J. Geom. Phys. 91 (2015), 146–162. a Quaternion-Kähler Manifold Is a 4N

J. Geom. Phys. 91 (2015), 146–162. a Quaternion-Kähler Manifold Is a 4N

Citations From References: 0 From Reviews: 0 MR3327056 (Review) 53C26 Gambioli, A. [Gambioli, Andrea] (3-DAWS-M); Nagatomo, Y. [Nagatomo, Yasuyuki] (J-MEIJ2); Salamon, S. [Salamon, Simon M.] (4-LNDKC) Special geometries associated to quaternion-K¨ahler8-manifolds. (English summary) J. Geom. Phys. 91 (2015), 146{162. A quaternion-K¨ahlermanifold is a 4n-dimensional smooth manifold (n ≥ 2) endowed with a Riemannian metric g with holonomy contained in the subgroup Sp(n)Sp(1) of SO(4n). In this interesting paper under review, the authors develop a calculus of differential forms on a quaternion-K¨ahlermanifold admitting an isometric circle action and establish the existence of direct links between quaternion-K¨ahlergeometry in dimension eight, half-flat geometry in dimension six, and G2 geometry in dimension seven. Gabriel Eduard V^ılcu References 1. B. Acharya, E. Witten, Chiral fermions from manifolds of G2 holonomy, hep- th/0106034. 2. A. 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