VILLAGE NEWS Issue No. 253 September 2015 TAlkiN TArN. George 1st alleglance Board at Farlam Church. SERVICES (All at Farlam unless stated) Sunday 6th September Iona Service at 6 pm. Rev’d E.Johnsen. Sunday 13th September NO SERVICE at Farlam 9.15 am at Talkin Rev’d E.Gough. Sunday 20th September Holy Communion at 11 am Rev’d J. Murray. Friday 25th September Harvest Festival at 7 pm. Sunday 27th September NO SERVICE at Farlam Talkin at 6 pm. Rev’d E.Johnsen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HALLBANKGATE W.I. September 24th at lacy Thompson Hall. 60th Birthday Party Hostesses:- & Raffle All Members. 5th September FLOWER SHOW at Hallbankgate Lacy Thompson Hall open to the public at 2.30pm.Admission Adults £2.50 Children 50p this includes Tea & Cake. Further details 016977 -46856 Clergy:-TeAm ReCtor Rev’d R.TulloCh 016977 41304. TeAm ViCAr Rev’ E.JohNseN 01228 670248 ChurCh WArdeNs:- Mr.I.HowAtt 016977 46274 & Mr.A.WilliAms 01697746436 All copy for the OCtober News to be iN by 14th September to the editor I.HowAtt West View The PArk HAllbANkgAte .CA8 2PF Round And Round the Gardens Up At HAllbANkgAte SChool iN July they hAd A woNderful eNd of yeAr performaNCe – A plAy bAsed oN ‘ChArlie ANd the ChoColAte FACtory’. At oNe poiNt Willie WoNkA was showing the assorted guests around a beautiful garden full of sweet and wonderful things to eat. When VeroniCa Salt’s father asked Mr Wonka how he made moNey from these beAutiful surrouNdiNgs, he wAs told thAt thAt wAs Not what the garden was for. Every gArdeNer, I’m sure, would be with Willie WoNkA oN thAt! GArdeNs Come iN All sizes ANd styles. And of Course vegetAbles ANd ChiCkeNs CAN be A help to ANy household eCoNomy. However the populAr ‘OpeN GArdeNs’ dAys we hAve iN villAges suCh As CumwhittoN and Hayton tell us that the delight of a garden is about its beauty and creativity rather than its usefulness. Even when a garden is filled with swings And wendy houses for children’s plAy, it is being dedicated to joy rather than utility. In the Bible gArdeNs Are somethiNg more eveN thAN plACes of beAuty. They Are ofteN plACes of momeNtous drAma. ThiNk of the old story of AdAm ANd Eve iN the GArdeN of EdeN, A plACe where humaN beiNgs Are portrAyed As CreAtive Co- workers with God – until the Fall, when life in the garden gives wAy to travail in A wAstelANd. ThiNk of the GArdeN of GethsemaNe, where Jesus prAys for streNgth for his ordeAl the Next dAy, wheN he will beAr the Cost of humaN siN. And there he is arrested. Think of the Easter garden where MAry MAgdalene finds the open tomb ANd mistAkes the riseN Christ for the gArdeNer. IN A seNse she wAs right first time, for he is the diviNe gArdeNer restoriNg CreAtioN, giviNg us A New EdeN, A new beginning. We don’t have to look far beyond our gardens to see a world that all too often is Closer to A wAstelANd where the drAma of the FAll is plAyed out AgAiN ANd AgAiN. The Bible alwAys challenges us to expand our vision and see the biggest picture. We may feel thAt “oNe is NeArer God’s heArt iN A gArdeN thAN ANywhere else in earth,” to quote Dorothy Gurney, but we cannot escape the reality that we still Need the grACe of God to restore ANd remake – first us And then our world. All Are CAlled to beCome gArdeNers of CreAtioN - to beCome Co-workers with God in plANting and cultivating peACe and justiCe and joy in this beautiful yet broken world. § HELP LINES The Let Go ProjeCt (Penrith) InformAtioN ANd AdviCe for those AffeCted by domestiC violeNCe Help liNe: 01228 633640 ChildliNe CouNselliNg: 08001111 SamAritANs: 0845 7909090 Farm CommuNity Network: 07002 326326 Hallbankgate Hub Ltd. Hopefully everyone reading this will have reCeived our share prospeCtus in July. Our siNCere apologies if we missed you out but it is avAilAble to dowNloAd from our website – hallbankgatehub.org or phone 07765690851 and leave a messAge. MaNy thANks to everyone who hAs AlreAdy bought shAres iN the Hub. We Are iNChiNg towards our target to enable us to get the co-op premises trANsformed ANd open agaiN. But… We need more investment! To all those who have not yet invested – please thiNk About this seriously. It benefits everyoNe if there is A shop iN the village, even more so if it is A vibrANt hub of ACtivity. The value of property is inCreAsed if there is a villAge shop. Let’s Not pass up this opportuNity. Please remember that