2013, Cover drawing by Helena Marcer i Espunya A contribution to the use, modelling and organization of data in biodiversity conservation A PhD dissertation presented by Arnald Marcer i Batlle with the acceptance of the dissertation’ s supervisors: Dr. Joan Pino Dr. Xavier Pons CREAF, UAB UAB CREAF, Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona Cerdanyola del Vall`es March 2013 Ai festa, petapigona! Dedicated to Helena, Anna and my parents Contents Contents v List of Figures ix List of Tables xi List of Acronyms xiii Acknowledgements 3 1 Introduction 5 1.1 Setting the problem . 5 1.2 Biodiversity data . 8 1.3 Mapping for biodiversity conservation . 14 1.4 Species distribution modelling . 18 1.5 Biodiversity Conservation Information Systems . 32 1.6 Dissertation structure . 38 2 Modelling distributions for rare species conservation 41 2.1 Abstract . 42 2.2 Introduction . 43 2.3 Methods . 45 2.4 Results . 53 2.5 Discussion . 57 v vi CONTENTS 2.6 Conclusions . 61 2.7 Acknowledgements . 62 3 Modelling IAS distributions from biodiversity atlases 63 3.1 Abstract . 64 3.2 Introduction . 65 3.3 Methods . 67 3.4 Results . 76 3.5 Discussion . 80 3.6 Conclusions . 82 3.7 Acknowledgements . 83 4 Protected Areas' Information System 85 4.1 Abstract . 86 4.2 Introduction . 87 4.3 Legal context . 91 4.4 System design and implementation . 92 4.5 Discussion . 101 4.6 Conclusions . 105 4.7 Acknowledgements . 106 5 General discussion and conclusions 107 5.1 General discussion . 107 5.2 Conclusions . 119 5.3 Further research . 122 References 123 Appendix A Distribution model maps of SCI 159 Appendix B Protected range maps of SCI 167 Appendix C Protected range sizes of SCI 175 CONTENTS vii Appendix D Occurrence maps of IAS 305 List of Figures 1.1 Dimensions of biodiversity data . 11 1.2 Myers' biodiversity hotspots . 16 1.3 Ailanthus altissima world distribution . 17 1.4 World Database on Protected Areas . 17 1.5 Species Distribution Modelling methods . 23 2.1 SCI modelling study area . 46 2.2 SCI range maps . 56 2.3 SCI range maps . 57 3.1 IAS study area . 67 3.2 IAS modelling workow methodology . 72 3.3 IAS maps of best models . 78 3.4 IAS bad model examples . 80 4.1 Natura 2000 designation process . 92 4.2 General architecture of the protected areas' information system . 94 4.3 Protected areas' system main model classes . 96 4.4 Protected Areas' Information System screenshots . 99 4.5 Flow diagram for declaration of protected area . 101 A.1 Distribution model of Asplenium majoricum Litard. 160 A.2 Distribution model of Carduncellus dianius (Webb) G. Lopez . 161 ix x LIST OF FIGURES A.3 Distribution model of Diplotaxis ibicensis (Pau) GomezCampo . 162 A.4 Distribution model of Euphorbia squamigera Loisel. 163 A.5 Distribution model of Helianthemum caput-felis Boiss. 164 A.6 Distribution model of Medicago citrina (Font Quer) Greuter . 165 A.7 Distribution model of Silene hifacensis Rouy ex Willk. 166 B.1 Asplenium majoricum protected range . 168 B.2 Carduncellus dianius protected range . 169 B.3 Diplotaxis ibicensis protected range . 170 B.4 Euphorbia squamigera protected range . 171 B.5 Helianthemum caput-felis protected range . 172 B.6 Medicago citrina protected range . 173 B.7 Silene hifacensis protected range . 174 D.1 Occurrences of Agave americana . 306 D.2 Occurrences of Ailanthus altissima . 306 D.3 Occurrences of Conyza canadensis . 307 D.4 Occurrences of Datura stramonium . 307 D.5 Occurrences of Oenothera biennis . 308 D.6 Occurrences of Opuntia ficus-indica . 308 D.7 Occurrences of Oxalis pes-caprae . 309 D.8 Occurrences of Robinia pseudoacacia . 309 D.9 Occurrences of Xanthium spinosum . 310 D.10 Occurrences of Amaranthus albus . 310 List of Tables 1.1 Threshold-dependent accuracy measures . 27 2.1 SCI occurrences . 47 2.2 SCI modelling environmental predictors . 49 2.3 SCI nally chosen models . 54 2.4 SCI estimated ranges . 55 2.5 SCI conservation status and protection . 58 3.1 List of selected IAS for modelling . 69 3.2 IAS modelling predictors . 71 3.3 IAS nally accepted models . 74 3.4 Summary of nally accepted IAS models . 79 C.1 Asplenium majoricum PSA protection by Natura 2000 . 178 C.2 Asplenium majoricum EOO and AOO protection by Natura 2000 . 