Rocky Mountain Debate Tournament COLLEGIAN Scheduled For ■ 1 A&M FORT COULINB. COLORADO FRIDAY. MARCH 12. 1040 ■ , tVII No. 20 K t Forensic DIPLOMA CANDIDATES NAMED Fraternity To Hold Annual Contest Here GENERAL SCIENCE GRADS OUTNUMBER REST During Vacation S rrdvera of di- Conrey, Marjorie Doris William L. be held Ellenberger, Lamb, Sam lian Irene to on the and H. •« of potential (Salvadore) Phillips, and Evelyn L. compus April 1,2, 3, repoT^r!^'if March 26. I<MB. Eileen Loraine Ginter, J. Jay Gruen- Molello, David Smith. Thirty schools west of the Cobbcy More, and Major in phys cal educa- Mississippi will be represented Stella Mom., fcld, Janice Lynn Hill, Charles by some 200 students in the the by Novak. said. The event given Gordon Shaw in tion: Duane Warnock. is an annual contest of the Frederick Robert Major me- William provinces cf the Points and of the Landcnberger, Pacific~ of Pi Kanoa 1 chanical Harold forensic - William Lehti, Herschel H. Mc- engineering: W. Bachelor of Science: Robert C Delta, honorary fraternity. Science: Major in »*- KLor of The debate has Graw, Francis Wood. Cliff and Melvin ARgie team been overtime to N. n.ookr. Major Anthony Metsger, Floyd Murphy, working prepare its case. teams WT?La lev Eight will be en- in and H. Al- Fredric Locke Mill, Earl William degrees sociology zoology, re- tered from Colorado A ft M and tnc school’s representatives Carl were picked in an hinbandtv: Major in Entomology: Lester elimination last week. Manor. Moitenson, Wesley C. Nelson, Jean spectively. The two high scorers wh owill meet of Colorado f,,. Blach. Ralph Howard Gibson. in University debaters March 19 and 20 for perry Elizabeth Major horticul exhibition Hutton. Otis, Louise Pear Bachelor of Music, T. Carol debate at the state \ Jr., Hetty Agee, high school tournament are Dave 1 Granville lure: Irving Ixslic Eaks, Hori- Grover an' W. Seiji Roy Romer. S. Mat- son, Malcolm Perkins, in music education. 1 Clayton major The other three Kosk:. 1'lley uchi, Gordon Dale Koon, Glenn teams who will participate in the Pi Delta Baxter Pierce, Walter Kappa conference are: Bill Mcßride Franria Nicol, Jr„ Henry Master of Science: Helen Laura ir Andrew Edward and H. Corson, Ressler, William Taylor, James Jim Nadyne Dorothy Ross, Peggy Daly, and Don Hammon. Richard Har Rry, Lee Ray, Bertram E. in Judges for the inter- Olsen, White. Snyder, major sociology. team KTpnLusC. Major in forest manage- matches were L. H. Stimmel, H. T. and San- Rom, Harry P. Savery, Rose Hillcn Guard, James Wilson. These students will also Rotter \ndenon How- eight ment: James William E. Master of Forestry: Clinton debate at Riddell, Wataon. Anderson, Hur- Wyoming today. ard Wasser and Ivan VL Ronald Singer, Ernest and Dale Bus- R. Porter, ma- John Bowman, E. Debating, discussions, oratory and Starr, William in civil Ev- in forest EIC. Strawn. John Major engineering: chow. in jors management and range Major game management: extemporaneous prelimir.arjries will erett Noyce Finch, Howard Dee Donald Charbonneau. Major in management, respectively. be conducted April 1 and 2 with Robert B. Science and Harvey, Ken home economics: Marion Louise WORLD flj.jor in General Johnson, Master of Education: Sally Louis, finals to be held the afternoon of STUDENT FUND DRIVE llaker, Virginia S. neth V. Joseph, Kenneth K. KroP, Huff, Marjorie Lil- in distributive education. R* R. Ralph J£an Moore, major the last day. The quest o for de- bate is: "That a Federal World FINISHES Government Should Be Establish- CAMPAIGN TODAY ed." The World Student Service Fund thc (???) Division student union for the final col- Choir and Student Council According the schools drive will terminate its Symphonic Band to Davis, two week lection of funds. already entered in the meet are campaign for funds today. Students It is the of the students of Of ISA Elects from the of duty states Kansas, Nebraska, who have not their donation Gets On given this Report to finish their drive North and South college Will Present Concert Dakota, Cali- aie urged to visit the table in Sunday set with a bang. Special emphasis is (???) to Office fornia, Washington, (Oregon, Idaho, ARM the word The Colorado college of music NCAA put on "their” for an ob- department presents the sym- Meet and Colorado. schools of ISA at Twenty-two ■ Uif Bishop, president phonic band, directed by Robert Karnes, and the choir directed vious reason. The V’SSF by James The of Student have entered diis time. originated vice regular meeting at was elected in its the president Wrwid. concert Sunday afternoon at 1 in the audi- drive on campus with the p in., Junior High Council called to order for 100 will be Division of Inde- was by John Housing women Aggie Rodeo Team Westcni Kfjht torium. The concert it bei.ig of backing of the student council of sponsored