386 Geographical Distribution of Culicinae in Brazil - IV. State of Amazonas (Diptera, Culicidae) 1 Sebastiao Hamilton Xavier and Synezio da Silva Mattos Carrying on our study of the geographical distribution of Culicinae in Brazil, we now present some data on the occurrence of already classified species in districts and localities of the State of Amazonas. To this end we used the data in the files and specimens of the collection of insects from the Laboratory of Entomology of the Research Center "Rene Rachou" as well as all available bibliographical references. The following criteria have been observed in the present paper: - tribes, genera, subgenera and species are referred to in alphabetical order; - the specimen names here used are those found in the latest valid iden- tification; - the names of the districts are presented in capital letters and those of the localities in small ones. - the figures in brackets after the name of each district or locality stand for the earliest reference reporting the finding of the spe- cies; - the asterisks in brackets indicate the locality is being reported for the first time; - the names of the districts are those used in the latest issue of "Divisao Territorial do Brasil, 1968." Presented in the following pages is a list of the districts surveyed and of the occurring species, as well as a summary of the present work. 1 Centro de Pesquisas - "Rene Rachou", Funda$o Oswald0 Cruz-Av. August0 de Lima, 1715-Caixa Postal, 1743, 30.000-Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Mosquito Systematics Vol. 8(4) 1976 387 DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES I- Tribe ANOPHELINI Genus AnopheZes Meigen, 1818 Subgenus AnopheZes Meigen, 1818 eiseni Coquillett, 1902. (2% (34) (27) (28) ; COARI ; FONTE BOA ; MANAUS ; PARINTINS, SXO GABRIEL DA CACHOEIRA,TEFE (27) . mattogrossensis Lutz & Neiva, 1911. (13 (27) Rio Amazonas ; BENJAMINCONSTANT: , Igarap; Brilhante, Lauro l (+> (25) (34) Sodre ; BOCADO ACRE: , Floriano Peixoto (+> ; BORBA: , Cana- rana, rio Autaz (+> ; CANUTAMA(27) ; CARAUARI (+I ; COARI (341 ; EIRU- (27) NEPI?, FONTE BOA: , Foz do Jutai, Flor de Liz (+> ; HUMAITA, ITACO- ATIARA, LABREA (27'; MANACAPURU:SZio Jo& (+> ; MANAUS: 07) , Educan- p (38) dos (+' , Port0 Maua ; MANICORE, MA&S, PARINTINS, S?iOGABRIEL DA (27) CACHOEIRA, SZO PAUL0 DE OLIVENCA, TEFE . peryassui Dyar & Knab, 1908. BARCELOS(341 ; BENJAMINCONSTANT, BOCA DO ACRE, BORBA, EIRUNEPk, HU- (17) MAITd., LABREA (27) ; MANAUS ; MANICORE, MA&, PARINTINS, SXO GAB- (27) RIEL DA CACHOEIRA . Subgenus ArribaZzagia Theobald, 1903 intermedius (Chagas, 19081. (lo); BENJAMINCONSTANT, BOCA DO ACRE, BORBA, EIRUNEPE (27); FONTE BOA: (+> (34) S;o Jo& (43) , Foz do Jutai ; LkBREA (27) ; MANAUS: , Post0 Ma;a 08) ; MANICORE, PARINTINS, TEFER (27) . maeuZ@es (Theobald, 1903). (10) l med~opunctatus (Theobald, 1903). (27) (27) (34); BENJAMINCONSTANT ; BOCADO ACRE: , Floriano Pexixoto (27) (5) EIRUNEPI?(27) ; HUMAITA, LkBREA ; MANAUS: , Estrada Manaus Ita- (38) coatiara (36) , Port0 Maua ; MANICORE, MAUI%, PARINTINS, SXO GABRIEL DA CACHOEIRA, SZO PAUL0 DE OLIVENCA, TEFE (27) ; FONTE BOA: Barreirinha, S;o Jo& (43) . 