ORANGE Outdoors KAZ’S RELIGION COUNTY HUNTING & KORNER & LOCAL FISHING FISHING SPORTS CHURCH GUIDE Capt. Dickie Colburn Capt. Chuck Uzzle COMMENTARY Page 1 Section B Page 1 Section B Page 2 Section B Page 6A TheRecordLive.com County Record Vol. 61 No. 47 The Community Newspaper of Orange, Texas Week of Wednesday, April 28, 2021 Upended by ‘fluke,’ councilman bounces back DAVE ROGERS He filed while Pullen was de- Surgeons reattached his six years and in the last six ment of the playground at Li- tion any day now, but Pullen For The Record ciding. foot and set his broken years we have accomplished ons Den Park, building a still is pushing for lights on “I wanted to make sure I bones. He rehabbed. A mem- a lot of things in this city as a skate park on Sunset, the es- MacArthur Drive, better Patrick Pullen, Orange could get around and serve ber of Cornerstone Baptist mayor and a council,” Pullen tablishment of an anti-litter code enforcement and a park council member seeking re- my constituents,” Pullen ex- Church “for years and years,” said. campaign are on the list of for the Roselawn addition. election in District 1 in Sat- plained. “I decided I’d be up he relied on his faith. “But there’s a lot we’re still achievements. “We’ve done so many urday’s election, says he’s had to it.” By mid-February, he de- working on.” The new city recreation things for the city parks and a yearning to serve fellow Pullen suffered what he cided to run for office again. The construction of the center is one expected to man since enlisting in the LOCAL ELECTIONS Page 3A called a “fluke” injury last “I’ve been on council for Riverside Pavilion, replace- break ground on construc- Marine Corps in 1975. Sept. 30, that was as nasty as And uncertainty over it seems unlikely. I whether he could physically While pushing a garbage continue to do the job for an- St. Mary students takes Lectio Challenge can to his curb, Pullen fell other three-year term kept and shattered both legs be- the retired Orange Police low his knee. captain from registering to “I broke my tib-fib [tibia run until the Valentine’s Day and fibula] in three places on deadline. each leg and I tore my right Former Sheriff’s Office foot completely off except for Chief Deputy David C. Bai- the skin,” he said. ley is running against Pullen. New BC coach set to lift Cards DAVE ROGERS ball coach and For The Record athletic direc- tor. In 46-year-old Cody Mc- McGuire is a Guire, Bridge City’s school native of district hired its new head Crane, Texas, football coach/athletic direc- a town of tor from the staff of Texas’ McGuire 3,000 people back-to-back Class 6A Divi- halfway be- sion I state champion, Austin tween Odessa and Fort Westlake. Stockton that’s home to the After Monday night’s Museum of the Desert unanimous vote by the Southwest. BCISD board members at the Since completing his play- recommendation of new Su- ing career in Lubbock in perintendent Dr. Mike Kelly, 1997, McGuire began a high Pictured front row (left to right) Allie Broussard and Josie Riedel; Second row Alexzandra Peterson, Audrey Broussard, Emma Da- McGuire admitted via school coaching career with vidson and Justin Khatt; Back left Bella Thomas, Paris Dugas, Brooklyn Stokey and Katie Boehme; Back right Thomasina Nguyen Google Meet he hadn’t 10 previous Texas schools on and Tristan Balthazar known a lot about Bridge his resume. City when he was encour- Lectio Book Award’s mission is to encourage avid, recre- encouragement. As an added bonus, our St. Mary Catholic He has never worked or ational reading. Each year 20 books are nominated and cho- School library received a surprise donation from Market aged to apply for what will be lived east of Interstate 45, the his first head football coach- sen for students to read. Basket to purchase more books!. St. Mary Catholic School highway connecting Dallas This year, St. Mary celebrated the Lectio Challenge par- is extremely blessed to have Mrs. Melissa McCorvy as our ing job. and Houston, but he has But he proved he’ a quick ticipants with a terrific breakfast and book discussion. We library manager, helping our students become lifelong read- been working for a former thank Julie Mulkey for her generosity as well as continued ers. learner. West Orange resident and “It’s going to feel great to Port Arthur high school All- beat West Orange-Stark,” he American, Todd Dodge. declared to delighted board Dodge, starting quarter- members Monday night. back at the University of Tex- Early birds file for 2022 elections A former All-Big 12 foot- as in the 1980s, is best known ball player at Texas Tech, these