.,- 11~- " , I... - : _-.isI ... I .I W~~~~~~·' ;-'n's' -W#-Go SStjl 1 ;Sll-'^-i4>; i' ' ' 'I Continuous MIT News Service Cambridge Massachusetts Volume 100, Number 5 Friday, February 22. 1980 Centannial Volkne ,. _. _ . iSimo-nid-es i-to-expand -as onhn-J yne steps down ser- By Steven Solnick and Vice-President for ]Financial structure of student financial Operations Stuart Cowenn. Cowen' vices. Associate Director of Vice-President for Administra- oversees many student financial Financial-Aid Leonard Gallagher tion and Personnel John Wynne offices, among them"Stuident Ac- said the review will probably ex- will leave MIT on March 1. His counts and Student Loains. amine the different perceptions duties are to be assumed by Vice- Wynne is taking "early students, faculty- and staff can President Constitntine B. retirement" after 22 yeaars at the have of the various offices in: Simonides, the Chancellor will Institute. He. explai [ned, " I volved. He explained, "percep- announce next week. decided I'd like a change re of pace tions of these offices can change Simonides will assume overall and place." When -aske:ed about depending on whom the offices- control of those offices currently the plans to reorganize Ipersonnel report to." under Wynne's jurisdiction: the services under Simonicdes' con- Gallagher , declared, however, -Admissions Office, PlaceinentOf- trol, he commented thaat he was "Whatever decision might be fice, Personnel Office, and Office "very pleased with the wway it will made on where Financial Aid sits of Child Care. He will also work out." on an organizational chart, the become the Institute's Equal Op- Simonides, retaining the title philosophy of financial aid will is nothing portunity Officer, a post currently "Vice-President of the I]Institute", remain the same. There Referr- i held by Wynne. said the aim of the reorgIanization to fear from this review." The Dean for Student Affairs is "to interrelate the ser,rvices the ing to changes in people's percep- (DSA) and the Department of Institute provides in diirect sup- ticns of the office, he said, "We Athletics will continue to report port of people": Adrmisssions, wish to continue to be perceived to Simonides, as they have since Financial Aid, Personneel and the as caring about students." ilast year'sreview of the Deans' DSA. He explained thatLhe hoped Wynne's long-time assistant, will become Office. Simorfides' other duties, there would be "more iintercom- James Culliton, controlling the MIT Press and In- munication among thesise offices Simonides' assistant and will con- formation Services and serving as - not that there hasLsn't been tinue as Director of Personnel. indicated he was looking rIAbbsbsa3Arci-tant toL· theLIv r,A,President. , will re- enough already." Culliton main unaffected. He added that whiile he did forward .to working with The Student Financial Aid Of- not intend to take pers;onal con- Simonides. He also had high rice, also currentl-y under Wynne's trol of any of these ofMffces, the praise for-Wynne, noting, "He -control, will report to Simonides charge from the Chanccellor was has had an extraordinary impact for at least the next few months. to "devolop an e ffe ctive on MIT." The final disposition of that office organizafio'nEl struct ture" to Another of Wynne's assistants, r.-;will be determined by "a-review of manage them . Isaac Colbert, will contiriue to Vice President for Administration and Personnel John Wynne, shown Tech file /I all student financial services"t- The review of financi' ;,;-oversee t1I*Institutte's Equal-Op- -addresiiig -'a"wmen'-s-4farum.will retire, this June. (The the orgainizational I portunities Programs. photo) be conducted by both Simonides will investigate I I, v I II - II L 11 -''-II .I ... ~. · .. I 1tn- -athletic seating II-II - , of physical plant, says that the * those hours. .1 Laur.aby Farbi two criteria for the building iAich Combs does not feel- that N41Tr's new two-story athletic the designers worked with - parking-spaceswill be a problem and sppecial events center, being physical size and fire escapes - He stated, "The people who will built on the Institute's West were considered, and the capacity use the sports facilities at the Camptus, will have limited use was designed for the number of center routinely live at MIT. For becausse of problems with fire fire exits that would be installed. these people, the center will simp- regula tions and parking space. From 9am to, 5pm on week- ly be a replacement for the ex- The,second, floor of the center days; the athletic and special isting hockey rink and Rockwell will bee an indoor field house with events center can only be used for Cage. The special events where the caipacity for 4200 people. It athletics. This is because there are the spectators might have cars oc- can eonly hold 3800 people, few parking spaces open in the cur usually at hours after five and howevier, because that is the max- parking lot next to Kresge during on weekends." -anurn number the seven sets of stairs and fire exits can ac- \, +.1.