AUGUST 2018 HEAD STRONG 8 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s 6 Creating a Dementia-friendly Church 8 Academy Students Receive Caring Heart Award 20 A Time of Prevailing Prayer insideAUGUST2018 4 4 Head Strong Most people haven’t heard of type 3 diabetes. But they probably know the condition by its more common name: Alzheimer’s. 6 Creating a Dementia-friendly Church Churches can play a vital role in providing support for people who have Alzheimer’s and those who take care of them. 6 8 8 Academy Students Receive Caring 20 Heart Award Nine academy students in the Atlantic Union Conference are the recipients of the 2018 Caring Heart Award. 20 A Time of Prevailing Prayer The Lord is soon to come. Wickedness and rebellion, violence and crime, are filling the world. 3 From the Executive Secretary 21 New York 81 Southern New England 01 Bermuda 41 Northeastern 21 Bulletin Board 1 Greater New York 61 Northern New England 21 Obituaries 22 Classified Ads Cover: The image used in the cover design is from iStock.com/Grandfailure. August 2018, Vol. 117, No. 8. The Atlantic Union GLEANER is published monthly by the Atlantic Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®, 400 Main Street, Lancaster, MA 01523. Printed by L. Brown and Sons Printing, Inc., 14 Jefferson Street, Barre, VT 05641. Standard postage paid at Montpelier, VT 05602. Annual subscription price, $10.00. NEW OR RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONS: Mail new or renewal subscriptions to Atlantic Union GLEANER, P.O. Box 1189, South Lancaster, MA 01561. Adventist® and Seventh-day Adventist® are registered trademarks of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®. 2 Atlantic Union GLEANER, August 2018 Visit the Atlantic Union Website FROM THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY God Wants Us to Be Whole t is well known that Seventh-day the quality of our lives. We will be Adventists in general are healthy healthier and happier. In THE HEALTH Ipeople. Recent articles in the FOOD MINISTRY, p. 37, Ellen White NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC magazine have wrote that “True religion and the focused on the fact that Seventh-day laws of health go hand in hand. It is Adventist Church members practice impossible to work for the salvation of a healthy lifestyle and, on average, men and women without presenting live healthier lives than the rest of to them the need of breaking away the population. The health message from sinful gratifications, which is a core part of Adventist teachings. destroy the health, debase the soul, We believe that we should obey the and prevent divine truth from relevant laws of health as prescribed impressing the mind.” in the Bible and take care of our All the money in the world cannot “bodies as the temples of the Holy buy good health. Money can buy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:19, 20). A medications, pay for medical bills, healthy lifestyle honors God, our and hospitalizations, but it can never “Whether or not Creator, and is conducive to a good buy us good health. In nature, and quality of life. through our choice of a healthy Someone once said that “the biggest lifestyle, lies the secrets to good we are blessed with room in the world is the room for health. In 3 John 2 (NIV), John wrote: improvement.” Whether or not we “Dear friend, I pray that you may are blessed with good physical and enjoy good health and that all may spiritual health, we can always go well with you, even as your soul is good physical and improve. As a church, we have long getting along well.” adopted basic principles of health Being healthy is both physical that have been taught and shared in and spiritual. If we strive to spend spiritual health, we various publications of the Adventist quality time with God daily, get Church and, more increasingly, in sufficient rest, plenty of sunshine, publications that are not published fresh air, with enough water and by the church. Lifestyle programs good nutritional food as close to can always improve.” such as NEWSTART (newstart. their natural state as possible, we org) and CREATION Health will continually renew our strength (creationhealth.com) are two widely- and greatly improve our physical and accepted examples. spiritual health. The practice of these natural principles of health will result in Pierre Omeler is the executive secretary for the Atlantic Union Conference. good physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. They will improve at www.atlantic-union.org Atlantic Union GLEANER, August 2018 3 COVER FEATURE By Michele Deppe Head Strong 8 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s ost people haven’t heard tions to treat some symptoms related associated risk factors, including low of type 3 diabetes. But to language skills, memory, and some thyroid levels, high homocysteine Mthey probably know the behavior problems. But there’s no levels (an amino acid linked to heart condition by its more common name: medication-based cure, and the drug attacks and