days as a six-time state DAVE ROGERS McCarver is seeking the ing to do a grass-roots cam- a requirement being residing McGuire will succeed Allen championship winner as For The Record Orange County Precinct 2 paign.” in the precinct you wish to DeShazo, who resigned as Commissioner seat currently Philpott did not stand for serve. head coach, four at Southlake As early voting for the Sat- BC coach earlier this year af- held by Theresa Beauchamp reelection in 2020 and did Kirk Roccaforte will be up Carroll and the past two at urday, May 1, 2021 city and ter posting a 6-21 record in because “I’m tired of seeing not serve out his full term, for re-election as Precinct 3 school board elections kept three seasons as head foot- BC’S NEW COACH Page 3A Mauriceville neglected,” he retiring early in the summer, Commissioner in 2022, as the Orange County Elections said. after Brad Frye won the will Precinct 3 JP Joy Du- Office busy the past few Appointing a campaign March 2020 Republican pri- bose-Simonton. weeks, two men filed to run treasurer is the first step in mary against Sambo Car- Along with County Judge, for county office in Septem- running for office and re- penter, Jr. other county-wide offices ber of 2022. quired of candidates seeking “I’m retired, but I’m kind of will be on the 2022 ballot: Former Orange County to raise money for county, young,” said Philpott, 56. County Clerk, County Trea- Precinct 3 Constable Mark state and federal office. It’s “I’ve had people calling me surer, County Court-At-Law Philpott and Mauriceville not completely official until here and there, so I figured Judge and District Clerk. gun store employee Tim Mc- candidates file for a place on ‘Why not?’ I want to step up “Right now, I’m not going Carver both turned in pa- the ballot with their party and do what the citizens are to disclose it,” Philpott said. perwork to designate cam- and the deadline for that fil- asking me to do.” “I’m going to sign up either paign treasurers. ing isn’t until Dec. 13. He declined to say what in November or December Philpott, while naming his The primary election for that is, and hinted that not and go pay my fees.” wife Babette his treasurer on the November 1, 2022 elec- everyone talking to him During his nearly year- the form dated April 20, did tion, of which the winners wanted him to run for the long retirement, Philpott not fill in the blank that says won’t take office until Jan. 1, same office. said, “I’ve been cutting my what office he intends to run 2023, is March 1 – more County Judge John Gothia grass, spending time with for. than 10 months away. will be up for reelection in my family and grandkids, And he wasn’t letting any McCarver, 43, was first to 2022 and he said Tuesday he getting stuff done around cat out of the bag Tuesday file, on April 7. He said he’s does plan to run again. the house.” when asked his plans. announcing his candidacy Commissioner seats, Jus- But a second and third “Whenever I show up to early, “because I want to get tices of the Peace and con- Bridge City’s new athletic director-head football coach Cody Mc- pay my [filing] fees, it’s going EARLY BIRDS Page 3A Guire coached on Austin Westlake teams that went 42-3 and won it out there. I’m basically try- stables run by precinct, with back-to-back Class 6A titles. to be a shocker,” he said. Your Home For ORANGE COUNTY’S New and Preowned FORD DEALERSHIP Cars and Trucks SEE OUR AD PAGE 3A SabineRiverFord.com CMYK 2A • The Record • Week of Wednesday, April 28, 2021 My 5-Cents . By State Senator Robert Nichols On April 21, 1836, General affects two-fifths (102 ment to the US Constitution. The Tenth Sam Houston led the Texan or more) of the coun- Amendment to the US Constitution Army in a decisive victory over ties, or affects two- gives all powers not otherwise enumer- General Santa Anna in the thirds of the counties ated and granted to the federal govern- Battle of San Jacinto. The in three or more trau- ment to the states. This resolution fighting lasted a mere 18 min- ma service regions. states a number of instances that the utes. Though Santa Anna es- This measure would federal government has overstepped its caped the battlefield and fled, allow the legislature to Constitutional limits. It calls on the he was captured the next day provide advice and federal government to halt and reverse and held as a prisoner of war consent on continuing its practice of assuming powers and im- for about three weeks until he disaster waivers and posing mandates and laws upon states signed the peace treaty that actions.
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