* TODAY: 5 MORE HEALTH WORKERS IN COURT * FARMERS FACE DIFFICULTIES * SUPER SPORT * Bringing Africa South Vol.3 No. 129 R1.00 (GST Inc.) March 25 1993 DON'T MISS YOUR COpy OF 498 pris~ners to go free ABACUS IN THE NAMIBIAN TODAY! APPROXIMATELY 498 prbo..... ,..;O be ...• by deput)' minlsttr of Home Affain, NangoIo leaud today followina: 8 Presideatial pardon Dthete. announctd on thtthlrd anniversary otNamlb ~ AsJctd whether tbe aoeaJ1ed 'ttalon trial· ian indeptndenct. is ..• ... blteriahl·win ..... J_KIe,.......1IIId This w.., confirmed by the Deputy Commis· Uwe Tiec&, who were aenteoced to four years ,joner of PriSON. Brigadier J E Hoft'man Oft and two years respedivtl,ln8eptelaber 1991, inquiry yesterday. were ....0IlJ tbote '0 be panloaed, Hotrman The release or tbe prisoners will take place answered in the Df&8tive. at 15hoo from the Wiodboek Central PrisoD, and the pardoned prisonm will be addressed continued ea pace 2 Emergency summit onAngola 1 The Minislry of Foreign A ffairs revealed yester­ STAFF REPORTER day that Gurirab mct US Deputy Secretary of CHILDREN UNDER SIEGE ... Vaal Triangle, South Africa - Policf.' State, Oifford Whan on. in Washington DC on membel"S stand guard as while school children lea"e a bus here on PRESIDENT Sam Nujoma will al­ Monday. Tuesday. The move comes aFter an increasing number of racially moti­ lend a Frontline Slales emergency The two discussed the recent threat by Vnita to valed shootings in the area over Ihe past week. Photo: Agence France­ summit next week, it was confirmed sabotage or destroy the Ruacana dam which sup­ ....... plies water and power to people in the Nonh. yesterday. The summil will take place Whanon said th311he VS deplored threats against on April 2 in Harare. any neutral third pany, according to a Ministry Although (he purpose ortheemergency mee ting statement. The statement said both Namibia and the VS Farmers in a fix has nOI been announced , it appears Ihallhe summil has been cllled 10 discuss the problems posed 10 shared the vie,,! that the tragic conOict in Angola Apart from .be 50 per cent 01 requires both sides to cease hostilities and return CHIIISTOF MALETSKY ' the region by the connict raging in Angola. the two important ~ass speciH immediately to face-to-face negotiations. Foreign Arrairs Ministcr, Theo-Ben Gurirab, HALFoftwoimportantvus'pe- which died out, the germination continued on page 2 will accompany the President to Harare. cid died out in the rteent clevas- of annual grasses was pOOl" and fating drought Namibia un~r- where growth started, the army went and prospects of regrowtb or worm also took Q sbare. the remaining tufts as weD III other Already about 1,11 million heC'· , 5 health workers in court apeeits h»$ been limited m.eaning tares bave been affected by Itw that farmer.1 can sOD opect to worms and they are adyancing FIVE Ministry of Health and Social Serv­ Icnded. policc S13tion three times loee some of ttaeir relllaUtine ani- C'OwKTywide to destroy large ices employees appeared in the Windhoek • A nurse. Suama a day. m"'iDdlecollO~winter_OIL OUJllbeni et ranceIaod with. the Mo re nurses froRlthc .~ G.-....;a. Oulj. .. Ocji....... Luwer Cmu1 yesterday to face several charges Silamo, 39, who ap­ A<ct<dkIII .................. oI ... __........... peared yestcrd3Y faces Katulu1'3 andWindhock: 1)( fraud. .... Eooiy Ia- seven charges of frau<.l hospitals are expected W........... FM tilled .. tIIO.....i.-..._ 10 .. N:ltali;l Sande, 31. 000. Hcr bail of R I 500 involving more than R20 lppear in coon loday ~ .....' nIiq ....... -- 000. She pleaded not ;V\d tOfllOfTOW. Some arc -- 1l who allegedly dcfrauded was cxtcnded until June sboWD a m.p dD.d:ifhrfto_reckm:torePe° expc<:tcd to he sentenced the MlIli.\U)' of more !hall 2l- guilty to all the charges p-eennest in • IlCII'1h-Ioutli 1*t 8 ",:,uIt otdw.... u::O~ distri· R30 000 pleaded nol • Makoanyanc Raf3cl and her case was POSI ­ as they have al ready stretchiDc tro. Ob~ ancI baboa over on areas guilt y to I1 charges of Makupu, who faces two pone<.l to June 26. Her plc3<.1cd guihy :tnd hcen western OIcavanco to tbt north- . witb Owunbo bftnc ........ ~ afta' found gui lt y :L~ charged. Irau<.l. charges of fmud. plc;rlxl bail of R I 500 was cx­ em part (/I the Hardap Repoa only ~ per cent (approXImately Since- the diS<.'Ovcl)' Or He r C'L<iC W3S poSt­ guilty on onc charge, bul tended. but graxinc is stiD iosufftdeol for 130 000 h«tan:s) ~ availablt ~ poned to July I. B,LiI of de nied the other. He • Anolhe r worker, widespread fraud at the sume fa iIDIn Iller the rfftIlf pod has been ad!ivatN for maize. R3 000 was cxtcndc<.l. admitted having dc­ Olarles Phiri, who i .~ two hospitals. "muunt· Iho roataaoau and sorghum. .. Emllia Khoeses. 