Happy Father’s Day! Sunday, June 15 Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, June 12, 2014 OUR 124th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 24-2014 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS WF BOE OKs 6-Percent Pay Hike For WEA Over New 3-Yr. Contract By DELL SIMEONE tribute more to their health insurance Schumacher, chief negotiator Specially Written for The Westfield Leader each year of the contract and/or to Michael Seiler, Dominick Ceccio, WESTFIELD – The board of edu- waive the district insurance if they Scott Rotherford, Gail Alston, Debbie cation ratified a three-year contract have additional sources of coverage. Vezos and Mary Wickens. with the Westfield Education Asso- An additional professional devel- In explaining his vote, Mr. Slater ciation (WEA) Tuesday night, giving opment day was added for a total of said, “I wasn’t ready to sign off on teachers a 2-percent raise per year, two annual professional days. The this contract without getting one year plus an extra professional develop- extra day was added for what Board without a raise.” He also objected to ment day. The vote was 4 to 2 with Vice-President Rosanne Kurstedt said the silent demonstration by the WEA board members Mitch Slater and was to give teachers time to think and which took place outside of the BOE Brendan Galligan voting against the time to prepare for their classes. administration building in May dur- contract. Members of the BOE negotiating ing one of the negotiation sessions. The contract begins on July 1, 2014 team included Human Resource Spe- He called it “a bit intimidating.” and runs through June 30, 2017. The cialist Barbara Ball, Business Ad- “I blame the WEA for that tactic,” WEA represents 570 teachers, nurses, ministrator Dana Sullivan and board he added. He also said, “It’s not easy. librarians, guidance counselors, so- members Ginny Leiz, who was the I just felt the budget’s very tight. You cial workers, school psychologists chairwoman, Ann Cary, Gretchan win some, you lose some.” and educational specialists. The Ohlig and Mitch Slater. The WEA Mr. Galligan said he objected to teachers will be required, under New negotiating team included its presi- the short time frame — less than 30 Jersey Chapter 78 legislation, to con- dent and guidance counselor Kim hours — the board had to review the terms of the contract. He said he received it on Monday afternoon and did not think it was enough time to read the 34-page contract and fully Photo courtesy of Susan Francis understand it. He called the vote pre- WALKING TOUR…Third graders at Franklin Elementary School in Westfield recently took a walking tour of their mature and, thus, voted against the hometown. It included visits to the Westfield Historical Society, Trader Joe’s market, the rescue squad, police station and agreement. firehouse on North Avenue. Pictured are firefighters with David Latessa’s third grade class. Board President Richard Mattessich and board member Mark Friedman were both away on busi- ness and did not take part in the vote. Cranford Bd. Begins Hearing for Ms. Kurstedt said to Mr. Galligan, “Brendan, I’m sorry you feel that way. You had the green booklet with Centennial Three-Story Building all the language that was in the con- tract.” By CHRISTINA M. HINKE minimum required parking spaces; land in town. “I am investing my She further said, “The teachers need Specially Written for The Westfield Leader less than the minimum required time and financials and taking over the professional development day CRANFORD — The planning front-yard setback; no loading zone properties to make it beneficial to because they need time to work and board Wednesday began hearing an provided; and less than the mini- the town and myself,” Mr. Nimrud plan.” She said the salary increase application by Emanuel Nimrud, mum required foot candles in light- said. was under the state cap of 2 percent who is seeking permission to con- ing in a parking area. Area residents said they were con- Paul Lachenauer for The Westfield Leader and that the teachers will be contrib- struct a three-story building with Mr. Nimrud owns Old City Café cerned with residents of the apart- GARWOOD ROCKS…Families enjoy the Garwood Rocks street fair held uting as much as 10 to 35 percent retail on the first floor and six apart- and Grill on North Union Avenue ment complex and customers of the Sunday. The event offered a variety of food, fun and games for all. more to their health plan under the ments on the second and third floors and said he has purchased other CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 new contract. She also said that those at 496 Centennial Avenue, a B-3 requesting extended maternity leave Zone. The site formerly housed WF Planning Bd. Oks will not