IbLt'ME U VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE, LEXINGTON, VIBGiNIA, DECEMBER 8. 1961 NUMBER 11 bonaiion Made Receives Award Farley Selected To Foundation By Benefactor xfie George C. Marshall Re- As All - American search Foundation today announced State of Virginia. He was a veP" a gift of approximately $25,000 in James Cheever Farley, indus- Bfbcks from an anonymous source, satile athlete and, in addition t« trialist of Richmond, Va., has been playing football, was a letterman •'^he gift is the largest by far re- named to the Sports Illiistrated -Reived since the Foundation an- on the track team (discus) and Stiver Anniversary All-America for a member of the wrestling team, ' l«ounced last month it was seeking 1961. Among the 25 men to make • $2,500,000 to construct and endow winning the Southern Conferenc«r this year's roster are Head Coaches heavyweight championship. ylibrary and research center in Vince Lombardi, the G. B. Packers His activities were not confined Uexington to honor the memory of and Bud Wilkenson of Oklahoma to athletics. He was regimental ^fe World War II chief of staff University, as well as important commander of the Corps of Cadets, and postwar Secretary of State. business executives, educators, gov- the highest military office among I Foundation officials expressed ernment and military leaders, sur- cadets, and upon graduation re- /extreme gratification for tiie gift geons, a congressman, and a scien- ceived one of the two medals y'ind said they hoped it would pro- tist. v|.de an incentive for others as awarded for "highest proficiency in impressive. In ite eight-year his- James Cheever Farley is a grad- leadership, soldierly bearing and tory, the organization has reached uate of VMI in the Class of 1937 ; general excellence." more than $350,000, of which $200,- and was both captain and letter ! He was graduated with a Bache* 000 was a gift from the late John winner on the 1936 edition of the lor of Science degree in Electrical D. Rockefeller, Jr., and his widow, Keydet football squad. ' Engineering. but a considerable portion of its Farley is now the vice president Mr. Farley joined the Richmond funds has been expended in early and director of Richmond Engineer- I Engineering Company upon gradua- Iresearch and in the work of col- ing Company, Incorporated, one of : tion in 1937 and has served con- , lecting and organizing material the largest steel-fabricating com- j tinuously with the firm, with the I destined eventually for the re- panies in the' South, and he also I exception . of three and one-half ! «earch center. serves in similar capacities with years of military service in World RECO Tanks, Inc. of Greensboro, Since its plan to raise money for War II. He was a major in the James Cheever Farley, Class of '37, of Richmond, Virginia, was N.C., and Cyce, S.C. His residence the proposed building was made I ^ Ordnance Department. recently selected for the Sports Illustrated Silver Anniversary AIl- is 7105 Hillsdale Drive, Richmond, public, the Foundation has received In 1949, he was one of the ten. American football team for 1961. Va. numerous unsolicited small gifts young American executives selec- from Americans wishing to parti- Farley was an outstanding cadet ted in nationwide competition foff cipate in a memorial to General and athlete at the Institute. He an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship for Marshall. A retired Army colonel played four years of football and participation in the Executive Deve- wrote: "Being a Virginian and hav- Superintendent Makes was considered one of the finest lopment Program at Massachusetts ing served in both World Wars, I guards in the South, if not in the j Institute of Technology, Under consider it an honor and a great, nation- He captained the team in , this lellowship^ Ke .was a one- privilege to be able to enclose a Trip To Miami Beach his first class, or senior year. He I year resident student at MIT, un- small token to the memory of Gen-, was named to the All-State Vir- 1 dergoing an intensive program of eral George C. Marshall, one of the i The Superintendent has just re-; formance, and other problems of ginia team, and was selected by i study involving contact with all greatest Americans of all time." turned from the annual meeting i higher education, Virginia college coaches as the out- ' phases of business, labor, and standing football player in the (Continuea on Page 3) of the Southern Association of Col \ (Contiuned on Page 2) leges and Secondary Schools at, Yule Campaign Miami Beach, Florida. This annual; meeting was attended by the heads Raises TB Funds of college and secondary school^ throughout the southeastern United Christmas Seal Letters were mail- States, Central America and South j ed to VMI Cade'ts and WLU Stu- America. ] dents in the campaign to raise funds At this meeting, General Shell tor the Rockbridge-Buena Vista heard speeches and