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Brltish-R OFF OFF OFF TVJOT our entire stock, but on outstanding quality selection •*• ^ including groups by America's leading clothing makers. While we do not have every color and pattern in every size, you will find variety and a good choice due to the usual large Gilbert Stock. Shop evenings at Gilbert's — Store hours are 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Monday through Saturday. GILBERT'S 809-817 S. Michigan St. SOUTH BEND'S LARGEST STORE FOR MEN! February 11, 1955 Crannnning for Exams lotre Dame Men Scholastk Remember your: Vol. 96 FEBRUARY 11, 1955 No. 12Mu * Mother DIsce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Mortiturus * Sweetheart Founded 1867 * Relatives Entered as second class matter at Notre Damei on Indiana. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1101, October 3, 1917. Authorized Fight "Book Fatigue" Safely June 23, 1918. Your doctor will tell you — a JVODOZ A%vakener is safe as an average cup of hot. black cof­ mmrnn m\ Editor fee. Take a NoDoz Awakener LAWRENCE J. BREHL with a corsage or when you cram for that exam Associate and Sports Editor ...or when mid-afternoon a dozen roses from PAUL FULLMER brings on those "3 o'clock cob­ webs." You'll find NoDoz gives Associate Editor you a lift without a letdown... FRED C. ECKART helps you snap back to normal mn BEiD JOHN ADAMS News' and fight fatigue safely! ROBERT KAUFMAN .... Assistant News • r. •• nC* '°'^se economy size .5 tablets-<*tC (for ©reek Row ond 98< PAUL J. LaFRENIERE Copy Dorms) 60 foblets — FLORiL CHARLES McKENDRICK 114 So. Michigan „ Assistant Copy mopoz JOSEPH CONNOLLY ....Features AWAKSNERS' CE 3-8227 KEN WOODWARD .. Business Manager out of town floral service SAFE AS COFFEE JIM GALLAGHER Circulation PETER STURTEVANT Photo Editor JIM FITZGERALD '^ Get Your Copy of Photography Coordinator JIM GULDE Head Photographer THE GURIAN MEMORIAL ISSUE JOHN P. DEFANT .. Faculty Moderator of Member of Catholic School Press Association, As­ sociated Collegiate Press. Represented for national advertising by National Advertisinc; Ser\'ice, Inc., Zke Kevicw of Politics 420 Aladison Avenue, New York City. THE SCHOLASTIC is published weekly during the Articles on school year, except during vacation and examina- ^^ tion periods at the University of Notre Dame. Ad-^fci dress all manuscripts to the Editor, Box 185,^^^ The Character and Achievements Notre Dame, Indiana. K of Waldemar Gurian NEWS STAFF: Joe Accardo, John Boyle, Joe Con­ nolly. Buck Harriss. Jerrold Hilton, Jack Hough, Francis Hurley, Ed Joyce, David Kubal, James Late editor of the "Review of Politics," internationally known author­ Lenox, Jim Locffler, James AIcDonald, John Mc- ity on Russian and East European affairs, and Professor of Political Malion, James Murphy, Arthur Price, Thomas Quinn. Dick Rust, Paul Underkoflcr. Ray Walsh. Science at Notre Damo. Mike Ward, and Ronald Weirs. SPORTS STAFF;: Dave Davin. Bob Early. Kit Eckl, by John Glavin. Jim Goethals, Jack Gueguen, Jack Thomas T. McAvoy, C.S.C. Kirby. Ray Lcscher, Joe Madigan, Bob McDonald, Joe Norton, Bob ParncU, and Bob Ruhl. Frank O'Malley BUSINESS STAFF: Harr\- Conlon and Loran John U. Nef Sheffer. Hannah Arendt Jacques Maritain Philip Mosely COVER—Long nose, flashing sword and M. A. Fitzsimons the gift of writing beautiful verse have Hans Kohn made Cyi-ano de Bergerac an intriguing B. Szczesniak character for a long time. With tireless spirit the University Theater has Special price for students $1.00 worked to bring him and his story to life next Thursday. The story of how On sale at the Bookstore and the Gene Gorski and his collaboi-ators have Reviev^ of Politics office in the Social Science Building labored appears on page 16. Drawing by Charles Plogman. The Scholastic Flub of the WEEK This WEEK'S flub was committed by a Saint Mai-y's girl, whose name I can­ not mention, for reasons of personal safety. It seems that one of the troops wrote to this young lady, asking her for