388 punct~macu~a Dyar & Knab, 1906. BENJAMIN CONSTANT, EIRUNEPI? (27) . shannoni Davis, 1931. BORBA, EIRUNEPE (27); FONTE BOA: Barreirinha (43) ; MANAUS: 07) (+> (36) Educandos , Estrada Manaus Itacoatiara , Port0 Maui (381, ;-go (34) Raimundo (44'; MAUI%, MANICORE (27); PARINTINS ; ST0 GABRIEL DA CACHOEIRA (27) . Subgenus Kertesda Theobald, 1905 cruxi Dyar & Knab, 1909. (10) l neivai Howard, Dyar & Nab, 1912. (34) (36) MANAUS: , Estrada Manaus Itacoatiara , Port0 Ma& (38) . Subgenus Lophopodomyia Antunes, 1937 squamifemur Antunes, 1937. (27) (25) (28) BOCA DO ACRE ; LABRE~~ , Sitio Conde ; MANAUS (34). Subgenus MyzorhyncheZZa Theobald, 1907 Zutzi Cruz, 1901. MANAUS (5). Subgenus Nyssorhynehus Blanchard, 1902 a%itarsis Arribalzaga, 1878, (19) (27) (34) Tapajbs ; BOCA DO ACRE ; BORBA ; CARAUARI (+I, EIRUNEPE, (27) (34) (+) # (38) ITACOATIARA ; MANAUS: , Educandos , Port0 Maua ; MAUES, (27) PARINTINS ; ST0 GABRIEL DA CACHOEIRA (34); TEFE (271 . aZbitarsis domesticus Galvzo & Damasceno, 1944. PARINTINS (34) . aqu.asaZCs Curry, 1932. (16) MANAUS ; SANTO ANTONIO DO ICI;: Tonantins (18); ITACOATIARA, MAUES (44). argyritursis (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1827). (3) (+> MANAUS: , Educandos ; TEFE ’ (7) . Mosquito Sys-tematks Vol. 8(4) 1976 389 benarrochi Gabaldon, Cova-Garcia & Lopes, 1941. (2% (27) , BENJAMINCONSTANT, BOCA DO ACRE, LkBREA, TEFI? . braxiZiensis (Chagas, 1907). (341 BORBA, COARI ; HUMAITA, ITACOATIARA, LABREA, MANAuS, wufis, PARINTINS, SXO GABRIEL DA CACHOEIRA, TEFE (27) . &ding< Root, 1926. BENJAMINCONSTANT, BOCA DO ACRE, BORBA, COARI, EIRUNEPE, HUMAITA' (27) (28) (17) &) Lagoa da Serraria, Igerape do Caetetus ; MANAUS: , Pared20 9 (38) (27) Port0 Ma& ; MAUES, SXO GABRIEL DA CACHOEIRA . gazvaoi Causey, Deane & Deane, 1943. (22) l nunex-tovari Gabaldon, 1940. (22), BENJAMINCONSTANT, BOCA DO ACRE, BORBA, CANUTAMA,COARI, EIRUNEPE, (27) FONTE BOA: , Barreirinha (43) ; HUMAITA, ITACOATIARA, LkBREA, MANAUS: (27) (+) (38) , Educandos , Estrada Manaus-Itacoatiara, Porto Ma& ; MAms, MANICORE, PARINTINS, SXO GABRIEL DA CACHOEIRA, SXO PAUL0 DE OLIVENGA, TEFE: (27). oswaZ&i (Peryassu, 1922). (22) (27) ; BENJAMINCONSTANT ; BOCADO ACRE: (27) , Floriano Peixoto (34); (27) (21) (34) (27) BORBA, CANUTAMA ; COARI ; CODAJAS ; EIRUNEPE, FONTE BOA: 3 (34) (27) Barreirinha, S:o Jose ; HUMAITA, ITACOATIARA, LABREA ; MANAUS: (21) p (38) Acajatuba , Estrada Manaus Itacoatiara, Porto Maua ; MAUI%, MANI- CORE, PARINTINS, SXO GABRIEL DA CACHOEIRA, SXO PAUL0 DE OLIVENFA, TEFI? (27). rang& Gabaldon, Cova-Garcia & Lopes, 1940. (25) (27) (34) ; BOCADO ACRE: , Floriano Peixoto ; COARI (34); LkBREA, PARIN- ’ ’ (27) TINS, TEFE . rondoni (Neiva & Pinto, 1922). BOCADO ACRE (27); EIRUNEPE (28). strodei Root, 1926. MANAUS c34j . triannuZatus (Neiva & Pinto, 1922). (27) (43) (341 BOCADO ACRE ; FONTE BOA: Barreirinha, S:o Jos;! ; MANAUS: 9 (441 Estrada Manaus Itacoatiara, Porto MauaR (38) , Szo Raimundo ; MAUBS, PARINTINS (27) . 390 triannuZatus davisi Paterson & Shannon, 1927. (26) (+) (27) ; ATALAIA DO NORTE, AUTAZES ; BENJAMINCONSTANT: 9 Esperansa, ' (+) (27) (341 (27) Lauro Sodre ; BOCADO ACRE: , Floriano P&xoto ; BORBA: 9 (27) Canarana (+) ; COARI, EIRUNEP6, FONTE BOA , Envira, Flor de Liz, Foz do ' (+) (27) (+) (27); Jutai ; HUMAITA: , Foz do Janari ; ITACOATIARA, fiBREA (+) MANACAPURU:Pirara ; MA&S, PARINTINS, SiO GABRIEL DA CACHOEIRA, SciiO PAUL0 DE OLIVENCA, TEFE (27). Subgenus Stethomyia Theobald, 1902 km-@ Edwards, 1930. (17) (28) BOCADO ACRE (27) ; MANAUS: , Pared20 ; SXO GABRIEL DA CACHOEIRA, TEFk (27). ni?