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The authors describe left-invariant half-flat SU(3)-structures on the Lie group S3 × S3 using the representation theory of the group SO(4) and matrix algebra. In particular, it is proven that on this group there exists unique left-invariant nearly-K¨ahlerstructure. The authors give a description of the moduli space of left-invariant half-flat SU(3)- structures in terms of matrix algebra. It is proven that essentially the moduli space is a finite-dimensional symplectic quotient. The matrix algebra is used also to simplify and interpret the Hitchin flow equations for the associated cohomogeneity one Ricci-flat metrics with holonomy G2. In the final part of the paper, the authors present results of a numerical study of Hitchin's evolution equations for S3 ×S3. They recover metrics that behave asymptotically locally conically. Dmitri˘ıVladimir Alekseevsky References 1. Apostolov, V., Salamon, S.: K¨ahlerreduction of metrics with holonomy G2. Comm. Math. 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