Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Obama signs MHS class of ’52 financial overhaul into law, A2 holds reunion, A3 Middleport • Pomeroy, Ohio 50 CENTS • Vol. 59, No. 211 THURSDAY, JULY 22, 2010 www.mydailysentinel.com OBITUARIES ODOT updates ‘Capital Corridor’ project Page A5 • Cherole A. Burdette SENTINEL STAFF Ravenswood Connector and Director, Karen Pawloski. “Not filled with more than three mil- [email protected] Lancaster Bypass. only is this project going to lion cubic yards of dirt. Phase II and III of the U.S. 33 make travel safer for motorists, “We have three crews aggres- NELSONVILLE — Since Nelsonville Bypass have been but has already put more than sively excavating dirt,” said breaking ground in October, funded from American two hundred fifty Ohioans to ODOT Project Engineer Cary workers have logged more than Recovery and Reinvestment work in only nine months.” Betzing, Pomeroy. “In a ten- Actor Paul 70,000 hours building the new Act, allowing the project to be As of Jan. 1, 2010, contractors hour shift we can excavate up to 8.5-mile reallignment of U.S. 33 completed nearly six years have paid out more than $2.1 twenty four thousand cubic Robeson at Nelsonville. The project, ahead of Ohio Department of million dollars in paychecks. yards of dirt.” funded by the federal stimulus Transportation’s construction Phase II With millions of yards of dirt featured at program, has employed 250 schedule. It will likely be com- To date, Kokosing left to excavate, soil stability is Ohio workers. pleted and open to traffic in Construction Company has an important factor when build- Chautauqua The Nelsonville Bypass is the 2013. excavated more than 1.1 million ing a new four-lane highway. To final upgrade of the U.S. 33 cor- “This historic investment has cubic yards of dirt and embank- mitigate settling and increase SENTINEL STAFF ridor in southeast Ohio, which in been decades in the making,” ment. In addition, the new align- [email protected] planning also included the said ODOT District 10 Deputy ment requires two valleys to be Please see ODOT, A3 GALLIPOLIS — Ohio Chautauqua continues its run today in Gallipolis Commission with actor Paul Robeson the featured character. Robeson (1898-1976) to oversee was a critically- acclaimed actor whose courthouse career began in the 1920s and reached its zenith in the 1930s and facelift ‘40s. One of his best- BY BRIAN J. REED known roles is the title [email protected] character of William Shakespeare’s Othello, POMEROY — Meigs which Robeson first County Commissioners played in 1930 in plan to spruce up the street London and reprised in level public areas of the 1943 on Broadway. county courthouse, using Actor and living histo- their summer labor crew to ry performer Marvin perform most of the work. Jefferson will portray Workers assigned to the Robeson at 7:30 p.m. courthouse through the today under the Summer Youth Program Chautauqua tent in have begun to prepare the Gallipolis City Park. East Second Street court- Today’s Chautauqua house facade for a fresh activities begin at 10:30 coat of paint. President a.m. with the youth Tom Anderson said the workshop “Kids Stuff project will be limited in from the 1930s” at scope, with a primary Bossard Memorial goal of improving the Library. Michael courthouse’s curb appeal. Hughes, who portrayed In addition to painting actor Orson Welles on the areas along the street Tuesday, will be the pre- where paint is peeling, a senter. Beth Sergent/photo few other areas in need of Susan Marie The Meigs Local Enrichment Foundation’s Inaugural Summer Softball Slam tournament will be held Aug. 7-8 touching up will be paint- Frontczak, who per- on the MLEF’s new ball diamond just off Pomeroy Pike. Pictured are MLEF supporters, front row (from left) ed on the side of the formed as former First Jake Andrus, Hunter Clary; second row (from left) Susie and Jim Soulsby, Sandy Iannarelli, Tammy Andrus; courthouse, and improve- Lady Eleanor Roosevelt third row (from left) MHS Baseball Coach Brent Bissell, Bob Williams, Mike Bartrum, Randy Butcher. ments will be made to the on Wednesday evening, street-level public eleva- will present the adult tor entrance. workshop at 2:30 p.m. Commissioners said today at Bossard Library. Summer Softball Slam the project will be com- Her presentation is “Dear pleted using the seasonal Mr. President — A work force and existing humorous look at letters Tourney to benefit, showcase MLEF progress courthouse maintenance and