;e B44i/e an' the Edit(rial B(ar', 1ith the aim (4 all(1in, 4(r 4ree an' balan/e' disseminati(n (4 in4(rmati(n /(nsistent 1ith ICSSPE9s aims an' (2Ce/ti;es. he ;ie1s e&3resse' 1ithin this publi/ati(n are n(t ne/essarily th(se hel' by ICSSPE unless (therwise state'! he D(urnal is published by Internati(nal C(un/il (4 S3(rt S/ien/e and Physi/al Edu/ati(n (ICSSPE@ Hanns-Braun-Straße Friesenhaus II,14053 Berlin,Germany el!" +4$ 30 311 0%3% 10, Fax" #4$ 30 311 0%3% %$ i/sspe@i/sspe!(r, htt3"//111!i/sspe!(r, Edit(r: Fatrin F(enen e&t-Edit(r: Ri/hard Bailey 5esi,n" <stri' 6an,e ICSSPE Edit(rial B(ar'" Pr(4! Fari Fes7inen 5r! Ri/hard Bailey Pr(4! 5r! Pedr( Ferreira Guedes de Carvalh( Pr(4! 5r! Carl! :! Cramer Pr(4! 5r! :(sa 6GpeH de 5*Ami/( Pr(4! 5r! Feith Gilbert Pr(4! 5r! D(hn 0auri,ht Pr(4! 5r! Farin <! E! I(l71ein Mr! 5etle4 5um(n Ms. Fatrin F(enen 5r! Ben .einber, J C(pyri,ht %014, ICSSPE! F(r in4(rmati(n about this 1(r7, please /(ntact ICSSPE! Permissi(n is here2y ,rante' t( repr(du/e an' distribute /(pies (4 this 1(rk 4(r n(npr(4it edu/ati(nal pur3(ses, 3r(;ide' that /(pies are distribute' at (r bel(1 /(st, an' that the auth(r, sour/e, an' /(3yri,ht n(ti/e are in/lude' (n each /(3y! he E&e/uti;e B44i/e is su33(rte' by the Senatsverwaltun, 4Kr Inneres un' S3(rt, Berlin an' by the Bundesministerium des Innern, Germany, based (n a de/isi(n (4 the 5eutsche Bundestag! 4 #$SSPE B%&&ETIN !O+EWO+0 !OREWORD Editorial Katrin Koenen .el/(me t( issue number )- (4 the ICSSPE Bulletin, 1here 1e are deli,hte' t( 3resent an e&/itin, an' /(mprehensi;e 4eature (n -raditional Sports an" +ames! .ith /(ntributi(ns 4r(m many di44erent perspe/ti;es, su/h as L raditi(nal S3(rts an' Games as a Means 4(r Inte,rati(n (4 Pe(ple 1ith 5isabilities” by Ursula BarrettN L5e;el(pin, a Culturally-Base' S3(rts 4(r All Pr(,ram 4(r the Indi,en(us Pe(ples (4 MindanaoM by , Henry C! 5autN L he Indian Herita,e (4 raditi(nal S3(rts and Games” by S!H. 5eshpandeN (r >0ESCB9s Instituti(nal <ppr(ach 4(r the Preser;ati(n and 5e;el(pment (4 raditi(nal S3(rts and Games, the /(lle/ti(n 1ill ,i;e y(u a e&/ellent internati(nal insi,ht int( the t(pi/! han7 y(u ;ery mu/h t( .(l4,an, Baumann, Se/retary General (4 he Asso/iati(n 4(r Internati(nal S3(rt 4(r All ? AFISA), 4(r his mu/h appre/iate' assistan/e in /(lle/tin, and editin, these arti/les and ,i;in, us su/h an impressi;e (;er;ie1! Bur /urrent issues se/ti(n (44ers t1( e&/itin, arti/les, (ne (n LRelati(nships bet1een Athleti/ Identity an' S3(rt C(mmitment lin7e' t( S3(rt In;(l;ementM by G(i/hi Hagi1ara an' Hir(hisa Iso,ai, an' a 2((7 re;ie1 (4 the 2((7 LPr(,ress in 0eur(l(,i/al Sur,ery" C(n/ussi(nM 1ritten by Fran7 C(nidi! It also /(ntains an (;ervie1 (n ICSSPE9s acti;ities and e;ents sin/e the last Bulletin 1as published in May %014! Please remember 1hile y(u are readin, about the latest ICSSPE acti;ities (r member /(n4eren/es t( also 7ee3 us u3 t( date 1ith y(ur e;ents by usin, (ur (nline /(n4eren/e ann(un/ement 4(rm (r by sendin, in4(rmati(n and arti/les dire/tly ;ia e-mail t( us. I h(pe y(u enC(y this editi(n, 6atrin 6oenen 5ire/t(r S/ienti4i/ <44airs 5 #$SSPE B%&&ETIN !O+EWO+0 President,s -essage Uri Schaefer Al(n, 1ith its r(le in sharin, an' disseminatin, ne1s, ICSSPE*s Bulletin aims t( a/t as a stimulus 4(r discussi(n, /(llaborati(n an' learnin, about issues that are li7ely t( be (4 interest t( its uniquely di;erse internati(nal membershi3! Re/ent editi(ns have 4(/use' (n the Care 4(r Mild raumati/ Brain InCury in S3(rt, S3(rt 6aw, Anti-5(pin,, an' Physi/al 6iteracy, an' have ,athere' t(,ether a 1ide ran,e (4 perspe/ti;es 4r(m 3(li/y makers, pra/titi(ners, s/ientists an' (ther sta7eh(lders in the 1(rl' (4 sport! his issue is n( di44erent! he Spe/ial Feature is /(n/erne' 1ith raditi(nal S3(rts an' Games. his is a t(pi/ (4 perennial interest, an' 1e h(pe that readers (4 this Bulletin 1ill be inspire' t( /(ntinue the /(n;ersati(n, 1ith the arti/les’ auth(rs, an' 1ith /(lleagues an' 4riends. .e also h(pe that they 1ill re4le/t (n their (1n interests, an' 1hether they mi,ht have a suitable su2Ce/t 4(r a 4uture Bulletin! I4 y(u have an idea, please '( /(ntact the ICSSPE B44i/eP In additi(n t( this 4ascinatin, /(lle/ti(n (4 arti/les in the Spe/ial Feature se/ti(n, readers 1ill 4in' (ther in4(rmati(n about sport, physi/al a/ti;ity an' physi/al edu/ati(n ar(un' the 1(rld, in/ludin, u3/(min, /(n4eren/es and meetin,s. Bne (4 the m(st e&/itin,, an' /ertainly the m(st di;erse, e;ents is the ne&t Internati(nal C(n;enti(n (n S/ien/e, Edu/ati(n an' Medi/ine in S3(rt (ICSE+IS@! As y(u may

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