a date—two weeks in advance. Her reply was a time classic. "Dear John," it read, by Jim O'Shea "I received your letter inviting me to go out with you two weeks from now. Top of fhe WEEK Thank you ever so much for the in­ vitation, John, but I'm afraid I won't Tragedy of the spring semester: Goldblatt Brothers have be able to make it. I think I'm going said "Au Revoir". to have to study that night." The Question is— (Now there, my friends, is a girl with Why in the world do they call this column THE WEEK? foresight!) It's been bothering me for some time, now. I keep wondering A Valentine just what WEEK it refers to. Was it last WEEK, or the Since St. Valentipe's Day is next WEEK 'before, or the WEEK before that, or what? Seems Monday, I've decided to commemorate to me they ought to start calling this column "the MONTH." the occasion with a few lines of trite That's about how often the SCHOLASTIC goes to press, anyhow. doggerel, which I dedicate to my If the issues were any less frequent, we'd be competing with "friends" across the Dixie. Here they the Dome as a student annual. Oh, well, it's nice to get back are. into print for a change, anjrway. Oh, belles of St. Mary's, my love I present you. But Baby, it's cold outside— books? Besides, for a lot of us seniors, The insults I flhfig are ttnable to Many moons ago, a group of the more it's the semester we've all been waiting de7it you. hardy variety of St. Mary's girls got for. The semester for fun and frolic— I've baited and stabbed you, I've together and decided to pray a novena. the semester that doesn't count on your laughed and I've scorned you. The idea behind the whole thing was to final avei-age! The boys have been wait­ And deep in your sides, I've mal­ get God to shower down some snow for ing for this one for a long time. One iciously thomed you. the Winter Carnival. It hasn't stopped Fisher Hall man on the Dean's List But still you've been sporting, and snowing since. I do not know whether isn't due back until some time in March. friendly to boot— or not the girls have ended their novena, The men with girls across the way have When ivhat I deserved ivas a poke in ^ but I'm worried sick that they might been trying to cram all the dating time the snoot! start another one, if provoked. It's they can into one semester—it's the You've been lovely and kind, and frightening! I have always believed "big push" before graduation. They you never complain, that the man who \vi-ites the WEEK pack lunches early in the morning and Anxl I've altvays tried to afflict you should make it a point to jap St. Mary's head for the Dixie, and you don't see with pain. girls, but now I'm not so sure. I'm them again until lights out. Other It's a sin and a shame, girls, that afraid that any minute they might get seniors, Avithout romantic commitments, I'm such a jerk. angry and pray a deluge down on my are spending their evenings downtowTi, But it's only because fate has dealt head. I'm not a very good swimmer. enriching a couple of entei-prising fel­ me a quirk. lows by the name of Joers. In short, For although being mean to yoxi The exam saint it is a semester of gaiety and laughter, realljf bereaves me. % Speaking of prayers, by the way, a the semester of few classes and fewer When I'm kind and siveet to you, new patron saint has been added to the worries—or at least it was until some­ nobody reads me. list at ND. He's Saint Joseph Cupertino, thing terrible happened. Aiid although I'm revolting when and he's the patron saint of examina­ The Administration, you see, has I'm such a snob. tions. Saint Joseph, it seems, had a taken steps to see that senioi-s don't get Unless I contimie, I'll be out of a •pretty rough time in school, and when­ as much fun out of this semester. A job. ever he took an exam, he prayed that new decree from some committee or So if you'll excuse me, I'll shed a God would let his professors ask only other provides that seniors with an 85 sad tear.
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