<!ongrcssional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 88th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION SENATE NOMINATIONS-NEW REPORTS MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Mr. MANSFIBLD. Mr. President, I Messages in writing from the Presi­ THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1963 move that the Senate proceed to the dent of the United States submitting consideration of the new reports on the nominations were communicated to the <Legislative day of Wednesday, Executive Calendar. Senate by Mr. Jones, one of his secre­ April 24, 1963) The motion was agreed to. taries. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk The Senate met in executive session will proceed to state the new reports on at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration the Executive Calendar. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE of the recess, and was called to order by A message from the House of Repre­ the Vice President. sentatives, by Mr. Hackney, one of its The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown CIVIL SERVICE reading clerks, announced that the Harris, D.D., o:fiered the following The Chief Clerk read the nomination House had disagreed to the amendment prayer: of L. J. Andolsek, of Minnesota, to be a of the Senate to the bill <H.R. 2440) to O Thou God of our salvation, for a Civil Service Commissioner for the term authorize appropriations during fiscal sense of whose presence our restless of 6 years expiring March 1, 1969. year 1964 for procurement, research, de­ spirits ever yearn, for these moments The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ velopment, test, and evaluation of air­ we would hush our busy thoughts to jection, the nomination is confirmed. craft, missiles, and naval vessels for the silence as we seek to discern Thy will. Armed Forces, and for other purposes; asked a conference with the Senate on 'Mid all the traffic of the ways, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE the disagreeing votes of the two Houses Turmoils without, within, The Chief Clerk read the nomination thereon, and that Mr. VINSON, Mr. Make in our hearts a quiet place of Charles B. Fulton, of Florida, to be RIVERS of South Carolina, Mr. PHILBIN, And come and dwell therein. U.S. district judge for the southern dis­ Mr. HEBERT, Mr. ARENDS, Mr. GAVIN, and For void of Thee, all is vanity and life trict of Florida. Mr. NoRBLAD were appointed managers itself is barren, joyless, robbed of its The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ on the part of the House at the confer­ wonder, its dignity, and its beauty. jection, the nomination is confirmed. ence. Even as draining duties, tied to the The message also announced that the House had passed the following bills, in Nation's welfare, demand the utmost in POSTMASTERS time and energy of Thy servants here, which it requested the concurrence of in the fellowship of the world unseen The Chief Clerk proceeded to read the Senate: more real than the tangible things sundry nominations of postmasters. H.R. 12. An act to increase the opportu­ about us, may there come to our quest­ Mr. McCLELLAN. Mr. President, I nities for training of physicians, dentists, and ing spirits light out of darkness, peace ask unanimous consent that the post­ professional public health personnel, and for master nominations be considered en other purposes; and out of discord, strength out of struggle, H.R. 5338. An act to enact the Uniform forgiveness out of guilt, and faith out bloc. Commercial Code for the District of Colum­ of fear. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ bia, and for other purposes. We ask it in the dear Redeemer's jection, the postmaster nominations will name. Amen. be considered en bloc; and, without ob­ jection, they are confirmed. HOUSE BILLS REFERRED Mr. McCLELLAN. Mr. President, I The following bills were each read EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED ask unanimous consent that the Presi­ dent be immediately notified of the con­ twice by their titles and referred as in­ The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the firmation of these nominations. dicated: Senate messages from the President of The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ H.R. 12. An act to increase the opportuni­ the United States submitting sundry jection, the President will be notified ties for training of physicians, dentists, and nominations, which were referred to forthwith. professional public health personnel, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Labor the appropriate committees. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I am and Public Welfare. <For nominations this day received, delighted that the distinguished senior H.R. 5338. An act to enact the Uniform see the end of Senate proceedings.) Senator from Arkansas has shown such Commercial Code for the District of Colum­ an active and personal interest in the bia, and for other purposes; to the Com­ postmaster nominations which have been mittee on the District of Columbia. EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF considered and confirmed unanimously by the Senate. COMMITTEES LIMITATION ON STATEMENTS DUR­ The following favorable reports of ING MORNING HOUR nominations were submitted: TRANSACTION OF LEGISLATIVE On request of Mr. MANSFIELD, and by By Mr. BYRD of Virginia, from the Com­ BUSINESS unanimous consent, statements during mittee on Finance: By unanimous consent, the following the morning hour were ordered limited Alfred C. Dumouchel, of Rhode Island, to legislative business was transacted: to 3 minutes. be collector of customs for customs collec­ tion district No. 5, with headquarters at Providence, R .I. THE JOURNAL COMMITTEE MEETINGS DURING By Mr. McNAMARA, from the Committee on Public Works: On request of Mr. MANSFIELD, and by SESSION OF THE SENATE Frank E. Smith, of Mississippi, to be a unanimous consent, the reading of the On request of Mr. PASTORE and by member of the Board of Directors of the Journal of the proceedings of Wednes­ unanimous consent, the Committee on Tennessee Valley Authority. day, April 24, 1963, was dispensed with. Aeronautical and Space Sciences and CIX--445 7059 7060 CONGRESSIONAL ·RECORD-. SENATE April -25 the Antitrust and Monopoly Subcom­ AMENDMENT 01' A1JTHORIZATION To APPRO­ and the division thereof between the Federal mittee of the Committee on the Judici­ PRIATE MONEY FOR MAINTENANCE AND OP­ and local governments, and to prohibit in­ ary were authorized ·to meet during the ERATION OF EXPERIMENTAL STATIONS OF come tax avoidance now and in the future, session of .the Senate today. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR and to prohibit the Federal Government A letter from the Acting Secretary of the from levying any tax, duty, or excise, upon On request of Mr. MANSFIELD, and by Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed the transfer of property upon or in contem­ unanimous consent, the Merchant Ma­ legislation to amend the authorization to plation of death or by way .. of gift; be it fur- rine and Fisheries Subcommittee of the appropriate money for the maintenance and ther . Commerce Committee was authorized to operation of three experimental stations of "Resolved, That a duly attested copy of this meet during the session of the Senate the Department of the Interior, and for other memorial be immediately transmitted to the today. purposes (with an accompanying paper); to Secretary of the Senate of the United States, the Committee on Interior and Insular Af­ the Clerk of the House of Representatives of fairs. the United States, and to each Member of ORDER OF BUSINESS the Congress from this State. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 1871, TITLE 28, "ROBERT L. KNOUS, . Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, for UNITED STATES CODE, To INCREASE CERTAIN "President of the Senate. the information of the Senate, I wish to ALLOWANCES OF GRAND AND PETIT JURORS " MILDRED H. CRESSWELL, state that I understand that the distin­ A letter from the Director, Administrative "Secretary of the Senate. guished senior Senator from Oregon [Mr. Office of the U.S. Courts, Washington, D.C., " JOHN D. VANDERHOOF, MORSE] intends to make, at the conclu­ transmitting a draft of proposed legislation "Speaker of the House of Representatives. sion of · morning business, a point of to amend section 1871 of title 28, U.S. Code, "DONALD H. HENDERSON, order dealing with the constitutionality to increase the per diem and subsistence, "Qhief Clerk of the House of Represent­ and limit mileage allowances of grand and tives." of the nominations of incorporators of petit jurors (with an accompanying paper); the Communications Satellite Corp. It to the Committee on the Judiciary. A resolution of the Senate of the State of Hawaii; to the Committee on Appropriations: is the intention of the leadership at that REPORT OF NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND time to suggest the absence of a quorum. LETTERS "SENATE RESOLUTION 3 On behalf of the distinguished minor­ A letter from the Assistant Secretary, the "Resolution requesting the U.S. Congress to ity leader and myself, I wish to serve National Institute of Arts and Letters, New aid the State of Hawaii in the development notice to the attaches of the Senate that York, N.Y., transmitting, pursuant to law, of Waikiki Beach ·it will be a live ·quorum. We hope all a report ·of that Institute, for the year 1962 "Whereas the Congress of the United Senators will be on the :floor at the con­ (with an accompanying report); to the Com­ States has passed legislative measures grant­ mittee on the Judiciary. ing aid to the States for the improvement of clusion of the quorum call, because at the beach resources of the Nation;. and that time an announcement will be made ".Whereas the State of Hawaii, being an in regard to the business which will be ·PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS island State, has a large share of the beach pending at that time. resources of the Nation; and Petitions,· etc., were laid · before the "Whereas the U.S. Army Corps of Engi­ Senate, or presented, and .
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