A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council #4520 Under the Spiritual Direction of: Fr. Yamid Blanco Group Coordinator: Mr. Terry Retzke St. Francis Borgia Parish in Cedarburg, Wisconsin 11-days: February 3 to 13, 2015 Tour Package Price: $2,499 Discount Price (pay by check or cash) or $2,648 Standard Price (pay by credit card) From Chicago (ORD) plus $500 in airport taxes, security fees and current fuel surcharges and $165 in tips. LOCAL CONTACT Terry Retzke (262) 387-0225 [email protected] AN INVITATION TO JOIN US Dear Fellow Pilgrim, The term “pilgrim” refers to a person on a journey in search of God. In a real sense, this can describe each of our journeys toward God as we live our lives through our daily experiences. A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land is different. Since we are people of faith, we travel as pilgrims tracing the footsteps of Our Lord and walking in the footsteps of so many others who have gone before us in a journey of faith. During this pilgrimage to the Holy Land, we discover the roots of our faith as we see the sites, touch the stones, and pray the prayers which have helped form the faith we hold as sacred. I would like to invite you to join me in this special pilgrimage to the Holy Land. We will visit Nazareth, walk the shores of the Sea of Galilee, and climb Mount Tabor where Our Lord was transfigured before His disciples. We will journey down the Jordan Valley and climb the mountain to Jerusalem. There we will visit and pray at the sites of His final days -- the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane. We will follow the Via Dolorosa (the Way of the Cross) and visit the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the site of both Calvary and the Tomb where He was buried and from which He rose from the dead. The experience of the Holy Land is like no other in your life. At each location, we will read and reflect on the Gospels. You will never again see or hear these words of Scripture without vividly recalling the places where Jesus walked and taught. Finally, know that pilgrimages are joyful experiences where not only do we spend time in prayer and reflection, but we also have fun as we experience each other as a Christian community, making friends that last a lifetime. We want you to have the most meaningful and spiritual journey of faith possible, all within this spirit of joy, and so we strongly encourage you to join our pilgrimage by signing up as soon as possible for this special experience. In Christ our Savior, Fr. Yamid Blanco OUR DAILY ITINERARY TUE, FEB 3, DAY 1: DEPART USA: We depart Chicago en route to SAT, FEB 7, DAY 5: TIBERIAS: CAPERNAUM, TABGHA, PETER’S Tel Aviv, with complimentary meals and beverages served aboard. PRIMACY, BOAT RIDE OF SEA OF GALILEE: This morning we begin with a visit of Capernaum where Peter lived and where Jesus be- WED, FEB 4, DAY 2: ARRIVE IN TEL AVIV / TRANSFER gan His public ministry (Matt 4;13). Here we celebrate Mass. Next we TO HOTEL: We arrive late this evening into Tel Aviv, and we visit what is known as “Peter’s Primacy,” the site where after His resur- are met by our Catholic Travel Centre representative, and we rection, Jesus met with His disciples and told Peter to, “feed My lambs; make our way to our seaside hotel near the airport to retire for feed My sheep” (John 21:9). Our next stop is Tabgha to commemorate the evening. where Jesus fed a crowd of 5,000 people (Matt 14:15-21). We will have some time for a lunch of Peter’s Fish, included at a local restaurant. THU, FEB 5, DAY 3: CAESAREA BY THE SEA / STELLA MARIS Then we enjoy a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. After our boat / MT. CARMEL / TIBERIAS: Our first stop is Caesarea Maritime ride we ascend by motor coach to the Mt. of Beatitudes to gain a where Peter came to understand that the Good News was not for panoramic vista of the Sea of Galilee. Dinner is served at our ac- Jews only, but for the whole world. Here he baptized the Roman commodations. (B, L, D) Centurion, Cornelius, and his family. Our next stop is the Sanctuary of Stella Maris Our Lady of SUN, FEB 8, DAY 6: TIBERIAS / MT. TABOR / JERICHO / Mount Carmel. This location is associated with the prophets Elijah QUMRAN / DEAD SEA / JERUSALEM: Today we begin our jour- and Elisha. Here the traditional cave of Elijah is found inside the ney with Jesus to Jerusalem where He is condemned, crucified and Carmelite Church. From