strokes), and elevated Alzheimer’s. benefits are short-lived. blood fats. Alzheimer’s isn’t a normal part of Researchers aren’t sure why some Conventional medicine hasn’t offered aging. It causes symptoms such as people get Alzheimer’s and others much hope. But there’s actually a lot memory loss, dramatic mood swings, don’t. Evidence shows that having you can do to decrease your risk, or an inability to focus, and problems a family history of Alzheimer’s even reverse symptoms. “New research controlling the body. These symptoms means a greater risk. Alzheimer’s is shows how combined natural strate- are the result of on-going brain dam- sometimes linked to diabetes, high gies can powerfully reverse memory age. Alzheimer’s causes proteins to blood pressure, and high cholesterol, loss and cognitive decline,” says Wes become like twisted threads inside and sometimes, although more rarely, Youngberg, Dr.P.H., a clinical nutrition- the brain’s nerve cells (neurofibrillary to having had a head injury earlier ist, lifestyle medicine specialist, and tangles). It also causes damaged pro- in life. The Alzheimer’s Association a founding director and fellow of the tein deposits to build up plaque in the International Conference held in American College of Lifestyle Medicine spaces between the brain’s nerve cells Toronto, Canada, in 2016 presented and author of HELLO HEALTHY. (called beta-amyloid plaques). There data showing that Alzheimer’s are about five FDA-approved medica- and dementia have more than 50 To Beat Alzheimer’s, You Need a Plan The numbers associated with Alzheimer’s are staggering: More than five million Americans live with it, and one in three elderly people die with it or another dementia. Every 65 seconds someone in the nation develops the disease, and projections estimate that by mid-century, someone will develop the disease every 33 seconds. “That’s the current ‘status quo’, but it’s within our power to impact those statistics,” says Youngberg. “By devel- oping a personalized wellness plan to address the multiple factors associated with Alzheimer’s, we may dramatically decrease our risk. It’s different for each one of us,” Youngberg says in his lecture series, “Unlocking the Code for iStock.com/Halfpoint Brain Healing: Natural Strategies for 4 Atlantic Union GLEANER, August 2018 Visit the Atlantic Union Website COVER FEATURE Preventing Alzheimer’s and Reversing Here are some suggestions for your 4. Never stop learning. Memory Loss.” grocery list: Research shows that keeping active Creating a personalized plan begins mentally seems to increase vitality and with understanding your exposome, • Add more veggies to your diet, even generates new brain cells. Try which comprises everything in your including broccoli, brussels sprouts, playing games, reading, attending lec- life—diet, activity, career, relation- tomatoes, and kale. tures, and learning new things. ships, thoughts—all the things you’ve been exposed to and their impact on • Fall in love with fatty fruits, such as 5. Cherish relationships. your genetic expression. To be com- avocados and olives. A study of 800 men and women pletely certain of what you’re working aged 75 and older showed that those with, Youngberg suggests having your • Trade cow’s milk for unsweetened who were physically active, mentally DNA analyzed. “For about $199, you almond milk. active, or more socially engaged had can order a saliva test from 23andMe. a lower risk of developing dementia. com and get results in about six to • Lose the corn oil, and opt for extra People who combined all of these eight weeks,” Youngberg says. He virgin coconut or olive oils instead. activities were found to have the best strongly recommends seeing an expert protection. So stay connected with oth- in comprehensive lifestyle manage- • When you’re craving a sweet ers: volunteer, make new friends, and ment who will meaningfully interpret treat, eat blueberries. They tame participate in community activities. the 48-page report you’ll receive about inflammation and have disease- your DNA. They’ll help you gather fighting phytochemicals, flavonoids, 6. Sleep on it. further lab data (from tests such as and fiber. Seven to eight hours of good sleep glucose/insulin tolerance, cardiac/hs each night is extremely valuable. A CRP, and other specialized blood tests, • Include walnuts, chia seeds, and study on mice published in the jour- etc.) and utilize this specific informa- beans in your diet. They deliver nal NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING found tion into the most comprehensive great nutrition to the brain. that sleep-deprived mice developed dementia prevention and/or reversal dementia-related problems sooner plan for you. • Talk to your lifestyle medicine than others. And researchers believe specialist about supplements and that poor sleep can trigger pathologi- Take Action Against Alzheimer’s herbs that may be appropriate cal processes that accelerate the dis- While the goal is for everyone to for you.
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