league of nations (Communicated to the Members of the League.) C.480.M.323,1938. Geneva, December 1st, 1938. NUMERICAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LEa GUE, No,11 (November 1938) Official numbor SUBJECT C,144,M.92,1937, Amendment Rules of procedure of the Assembly,- Amend­ ment to Article 1, paragraph 1. C.80.M.35.1938, Corrigenda 4,5,6, Oommittees of the League»- 4th, 5th an>l 6th Corrigenda to the list of Members. C.334.M.200.1938.XI @ Annual reports for 1937 on traffic in opiua and other dangerous drugs,- Latvia. 0.335.M.201.1938,XI @ Spain. 0.358.Mi 200.1938.XI @@ Norway, C.361.M, 212.1938,XI @@ Ireland. 0.362.M.213,1938.XI Australia, C.363 *M.214.1938.XI @@ New Zealand. C. 364.Me 215.1938«XI. @ Chile, C.365,M,216,1938.XI @ Uruguay. @ French text only. @@ English text only. - 2 - C.366,M,217.1938,XI © Annual reports for 1937 on traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs,- Bulgaria. C.369,M.220.1938.XI Papua, C,384,M,229.1938.II,A and Corrigendum. Fiscal Committee (8th Session, October 1938).- Report, C.387.M.232.1938,V and Annex (C.P,J.I,,Series C,No,84). Phosphates in Morocco,- Note by the Secretary- General and pleadings, oral statements and documents of the Permanent Court of Interna­ tional Justice. C,388,M.233.1938. Nume5ical list of documents distributed- to . the.Members of the League.- No.10 (October 19381 - . ■ ' C,389.M.234.1938.XI ©§ Annua], reports for 1937 on traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs' The. Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States, Hoh'ore, Kedah, Perils, Kelantan, Treiigganu and Brunei, C,415.M.260.1938 Co-operation of Japan with the organs of the LeagueLetter from the Jaja nose Government, C.416.M.261.1938.VII Re que st of the Spanish Government for the technical assistance of the League in the study" of measures for provT'5Ti~g 'food supplies for refugees,- Note by the Secretary-General, Report by Sir Denys Bray and Mr. Webster, and le tter and memorandum by the Spanish Government, C.419,M,263.1938,XI Annual reports for 1937 on traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs.- Nigeria. C.420, M.264.1938.XI Sarawak 0.420(a).M.264(a).1938.XI Annual reports for 1937 concerning prépare! opium Sarawak. C » 421,M,265.1938.XI .Annual reports for 1937 concerning traffic m opium and otner dangerous drugs.- Trinidad and Tobago <3 French text only. @<3 English text only. - 3 - C,423,M.266,1938.II.B Commercial access to raw materials ,— Furtte r observations of Governments on the principles formulated by the Economic Committee, C,462,M.305,1938,XI and Annex <3 Laws &- regulations concerning opitim and other dangerous drugs,- United States of America and Norway, C ,463,M.306,1938.XI and Annex @@ United States of America. C,464,M,307,1938,XI and Annex @@ Federated Malay States, C.465,M,308.1930,XI and Annex Falkland Islands, C.466.M,309.1938.XI and Annex @@ United States of America. C . 469,M*‘312 » 1938«XI @@@ Annual reports for 1937 on traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs.- United States of America. C.470,M,313.1938.XI @@@ Hong Kong, ' C,470(a),M,313(a).1938.XI @@@ Annual reports for 1937 concerning prepared opium,- Hong Kong, C,471.M,314.1938,XI and Annex @@ Laws fc regulations concerning opium and other , dangerous drugs.- Canada, C.472.M,315,1938,XI m @ Annual reports for 1937 on traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs,- Burma. C,473.M,316,1938,XI and Annex Laws & regulations concerning opium and other dangerous drugs.- Netherlands Indies. C,474.M,317.1938,XI and Annex @@@3 Netherlands. @ English and Norwegian texts only, one copy distributed to each Member of the League, @@ English text only, one copy distributed to each Member of the League » @@@ English text only. @@§@ Dutch text only, one copy only distributed to each Member of the League. - 4 - C.475,M.318«193.8,XI and Annex® Laws & regulations concerning opium and other fiangerous drugs ,1- Haiti. C.476.M.310,1938,XI and Annex @0 Ireland. C.477.M.320.1938,XII and Addendum Traft international Act on intellectisal co-ope- ration.» Observations of Finland, Ecuador and Mexi co» A.24.1938.IV, Corrigendum Penal and penitentiary questions.- Corrigendum to the report of the Secretary General. C.L.197.1938,XI and Annexes I and II Situation in the Far East respecting the clan­ destine -manufacture of and the illicit traffic in narcotic drugs,-' Note by the Secretary- General, resolutions of June 1937 and June 1938 of the Opium Advisory Committee, resolution of September 1938 of the Assembly and extract from the minutes of the 23rd Session of the Opium Advisory Committee» C.L.206,1938.X F)}d Annex, Budget for 1939 Note by. the Secret§ty -Gene­ ral and statement of contributions . C.L.207.1938.II.B Convention on the execution of foreign arbitra1 ar-rds (September 1927)4-- Application to Burma C.L.208,1938, II.E .. Protocol on arbitration clauses (September 1923)« - Application to Burma, C,L.209.1938,XII leclaration which the Government of Finland proposes to make when ratifying the convention for facilitating th'e international circulation of films of an educational character (October 1933).