attended round Tuberculosis Association. This mail- table discussions and conferences! ing was supervised by Mrs. C. F. which concerned the various prob- Horton, Chairman, who was assisted lems confronting the governing i by army and air force personnel bodies of the institutions. Some of! wives, nanrely, Mrs. Hal E. Bilyeu, these problems included admis-; Mrs. Stacy C. Harris, Mrs. Leonard sions, demands for superior per- L. Lewane, Mrs. Charles E. Robbs, Mrs. Howard J. Simpson and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Smith, Lexington and Glee Club To Tape Mrs. Keith M. Stewart and Mrs. Richard F. Daley, Buena Vista. Christmas Music Of the $6,608 contributed in 1960, students of the two colleges The Virginia Military Institute 'gave $303.00. These funds will be Glee Club has been asked to make used for health education meas- a recording of Christmas music for ures, rehabilitation and patient the Mutual Broadcasting System. services, x-rays, state and national The program will be a half hour First Classmen recently selected as IHstiu- Superintendent George R. E. Shell and Comman- research and nursing, and teacher in length and will consist of ten guished Military Students are pictured with dant Jeffrey G. Smith. scholarships. Of the total collected, members. Most of these are new, ^ 94% will remain in the local and begun by the club only this year, state area. j Mr. Phil Lampkin, Director of Figures released by the Virginia I Music for the Mutual System, is Gen. Shell Presents DMS Awards State Department of Health report i preparing a series of these pro- j the following tuberculosis data in I grams by colleges throughout the Virginia: Cases Under Supervi- j eastern states. The VWI Glee Club' To Forty - Six First Classmen sion—Buena Vista 10, and Rock- I has been chosen to represent Vir- bridge County 104; Newly Reported ginia. j Last Thursday forty-six of fifty- qualifications without regard for Artillery, and the remaining twen- Cases—Buena Vista 1, and Rock- The series will be available toi five eligible cadets received the meeting a quota within the United ty-three are Infantry. Although tbft bridge County 11. In Virginia the al Mutual affiliated stations, and, Distinguished Military Science States. Those who qualify are plurality of awards lies in the In* cases und«r supervision were 12,- the VMI program will be broadcast award. At a formal meeting in the chosen on a basis of leadership r^antrj' Branch, the Armor and 415, with the newly reported active ; at 3:05 p.m. on December 21st. Superintendent's office, General qualities, moral character, apptitude Artillery groups comprise a large cases shoeing a rate of 42.0 per ' Anyone desiring to hear the pro- George R. E. Shell presented the for military service, initiative, and percentage of the total Distinguish* 100,000 population. gram should contact his local DMS awards and briefly addressed their achievements in summer ed Graduate Students. Mutual station to insure its being; those cadets who received them. camp exercises. The Infantry Cadets are: Bums, carried. From the total number who re- Aside from the Army regulations G. M.; Carlton, C. A.; Cummingg, V All Cadete are reminded Captain Joseph C. Pearce, direc- ceived awards, forty will apply for for screening, the Institute exam- J. W.; Eger, J. M.; Elliott. T. N.; I of the $5.00. cash pri^ tor of the Glee Club, plans with- a regular commission in the Army, ines closely each Cadet's rating Henriksen, T. H^; Howe, E. G.J in the next two or tliree years to Army regulations require reci- over the four year period, his Johnson, J. D.; Jordan, C. M.; L«n& \ awarded for the best produce a Gli?e Club recording of pients of the DMS Award to have demerits, his academic standing, W. P.; Mangino, A. R.; Mizell, W. news tip turned in each Christmas music. His present plans been designated by the Professor his MiUtary Sci«nce grades and K.; Northrop, D.; Popp^ D. MLt are Jo use this program, or at leatst of MiUtary Scicnce with the. ap- conduct. Prall. J. D.; Rogan, J. P.; Roswell, ; month to Sam Clement some part of it, as a basis for the proval of the Superintendent. There Of the fifty-five Cadets selected, J. O.: Samuels, S.; Strlckler, E. R4 or Tony Michaels. new record. is a careful screening of Cadets' sixteen are Armor, sixteen are (Contiuned on Page 2) SiHM'riiitciideiil (continued from page 1) The Southern Assocatioyi of Col- VMI Civil Engineers leges and Secondary Schools is of I vital importance to the Institute, j This is the group which makes the final judgement as to whether or j Attend ASCE Meeting »iot VMI is accredited for the year This weekend the Virginia Sec- struction of the First 'Texas Tower' »nd how Ihc Institute's standing, Uon of the American Society of Radar Platform in the Atlantic." compares with those of the other Civil Engineers wll hold its thirty-J colleges in the Association.
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