J. Raptor Res. 27(4):180-184 ¸ 1993 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. LIVE PREY TO YOUNG RAPTORS--INCIDENTAL OR ADAPTIVE ? WALTER R. SPOFFORD Aguila-Rancho,Portal, AZ 85632 U.S.A. DEAN AMADON AmericanMuseum of Natural History, Central Park West, New York, NY 7002d U.S.A. ABSTR^CT.--Raptorssometimes bring prey that is still alive to their nests,or potentialprey may blunder into raptor nestsor result from competitionfor a nest. Such delivery of live prey seemsincidental or accidentaland non-adaptive:the live prey sometimesescapes. When live prey is a nestlingbird it may be "adopted"and even reared, thus providinginsights into parental behaviorand to similar behavior amongcaptives. Raptors that catchflying prey oftendrop prey near their fledgedyoung, which the latter catchor attemptto catchin midair. In one species,the PeregrineFalcon (Falcoperegrinus), such dropped prey regularly includessome living birds. Presasvivas para rapacesjuveniles--accidental o adapativo? RwSUMWN.--Algunasveces las avesrapaces 11evan presas afin vivasa susnidos, estas pueden constituir un desprop6sitoen los nidosde las rapaceso generaruna competenciapor el nido. Tal liberaci6nde la presaviva pareceaccidental y no adaptativa:la presa algunasveces escapa. Cuando la presaviva es un polluelo,este puede ser adoptadoy hastacriado, proveyendo conductas parentales entre los cautivos.Las rapacesque capturanpresas voladoras a menudodejan caer la presacerca de susjuveniles, las que mils tarde captufa o intenta capturar en el aire. En Falcoperegrinus, regularmente las presasincluyen algunas aves vivas. [Traducci6n de Ivan Lazo] Scatteredobservations exist of raptors bringing competefor the samenest and broodmix-ups occur. live prey to their nestlings.All classesof prey are Mikkola (1983:164) wrote: "Even if a female Ural representedexcept mammals, perhaps because the Owl (Strix uralensis)has already laid her eggsin her latter mightbite and injure bothadult and immature chosennest, she remains highly vulnerableto the raptors. We have not found instancesfor owls but attentionsof a nest-huntingGoshawk (Accipiter gen- their nocturnalhabits and frequent use of cavities tilis)." One nest containedthree eggsof the hawk for nestingmake observationsdifficult. and one of the owl. All four were incubatedby the Live prey may be in raptor nestsfor diverserea- goshawk."On 23 May the nest containeda newly sonsor under varying circumstances.Our objective hatchedUral Owl chickand three eggsof the (then) was to enumerate these reasons,give examplesof real owners ... the owlet soondisappeared and on each,and discusswhether any of them are adaptive the 8th June the nestcontained only three goshawk to raptors.Instances of live prey being"adopted" by nestlings." raptorsare alsoevaluated. Presentation of prey,alive S.K. Sherrod(pers. comm.)was told by Russian or dead, to fledgedraptors is also considered. naturalist, R. Pfeifer, of finding a young Northern Raven (Corvuscorax) in the nest of a Golden Eagle OBSWRV^TIOSS (Aquilachrysaetos). Both specieshad showninterest Adventitious Occurrences. Potential living in the nest and Pfeifer assumed that the ravens had prey--reptiles, birds, mammals--may occasionally laid eggs before being evicted, one of which was blunder into a raptor'snest. Weaver finches(Passer) hatchedby the eagle. Or perhapsone of the eagles and grackles(Quiscula) sometimes breed in the base had brought the raven to the nest (see below). of large hawk nests;their young might flutter into Instances Involving Insects and Lower Ver- the raptor's nest. Occasionallytwo raptor species tebrates.After intensivestudy of Mauritius Kestrels 180 DECEMBER 1993 L•VE PREY TO YOUNG RAPTORS 181 (Falcopunctatus) in the field and captivity, C.G. a Black Kite (Milvus migrans) and an Australian Jones(pers. comm.) wrote: "We now haveabout 10 Kestrel (Falcocenchroides). Both were pinned down recordsof kestrelsdelivering live or twitching prey by the Black-breastedKite and fed to her chicksbut to the nest. All that I can recall were when the not until after the youngkestrel had repulseda kite kestrelswere rearing well-grown young.I have seen nestlingby raking it with its talons(but seebelow). many hundredsof prey items deliveredto the nest Gossettand Smith (1993) found a living, unin- duringthe incubatingphase and if my memoryserves jured passerinechick in a nest of the Ferruginous me correctly,none of these(geckos, Phelsuma) were Hawk (Buteoregalis), which containedtwo young alive. Large insects,such as locustsand dragonflies, Ferruginous Hawks more than a week old. The are not usually deliveredto the nestlingsuntil their hawks' nest was on a metal tower and the observers last week or so in the nest. Some of these insects are thoughtthat the passerinemust have been brought verymuch alive when they are broughtto the nest." thereby