The Spelling Champ Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequency (G-O) TheSpellingChamp.com Website by Cole Shafer-Ray TheSpellingChamp.com 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequency gusset gyromancy hailstones n n n pl F > E Gk + Gk E + E a usually triangular or diamond- divination in which one walking in balls or lumps of ice falling from a shaped insert (as of cloth or leather) or around a circle falls from cloud. placed in a seam to give ease or dizziness and prognosticates from The hailstones damaged the finish expansibility. the place of the fall. of many cars in the neighborhood. Eileen sewed a gusset into the In one form of gyromancy, a circle waistband of her hiking pants. is marked with the alphabet so that haircut words may be formed as the diviner guttate falls on the letters. hairdo adj habit hairiest L n adj resembling a drop or having spots that resemble drops. L > F > E E Symptoms of Janet’s illness a behavior pattern acquired by the most covered with or as if with included a high fever and guttate frequent repetition. hair. skin lesions. It is a Yorkshire habit to say what “That’s the hairiest baby I’ve ever you think with blunt frankness, and seen!” exlaimed Mr. Feeney. guyot old Ben Weatherstaff was a Yorkshire moor man. halfback gyascutus habitable hallucinations gymnast habituated hallucinatory gymnure adj n hallux L n Gk made familiar through use or a small whitish insectivorous experience : accustomed. L mammal of southeastern Asia Although now habituated to a the innermost digit (as the big toe) having a long snout and a long comfortable life, Edna never forgot of the hind limb : big toe. naked tail. the pain of her poverty-stricken The football player became The gymnure, also called the childhood. afflicted with an arthritic hallux moonrat, is usually black with that affected his mobility. whitish head, but some individuals habitue are all white. halogen haddock n gynecocentric adj hafnium Gk any of the five elements fluorine, Gk haggardly chlorine, bromine, iodine, and dominated by or emphasizing astatine forming group VII A of the feminine interests or point of view. hagiographer periodic table. Lucy enjoyed the movie mostly for n A halogen normally appears in the its gynecocentric plot. free state as a diatomic molecule. Gk gynecocracy one who writes about the life of a halter saint. gynecology Most biographies of the saints are anonymous, but some are gyration attributed to a particular hagiographer. gyrocompass hagiolith Page 121 of 289 TheSpellingChamp.com 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequency hambo hangdog hariolation n adj harmfully Sw geog name E + E a Swedish round danced to various dejected, cowed, pitiful. harmless melodies in triple time. When asked why he had such a adj Joel learned to dance the hambo hangdog look, the little boy replied when he visited relatives in that he couldn’t find his puppy. E Sweden. lacking capacity or intent to injure. hangul The snake was a harmless little hammer n thing that would not hurt anyone and seemed in a hurry to get out of hamotzi Kashmiri the room. a deer of Kashmir closely related to hamper the red deer of Europe. harmony The deer hunter pointed out his hamster most recent trophy — the mounted harpy head of a hangul. n handbill haori Gk > L handicap a predatory monster in chiefly n hapchance classical mythology represented as having a woman’s head and body E haphazardry and claws of a vulture and as being an advantage given a weaker an instrument of divine vengeance. contestant or a disadvantage happenstance Mrs. Byrd did not realize that the imposed upon a stronger contestant n harpy Jill drew to illustrate Roman in order to equalize chances of mythology had personal winning. E + L significance. Mr. Shore’s golf handicap has a circumstance regarded as being remained unchanged after six years due to chance. harras of play. By happenstance, Gloria found herself in the position of being a harried handicapper witness to a robbery. v handiwork haptic E adj kept under constant attack or threat handkerchief of attack : harassed. n Gk A mosquito harried Charlie as he relating to or based on the sense of tried to sleep. E + F > E touch. a piece of cloth that is used for The human body’s haptic sensor is harrow various personal purposes or as a the skin. costume accessory. harrowing Mr. Van Deventer bought a harassment adj matching tie and handkerchief off n the bargain rack. E F acutely distressing or painful : handsome the act or an instance of vexing, agonizing. troubling, or annoying continually Laura worried that a trip to the hangar or chronically. South Dakota badlands would be a The employee sued the company for trip through miles of harrowing harassment that occurred over a and