32. rrauded the Ministry of belicvcd to be a for­ HI}!. In ne:H'I y RI mil· ~e;s-farlRelT "ill have &reat Howtvertbe bulletia stlltes that pleaded not guihy to R5 730.21. The ca.~ wa<> eigner. was gr.uucd bail li nn, more thall 50 Cnl ­ difticuJty sU51ainingtheitanimab ployc\.'s ha vc hcCIl ar­ continued on page 2 three countS of fr"ud rcmanded 10 July 8 and of R I 500 bUI muSI also throuch the winter. II lv.lh'mg Illllle Ihao RIO rnlil of R I 500 was ex- repon In the WindllOck re.~'ctl 2 Thursday March 25 1993 THE NAMIBIAN THE------­ NATIONAL HOUSING ENTERPRISE has an attractive vacancy for ACCOUNTANT The encumben! win be responsible lor Ihe implementation and maintenance of aneffeclive and elfiden! accounling and reportmg system and will be reporting to ihe Financial KOREAN AID ... ·Hak Won Song (second from right) from the·Emba.'isy of'he Relmblic of KOI'l':I Manager on Tuesday handed o\'er two computers and spare parts for the repairing of 10 Hyundai s edan ~ donated to the Government of Namibia in 1989. Also benefiting was the Namibian Development for The ideal candidate will be in possession 01 a B-degr6e in Accounting Science (SCompl} Brigade which will be given two hulld07.ers, The Koreans a1so announ ced that the 1993 or Its equivalent with a minimum 01 5 years relevant experience, should have completed financial year it's GO vernment had allocated USS 120000foritsgrant-aid programme to Namibia. Peter Allison (far right) from the Namibia Development Brigade received the computers while !he Arllcles of Clerkship and w~1 be expected 10 have ACCPAC andfor computerised Govemment officials look on. accoun~ng experience. A knowledge ot spreadsheels wiN be an added advantage. Fur1hermore, the candidate should possess leadership, interpersonal and communication skills, the ability 10 motivate people and be highly tolerant even under stressful Prisoners go free today circumstances. I fROM PAGE 1 I ti ve sentences of not more than two years "except for For more information please contact Mr. L. FickiMr. F. Heyman al Tel (061) 37224. those crimes which ... 1 regard as panicularly serious He said that 498 Wa S the approximate number of and unpardonable", the President said. We oiler a negoliable salary, pension !und, subsidised meOCal aid, housing allowance, those to be released at this stage. and said they He added thal serious and unpardonable crimes in­ cluded mainly those involving the commission of <t cts th,'eenlh cheque. Ilee personal accidenl insurance and generous leave. included male and female prisoners. Asked whether there were any surprises among of violence as well as cenain economic crimes. them, Hoffman answered that there were "none". All remaining prisoners,except lhose mentioned as Only Namibian c~izens or persons in possession 01 a permanent residency pem1il need well as those who tried to escape from custody during apply. In his speech marking the third anniversary of Namibian Independence on Sunday, President Sam their present tenn of imprisonment, would receive six *w>};:::::::;,;m:~::::~::fu1'<mm:s;ri.::::~.;::t'«':'2't~;'j!*~~.JJ!~ : : m:f@ ~ Nujoma exlended a pardon to certain categories of month remissions of their sentences. AppIiCIIUon lorm ••• obl.lnlbl.lrom our olli",.t 7 OI!Iur ....bt Ro.d, Ero .. Compltted ., offenders who had violated laws and were serving The President added this this ' acl of mercy' should ", ~ICIIllon lorm.lhould ~ ttturlltd to the Iba.... mtntloned ottIce or IIIty be polled to:, Tht PtnOn.. ' OttIClf sentences. These included prisoners whose condi­ not be understood in any way as condoning crime or P.O. Bell 20112 tional release on parole had already been approved, criminals. , Wlndho.k bU I who had not been released yet because they could He hoped that those being pardoned would have 'I, TIM elo.lng dill. I" ~lIellionl I1 H Mlrch ,91), nOt meet those conditions. learned their lesson and would "walk the honest path ::::;",::w.m:,;m:m"W&{~f:;,"'·~~)m :~w In addition, all first offenders who received effec- of a good Namibian citizen in the future". Angola" "0" ANGLOVAAL NAMIBIA ' .. ' ,-, '.' (PTY)LTD I fROM PAGE 1 I require Whanon aI~ e:o;prcsscd hisgovernment'S support Republic of Namibia ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT for democratic evolution in Namibia and praised Ministr of Finance for the Windheok office Namibia's contribution to the peacekeeping opera­ Notice to Private Firms Must be proficient in Wordperfect and Lotus 1,2,3 and tion in Somalia. Subject~ -Revision of purchase and payment procedures be in possession of a valid drivers licence. Yeslerday an Afrikaans daily reponed that a 30- year-old Namibian. was This Ministry is in pro ce.~s of implementing a computerized Integrated Fluency in English and Afrikaans required the flfSt security guard 1\) Financial Management system in the Public Service.
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