oneof the hawks.The next day they found At a nest of the Chanting Goshawk (Melierax only a wing quill of the foreign nestling. canorus)the male brought a live agamalizard" . Living Birds Brought as Prey but Receiving which he depositedon the nestwhere it lay feigning Parental Care. On 3 June 1960, one of us (WRS) death. When the female leant forward to pick it up watcheda female Golden Eagle incubatingher sin- a while later, the agamacame to life and divedover gle egg at a nest in Maine. The following day she the nestedge, pursued by the female,but it escaped" wasmoving restlessly and oftenpeered into the nest. (Steynand Myburgh 1992). Probablythe chickwas cheepingwithin the egg.At Tenneson(1992) statedthat living snakesare not 0515 H the next morning the female eagle was at- •nfrequentlybrought to the "nest" of the ophioph- temptingto feeda nestling,a partly featheredAmer- agousLaughing Falcon (Herpetotherescachinnans) ican Crow (Corvusbrachyrhynchos), which she later but also found that surplussnakes are draped over moved back under her when it tottered across the boughsat the nestsite. Obviously these snakes could nest. The eaglet was hatching. A week later the not be alive. This falcon promptly dispatchesven- eagletwas there alongwith a few black feathers, omoussnakes, which comprisea substantialportion presumablyfrom the haplesscrow. The nearestsite of its food. It is possible,therefore, that the living snakes observed were "more dead than alive." Poi- for AmericanCrows was a valley about7 km away. The following remarkable eventswere observed kilothermicvertebrates may flap or writhe for some and photographedat nestsof the Black-breastedKite time after "death," so a precisedistinction is some- (Cupper 1977, Cupper and Cupper 1981). On 8 times impossible.Fish sometimesflop over the side Octoberone attendednest was empty, two others of a Bald Eagle's(Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nest, or turtles walk over its rim (Palmer 1988:215). In such heldeggs. On 7 Novemberthe previouslyempty nest cases,failure to kill the prey resultsin its loss. held two chicks.Although the time interval seemed Live Birds Brought to Raptor Nests without too shortto lay and hatch a clutchof eggs(and the Receiving Parental Care. A Cooper'sHawk (Ac- chickswere very small),it was assumedthe young czpitercooperii) brought two living, nestlingScarlet musthave been kites. Food remains in the nestproved Tanagers(Piranga olivacea) to its nest(Meng 1959). to be legs of Australian Kestrels. On the next visit One of three quelea finches(Quelea) brought to a 20 dayslater, a youngkestrel with somedown on its brood of Taita Falcons (Falcofasciinucha) was alive head fluttered about the baseof the nesttree; a second (Hartley et al. 1993). fledgling flew down from the tree and gave a dis- At several nests of the Australian Square-tailed tractiondisplay. The next day,along with the female Kite (Lophoictiniaisura), food brought to the kite kite, there were four young kestrelsof varying ages nestlingsconsisted entirely of nestlingbirds. A fri- in the nest; later three more flew in. An adult kite, arbird (Philemonsp.) was alive when deliveredby presumablythe male, arrived with another young the male; the female kite seizedit at onceand began kestrel, this one dead. The chicks fed on it. The next to feed it to her chicks(Cupper and Cupper 1981). day the kites were broodingand feedingtheir adopt- In the relatedbut larger Black-breastedKite, (Hami- ed kestrelsof variousages. Evidently the male Black- rostramelanosternon), the foodincludes large lizards breastedKite had formeda searchimage on kestrels. and somenestling birds, both living and dead. Two He brought in many young ones,some dead, some living prey were chicksof other speciesof raptors: alive. The female kite began to feed and rear the 182 WALTER R. SPOFFORDAND DEAN AMADON VOL. 27, No. 4 youngkestrels, and there was no indicationthat she pursuit. Dropping of live prey has beenobserved at ever laid eggs. least twice in the New Zealand Falcon (Falco no- Over a period of years,Watson et al. (1993) ex- vaeseelandiae;Lawrence and Gay 1991). After its amined more than 600 nestsof Bald Eagles in the younghave fledgedthe Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Ac- Puget Sound area. Three of them (two at the same cipiternisus) drops birds for them to catch,but very nest in alternateyears) each contained a living nest- rarely doesone of theseprey itemsshow signs of life ling Red-tailedHawk (Buteojamaicensis)and in two (Newton 1986:208). In the relatedCooper's Hawk, of thesethe young hawks fledged;it was not deter- H. McElroy (pers.comm.) saw an adult carryinga mined how the young hawks fared after fiedging. bird fly in amongthe branchesof a tree where its The observationswere from
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