June 19, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 11017 STATEMENTS ON SUBMITTED efitted from a sterling supporting cast And finally, Tyronn Lue, deserves RESOLUTIONS that included Kobe Bryant, Rick Fox, honorable mention for his dogged de- Derek Fisher, Robert Horry and others. fense against Allen Iverson, especially Indeed, Mr. President, this year’s in Game 1. Without his play, the SENATE RESOLUTION 113—CON- championship was truly a team effort. Lakers would have been unable to con- GRATULATIONS TO THE LOS AN- While the lion’s share of the credit tain the speedy Sixer guard. GELES LAKERS ON THEIR SEC- for their remarkable victory goes to Once again let me congratulate the OND CONSECUTIVE NATIONAL the players themselves, I also want to Los Angeles Lakers for their victory. It BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION acknowledge the outstanding coaching was a great effort by a tremendous CHAMPIONSHIP staff led by head coach Phil Jackson. team. I look forward to another winning Mrs. BOXER (for herself and Mrs. This is Coach Jackson’s eighth NBA title and his second with the Lakers. season next year. FEINSTEIN) submitted the following res- I think it is safe to say that these olution; which was considered and f Los Angeles Lakers are a basketball agreed to: SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- dynasty-in-the-making, and I am de- TION 51—RECOGNIZING THE HIS- S. RES. 113 lighted to introduce this resolution ac- TORICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers are the knowledging their efforts and con- JUNETEENTH INDEPENDENCE undisputed 2001 National Basketball Associa- gratulating the Lakers and their fans tion champions and thus champions of the DAY AND EXPRESSING THE in California and around the world. world; SENSE OF CONGRESS THAT HIS- Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I Whereas this is the second consecutive sea- TORY BE REGARDED AS A rise today to congratulate the Los An- son that the Los Angeles Lakers have won MEANS OF UNDERSTANDING THE geles Lakers for winning the National the National Basketball Association cham- PAST AND SOLVING THE CHAL- pionship; Basketball Association championship LENGES OF THE FUTURE Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers are one of for a second year in a row. America’s preeminent sports franchises and The Lakers overcame internal con- Mr. BROWNBACK (for himself and have won their 13th NBA Championship. flict and numerous injuries to go on to Mr. LOTT) submitted the following con- Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers sealed a remarkable season. current resolution; which was referred their second consecutive championship with They put together a remarkable to the Committee on the Judiciary: the best playoff record in the history of the S. CON. RES. 51 National Basketball Association, and be- string of victories at the end of the sea- came the first team to go through the play- son to bring home another World Whereas news of the end of slavery did not offs undefeated on the road; Championship to the City of Los Ange- reach frontier areas of the Nation, especially Whereas this exceptionally gifted team is les, winning 23 out of 24 of their final in the southwestern United States, until guided by Phil Jackson, one of the most suc- games and going 15 and 1 in the play- long after the conclusion of the Civil War; cessful coaches in the history of professional Whereas the African Americans who had offs—the best playoff record ever. been slaves in the Southwest thereafter cele- basketball, who led the Lakers to victory in This Lakers team demonstrated what 23 of their last 24 games; brated June 19, known as Juneteenth Inde- it truly means to be a champion and pendence Day, as the anniversary of their Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers’ 2001 Na- represents the best of what the city of emancipation; tional Basketball Association championship Whereas those African Americans handed was characterized by a remarkable team ef- Los Angeles has to offer. down that tradition from generation to gen- fort, led by the series Most Valuable Player Led by the inspired play of Shaquille eration as an inspiration and encouragement Shaquille O’Neal; and O’Neal and the coaching of Phil Jack- for future generations; Whereas it is appropriate and fitting to son, the Lakers swept through the Whereas Juneteenth Independence Day now offer these athletes and their coach the opening three rounds of the playoffs— celebrations have thus been held for 136 attention and accolades they have earned: easily defeating the talented Portland years to honor the memory of all those who Now, therefore, be it Trailblazers, Sacramento Kings, and endured slavery and especially those who Resolved, That the Senate congratulates San Antonio Spurs. moved from slavery to freedom; and the entire 2001 Los Angeles team and its In the final round, the Lakers faced a Whereas the faith and strength of char- coach Phil Jackson for their remarkable gritty Philadelphia 76ers team led by acter shown by those former slaves remains achievement, and their drive, discipline, and an example for all people of the United dominance. the incomparable Allen Iverson. Iverson and the Sixers showed tremen- States, regardless of background, region, or Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, last Fri- dous determination and heart, handing race: Now, therefore, be it day, as millions of Americans and bas- Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- an overtime defeat to the Lakers in the resentatives concurring), That— ketball fans around the world watched first game of the series. on television and listened on the radio, (1) Congress recognizes the historical sig- But as the series moved on, the nificance of Juneteenth Independence Day, the Los Angeles Lakers defeated the Lakers outmatched the Sixers and an important date in the Nation’s history, Philadelphia 76ers to become the 2001 proved, once again, that they were the and encourages the continued celebration of National Basketball Association cham- best team in professional basketball. that day to provide an opportunity for all pions. This was truly a team effort: people of the United States to learn more This is the second consecutive year Shaquille O’Neal, the series Most Valu- about the past and to better understand the that the Lakers have won the NBA able Player, dominated the Sixers on experiences that have shaped the Nation; and (2) it is the sense of Congress that— championship. both ends of the floor, averaging 33 No team has ever enjoyed a post-sea- (A) history should be regarded as a means points per game, 15.8 rebounds, 4.8 as- for understanding the past and solving the son quite like the Lakers. They sists, and 3.4 blocks in the final series. challenges of the future; clinched the championship in five With his unselfish play, Kobe Bryant (B) the celebration of the end of slavery is games, finishing the playoffs with a provided the spark for the offense—in an important and enriching part of the his- record of 15–1—the best ever. They were game four, for instance, he scored 19 tory and heritage of the United States; and also the first team to go through the points, had 10 assists, and had 9 re- (C) the Secretary of the Senate should playoffs without losing a single game bounds. transmit a copy of this concurrent resolu- on the road. Derek Fisher, Rick Fox, Robert tion to the National Association of Throughout the playoffs and cham- Juneteenth Lineage as an expression of ap- Horry and Brian Shaw made significant preciation for the association’s role in pro- pionship series, one player in par- contributions to the championship— moting the observance of the end of slavery. ticular came to symbolize the Lakers’ each cooly made three point shots at f march to victory: The Big Man— critical points in the series. Shaquille O’Neal. Because of his ster- Horace Grant and Ron Harper pro- AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND ling play and leadership, Shaquille vided the veteran experience that PROPOSED O’Neal was named Most Valuable Play- helped the Lakers push back the 4th SA 805. Mr. DURBIN (for Mr. TORRICELLI) er for the series. O’Neal, of course, ben- quarter surges of the Sixers. proposed an amendment to the bill H.R. 1, to VerDate Aug 04 2004 01:03 Mar 24, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\S19JN1.002 S19JN1.
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