INFORMATION BULLETIN ISSUE NO. 09/2011 18 May 2011 Information Bulletin Issue No. 09/2011 Inside this Issue WA Local Government Association (WALGA) News  Correspondence & Papers Issue No.17.11 – 2 May 2011 .......................................................................................COR-1 Issue No.18.11 – 9 May 2011 .......................................................................................COR-3 Pink Divider Issue No.19.11 – 16 May 2011 .....................................................................................COR-5 Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) News 6 May 2011 ...................................................................................................................COR-7 13 May 2011 ...............................................................................................................COR-17 Employee Movements..................................................................................................... HR-1  Information from Human Resources Blue Divider Information to Standing Committees Technical Services Outstanding Matters & Information Items Report on Outstanding Matters – Technical Services Committee ..................................... T-1 Green Divider Monthly / Quarterly Departmental Reports Technical Services Works Programme .............................................................................. T-2 Minutes of Occasional/Advisory Committees Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group February 2011....................................................... T-11 Bungendore Park Management Committee March 2011 ................................................. T-23 Community Outstanding Matters & Information Items Services Report on Outstanding Matters – Community Services Committee ................................. C-1 Monthly / Quarterly Departmental Reports Beige Divider Library & Heritage Services General Monthly Report – April 2011 ................................ C-2 Manager Ranger & Emergency Services Monthly Report – April 2011 ....................... C-11 Minutes of Occasional/Advisory Committees SERYIA – May 2011................................................................................................... C – 20 Midnight Basketball Post Tournament Meeting............................................................ C - 24 Issue 09 – 18 May 2011 Information Bulletin Page Cor-1 Correspondence & Papers Issue No. 17.11 WALGA 2 May 2011 Please copy and distribute to interested readers HEADLINES III OFFICER TRAINING III! E LECTED MEMBER T RAINING .. CONSULTATION WORKSHOP - CARING F OR OUR COUNTRY R EVIEW MAILBAG ~ WALGN GREENSENSE EMISSIONS REPORTING P LATFORM ~ ~ EDA WA WORKSHOP .. AllHEIMER'S R ESEARCH REPORT LECTURE .. WESTERN P OWER - L OCAL GOVERNMENT OPERATIONAL F ORUM ISSUES UPDATE CONSULTATION WORKSHOP - CARING FOR their carbon footprint and redu ce their energy use, OUR COUNTRY REVIEW emissions and costs and take ad vantage of Elected Members and Local Government officers opportunities created through new are invited to participate in a Consultation Commonwealth legislation and upcoming fund ing Workshop for the Caring for our Country Review. allocations. Now is the perfect time to consider The Review is investigating the efficiency, signing up to the platform for the new fi nancial effectiveness and appropriateness of the year. Australian Government's major Natural Resource For further information, please visit Management (NRM) investment program, Caring http://www.walqaclimatechange.com.aulwalga­ for our Country. A Discussion Paper has been reporting-platform.htm or contact Climate Change developed which highlights some of the common Coordinator, Melanie Bainbridge on 9213 2039 or issues identified to date, available at: email [email protected] http./Iwww.nrm .gov.aulreviewlindex.html. The Association has also developed a Discussion EDA WA WORKSHOP Paper which looks specifically at Local Economic Development Australia - WA will be Government impacts. A copy of the Association's holding a workshop titled 'Road mapping your Discussion Paper is available at: community's economic future - tools to address http://www.walga .asn.au/abouUpolicy/environmen local community needs.' The workshop will t wasteldocs pubs/nrm/cfocl include sessions on community capacity Local Government officers and Elected Members assessment, a case study on the Desert are encouraged to attend a Consultation Knowledge Enterprise Connect program and the Workshop being held on Tuesday, 3 May from rebranding of the City of Rockingham. 