be covered and will have to Arnold’s Pest Control, which Garwood Council Continues go on COBRA during that extended burned down. The plans also in- period. clude a parking lot for 10 parking Summit Med. Group Signs “Our WEA is working with us. spaces. Eminent Domain Debate By LAUREN S. BARR McElroy, Deutch, Mulvaney and Let’s not look back. Let’s look for- Mr. Nimrud sought the following By MEGAN K. SCOTT property for a non-public use. For Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Carpenter who represented the ap- ward. I thank everybody. They are variances and design waivers: to Specially Written for The Westfield Leader the third meeting that the issue was WESTFIELD – A sign applica- plicant, said the “signs are vital to hard decisions,” Mrs. Kurstedt said. exceed the maximum allowable GARWOOD – The borough coun- debated, he questioned why emi- tion by Summit Medical Group the operation of the business” and CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 height and stories; less than the cil on Tuesday directed the Garwood nent domain had to be included. (SMG) for 574 Springfield Avenue that the wall signs were important Planning Board to conduct an “Area Councilman Bill Nierstedt, who was approved by the Westfield Plan- as the medical offices and the ur- in Need of Redevelopment” study also is a member of the planning ning Board at its June 4 meeting. gent care center have separate en- Freeholders to Vote Tonight for the abandoned Casale factory board, said the purpose is to ensure SMG received board approval last trances. property on South Avenue, includ- that the borough will be able to year for a change of use for the The applicant’s planner, Michael On Parks, Dam Projects ing an eminent domain provision obtain public parking. He reiter- building. The 32,000-square-foot Tobia, testified that two monument that drew a sharp objection from ated that the resolution does not building previously housed L’Oreal signs were needed for the business By PAUL J. PEYTON total contract to $281,191. Councilman Jim Mathieu. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader authorize taking property. The offices, and will now be medical to operate effectively. He said while Tom Mineo, county engineer, said Mr. Mathieu was the only dis- council would have to take separate offices and an urgent care center. the building’s address is Spring- COUNTY — The Union County additional money was necessary for senter in the 5-to-1 vote for the action to do that. SMG plans to open the building on field Avenue, the driveway entrance Freeholders are set to vote tonight “having the design engineer on resolution. Mr. Mathieu, for at least “All this really is, and I hate to Monday, June 23. is located on Cardinal Drive and the on a number of professional ser- board to check shop drawings dur- the third time on council, ques- use the term, is a toolbox,” Mr. The Westfield ordinance only al- building entrance faces the rear vices contracts, ranging from con- ing the construction phase.” He said tioned the authority of local gov- Nierstedt said. “It is a tool that lows for one wall mounted sign, parking lot. Mr. Tobia testified that struction of new turf soccer fields while changes are not expected in ernments to take an individual’s CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 and the applicant was granted three. a monument sign was required at to rehabilitation of Lake Surprise the design, as “the nature of the There will be a 15.97-foot-long by the corner of Springfield Avenue Dam in the Watchung Reservation. project is driving pilings and rely- 7.31-foot-high “Summit Medical and Cardinal Drive to direct pa- At its agenda meeting last Thurs- ing on the borings and everything Group” sign on the rear façade of tients to the building and an addi- day, the freeholder board consid- to work,” some changes may be the building facing the parking lot; tional monument sign is needed to ered a resolution for a $94,200 pro- necessary as this type of project is a 12-foot-long “Main Entrance” direct patients into the driveway. fessional services contract to Ma- “not as black and white as a road sign, and an 18.21-foot-long “Ur- While the board had no issue with ser Consulting, P.A., of Red Bank, project,” Mr. Mineo said. gent Care Center” sign. the driveway monument sign, it did for design, engineering and con- Ritacco Construction Company John Michalski, an attorney with CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 sulting services for installation of a Inc. of Belleville was awarded a synthetic turf system to accommo- $3,608,000 contract earlier this year date two multi-purpose soccer fields for the Lake Surprise dam rehabili- with lights and two adjacent base- tation.
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