the beginning of Christianity it was in- is raised from the dead. We begin that journey as Jesus did by a trip habited by numerous hermits and anchorites. Here we will celebrate to Mount Tabor where Jesus was transformed before Peter, James Mass. and John and they glimpse a sign of His glory before they witness We then visit Mt. Carmel and the Monastery located near the His passion and death. spot where Elijah confronted the priests of Ba’al in the 18th chapter Following Mass on Mount Tabor, we travel by bus down the of 1st Kings. Afterward we will enjoy the expansive view of the Jez- Jordan Valley, where Jesus walked with His disciples, to Jericho reel Valley, the place of the final battle of good over evil spoken of where we stop for lunch on our own. We view the Mt. of Tempta- in the Book of Revelation (16:16). We arrive in Tiberias for dinner tions from a distance and to see the traditional Zaccheus site. This and the evening. (B, D) city was the site of Joshua’s first dramatic conquest. We will renew our baptismal vows in the Jordan River out- FRI, FEB 6, DAY 4: TIBERIAS: EXCURSION TO CANA, SE- side Jericho. We continue to the ruins of the Essenes’ Monastery at PHORIS & NAZARETH: This morning after breakfast we travel to Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found, and stop to view Cana, where Jesus performed His first miracle at the request of His the Dead Sea (you can take a swim if you wish!). Then we journey mother (John 2:1-11). In Cana we will visit the Franciscan chapel to Jerusalem where we check-in to our accommodations and settle where Jesus began His public ministry in the Gospel of St. John. in for dinner and the evening. (B, D) Here we invite couples to renew their marriage vows. We will have some time for lunch on our own. MON, FEB 9, DAY 7: JERUSALEM: BEIT SAHOUR-SHEP- Then we visit Nazareth for a tour of the Basilica of Annun- HERD’S FIELD & BETHLEHEM: This morning, after breakfast, ciation and Mass, followed by other sites in the city. From here, we we travel to Beit Sahour & Shepherds’ Field where we visit the Shep- continue to Sepphoris, the home of Mary’s family, a Roman free city herds’ Cave. Here we celebrate Mass. and the capital of Galilee during Jesus’ youth. Dinner is served at After Mass, we visit Bethlehem, beginning at Manger Square our hotel on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. (B, D) which stands in front of one of the oldest of Christian churches, the Church of the Nativity. Bending low so as to enter through the see. Dinner is at our hotel. This evening we return to the Garden of Door of Humility, we enter the Church and descend into the Grotto Gethsemane for a holy hour of reflection, open to the public, which of the Nativity. Beneath the Altar, a 14 pointed Silver Star marks the our group will attend. (B, D) exact spot surrounded by the Latin inscription: HIC DE VIRGINE MARIA JESUS CHRISTUS NATUS (Here Jesus Christ was born to WED, FEB 11, DAY 9: JERUSALEM: MT. ZION, ST. PETER IN the Virgin Mary). GALLICANTU & TIME AT LEISURE: This morning, we make We walk the short distance to the Milk Grotto (officially the our way to Mt. Zion and the Church of the Dormition of Our Lady. “Grotto of the Lady Mary”). The Grotto, with a Franciscan chapel Next, we visit the Upper Room commemorating the Last Supper built above it, is considered sacred because tradition has it that the and the nearby Franciscan Chapel of the Cenacle, where we cel- Holy Family took refuge here during the Slaughter of the Innocents, ebrate Mass. We also visit the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu before their flight into Egypt. Tradition has it that while Mary was (where Peter denied Christ) and the House of Caiphas. The balance nursing Jesus here, a drop of milk fell to the ground, turning it of the day is at leisure. Dinner is at our hotel. (B, D) white. We proceed to Bethlehem University, where we have occasion THU, FEB 12, DAY 10: JERUSALEM: VIA DOLOROSA, HOLY to meet some of the students and enjoy a lunch served by the stu- SEPULCHRE, THE OLD CITY & TIME AT LEISURE: We be- dents in the hotel management curriculum. Later, we visit one of gin the morning early as we gather at the Antonia Palace to walk the local shops owned by a Christian family, as an expression of the Via Dolorosa, the Way of the Cross, which brings us to the our support for the local Christian community.
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