THE WELL LIFELONG LEARNING AT ROMEMU The Rabbis taught: “Water stands for Torah, as it is said (Isaiah 55:1), ‘All those who are thirsty, come for water.’” (Babylonian Talmud, Bava Kama 82a) FALL 2015 Like Water, Like Torah… WELCOME TO THE WELL! “The words of Torah are likened to water, as it is written, O all who are thirsty, September, 2015 / Tishrei, 5776 come for water.” (Isaiah 55:1) Friends, Just as water is a source of life for the world, so is Torah a source of life for the world; In the Torah, good things happen when people gather around a well. The Torah is compared to a well, and the word in Hebrew for ‘well’, be’er, is also the word for Just as water is from the heavens, so too is Torah from the heavens; ‘explanation’ (be’er hay’tev). The well is a watering hole, a place to quench thirst, a place to meet beloveds, a place for textual healing, a place to meet deeper Just as water makes many sounds, so is the Torah heard in many voices; dimensions of our faith, our tradition, our community and our lives. Just as water restores the soul, so does Torah restore the soul; At Romemu, our desire is to make the world a better place, one heart at a time. Just as water purifies a human being from impurity, so does Torah purify; Jewish life is beautiful and variegated, transformative and supportive. You hold in your hands many options with which to slake your spiritual thirst. Please take as Just as water falls drop by drop and accumulates into mighty streams and rivers, much as you like. After all, it belongs to you. so too a person learns two laws today, and two tomorrow, until they become like a gushing river; In blessing and peace, Rabbi David Just as water doesn’t taste sweet unless one is thirsty, so too Torah isn’t sweet unless one is [spiritually] thirsty. Just as water leaves a high place and flows to a low one, so too, Torah leaves one whose spirit is arrogant and cleaves to one whose spirit is humble. Dear Friends, Song of Songs Rabbah (Vilna Edition) 1:3 I am thrilled to announce our new initiative for communal study at Romemu, Torah Tuesdays. This program launches our traditional house of study, or beit midrash (literally “house of seeking”), a place for communal inquiry and dialogue, and The במים )ישעיה נה) הוי כל צמא לכו למים…. Kabbalah Learning Institute (KLI), which provides the opportunity for ongoing מה מים חיים לעולם, כך תורה חיים לעולם. Kabbalah study. In addition, this fall Torah Tuesdays will feature “Tikkun Olam as מה מים מן השמים, כך תורה מן השמים. a Spiritual Path” and “G-dwrestling”, exploring the life of Jacob and the alchemy מה המים בקולי קולות, כך תורה בקולי קולות. of becoming whole. We will, of course, continue to offer The Well’s staples, which מה המים משיבין הנפש, כך תורה משיבין הנפש. have allowed our community to immerse in the well of Jewish life, wisdom and מה המים מטהרים את האדם מטומאה, כך תורה מטהרת הטמא מטומאתו. ומה מים יורדין טיפין טיפין ונעשית נחלים נחלים, כך תורה אדם למד ב׳ הלכות היום וב׳ .spirituality למחר עד שנעשה כנחל נובע. מה מים אם אין אדם צמא אינה ערבה בגופו, כך תורה אם אין אדם עיף בה אינה ערבה בגופו. We created The Well as a place for all to quench their thirst with our myriad ומה המים מניחין מקום גבוה והולכים במקום נמוך, כך תורה מנחת מי שדעתו גבוהה עליו opportunities for sacred study. Meet us there. Take a few sips or a long nourishing ומדבקת במי שדעתו נמוכה עליו. drink. The Well is waiting for you! שיר השירים רבה )וילנא) פרשה א:ג Wishing each of you endless blessings of Torah study, Rabbi Dianne Cohler-Esses Director of Lifelong Learning THE WELL LIFELONG LEARNING AT ROMEMU 3 THE WELL LIFELONG LEARNING AT ROMEMU Torah TuesdayS - Fall 2015 Announcing… 805 COLUMBUS AVENUE, AT 100TH STREET Torah TuesdayS 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. House of Seeking: ROMEMu’S REvOLuTIOnARy EvEnInG Of (Doors open at 6:00 p.m.) Romemu’s Beit Midrash stuDy, featuRInG: (open to all) 7:15 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. Coffee Shmooze and / or (open to all) Bring-your-Own-Dinner 1. House of Seeking: Romemu’s Beit Midrash - We begin with our traditional 7:45 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Courses* beit midrash - literally, “house of seeking”, including lecture, study in pairs and (open to enrollees) Participants may enroll in one course from either group discussion led by Rabbi David Ingber, Romemu clergy and guest faculty. option per session. Bring your seeking and your insights and get ready to immerse yourself in Session 1 will consist of 4 course meetings. sacred wisdom! Session 2 will consist of 6 course meetings. 