Connecticut Daily Campus §r Sewing Storrs Since 1896 V* VOL. CXVI NO. 9"> STOKRS, CONNECTICUT TUESDAY, .MAKCII 19, 1963 Women9s Senior Dorm U.S.A.'s Cassidento, Twachtman May Open In Towers Seek Top Senatorial Positions By PETKK KIKRYS chief!} with campus problem-sand . Subse- The U.S.A. nominating conven-l the solving of these problems be- quently, the candidates them- Applications arc presently bc- Thursday. She was doubtful that tion Thursday night opened with j fore dealing with affairs outside selves prepared final drafts oon« ing ai eepted by Hiss Joan Mc- this privilege would be extended a keynote address by Ai Medie-i the Uconn life. Walt Twachtman tig the areas to l>c coi Call In the Women's Office for to senior women all over cam- ros, the winner Ol the First the nominee lor the position ol ered at a campaign meet:.,.: fol- residency in tlu- proiwsed Senior pus. Award in the U.S.A. party. Me-! vice president, gave a short speech lowing the convention. Women's Dormitory to be located Towers or Nowhere dieros's speech stressed the im- in support of Cassidento'^ princi- Areas of ( onsMerstlon ; in the Towers dorm nearing com- In further comment on the portance of student government [pies and further stressed the Three main points composed j pletion. probability of this plan coming on campus. Despite the advantage idea ol solving campus problems the "areas ot consideration" ol Presently in tlie planning stage, into realization, Miss McCall of large turnout, the convention first. (Continued ou Page 3) the Senior Dorm would be or-| stated that if there is enough senatorial Candidates ganized under the guiding princi- favorable response, there will be Students nominated for the ple ot providing a place for the! one or two units in the Towers. seats of Senior Senator were more responsible women, a place: If not, she is not sure if the Louis Ricciuti, Bill Hail. Sue of more privileges, a place as an| Senior Dorm will be able to lo- Murphy, Wayne Mortberg, Jeff experiment in living segregated cate elsewhere because of the dis- Linfert, Jack Hiller, Bill Loehr, by classes. placement it would involve. and Joel Hirschhorn. Nine candi- "I'd like to see it come about," Miss McCall further expressed dates were selected for the seats Miss McCall stated. She further the hope that this attempt on the of Junior Senator: Jeff Widen, stated that she had come the "full Nancy Roth, Bill Ward, Steve part of the University Adminis- Heiber, Jerry Wallach. Anita Pa- circle" since last year. In a year' tration to provide more progres- She has decided on the merit of' sive housing for its students lermo. Marge Morrison. Brian such a >ystem and is anxious' Mahoney and Bob Hammond. would not be met with the same Nominated for Sophomore Sena- that it should come to fruition. inflexibility that was exhibited tor were Pete Francese. Ginny "It Has ;< lot of merit," she said. when coed campuses were being Mitchell, Hank Cormier, Claudia Midnight <urfews discussed two years ago. Yunker, Pat Sheehan and Trudy In enumerating the advantages In wrapping up, Miss McCall Kernan. in such a system. Miss McCall said that the matter is now com- New Policy said that the women in such a pletely out of her hands and de- The USA party does not follow dorm would probably have mid- pends upon the response of the the practice of deciding a definite night curfews Sunday through women students. set of party platforms at Uieir Ronald < assidento nominating convention. This year Walter Twachtman . "Performing its primary the party has eliminated the pro- . "There is a hierarchy of role, that of serving the needs cess of constructing a harsh sys- responsibility which has at its RA's Successful In South Hall of the Student body at Uconn." tem of planks and instead lias apex Student Covernnn*nt for adopted a system dealing with the Students." was relatively quiet with no real Administration Seeks 6 More contention for seals. However, the nominating slate was filled A survey to determine the fav- many girls will apply in order to with the exception of two Junior Chad Mitchell Trio Sings orabiliry of attitude towards the assure the selection of the more nominees which have since been Resident Advisor and group sys- qualified girls through competi- filled by ap[»iniments of the tems presently in operation in tion. U.S.A. Executive Board. South Hall, has resulted in an Qualifications Nominations At CCC Concert; April 22 overwhelming endorsement by the The qualifications include a Following Medieros' address the residents of South Hall. minimum 25 QPR, freedom to convention rapidly moved into The 1963 Campus Community and sponsored by students with It was also announced thit ap- devote a minimum of 15 hours a nominations. Ron Cassidento was Carnival, sponsored by the broth- the support