~>-X*jtv .¢ >.i comod Acc-,ording to John Fresina, Xe-as4'cf Direcltor of the Safety Office, fi V£v¢.;.....-.;. more fire exits are not being in- ,> .5..sl. l.... ''9ats -EzA' stalledd because the cost would be 8 8v/svv greater-Irand "the building would 5s -? v s<A/+N<vA lookI like one big fire escape." q.-. st Also, the floor will have fixed equipment and seats for 600, tak- ing up a large portion of space. A water main burst near Building 12, almost inundating the base- It was thought that gradua- ments. (Photo by Matthew Alschuler) tions, with an attendance of over 5000 people, would be held on the . .. NA ._ 1 ,, s I .- R .. first floor of the center, a skating rink convertible to a special events center. However, the $50000 unallocated seating capacity is only 4500, because that is the number of peo- a 1 'T- I -.'ll II AE found ple the fire exits accomodate. W~il- The not yet completed athletic complex already has run into Finboard money problems. (Photo by Matthew Alschuler '83) to nvrt tht tht nmniintc wvere tiam Combs, staff superintendent By Gordon Hunter : *U CXPCCI Inat U1IC UIIVUHLO "WowI -- , LI I e-PI a The Undergraduate Associa- that large. He said all- unspent. tion (UA) has an internal MIT ac- Finance Board (Finboard) funds count containing almost $50,000 had been channeled into the ac- and a checking account with over counts, a fact apparently un- - I. - I Full Staff Meeting a source in by any of its members. $18,000, according to known F "Accounting methods and The MIT Hockey team student government. 5-R UA President (UAP) Jonathon methods of information have to Joe Jackson brought his sm- defeated Clark 4-1 Saturday All Tech staffers are Hakatla '81 confirmed the report, be changed," the. UAP said. ooth new wave rock to the with Royce Barondes scoring reminded that a full staff t , saying that he had only recently This money will allow an ex- Saturday night. twice on backhand shots. Orpheum last meeting will be held this w discovered the money. He said he- pansion of funding for activities Page 19 February 24, at the internal Page 8. Sunday, $didn't know how long to student groups, Hakala in the Student Cen- Institute account number- 41330 speculated. "We do not need to I lamn estimated that 'ask the Administration or the ter, Room 491. All staff has existed, but he The track team ended its years" and Dean's Office for any' more Our intrepid music critic members are expected to it dates back "tens of with a 3that "it doesn't appear that money than what the activities reviews the Boston Rockwell Cage career attend, and interested over Bowdoin last anyone knows how old the ac- normally use," he explained, since Symnphony Orchestra's recent victory students are cordially in- assistant coach count is, or at least how much was the money in the accounts should all-Mozart concert. Page 11I Saturday, as vited. iin it.' be able to offset inflation and Chris Lane marked the occa- gHakala explained that he has provide for expansion- of the stu- sion by wearing a tuxedo. .dent activities for quite some " fqo-about 20p accounts - the Ii of I. known I -two years, but-he had no reason'- time. _~ .· _ Sl ~C C I·- g dL -- · ~ i'·" "7 : _ _ PAGE 2 THE TECH FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1980 , Tl ,i " Faculty accepts sex comm. report e~~~~~~~~~~~s -~~~~~~~:~ By Gordon Hunter would help to bring the Institute Chancellor Paul Gray '54 stresw The faculty endorsed the report up to, date. sed to those present that "the vic. and recommendations of the Ad- The Report of the Commit- tim is not always female and the WoV - Committee tee on Sexual Harassment was aggressor is not always a faculty Hoc Faculty-Student to boycott Olympics - With the arrival of President Carter's Rarassment at presented at the meeting. The member." He said that keeping US on Sexual February 20 deadline for the removal of all Soviet troops from Wednesday's faculty meeting. report noted that nearly all records of complaints was now Afghanistan, the White House reaffirmed their "final and irrevocable" t Professor of Computer Science serious cases of sexual harassment natural and appropriate to in- decision to boycott the Olympic Games in Moscow this summer. Even and Electrical Engineering Peter shared the following itiate, although Elias said that the uf if the Soviets withdraw all troops in the weeks or months ahead, Ad- Elias, chairman of the committee, characteristics (quoted from the nature of the records and who- ministration officials said the President will still expect the United spoke to the approximately 60 report): would keep them was still un- States Olympic Committee to abide by the decision not to send a team people present about the findings 1) They report behavior which determined.
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