Alternative Voices - Media, Resources, Groups, Networking http://www.planetfriendly.net 6/19/11 3:56 PM Home | Calendar | GoodWork | Post an Event/Job | Links | Forum | Search | About | Contact | Donate Alternative Voices Alternative Media, Resource & Networking Guide (a People & Planet Gateway & Guide) On this page you will find links to a variety of alternative voices – and opportunities for participation. We start with a section on how the media may be contributing to society’s greatest problems, and what you can do about it. This is followed by sections of links to a wonderful array of alternative websites, print magazines, radio, TV, film & video, books and more. Face-to-face communication is key, so we include listings of resource centres, gathering places and events. Finally, we wrap up with a section on how to "become the media" – as a writer, by starting your own publication or website, or simply by writing a letter to the editor. Contents (1) What's Wrong With The Media? – What can you do about it? (2) Alternative Media - Websites & Magazines (3) Columnists (4) E-mail Newsletters & Lists (5) Radio & TV – stations – programs (6) Film & Video (7) Books – catalogues, on-line shopping, mail order – bookstores – libraries (8) Resource Centres & Groups – resource centres – groups – stores (9) Other Gathering Places – conversation cafes community bulletin boards – the grapevine (10) Become The Media! – Introduction to Journalism & Activism (11) Media Watch, Media Democracy, Media Activism (12) Other Media Guides (13) Quotes & Inspiration (14) About This Guide (1) What's Wrong With The Media? What's Wrong With The News? – "Independent, aggressive and critical media are essential to an informed democracy. But mainstream media are increasingly cozy with the economic and political powers they should be watchdogging." With articles on corporate ownership, advertiser influence, official agendas, http://www.planetfriendly.net/voices.html#mediawatch Page 1 of 18 Alternative Voices - Media, Resources, Groups, Networking http://www.planetfriendly.net 6/19/11 3:56 PM telecommunications policy, the PR industry, pressure groups, the narrow range of debate, censorship, sensationalism. www.fair.org/media-woes/media-woes.html An Unholy Trinity: Truth, Market Forces and the Media – "Mass media performance - its omissions, biases, distortions, deceptions – reflects the fact that the mass media is itself part of the same power structure that plunders the planet and inflicts human rights abuses on a massive scale." www.medialens.org/articles/the_articles/articles_2001/unholy_trinity.html More by David Cromwell: www.zmag.org/bios/homepage.cfm?authorID=125 Journalism & Power: Watchdog or Accomplice? – "The world's press is losing its ability to keep power in check, says Frank Vogl. He warns the World Bank (and all of us) that corrupt media ownership is endangering development" www.mediachannel.org/views/oped/vogl.shtml The New Global Oppression – "With world power in the hands of a few, the global media stifle culture, dissent and freedom to ensure that the Third World remains behind. Dr. Nawal el Saadawi warns of the 'new colonialism'" www.mediachannel.org/views/oped/neo.shtml What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream? – "The real mass media are basically trying to divert people." "We don’t have the KGB on our neck, but the end result comes out pretty much the same. People who have independent ideas or who think the wrong kind of thoughts are cut out." – from a talk by Noam Chomsky Manufacturing Dissent: Noam Chomsky on Journalism – "The [media's] current mission is to ensure that any thought of controlling their destiny must be driven from the minds of the rascal multitude" Manufacturing Dissent Media Ownership Chart – Global concentration: AOL Time Warner, Walt Disney, Bertelsmann, Viacom, News Corp, Vivendi www.mediachannel.org/ownership/ (for more, see the section on Media Watch, below) "In newspaper and TV headline news, a constant stream of sensational and alarming events parades across our numbed consciousness. Most of these ephemeral and mostly irrelevant "news" stories quickly vanish, only to be replaced by fresh distractions. Media mesmerizations are usually presented with little or no context, consideration or appropriate priority. Is this just pandering to the shallow self interest and shortsightedness of "human nature" – or a deliberate design to hide the truths that threaten to "deconstruct" the consumer fantasy world corporate-controlled media has built to market fear and greed?" – Paul Grignon & William Thomas www.island.net/~lbnews/headlines/headlines.html What Can You Do About It? (1) Practice healthy skepticism, critical thought, ethics Critical Thought & Logic http://directory.google.com/Top/Science/Science_in_Society/Skeptical_Inquiry/Critical_Thinking/ (2) http://www.planetfriendly.net/voices.html#mediawatch Page 2 of 18 Alternative Voices - Media, Resources, Groups, Networking http://www.planetfriendly.net 6/19/11 3:56 PM Free Speech http://directory.google.com/Top/Society/Issues/Human_Rights_and_Liberties/Free_Speech/ (2) Ethics http://directory.google.com/Top/Society/Philosophy/Ethics/ (2) Detecting Bias www.fair.org/activism/detect.html (2) Read alternative, independent media – read and listen to a diversity of alternative media sources, such as those listed below on this page www.planetfriendly.net/voices.html, and mainstream media. (3) Educate yourself – about media, corporations, politics, government, globalization, ecological economics. Read both alternative and mainstream media; visit progressive bookstores and libraries, attend talks and discussions, visit local non-profit groups and alternative resource centres. Media Watch: www.planetfriendly.net/voices.html#mediawatch Corporate Watch: www.corporations.org www.prwatch.org www.corporatewatch.org Democracy Watch: www.dwatch.ca Globalization 101 http://corpwatch.radicaldesigns.org/article.php?id=11293 Green Economics http://directory.google.com/Top/Science/Social_Sciences/Economics/Environmental_Economics/ (2) (4) Media Activism – A step-by-step guide to getting involved in media activism, from letter-writing to organizing a demonstration. Includes an essential resource list. www.fair.org/activism/ , http://directory.google.com/Top/Society/Activism/Resources/ (2) (5) Become the Media – educate yourself and get involved in writing, journalism and politics www.planetfriendly.net/voices.html#become "Freedom is participation in power" – Cicero (2) Alternative & Independent Media (websites & magazines) Some interesting and important websites have sprung up over the past few years. They offer original, creative thoughts and ideas, often with a frankness that could be difficult to find elsewhere. From progressive news, opinion, humour and art, to on-line discussion forums and (off-line) events in which you can participate. Each one is different, so look around until you find something you like. Or, if you prefer paper, many of the sites have print magazines and journals – you can subscribe, or purchase a back-issue or special edition of interest to you. Many of these publications are also available at progressive bookstores and natural food stores: a partial listing is provided under "bookstores", below. Print publications are indicated by an asterisk (*). Environmental & Sustainability Publications Directory of Green Magazines in Canada and beyond www.planetfriendly.net/living.html#magazines More: directory.google.com/Top/Society/Issues/Environment/Magazines_and_E-zines/ directory.google.com/Top/Science/Environment/News_and_Media/ http://www.planetfriendly.net/voices.html#mediawatch Page 3 of 18 Alternative Voices - Media, Resources, Groups, Networking http://www.planetfriendly.net 6/19/11 3:56 PM See also Environmental Groups & Organizations across Canada and beyond. Social, Economic, Political & Environmental IndependentMedia.ca "directory of non-corporate journalism" www.independentmedia.ca Rabble "progressive journalists, writers, artists and activists" (Canadian) www.rabble.ca Straight Goods "save money, protect your rights and untangle spin" (Canadian) www.straightgoods.com Global Outlook magazine & website www.globaloutlook.ca www.globalresearch.ca Common Dreams "breaking news & views from the progressive community" www.commondreams.org No Logo "the book that became part of a movement" www.nologo.org , http://nologo.org/about.shtml (Naomi Klein and others) * Yes! "a journal of positive futures" www.yesmagazine.com * New Internationalist magazine, films, books & more www.newint.org * Web Networks Community "Canada's online home for social change" http://community.web.ca Harper's Magazine www.harpers.org * The Nation www.thenation.com * PR Watch "exposing the activities of secretive, little-known propaganda-for-hire firms that work to control political debates and public opinion" www.prwatch.org * Corp Watch "holding corporations accountable" www.corpwatch.org Adbusters "a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators & entrepreneurs" www.adbusters.org * The Emperor's New Clothes "piercing a fog of lies" www.emperors-clothes.com ZNet & Z Magazine in-depth analysis with Noam Chomsky, Vandana Shiva, Naomi Klein... www.zmag.org * One World Network over 1000 organisations working for social justice www.oneworld.net Alternet news, opinion, investigative journalism, article database www.alternet.org Independent Media Centres www.indymedia.org http://ontario.indymedia.org http://hamilton.indymedia.org More: www.newsforchange.org www.differentvoices.com
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