- Observations of Belgium and Monaco. C.L,210.1938,XII Observations of United States of America, <S French text only, one copy distributed to each Member of the League, _ ©©Irish and English texts only, one copy distributed to each Member of the League* - 5 - " C.L.211.1938,II«A @ Minimum list of commodities' for international trade statistics,- Observations of Union of South Africa. C.L,212.1938,XI Pro ce s-verbal to alter date1 of issue of the annual statement of estimated world require­ ments of dangerous drugs, - (.June 1956).- Reply from Norway and Belgium to the German Government’s communication,, ■ C.L .213.1938,V Convention concerning the minimum requirement of professional capacity for masters and- officers on board merchant ships (October 1936) adopted by the 'International Labour Conference (21st Session),- Ratification by the United States of America T C.L.214.1938,V Convention concerning annual holidays with pay for seamen (October 1936) adopted by The International~ Labour Conference (21st Session] Ratification by the United States of America. C.L.215.1938,V Convention concerning the liability of ship­ owner in case of sickness, injury or death of seamen (October-1936) adopted by the Inter­ national Labour Conference (21st Session).- Ratification by the United States of America, C.L,216.1938.V Convention concerning hours of work on b oard ship and manning (October 1936). adopted by the International-Labour Conference (21st Session) Ratification by the United States of America, C.L.217.1938,V Convention fixing the minimum age _for the admission of children to employment at sea (revised October 1936) adopted-by the Inter­ national Labour Conference (22nd Session).- Ratification by the United States of America, C.L.218,1938.11.B Authorities authorised in Czechoslovakia to issue certificates of origin provided for by Article 11,No.2 of the international convention relating to the simplif i cat ion.o.f. customs formalities (November 1923).- Note by the. Secretary-General. Distributed to Members and Non Members except Danzig, Luxemburg, Monaco and Liechtenstein. Distributed to those Members and Non Members which have signed or which may sign the proces-verbal» — 6 - C.L.219.1938.XII @ Proces-verbal concerning the application of Articles IV,V,VI,VII, IX,XII and XIII of the Convention of October 1935 for facilitating the international circulation of films of an . educational character (September 1958) <>- Signature by Sweden, C =L.220,1938»XI Application of Article 19 of the convention of July 1931 for limiting the manufacture and regulating the distribution of narcotic-drugs Note by the Secretary-General, C.L.221,1958,XI and Annex (0,S,B/Statement 1939)@@ Estimated world requirements of dangerous dmugs for 1959,- Note by the Secretary-General and statement of the Opium Supervisory Body,- C rL ,222.1938,XII @ ■ Proces-verbal concerning the application of Articles IV,V,VI,VII, IX,~XII and XIII of the Convention of October 1955 for facilitating the international circulation of films of an educational character (September 1958).- Signature by Switzerland. C.L.224,1958.V Reservation made by the Government of the Union of Sovie t Socialist Republics on signing the convention for the creation of an inter­ national criminal court. (November 1957~)>- >bservations of Yugoslavia, C «L.225.1938.V Reservation made by the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on signing the convention fo'r the prevention and punish­ ment of terrorism (November 1937Tt- Obser­ vations of Yugoslavia. C,L = 228,1938.XI and Annex Application to diacetylmorphine of Article 10 of the Convention for limiting the manufacture and regulating the distribution of narcotic drugs (July 1951),- Note by the,Secretary- . General and note by. the Secretariat» @ Distributed to those Members and Non Members which have signed or adhered to the 1933 Convention. @@ Confidential document, - 7 - DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY THE PERMANENT CENTRAL OPIUM BOa RD. M.L.18 @ II.L .18 (a) @@ Notifications provided for under paragraph 2 of Article 14 of the Convention of July 1931 for limiting the manufacture and regulating the distribution of narcotic drugs.- Note by the Permanent Central- Opium Board. SPECIAL DOCUMENTS Official Journal, 19th Year No.10 (Budget of the 21st financial period (1939).
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