ftbe Gomentan MORAVIAN COLLEGE STUDENT WEEKLY Volume LX Bethlehem, Pa., Friday, September 27, 1957 Number 1 New Profs Welcomed Degrees To Be Awarded Convocation At the formal opening convoca¬ At Founder's tion of the fifth Day Service merged academic year on Monday, September 16, in Five Buses Will College Hall, six, new, full-time instructors were formally induct¬ U.S.G. First Take Students ed. Parley Mr. Richard Shantz, faculty To Nazareth Site convocation chairman, introduced Talks On Wednesday, October 2, at the new faculty members to the Budgets; Mergers 2:00 p.m. Moravian College will attending students, They were The first meeting of the 1957-58 USG was held last Tuesday night on celebrate the 150th anniversary of then installed by Dr. F. P. Stock- the Church Street campus. Main business included announcement on its founding in the year 1807. The er, chairman of the college board the outcome of amendment voting held earlier in the year, budgets, observance will take place in Naza¬ of trustees. and letters from two organizations, requesting two free periods a week. reth, Pa., on the green facing The new members of the faculty Dick Steiner announced that Nazareth Hall Academy, where WILLIAM "BILL" HAUPERT are, Mr. John E. Godfrey, Miss both constitutional amendments, J* Yntoxnitioc Rcrfin the institution first held classes. Karen Johnson, Miss Katina Kap- one approving a class merger for *I 'UtCllUltCO Ueglfl The program will include the salis, Dr. Stuart S. Kulp, Mr. Nich¬ the Freshmen, the other changing f\Us/lin^ WlOT\Q.CLU awarding of seven Bachelor of President's Son olas Stelmashuk, and Mr. Dewey the USG officers' terms from AprilAnn'l ^ ^ Arts degrees and four Bachelor A. Stokes. through April to March through Under New Rules of Science degrees by the college Mr. Godfrey will assume the March, were passed. Bill O'Con- and the awarding of four Doctor Killed In A new set of fraternity rushing position of library administrator of Divinity degrees by the Theo¬ nell, treasurer of the USG, brought rules, drawn up during the sum¬ in the Harvey Memorial Library. forth a new logical Seminary. budget form to be mer by the Interfraternity Coun¬ Mt. Accident He is a graduate of Moravian Col¬ presented by organizations which cil and approved by Dean Marlyn Transportation to Nazareth will William "Bill" lege, class of '48 and has taught have not already submitted budg¬ be available for all students on Haupert, twenty Rader, will go into effect on in public schools at ets. year old senior of Moravian Col¬ Frenchtown, Monday, September 30. The rules two buses scheduled to leave from New lege was killed while mountain Jersey. Mr. Godfrey is also More periods had been under study throughout South Campus and three buses climbing in Washington State a candidate for an M.A. degree at scheduled to leave from North The Veterans' organizaztion the summer. early this month during the latter Lehigh University. Campus. All submitted a letter, seconded by The first step taken in the new Wednesday afternoon days of his summer vacation. Miss Karen classes have been cancelled. Johnson, a member the Omicron Gamma Omega fra¬ rushing program will be the is- of last "Bill," who was the presidents year's graduating class will ternity, requesting two free suence of invitations to prospec¬ Procession second oldest son became assume the role of instructor of tive members of the three fratern¬ fatally periods a week for the purpose of The program will get underway mathematics. Miss Johnson's ap¬ ities — Omicron Gamma injured while in a twelve man of¬ holding meetings. The pos¬ Omega, with an academic procession of pointment was made due to the ficial climbing group scaling Mt. sibility of this was discussed by Sigma Phi Omega, and Tau Kappa all members of the college and year's leave of absence Rainier. The party was the last granted to the USG, but dropped due to the Epsilon. The invitations will be seminary faculty from the Naza¬ Miss Ruth Roberts so that she official climbing group of the sea¬ fact that it would interfere with placed in the North Campus re¬ reth Moravian Church to the son. might complete her doctorate at class scheduling. ceptionist's office on Monday morn¬ green. Dr. Raymond S. Haupert, the Bridge gives away University of Pennsylvania. ing, and the names of their in¬ Moravian College Other items included the an¬ president, will Miss Johnson received her B.S. The accident happened at the tended recipients will be posted preside at the service and the nouncement that there was $19,- 13,000 foot level on Ingraham degree, Magna Cum Laude, from on bulletin boards on both North speaker will be Dr. Herbert K. 000 in the USG treasury this year. Moravian, and was Glacier, when