if you pAy UK tax you should be entitled to A 50% rebate on your investment. Please help us to spread the word to friends and family both far and wide. Scotmid/former Penrith members. If this is you – and if you had an ACCumulated dividend – then this Can be clAimed by writiNg to Scotmid at: Scottish Midland Co-operative Society Limited, Hillwood House, 2 Harvest Drive, Edinburgh, EH28 8QJ. You Could even use this to purChAse Hub shAres – and still Claim a tax rebAte. Mid-week Communion Service at Brampton St MArtiN's, BrAmptoN iN the side ChApel. Every Wednesday at 9.30 - 10Am. Tuesdays at Hayton MeditAtioN iN HAytoN ChurCh, 9.30Am - 10Am. (IN term time) NIGHT LIGHT MEETINGS Night Light Juniors (aged 8 – 11) meets Friday 18th Se ptember 7.30 – 9pm At BrAmptoN Methodist ChurCh HAll. Night Light SeNiors (seCoNdAry sChool Age) meets Friday 11th September 7.30 – 9pm At BethesdA ChurCh, BrAmptoN For further detAils ring EdwArd / Alison - 01228 670 248 or Tim - 016977 41864 Woolly Day Have Come for the LIVE Craft a Go Refreshments OR Demonstrations Afternoon Why Not OR Just Pop By Tea & Coffee Have a Go & Sheep Yourself!? for A Look Cookies Around Discover A New Hobby Everyone Welcome - So Please bring your friends! Tuesday September 1st at St Thomas a Becket Church, Kirkhouse, Farlam, Cumbria Crafts to TRY for Both the Young & Old, Felting, Crochet, only Doors Open Wool Spinning, Knitting 1 - 4pm 50p PLUS! a go Lots of Children’s Activities... Story Telling, Biscuit Decorating & Colouring Sheets PLUS Hunt the Lost Sheep! Teas, Coffees & Refreshments available* *Please Note: All Proceeds go towards the St Thomas A Beckett - Farlam Church Restoration Fund Hallbankgate Village School News August 2015 Class 2 Residential Trip to London This year, for their annual residential trip Class 2 children enjoyed an incredible weekend in London in June. On arrival in the capital, we visited the Houses of Parliament and were given a truly ‘hands-on’ guided tour. Alfie looked like a true statesman at the dispatch box! We saw numerous iconic sights including Buckingham Palace, The Mall, Trafalgar Square, Whitehall, the Cenotaph and Downing Street. And on a perfectly-timed evening stroll over London Bridge, we were lucky enough to witness it open to allow a ship to pass under. There were visits to the Natural History Museum and the Science We saw Stephenson’s ‘Rocket’ Locomotive, which Museum, as well as a ride on the underground and a wander ended its working days in Hallbankgate and now through Convent Garden. A highlight for many was a matinee has pride of place in the Science Museum. theatre performance of Roald Dahl’s ‘Matilda’. End of Year Production & Leavers Assembly The school year was rounded off with a magnificent performance of ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ in the village hall. We said a very fond farewell to Anya, Dory, Callum, Dylan and Alfie as they move up to William Howard in September. We wish them all well! BANKG L A L T A E H V IL L L O A O Learning from each other – Building successful learners GE SCH Hallbankgate Village Summer Fete On Saturday, 4th July lots of people turned An impressive £1154 was raised out to join the fun of the fete. which will be shared between the As this year the date coincided with Independence Day, Church and the School. the Fete was given an American flavour. Attractions included a huge inflatable bouncy slide; an inflatable Many, many thanks go to everyone who gave ‘pillow fight’ game; coconut shy; a ‘tattoo’ & nail bar; up their time to help organise and man stalls. bottle tombola; gem panning; face painting; and a host of The efforts of those who provided the other stalls. tempting home baking for the cake stall and There was plenty of tasty fare on offer too, from delicious plants for the plant stall are much appreciated. lunches, including homemade pizza and hot-dogs, to We are very grateful to all the local business indulgent cream teas, ice creams and pop-corn. that donated some incredibly generous raffle The Mayor of Carlisle, Cllr Steve Layden, officially opened prizes. And of course, thank you to everyone the Fete and live music from the Jiggery Pokery Band that turned out to support us and make the provided a cheery ambiance throughout the afternoon. day such a worthwhile success! .
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