10am to 2pm at the EMRC. Date: Friday, 6 May Feedback from both the workshop and the Time: 10:30am - 2:30pm Discussion Paper will be used to develop the Venue: Gary Holland Community Centre Association submission for the Review. Kent Street, Rockingham For further information or to register for the workshop, please contact Environment Policy Cost: $55 member, $60 non members Officer, Sarah Molloy on 9213 2049 or email For further information, please contact Namoi smollo y@ walqa.asn.au Braham on (03) 8534 5003 or email [email protected] WALGA I GREENSENSE EMISSIONS REPORTING PLATFORM ALZHEIMER'S RESEARCH REPORT LECTURE The Association currently provides an emissions The McCusker Alzheimer's Research Foundation reporting platform for the sector to assist Local will be holding a public lecture •Advances in Governments to measure, monitor and report Alzheimer's Disease Research" featuring Prof their carbon emissions through a user-friendly, Ralph Martins and Dr Roger Clarnette. The verifiable and nationally applicable online tool. 22 lecture will update supporters on research Local Governments are already signed up to the advances, provide the latest practical infomnation platform and are accounting for their carbon and tips to help prevent the disease and will also emissions. The annual subscription fee for the feature a number of current research scientists platform is $3000, with small additional fees for presenting summaries of their work. automated data upload from energy providers. In Date: Wednesday, 4 May a new carbon economy it will be all the more Time: 5:30pm Published by tile Western Australian l ocal Government AssocJatiOn, PO Box 1544, West Perth, WA 6872 Tel: (08) 932 1 5055, Fax; (08) 9322 2611 , Email: [email protected], Websrte www.wa!gaasn.au Information Bulletin Page Cor-2 Correspondence & Papers Venue: State Library of WA documents that are more complex than basic Cost: Gold coin donation correspondence, memos or forms and that require RSVP to Gillian at 9347 4200 or email review and analysis of a range of information sources. [email protected] Date: Thursday, 26 May A repeat lecture will be held on Friday, 6 May at Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm 2:00pm Venue: WA Local Government Association For further informafion, please contact Gillian on 9347 Cost: $395.00 (GST exempt) 4200 or email [email protected] Introduction to the Local Government Act WESTERN POWER-LOCAL GOVERNMENT This course aims to enhance the ability of participants OPERATIONAL FORUM - REGIONAUCOUNTRY to effectively contribute their own knowledge and REPRESENTATION expertise to the Local Government industry. It also The Western Power-Local Government Operational helps to ensure that managers and officers comply with Forum, comprising senior WALGA, IPWENLocal their role as professional advisers under the Local Government, Main Roads WA and Western Power Government Act and familiarises participants with the representatives, was established in early 2010 to content of the Local Government Act and its objectives. provide an operational level working group to identify Date: Thursday, 2 June areas of concern, agree on solutions and progress Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm implementation. Venue: WA Local Government Association Inaugural IPWENLocal Government representatives, Martyn Glover and Anthony Vuleta, have recently been Cost: $395.00 (plus GST) replaced by IPWEA members Simon Miller (Shire of Kalamunda), Rob Korenhof (City of Wanneroo) and ELECTED MEMBER TRAINING: Martin Harrop (City of Mandurah). Although committed Land Use Planning to improving Western Powe~s services to all Local Date: Saturday, 7 May Governments, representation is currently limited to metropolitan councils. Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm It is recognised that there are also priorities for country Venue: WA Local Government Association Councils, however the forum is still seeking country Cost: $395.00 (GST exempt) representation. While the forum meets bi monthly in the Sustainable Asset Management for Elected Members in metro area, regional representation could be achieved Local Government via teleconference. Date: Sunday, 8 May Please note, to maintain consistency across all Local Government, the forum has agreed that all Local Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm Government representatives are also I PWEA members. Cost: $395.00 (GST exempt) For further information please contact Western Power, Strategic Planning Local Government Relationship Manager, Mike Read Date: Saturday, 28 May on 9326 4466 or email [email protected] Time: 8:30am - 4.30pm Venue: WA Local Government Association OFFICER TRAINING Cost: $395.00 (GST exempt) Recruitment and Selection for Local Government Financial Reports & Budgets This course has been designed to highlight important requirements that Councils need to be aware of in order This unit requires participants to be familiar with to apply recruitment and selection principles and and able to navigate comfortably around Microsoft Excel. procedures. Covering
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