hazardous countryside. period of two years. harvester hardihood hardscrabble Page 122 of 289 TheSpellingChamp.com 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequency hastate hawker hebephrenia adj n n L G&E Gk shaped like a spear or the head of a one that sells wares especially in a form of schizophrenia that is spear. the streets : peddler. characterized by silliness, Michael has a letter opener with a Sabrina tried to ignore the hawker delusions, hallucinations, and hastate blade that looks like a as he extolled the virtues of beef regression and that has an early Neolithic weapon. jerky. insidious onset. The prognosis for hebephrenia, hastener hawse which presents itself initially during youth, is unfavorable. hastilude hawser n hebetudinous hastily adv L > F > E hecatomb [Note: Could be confused with n F > E Hausa, houser.] a large rope for hurriedly. towing or mooring a ship or Gk The hastily executed maneuver securing it at a dock. a large number or quantity. saved the ship from the rocks. Jody passed the hawser around the The hecatomb of soldiers slain in mooring post and disembarked the War Between the States makes hatched from the boat. this war the deadliest conflict in our country’s history. haul hawthorn heckle haunches hayloft n pl n hector v Gmc > F > E E + ON > E hips : hindquarters. a loft or scaffold for hay. Gk name The guard dog sat on his haunches Uncle Albert forbade the children harass, intimidate, bully, or and growled a warning to all who from playing in the hayloft. domineer by bluster, scolding, or came near. personal pressure. hazard Some seniors like to hector hausfrau underclassmen on the first day of haziness school. Havarti n hazing hedebo Danish geog name headpiece hedge a semisoft Danish cheese with a mild to sharp flavor. headset hedgehopper Rivka served raw vegetables and mild Havarti with crackers to her hearse hedgerow party guests. n heartburn Hawaiian E adj heartthrob a row of shrubs or trees enclosing or separating fields. Hawaiian heathenness The property belonging to the of or relating to the island, state, or estate extended from the hedgerow Territory of Hawaii, the Hawaiian heaven at the left of the house to the stone islands, or the inhabitants of pillar one mile down the road. Hawaii. heavyweight Maureen won a Hawaiian vacation hedonic on a game show. hebdomadal heedful hawk Page 123 of 289 TheSpellingChamp.com 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequency heedless heliophyte hemera n n hefty adj Gk + Gk Gk a plant thriving in or tolerating full a stratigraphic zone comprising the E sunlight. time range of a particular fossil impressively large. The cactus is a good example of a species. Little Jolene sat on several hefty heliophyte. Work on the excavation stopped books in order to reach the when the workers accidentally desktop. heliosis unearthed a wide, rich hemera. n heiferette hemic Gk adj heighten sunstroke. Ben stayed indoors for a week Gk heist following his bout with heliosis on of or relating to blood. the rafting trip. Hemic problems caused Ron's heliacal breathing difficulty. adj heliport hemiplegia Gk helix relating to or near the Sun—used n hemiplegic especially of the last setting of a adj star before and its first rising after Gk > L invisibility due to conjunction with something spiral in form. Gk the Sun. Each tendril of a grape vine forms marked by paralysis of one lateral The Egyptian rural year was a helix. half of the body or part of it determined by the heliacal rising of resulting from injury to the motor Sirius. hellebore centers of the brain. Marc’s automobile accident left helical helmet him in a hemiplegic condition. n heliciform hemlock adj Gmc > F any of various protective head hemochromatosis Gk + Ecf coverings usually made of a hard n spiral. material to resist impact. Emmett picked up several small The steel helmet protected the Gk heliciform shells while playing on soldier from shrapnel. a disease characterized by the beach. widespread deposition of iron- helminthoid containing pigments in the tissues helicline adj resulting in bronzing of the skin, associated with cirrhosis of the heliocentric Gk liver and pancreas. adj resembling a parasitic worm (as a “Bronze diabetes” is the common roundworm, tapeworm, or leech). name for hemochromatosis. Gk The calves’ emaciation and stunted having or relating to the Sun as the growth were found to be a result of hemodialysis center. infestation by helminthoid n Copernicus proposed in the 16th organisms. century a heliocentric theory of Gk + Gk + Gk planetary arrangement. helpful the process of removing blood from an artery (as of a kidney patient), purifying it, adding vital substances, and returning it to a vein.
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