a 200 foot snow president of and South Campus. Rushing dur¬ Cooper, of Budgets are to be submitted Lancaster, Pennsyl¬ the U.S.G. as as by bridge gave away with out previ¬ well being chosen ing the coming week will be for the next USG vania, the founder and president "Miss Moravian of 1957." She is meeting. ous warning. Bill, and an official upperclassmen only. of the Lancaster Cleft Palate Clin¬ a native of Smoking guide, Gary Rose, were the first Landsdale, Pennsyl¬ The three fraternities will then ic. Highlight of the afternoon vania. The USG received a letter from in line. Both men fell in to the pit conduct rushing parties; each fra¬ will be the awarding of eleven the Women's Council in a Miss Katina stating that "swirling mist of snow." Kapsalis, a mem¬ ternity will hold one party on one earned degrees by the college and there was smoking going on in A ber of last year's graduating class, of the first three four honorary degrees climbing companion, Robert South days of October. by the has also Campus, contrary to ad¬ E. West, said the crevass that returned to the campus It has not yet been determined in Seminary. Both the band and the ministrative rules. It was in a request¬ both men plunged into "opened teaching capacity. She will what order the fraternities will college choir are scheduled to ed that enforcement of these rules assist in up like a boom. You could see instructing the Pandemic hold their parties. The locations participate in the activities. by USG measures be looked into. courses. Miss no indication of anything giving Chemistry Kapsalis, have not yet been announced. All students have been invited The argument that there was while at Moravian, was a member away." West was able to brace All rushing will cease at 12 to a reception to be held at 4:00 smoking on North campus and not of Phi Delta himself by digging in his ice ax Epsilon Honorary o'clock on South midnight, Monday, Octo¬ p.m., following the Founder's Day Journalism campus was brought into solid ice. fraternity. She is a ber 7, after which time "silence service, in the up. Also introduced was the fact George Washington native of The accident Bethlehem, Pennsyl¬ happened at 9 a.m. that were certain day" is in effect. Bids will be ex¬ room, South Campus. Honored vania. smoking spots tended in will be new members on South the same manner as the of the col¬ Serious condition campus as indicated by Filling the position vacated by invitations on lege faculty and the placement of ashtrays which, Tuesday, October recipients of de¬ "Bill" was most the seriously Mrs. Grant Sherman, is Mr. Nich¬ 8, and the rushees will grees. however, are no longer there. be given injured, and was burried within olas Stelmashunk as instructor of until 5 p.m. Wednesday to decide Those the and snow when he receiving the Bachelor of falling ice sociology and psychology. He re¬ on a bid. At that time the I-F Arts fell into the hole. He apparently degree are: Morris Solomon ceived his B.A. and M.A. from Late Student Council will make note of which received a broken back. Guggenheim, Phillipsburg, New Kent University and served his student has selected a bid for Totals Jersey; Robert P. Jones, Water- "We were only five or ten min¬ clinical internship at Cleveland Above which fraternity. After this time ford, New Jersey; Luther Kem- utes getting Haupert out," West Hospital. Mr. Stelmashunk was, the pledges will not be allowed to merer, Center said. Last Year Valley, Pennsyl¬ "Rose, and Dee Molenaar, at one time, associated with West¬ change their minds. Should they vania; Edward T. Mickey, III, another ern guide with the party did Reserve University in the Seven hundred sixty-four stu- drop out of the fraternity which Winston-Salem, North Carolina; a wonderful job of working under capacity of associate vocational dents have registered for the fall they selected, they will be ineligi- Richard John Pappas, Bethlehem; a snow overhang that might have and adjustment counsellor. session at Moravian College. Nine¬ ble for membership in any fratern¬ Kostas E. Vasiliadis, Bethlehem; come down at any time. Mr. Dewey Allen ty-three girls and one hnudred ity for the remainder of thl se¬ Stokes, Jr., and Gwyned Williams, Bethlehem. Dr. J. H. Lehman, of Seattle, a will this year assume the instruc- eighty-two boys entered with the mester. Recipients of the Bachelor of physician climbing with the party torship left vacant by Dr. Daniel class of 1961. One hundred fifteen Science degree are Robert M. administered first aid and seda¬ Gilbert in the three hundred political science and girls and seventy- All applications for polio¬ Amey, Stewartsville, New Jersey; tives to the victim.
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