PQTVJGCUV"HNQTKFC‚U"QNFGUV."NCTIGUV."OQUV"TGCF"CHTKECP"COGTKECP"QYPGF"PGYURCRGT Vjg"Hnqtkfc"Uvct Rtguqtvgf"Uvcpfctf HNQTKFC OQPG["UCXKPI Etkog"( Vjg"Hnqtkfc"Uvct. R0"Q0"Dqz"6284; W0U0"Rquvcig"Rckf Lcemuqpxknng."HN"54425 Lcemuqpxknng."HN RTKOCT[ Lwuvkeg Vjg"Igqtikc"Uvct# Rgtokv""Pq0"5839 EQWRQPU"KPUKFG GNGEVKQP *;26+"988/::56 Can’t Get to the Store Uvknn"Pwodgt"Qpg# VWGUFC[ Uvtkxkpi"vq"ocmg Have The Star Delivered CWI"36."4234 c"fkhhgtgpeg Cp"Cyctf Tgcf"Vjg"Hnqtkfc Ykppkpi cpf"Igqtikc"Uvct Rwdnkecvkqp. Pgyurcrgtu0 Nkuvgp vq"KORCEV ugtxkpi"{qw Tcfkq"Vcnm"Ujqy0 ukpeg"3;730" YYY0vjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo Tcvgf"›Cfi"d{ The people’s choice vjg"Dgvvgt Dwukpguu"Dwtgcw yyy0vjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo CWIWUV"33"/"CWIWUV"39."4234""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""XQN0""84""PQ0"39""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""72"EGPVU" 7/[gct/qnf"Uqp"qh"c Ic{"Tkijvu"qt"Ekxkn"Tkijvu Tkejctfu/Tquu"Ykpu"Iqnf= Ujctmu."Ftciigf"d{ By Dementrious Lawrence Lciwctu"Egngdtcvg In early May, Jacksonville City Councilman Warren Ect"qp"Rctmkpi"Nqv Jones filed a bill Mrs. Dorothy Alford, of the Glynn commonly referred to as County Police Department, 2012�296, “The Gay Brunswick, GA. and mother of Bill Rights Bill,” otherwise Alford of the Jacksonville Sharks, known as “The sent out a very touchy letter to those Anti�Discrimination Photo by Leland Bobbe`s from who work with her, asking them to Half-Drag Photos Show Bill.” Heavy supporters please send up prayers for her grand- Collection, New York of this piece of legisla- Lgpqc"Cnhqtf."7 son, Jenoa Alford, who lives in tion include former Sanya Richards-Ross, Jacksonville Jaguars Aaron Jacksonville. According to records, the Canopy Republican Mayors John Delaney and John Peyton and Ross’ wife, won the women’s 400M race in Apartments on Monument Road had experienced an former Republican City Council President Matt London last week. See full story on page B-4. accident. About 9:30 p.m., a car dragged Jenoa across Carlucci. The bill has been presented as “protecting eight parking spaces while his mother, Kentaura civil rights” and leaders from the Lesbian, Gay, Cogtkec‚u"Jkijguv"Rckf" Richardson, watched but unable to help. Kentaura said Bi�sexual and Transgendered community (LGBT), are Egngdtkv{"Eqwrng she never would have dreamed something like this comparing it to the civil rights struggles in the United could happen but every moment of the incident is still States. Ic{ - Continued on A-3 in her head. The five year old was taken to the hospital with life- Eqpitguuyqocp"Dtqyp"Igv threatening injuries. Surgery was performed on his head but the real outcome is not predicted. Gzvgpukqp"hqt"wr"vq"&347.222 7/[gct/Qnf - Continued - A-3 hqt"422;/4232"Jqogqypgtu Ocp"Igvu"Nkhg"hqt"Ujqqvkpi Your current or former loan servicer may owe you Fgcvj"qh"Htkgpf."OeEq{ money. Was your home in any stage of foreclosure in 2009 or 2010? If so, you may be eligible for up to It was June 2011, and the city $125,000 in cash and/or other compensation due to the was shocked when Kalil mishandling of your loan. McCoy came up missing. Congresswoman Corrine Brown is informing her Many in the community took constituents of such. She discovered in late June that Beyonce and Jay-Z have been named the highest-paid time out of their schedule to see this information had not been properly disseminated couple in the world by Forbes magazine. Understand, if they could locate her. But and decided to take action since only one minority they are not the highest paid couple in America, they then her body was found and media had been informed, nation wide. are the highest paid couple in the world. her classmate, Frederick Wade, When the congresswoman made her inquiry, she was Forbes reports that thanks to Beyonce's $40 million came forward and admitted that able to get an extension so that more could take advan- and Jay-Z's $38 million earned between May of 2011 Htgfgtkem"Ycfg."42 he had accidently shot her while tage of the compensation they could achieve from any and May of 2012, the couple's combined income of $78 he was driving. wrong doing. million puts them in the top spot this year. They were not alone. The two were in the front seat Under a settlement between the federal government Both Beyonce and Jay-Z brought in cash from their of the SUV and began to argue because she wanted and mortgage servicers, independent reviewers will respective music efforts, but the two's success is also in the window up and he did not agree. So, they strug- determine if borrowers suffered financial harm result- part to their non-music ventures as well as their gled and the gun went off, according to Wade, and ing from errors, misrepresentations, or other deficien- endorsement deals. shot her in the head. The problem escalated when the cies during the foreclosure process. For example, some The top five are: Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady, three males