by Kappa chapter Kappa In at Rockwell hall. The last Satur- Speas, president, Monday night. provided Kndeat Organizations Pai, national baud the school, the student chos- Kappa honorary fraternity. *the absence of Erma field house will accommodate 50 body's ISA Boyd, seatary, a two day ccm- Plans Season leaders. j,terminating I he band of 65 members, 12 of whom Big en Each student should are girls, will wear for the John read the minutes which were men. Other participants will be sup- entt at Colorado university. the doctrines of first time their new uniforms of dark with braid. The housed houses in port their ruling green gold concert as corrected. in various town. Grand Tucson Reaffirming goaia in its approved Trophy prewar is for the body to the best of their being given to help defray expenses new uniforms for the band Courtlyn Hotchkiss is in charge of ability the announced that the organ Is ■ post war compact, organ- John Riders' Goal Each student should ask and the new robes for the choir. housing for the himself if foruma will cost as group. Permanent non conducted general approximately 53700, of a 5150 this PROGRAM possession obligation has been fulfilled to d discussions centered around the discount was not re- is the expected trophy of C»dorado the best of his The Band: goal ability. monetary of in- a dynamic ceived. A&M’s six-man rodeo team which I development success of the drive rests on the First Movement from the "New Yorld Symphony Dvorak nraral Indr- Edwards Aggie's Haylofters program financing Mary Jane gave a treas- competes at the Arizona Intercol- student shoulders. The basic Second Movement from the Sonata” body’s ant! the reta- “Organ Richard Satorius idrisi arganizations. urer's stated that there meet at Tucson report, which legiate Saturday reason for such a This is of this Will Be Hosts to 15 supporting move student a first performance "pastorale" by R. H. Satorius il of ISA to government and riders is approximately $2500 remaining Sunday. Aggie won the is to relieve students of the and music band suffering One of these ditcuv English uanscribe dfor Carol i politics- faculty, by in fund. for the and the general trophy past two years, the world, but, in ad- senior music student. Folk throughout "the Agee, Dancing Group l groups—that on opera- third win Vince from the The of Colo- a means permanent pos- dition, it is a school issue. The Love Scene from “Boris Goudounof' Shryack reported Aggie Haylofters ques- ■ of newspapers" Opera Moussorgsky Independent for session. tion is school Athletic Council on the rado ABcM will be hosts least rises, spirit at Aggies of Mm backing L, at boded the efreetivenea the Marjorie Rutherford, popular contralto, heard on many the NCAA meet, which 15 folk from Snow-covered corrals have blank high enough to its own will wrestling dancing va- support ISA the Ram campus and town programs, sing the aria, "My Heart at Thy groups gif publication, fall. The all efforts drive? will be held here next rious of Colorado and cd of Aggie cowboys to it in the distribution of infor- Sweet Voice," rom the "Samson and Delilah," Saint parts Wyo- opera by A letter received from athletic council voted to install their nevertheless, have recently a Sams. The band ming tomorrow evening at practice: they UOi to Independents. accompaniment was scored by Agee. for college in illustrates the need, lights on the football field tor next Folk Festival in the men's high hopes winning. The team Italy He eouferemr ended with the Crorv: gvmna- Inter and indicates the fail. Plans also made to sium. will be experts to at least five meets appreciation with of the are being -1 Sixty squares (fiotizm regional compact "Salvation is Created"— present Tchesnokojf New which aid is received. It reads add bleachers to the student from 12 this year in Kansas, Wyoming, as d the election ol officer*. Tlirne "The Plume Grass" new for the dancing 7 to p.m. _ . Sahknovsky will add Colorado, and Arizona. follows: side. These bleachers pos- Mexico, aed were Jerrv Stapp. Denver “The Star" The basic ideas behind the Fes- Rogers “Your interest for the Italian sibly 1000 seats. Rodeo team Me- utility, president: CM iff Bishop, tival are to foster closer ties be- manager John "Hallelujah" Lewandowski of has has students, your promise help, The council voted to wait until the in this of Fort Collins, narrowed taadoASrM. vice Bob Band: tween interested Ney president: groups touched These deeply us. State after the constitutional dance and team candidates to eight. «r, Colorado rollege, re- "Colonel Wint.in"—Another first of the regional form of to provide a performance march by Gregory “We the of technical of are pupils a convention of NSA to aifailiate for dan- are and William Wilkinson Buechc.
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