DOCOMENT'RESOME ED 199 385 CZ 025 918 AUTHOR Legacy, Jame! TITLE Competency Based Curriculum inTwo Agribusiness Types. Final Report.' INSTITUT/ON Southern Illinoii Univ., Carbondale.Board of Trustees. SPONS AGENCY Employment and Training Administration(DOL), Washington, D.C. PU9 DATE Jun 80 NOTE 193p. EDRS PRICE MF01/PC08 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS, *Agribusiness: *AgriculturalEducation; Competency !Aped Edhcation: *CurriculumDevelopment: Grains (fbod): Horticulture: InserviceTeacher Education: Meat Packing Industry: Minimumcompiftencies; Task Analysis: *Vocational Education IDENTIFIERS *Illinois ABSTRACT A project was conducted to (1)validate meat processing and grain elevatoroperatic:In tasks for Illinoisby relevant agricuPtural businesses,(2) conduct a national reviewof teaching materials in..thetarget agribusiness areas, and (1)provide inservice training and developa self-instruction, competency-based curriculum guide for Illinoishorticulture teachers. Basedon agribusiness validation intervieirsin counties with concentiationsof each of the two target Agribusinessareas, 144 tasks were identified .far the Illinois meat processingindustry and 127 tasks were identified for the grain eltevatorindustry. Other project activities included five series of three-meetingworkshops for horticulture teachers on ccmpetency-based education. As a result of these , workshops, forty-two vocitidnalhorticulture teachers,wroteAocally directed competency-based teachingmaterials for their cladses. (Appended material includes the,listof meat processing taskst the list of grain elevator tasks , a working copy of the Self-Instructional Guide for DeveloringLocally Directed Competency Based Curriculum, anda samttle locally directed competency-based teaching unit.) (LRA) ************************************************************#********* Repoductions supplied by EDRSare the best-that can be 'made .* from the original document, ********************************************************************** sfe "tkfa 53,- ft V FINAL REP9RT I. 111 COMPETENCYBASED CURRICULUM IN TWO AGRIBUSINESS TYPES U DEPARTMENT OF NE AL 14# -PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS EDUCTIONWELF RE MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION NtN WI I'MO 010 10 I A I AS WIrak. I 0 WON. 'kg' WSON OW OW..AN.ZA ,TN OW A' N1. ' VO'N T s OW Or'N'llNk ',TAT blk NO INII ,SAW WI VW I \INT At NA' ONA, ( A tON PO ,tt./It,4t TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)" , s 9 Illinois State'Board of Education State Smperintendent of Educatiet Donald F. Muirheid, Chairman Joseph' M. Cronin . , . 1 TITLE: Competency Based Curriculum in Two Agribusiness Typ4s AGENCY: IllinoiMlateBoard of Education DEPARTMENT: Department of Adult Vocational and Technical Education Springfield, Illinois June 1980 A DISCLAIMER ) The project titled Competency BasedCurriculum in Two Agribusiness Types, DAVTE funding agreement numberR33-30rX-0442-102, was developed pursuantto a funding agreement with the IllinoisState Board of Education/Department of Adult, Vocationaj and TechnicalEducation/Research and. Development Section, 100 North First 'Street, Springfield,Illinois 62777.-_Opinions expressed in this final report do not reflect,nor, should they be.construed as, policy or opinion of the Ill4nois State Boardof Education or its staff. :1 iOMMARY -The National AdvisorY Colincilon Vocational Education has'encouraged thg= establishment of programs in.newcareer areas specifically naming areas of agricultureas priorities. In Illinoii agriculture isa largedpd growingindustr:y. Statewide, employment in agricultural busineises is increasing. AgricultUral businesses are employing an increasing number of workers fn expandi,g-variety of businqs aredspecializatiops and job titles.:Vocational agribusiness educa= tion,is tn a formative stage.- While'several Vocationalagribusiness classes are operative, most Illinois schools offer theseas wplementary to the traditional prOaqction agricultureprogram. This project is. developing field centered, competency based teaching materialswhich arg designed to support new and emerging vocational agribusiness programs. One part of this project inserviced 42 Illinois vocational horticulture tdachers. These teachers used Competency based proceduresas the basis foe determining 16cal teaching activities. The teachers' experiences provided a test situation for use of a , , - self=instruction'guide for developing competency basedcurriculum. This guide'- is Attached as Appendix E. The second work area of theproject was initiating competency 6ased curr'iculum to prepare youth formeat processing and grain elevator occupitions. Thel)roject staff developed listsof tasks,for these occupations and validated them with 36 industry tnterviews. The validated list was used toprepare a bull-etin titled "Agricirltural-JobOpportunities in Illinois Meat Processing x-and Grain