of the University Ad- plications for the position of Se- week to the position including nominated for the president of ers of Alpha Phi Omega National ministration, Faculty, and sur- nior Resident Advisor for South weekends, and a willingness to ASG by the unanimous approval service fraternity, will be held on rounding community. The pro- Hall are now being accepted. accept ineligibility for participa- of the convention body. Cassi- a weekend, and will include a ceeds of the carnival are donated Oven* helming Majority tion in residence hall student gov- dento, present senator, empha- Sunday Concert. to various worthwhile charity or- ernment and student counseling sized the primary role of the Stu- The CCC is run by students ganizations The attitude survey resulted in dent Senate, serving the needs of Floats a 90-95 per cent preference for program. Such personal characteristics as the student body at the Univer- This year's carnival will be the group system and the main- sity of Connecticut, In his accept- Senate Hopefuls tenance c.i resident advisors.The Integrity, dependability, sincerity, held on Saturday, April 21 and and warm personality are also ance speech he emphasized the Sunday. April 22. The Parade of gills d< cision was necessarily need for ASG to be concerned based somewhat on the special desired. „ Must Petition Floats. Uconn.-. answer to the limitations imposed by the size of Girls in all majors are eligible Rose Parade, will open the event, the South Hall dormitory. The 'although those in physical thera- The Senate Elections Committee featuring bands and floats im.it survey further revealed that 95 py, education, and Home Econo- 'Chi Delphia' announced today that the Sluing bj various houses on campus, per cent of the gills believed that mics may be restricted duo to Senate Election will take place on Immediately I the present Resident Advisors outside affiliations, which may Wednesday. April 3. 1963 The ade. the Queen of the CCC Were doing a good job. I Interfere with counseling. Academic Queen committee headed by Senator Jim sitj of Connecticut, w HI Gadarowski and Boh Calder has cut the ribbon in tronl ol the Applications Open Compensation Delta Chi Fraternity is sponsor- begun the necessary arrangements Field House, marking the open- Applications, for Senior Resi- Resident Advisors, receive room for the election which is highlight- ing ut the Midw aj. and board seven days per week. ing a "Chi Delphia" Academic dent Advisor will be open until Queen contest. To promote schol- ed by the contest for presidency ol Here the spectators will enjoy March 29. There are six positions Those assigned to the third, Associated Student Government games, shows, laughs, prizes and fourth, fifth, and sixth floors, re- arships on our campus, the con- available and it is hoped that test places foremost emphasis on Tile Committee also made known clown.-. Refreshments will be ceive rooms with private baths. available. Trophies Will be award- WOmen interested in applying scholastic achievement, but at the todav a new ruling which requires same time wants someone who all candidates running either on a ed that afternoon tor the best A Democrat Views should address a letter of applica- booths, men's, women's and com- tion to Miss N'ofsker. She and has made a definite contribution major party or as an inde|>endenl to extra-curricular activities. to secure a petition with one hun- bined. The houses with the best Miss McCall will review all ap- Therefore, they have composed floats will be awarded trophies His State Party plications and make the appoint- dred 1100> names on It. This pe- ments. the standards ol this contest as: til ion must be turned into the Sen- at this time, a* will the house "Connecticut Democrats Liber- Information Needed 1) Contestants shall have a Ql'R ale Offfice or to either Gadarow- selected to construct the Queen's al 01 Conservative?" A disillu- ratio of 30 or more. ski or Calder by noon, March 25. (Continued on Pase .*>) sioned Democrat takes a long hard The following information should 2) Contestants shall have made This new innovation was made in look at the State Democratic par- be included in your letter of a|> a definite contribution to order to see whether or not tlie ty tonight as Dr. Curl Beck, as- plication: Present semester and som« extra-curricular activi- candidale really wants to run. to Bislan! professor ot Political Sci- school, present residence hall, ty- publicize the election, and to give Press Freedom ence, presents a personal discus- birth date, home address, major, 31 Contestants shall have attend- more studenls an opportunity to sion at 8:00 p.m. in Hl'B 103. number of credits you expeot to ed Uoofln at Storrs tor at meet the candidates.
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