decided not to take her to the hospital so, borrowers were improperly denied modifications; oth- In third place are the Beckhams, Brad Pitt ($25 million) she died. ers were current on payments, but lost their homes any- and Angelina Jolie ($20 million) in fourth place, and Ocp /"Eqpvkpwgf"qp"C/5 way. Servicers must compensate borrowers for finan- Will ($30 million) and Jada Pinkett-Smith ($10 mil- Okutgrtgugpvcvkqp"d{"Tqopg{ cial injury caused by these errors. lion) landing in fifth. Eqpitguuyqocp Of course, Will and Jada are not counting the income Tgictfkpi"Oknkvct{"Xqvkpi" - Continued on A-3 earned by their children. By Glorious Johnson, Southeast Region Community Economic Uvgxkg"Yqpfgt Development Association Mitt Romney is claiming that President Obama is Igvvkpi"c"Fkxqteg restricting the rights of the military to vote in Ohio via Stevie Wonder President Obama and the National Committee’s law- and wife Kai suit. Millard In the lawsuit, the president and the DNC are request- Morris are ing for a preliminary injunction, asking that the full divorcing early voting period be open to ALL Ohio citizens, as it after 11 years. was previously under the law before this year. The pur- The couple pose of the lawsuit is not to restrict the ability of any has two chil- military members to cast their ballot early. President dren, 10 and Obama and the DNC’s lawsuit attempts to restore the seven and are asking for joint voting rights for all the citizens of Ohio. custody. He has agreed to pay The lawsuit was filed in the federal court to restore spousal and child support. in-person early voting during the three days prior to the Stevie has seven children in all Election Day. This voting right was exercised by over from his first marriage and other 90,000 citizens from Ohio in the last presidential race. relationships. As the law presently stands, in which it has been Need a ride to the polls so you enacted by the State of Ohio and administered by can vote? Please call Bishop Defendant Ohio Secretary of State, it eliminates early Lorenzo Hall, The Greater El- voting during the three days leading up to the election. Beth-El Divine Holiness Church, According to David Axelrod, campaign advisor to the 904-374-3940. Spread the word. President, Mitt Romney’s portrayal of the case is Early Voting through Saturday. Okutgrtgugpvcvkqp - Continued A-3 You have a choice-no excuse! K Editorial/Opinion.B6 Nqqmkpi" hqt" ewuvqogtu" vq" rcvtqpk|g" {qwt Ykuj"vq"ikxg"wu"c"Pgyu"Uvqt{A Church..........................A-2 P Talk of the Town..............A-4 dwukpguu" qt" wvknk|g" {qwt" ugtxkeguA" Kh" {qw Ecnn"*;26+"988/::56"qt"Ugpf"kv"vq< Area News....................A-6 kphqBvjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo U Caribbean..............A-7 cpuygtgf"[GU."vjgp"{qw"pggf"vq"rnceg"cp"cf Prep Rap........Back Section K Local.....................B-1 kp" Vjg" Hnqtkfc" qt" Igqtikc" Uvct#" " ECNN cfBvjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo Columns...................B-2 F Sports....................B-4 ;261988/::56"vq"rnceg"{qwt"cf"VQFC[## Crime&Justice.Front Section G Classified & Business... B-7 Check, Money Order, Or Credit Cards Accepted PAGE A-2 THE STAR AUGUST 11, 2012 CHURCH In Loving Memory: Faith In Our Community Robert J. Blunt, Jr. The Church Directory Schedule of Events and Services “Lil Robert” “Come and Worship With Us” ANNOUNCEMENTS New Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church 1824 Prospect Street * Jacksonville, FL 32208 MOUNT LEBANON MISSIONARY BAPTIST Sunday School …..............………………..9:30 a.m. CHURCH, located at 9319 Ridge Blvd., under the guidance Sunday Morning of Pastor Freddie Summer, will be celebrating their Annual Intercessory Prayer...............…..10:45 a.m. Mrs. Day, August 12th at 4:00 p.m. The Celebrating Theme Morning Worship ......................11:00 a.m. is “Men Become as Little Children in Humility.” Matthew Youth Church 18:4. “Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this lit- 2nd & 3rd Sundays (Old Sanctuary) tle child, the same is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. We Tuesday - Pastoral Bible Study ................ 7:00 p.m. are preparing for a glorious time in the Lord and an explica- Elder Arnitt Jones, Acting Pastor tion of high praise with Guest Pastor, Rev. Anthony Webster, Rev. Joe Calhoun, Pastor Emeritus Peach Missionary Baptist Church. The public is invited to August 10, 1955 - December 2, 1986 (904) 764-5727 - Church come out and experience this great worship service in the Lord. For further information, you may call 904-527-1762. You will never be forgotten for though we are apart Historic Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church CENTRAL METROPOLITAN CHRISTIAN you are always and forever Sunday METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 4611 North Pearl Church School . 8:30 a.m. St. - Kutz for Kidz is sponsoring a BACK TO SCHOOL alive within our hearts.
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