&us (Theobald, 1903). (27) BENJAMIN CONSTANT,BOCA DO ACRE, BORBA ; COARI (34); ITACOATIARA, LA- BREA (27); MANAUS: Pared;0 (28), Taruman (8); MANICORE(27); PARINTINS (27) (34) ; ST0 GABRIEL DA CACHOEIRA, ST0 PAUL0 DE OLIVENCA . thomasi Shannon, 1933. (27) MANAUS,MA&S, SZO GABRIEL DA CACHOEIRA, TEFE . Genus Chagasia Cruz, 1906 bonneae Root, 1927. (25) (27) (36) (38) ; MANAUS: , Estrada Manaus Itacoatiara , Port0 Ma& . Tribe AEDINI Genus Aedes Meigen, 1818 Subgenus Finlaya Theobald, 1903 argyrothorax Bonne-Wepster & Bonne, 1920. (34) HUMAITA, MANAUS . braziziensis Gordon & Evans, 1922. ’ ’ (11) MANAUS: Macapa . ZeucoceZaenus Dyar & Shannon, 1924. (43) (34) BENJAMINCONSTANT, BORBA, FONTE BOA: (34) , Barreirinha ; MANAUS . Mosqu<to Systematics Vol. 8(d) 1976 391 Subgenus Howard&a Theobald, 1903 arboreazis Bonne-Wepster & Bonne, 1920. MANAUS (34-l . futvithorax (Lutz, 1904). (19) (+) (341 Tapajos ; HUMAITA: Foz do Jamari ; MANAUS . Subgenus Ochhrotatus Arribalzaga, 1891 ~UZVUS (Weidemann, 1828). (2) (16) (19) ; rio Branco ; Tapajk ; BOCA DO ACRE: Floriano Peixoto (+); (+> (43) (34) CARAUARI ; FONTE BOA: Barreirinha, Szo Jos;! ; HUMAITA: , Ca- (34) Choeira do Samuel, rio Madeira, Foz do Jamari (+) , MANAUS: , Estrada (38) (34) Manaus Itacoatiara (36) , Port0 Ma& ; TEFE URUCURITUBA . fZz&atCZis (Lutz, 1905). 09) Tapajos . erinifer (Theobald, 1903). (7) (34) ; MANAUS . hastatus Dyar, 1922. (19) (34) Tapijos ; CODAJAS, MANAUS t hortator Dyar & Knab, 1907. CODAJAS, MANAUS (34) . scapdaris (Rondani, 1848). (+> (7) ; CODAJAS (34) ; FONTE BOA: Foz do Jutai . serratus (Theobald, 1901). (21 (19) (+) ; Tapajos ; AUTAZES ; BENJAMIN CONSTANT: Igaraph Brilhante, (+) (34) l (+> (34) (+) CARAUARI ; COARI , Santa Fe ; CODAJkS: 3 Laguinho ; EI- (+) (34) RUNEPE ; FONTE BOA: Barreirinha, Sgo Josh (43); HUMAITA: , Foz (34) (36) do Jamari (+) ; MANAUS: , Estrada Manaus, Itacoatiara , Port0 Mau; (38) (34) ; MANICORI? (+); URUCURITUBA . 392 Genus Haemagogus Williston, 1896 Subgenus Haemagogus Williston, 1896 baresi Cerqueira, 1960. MANAUS: Igarap;! do TaruG, Ilha do Marapati, Paran; do Catago, Pinta Pelada (30) . janth<no?ys Dyar, 1921. (341 - (+) (44); BENJAMIN CONSTANT, BORBA: 9 Foz do Aripuana , Mata Rosauro (34) (+) (34) COARI : , Mata Bacauba, Mata Espirito Santo ; CODAJAS: , Mata (+) (44); do Engenho, Mata EsperanGa ; FONTE BOA (34); HUMAI'IIA: Limoeiro ITACOATIARA, MANAUS: (34) ; Educandos (+> , Mata Jo& Ro~o, Mata Taruman (44) (34) (+) ; MANACAPURU: 9 Igarapg do Meriti ; MANICORE, SK0 PAUL0 DE OLIVEN$A, TEFE (34), Mata Patrimonio (47) . Genus Psorophora Robineau-Desvoidy, 1827 Subgenus Grabhamia Theobald, 1903 cingzdata (Fabricius,, 1805). (19) (34) (+) (2) ; Tapajbs ; BARCELOS ; BENJAMIN CONSTANT: EsperanFa ; EI- l (34) (+) (34) RUNEPE ; FONTE BOA: Foz do Jutai, Flor de Liz ; HUMAITA: 9 (+) (34) (+) Foz do Jamari ; MANAUS: , Educandos , Est. Manaus-Itacoatiara (36) ’ (38) , Port0 Maua . Subgenus Janth&zosoma
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