197 C.3 Asplenium majoricum PSA protection by North African protected areas . 200 C.4 Carduncellus dianius PSA protection by Natura 2000 . 201 C.5 Carduncellus dianius EOO and AOO protection by Natura 2000 . 211 C.6 Carduncellus dianius PSA protection by North African protected areas . 212 C.7 Diplotaxis ibicensis PSA protection by Natura 2000 . 213 C.8 Diplotaxis ibicensis EOO and AOO protection by Natura 2000 . 221 C.9 Diplotaxis ibicensis PSA protection by North African protected areas . 224 xi xii LIST OF TABLES C.10 Euphoriba squamigera PSA protection by Natura 2000 . 225 C.11 Euphorbia squamigera EOO and AOO protection by Natura 2000 . 258 C.12 Euphorbia squamigera PSA protection by North African protected areas . 266 C.13 Euphorbia squamigera EOO and AOO protection by North African protected areas . 271 C.14 Helianthemum caput-felis PSA protection by Natura 2000 . 274 C.15 Helianthemum caput-felis EOO and AOO protection by Natura 2000 . 288 C.16 Helianthemum caput-felis PSA protection by North African protected areas . 291 C.17 Helianthemum caput-felis EOO and AOO protection by North African protected areas . 293 C.18 Medicago citrina PSA protection by Natura 2000 . 294 C.19 Medicago citrina EOO and AOO protection by Natura 2000 . 297 C.20 Silene hifacensis PSA protection by Natura 2000 . 298 C.21 Silene hifacensis EOO and AOO protection by Natura 2000 . 302 C.22 Silene hifacensis PSA protection by North African protected areas . 303 List of Abbreviations AJAX Asynchronous Javascript and XML ANN Articial Neural Networks AUC Area Under the Curve AOO Area of Occupancy BAM Biotic, Abiotic and Movements diagram BDBC Biodiversity Data Bank of Catalonia BRT Boosted Regression Trees BHL Biodiversity Heritage Library CAPAD Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database CART Classication and Regression Trees CDDA European Common Database on Designated Areas CSV Comma-Separated Values DAISIE Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe (EU funded project) DCAC Digital Climatic Atlas of Catalonia ENFA Ecological Niche Factor Analysis EOO Extent of Occurrence EOL Encyclopedia of Life EPSG European Petroleum Survey Group ETRS89 European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 xiii xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS FishNet Global Network of Ichtyology Collections GADM Global ADMinistrative areas database GAM Generalised Additive Models GARP Genetic Algorithm for Rule-Set Production GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility GIS Geographical Information System GLM Generalised Linear Models GML Geography Markup Language HerpNet Global Network of Herpetological Collections IAS Invasive Alien Species ICREA InstitucioCatalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats(Catalan Institution for Re- search and Advanced Studies) ICT Information and Communication Technologies INSPIRE Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature LAEA Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area ManIS Mammal Networked Information System MARS Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines MaxEnt Maximum Entropy MPA Minimum Predicted Area MTP Minimum Training Presence OGC Open Geospatial Consortium PAD-US Protected Areas Database of the United States PSA Potentially Suitable Areas ROC Receiver Operating Characteristic SAC Spatial AutoCorrelation (in statistics modelling) 1 SAC Special Areas of Conservation (in European Legislation) SCI Species of Conservation Interest (in Chapter 2) SCI Sites of Community Importance (in European legislation) SDM Species Distribution Modelling SIPAN Sistema d'Informaciosobre el Patrimoni Natural de Catalunya (Natural Heritage Information System of Catalonia) SPA Special Protection Areas SQL Structured Query Language SVM Support Vector Machines TOL Tree of Life UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UTM-ED50 Universal Transverse Mercator, European Datum 1950 VertNet Global Network of Vertebrate Species WCMC World Conservation Monitoring Center WDPA World Database on Protected Areas WGS World Geodetic System XML Extensible Markup.
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