Handling Industries. abhp 4 4 With the researck:resultsof his project and the Previous phase,voca- tional agriculture educators can with reasdn and rationale., move toward the . development of competency based teachingmaterials with a proven processond in4a proven style. a DISCLAIMER SUMMARY jj -ABSTRACT' LIST OF CONSULTANTS vii FINAL PRODUCT ABSTRACTS 4 Agricultural Job Opportunities,in Illinois Meat Orocessing and Grain Handling Industries viii liESOURCE LISTING- None a CHAPTER I- ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1 Completion of,Meat Processing Task Analysis Completion of Grain Elevator Task Analysis , . Competency Based Insqrvice for HorticyltureTeachers National Seardh for Meat Processing ahdGrain Elevator Curriculum 'CHAPTER II- MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS Introduction Planning Using,a Functional Schelatic Task Analysis Procedures andResults--Meat Processing Statement of the Problem Purpose of-the. Study Research Questions Significance of.the Problem Limitations Definition/of Terms -Review of Meat Processing CurriculumMaterials and Studies Pre-testing the Interview Form Identification of 'Geographic Areas' Selection of Meat Processors td be Interviewed Conductfng the Interviews Results of the Interviews Organizing-Task Data for Curriculum Development Task Analysis procedures and Results--GrainElevator Introduc Ion Stateh)ent f Problem Research estibnis Significance of Pi-oblem 4 i i . Limitations Definition of Terms Review of Grain Elevator Curriculum Materials c, Developing the Task List and-Interview Form Pre-testing the InterviewForm -Selection of Grain Elevators to. be Interviewed Conducting the Interviews Summary of the Interviews Organizing Task Data for Curriculum Development -Testing the Self-Instruction Guide Involving teachers . Conducting classes Summary of teacher use of competency basedguide CHAPTER III- OTHER ACTIVITIES, RESULTS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS 64 Problems Publicity and Dissemination Activities Resource Persons Summation of Evaluation Data Collected Conclusions and Recommendations °* Horticulture inservice activity recommendations Task analysis or purposive studY recommendations Staff EmployMent and Utilization . APPENDICES A. List of 'Meat Processing Tesks 67 8, List of Grain Elevator Tasks . ...) 80 C. Advisory Committee Materials.... r.'- 92 y D.. Publicity and Dissemination Materials 1 101 E. Working Copy of "Self-Instruction Guide forDeveloping LoCally DirectediCompetency Based Curriculum" , H105 . .\ \ f. Sample Locally Directed Competency Based TeachingUnit G. List of Grain Elevators and Meat ProcessorsInterviewed . ii6 FINAC REPORT' FOR DAVTE Funding Agreement Number: R33-30-X4442-102 Official Project Title: Competency Based Curriculum inTwo Agribusiness Types Funded Agency: DePartment of VocationalEducation Studies and Department of AgricuTtural tducation& Mechaniza.tion Southern Illinois University/Carbondale Carbondale, IL '62901 Time Period Covered: July 1, 1979- June 30, 1980 1, Ar 6 4- ABSTRACT FOR FUNDING AGREEMENT WITH ADULT, VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION TITLE: Compelency BasedCurriculum in Two AgriNsiness Types PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. James Legacy INSTITUTION: Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University LOCATION: Carbondale, IL 62901 OBJECTIVS OF PROJECT:, 1. A validalOon.of meat processing.and grain elevatoroperation tasks f6r the state by relevant Illinois agriculturalbusinesses 2. 41 A nationai review of teachfng materials in thetarget agribusiness areas 3. Inset:Vice training anddevelopment of a self-instruction competency based .ukrrkulumguideforfllinoishorticultureteachers ,\ PROCEDURES OF ',IMPLEMENTATION: - identify Illinois.target agribusinesses - selectbusiness sites forvalidation interviews in counties withconcen- . trations of each of the two target agribusinessareas - first advisory committee Meeting_ "- conduct agribusiness validation interviewson site and mailed - distribute draft outline of project curricula to teachers - conduct national search for teaching materials already developed for the target area.s - `Self-instruction Competency Based Criculum Guide in Horticulture - print competency based model developed in Phase II - select 15 horticulture teachers for-inservice - donduct inservice program deielopmentof competency stalements for 7 areai of horticulture - prepare self-instruction CBVE guide for horticulture - test guide with 15 hortieulture teachers - write final report for AVTE CONTRIBUTION TO VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL ,kpUCATION: The uniqueness df this study is in the newness of these qoducts to the curriculum development process in Illinois. Developmentf a self- ihstruction CBVE guide- this model wi11 give examples and self-instruction direCtions which
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