2. Featured Courses - The second half of the evening features two concurrent course offerings: Option 1: Option 2: Kabbalah Learning Living Spiritually A. The Kabbalah Learning Institute (KLI) - Rabbi David Ingber’s new Institute (KLI) with initiative offers participants a fresh lens on the ancient art of living life Rabbi David Ingber as a spiritual journey. G-dwrestling with Session 1 Deep (Basics) Rabbi Dianne Cohler-Esses B. Living Spiritually - This fall we feature two ground breaking courses: “G-dwrestling” with Rabbi Dianne Cohler-Esses and “Tikkun Olam as a Tikkun Olam as a Spiritual Path Deeper Spiritual Path” with Dr. Michael Gottsegen and Miram Rubin. Session 2 taught by Michael Gottsegen, and (Intermediate) co-facilitated with Miriam Rubin See pages 19-21 for detailed descriptions of House of Seeking, KLI, and Living Spiritually. Course descriptions and meeting dates are listed on pages 19-21. *In Spring 2016, KLI courses will repeat; Option 2 courses will be different. TABLE Of COnTEnts LIFELONG LEARNING AT ROMEMU COurse DescriptionS .........................................................................10 THursdayS Sparks ...........................................................................................................23 SunDAyS The Sky Within – new night! .......................................................................24 Aleph-Bet ....................................................................................................10 Social Action film Series with vodka and Herring .....................................24 Nigun Jam ....................................................................................................10 Living Deeply with a Sacred Text: SatuRDAyS: Shabbat Awakening to Gan Eden in Our Own Lives .................................................11 The Open Book ............................................................................................25 Wear Black, Leave Town: Explorations at the fringes of Community ......12 SHABBATOnIM: WEEKEnD Retreats What is Prayer? ............................................................................................12 Soul food Lunch & Learn .............................................................................26 MOnDAyS Shivti yoga & Meditation ..............................................................................27 In the Beginning ...........................................................................................14 Seudah Shlishit with JTS .............................................................................28 The Open Door ............................................................................................15 The Write Prescription: Instructor Bios ......................................................................................30 Telling your Story to Move With and Beyond Illness ..................................16 Literature and Jewish Identity: Israel and America ...................................17 ADuLT EDuCATIOn COMMITTEE .......................................................38 Torah TuesdayS House of Seeking: Romemu’s Beit Midrash ...............................................19 LIvInG SPIRITuALLy G-dwrestling: The Path to Wholeness .......................................................20 Tikkun Olam as a Spiritual Path ...................................................................20 Kabbalah LEARnInG InstituTE (KLI) Deep (Basics) ................................................................................................21 Deeper (Intermediate) .................................................................................21 WEDnesdayS: SOuL Spa Soul Spa ........................................................................................................22 Souls, Songs and Stories: A Rebbe nachman Immersive ..........................22 6 7 WEEK-AT-A-GLAnCE & REGISTRATIOn INFO REGISTER AT ROMEMu.ORG/WISDOM/ADuLT-EDuCATIOn LIFELONG LEARNING AT ROMEMU Sundays Mondays Torah Tuesdays - 805 Columbus Avenue Aleph-Bet In the Beginning Tuesdays Tuesdays (Oct. 20 - Nov. 10 only) Tuesdays (Nov. 17 - Dec. 22 only) 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. 43 Central Park north 43 Central Park north House of Seeking: Kabbalah Learning Institute Kabbalah Learning Institute Members: free Members: $560 Romemu’s Beit Midrash (KLI): Deep (Basics) (KLI): Deeper (Intermediate) non-members: $100 non-members: $700 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. (doors open 7:45 - 9:00 p.m. 7:45 - 9:00 p.m. at 6:00 p.m.) 805 Columbus Avenue 805 Columbus Avenue Nigun Jam The Open Door 805 Columbus Avenue Members: $80 Members: $120 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Open to all non-members: $100 non-members: $150 uWS location shared upon registration 43 Central Park north Suggested contribution: $10 Members and non-Members: free Members Only: $560 Contact Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer directly to register, at G-dwrestling Tikkun Olam as a Spiritual Path [email protected] 7:45 - 9:00 p.m. 7:45 - 9:00 p.m. 805 Columbus Avenue 805 Columbus Avenue Living Deeply with a Sacred Text The Write Prescription
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