packages sent to the workers. White House throughout BY BETH SERGENT mond. MLEF’s diamond, ing Bob Williams at 992- • Hit your own soft- the Roosevelt adminis- [email protected] complete with new artifi- 3049 or Randy Butcher at balls. Softballs must be Please see Facelift, A5 tration.” cial turf, is part of the 742-2302. Registration stamped and 44-core, no There is no admission POMEROY — The foundation’s “community will also be held at 7 more than 375 compres- fee for any Chautauqua upcoming Meigs Local phase” which includes a p.m., Thursday, Aug. 5 at sion. events. Enrichment Foundation’s park/playground, cross- the MLEF ball diamond There will be commem- Summer Softball Slam country track, etc. where the brackets for orative T-shirts presented Meigs hires tournament will raise MLEF’s community the tournament will also to the teams which come funds to benefit the foun- phase makes the founda- be chosen. in first-fourth places. personnel dation and showcase its tion “more than a football • Teams must be co-ed, Mike Bartrum, new ball diamond meant field” for Meigs High with five male and five spokesperson for MLEF, for new WEATHER to be enjoyed by the School. female players each. said he hopes the tourna- entire community. Rules for the inaugural Those under 18 must ment can become an The co-ed, round robin MLEF Summer Softball have a parent’s permis- annual event. Bartrum school year tournament will be held Slam are as follows: sion to play. guessed it would be BY CHARLENE HOEFLICH Saturday, Aug. 7 and • Registration is $50 • Games began at 8 spring before all the work [email protected] Sunday, Aug. 8 at the per team with all pro- a.m. and continue all day. is completed on the ball MLEF’s new ball dia- ceeds benefiting the Admission is free to diamond but for now, it POMEROY — In mond off of Pomeroy foundation. watch the tournament can be enjoyed next preparation for the open- Pike, as well as the Meigs • Pre-registration can and concessions will be month during the inaugur- ing of Meigs Local High School ball dia- be done by phone by call- available. al summer softball slam. schools on Aug. 24, the Board of Education at Tuesday night’s meeting hired some new staff, High: 88. Decision on school cooling system postponed renewed contracts for Low: 72. others, and reassigned BY CHARLENE HOEFLICH ly had recurrent opera- another. [email protected] tional problems since its Hired were Denise M. installation at the time Russo as a cosmetology POMEROY — A deci- the school was built. sion on installation of a teacher at Meigs High One of the four com- School, Julie Zirkle as a INDEX new chiller system at the pressors is now inopera- Meigs Elementary secretary at the Middle 2 SECTIONS — 12 PAGES ble, according to Paul School, and Nicole School was discussed at McElroy, the district’s length and then post- Honaker and Travis Calendars A3 director of operations, Abbott as summer poned pending further who also questioned the information at Tuesday school instructors at Classifieds B3-4 reliability of the other Meigs High retroactive night’s meeting of the units, and suggested Meigs Local of Board of to June 1. B.J. Nicholson Comics B5 probable need for replac- was approved as a volun- Education.. ing the entire system. Matt Beecroft, a repre- teer assistant middle Editorials A4 Board member Ryan school football coach for sentative of ElitAire, Mahr questioned the wis- Inc., was at the meeting upcoming season. Sports B Section dom of doing a replace- McElroy resigned for with a proposal for instal- ment with another retirement purposes as lation of a new McGuay McGuay, even though it Charlene Hoeflich/photo director of maintenance © 2010 Ohio Valley Publishing Co. unit, an updated version would be updated, in and transportation for the of what is currently in view of the current prob- Barbara Musser, Meigs Local Board of Education president, presents pins to Layne Acree and Katie district effective July 31, place, at a cost of lems. He suggested that and was hired as director $187,000. The current air perhaps just replacement Thomas, national award winners at the Archery in the of operations effective cooling system, which is Schools national contest. Jacob Riffle, also a national a McGuay, has reported- Please see Meigs, A5 winner, was not present. Please see Hires, A5 Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Page A2 The Daily Sentinel NATION Thursday, July 22, 2010 White House apologizes to ousted Ag worker BY BEN EVANS AND calls racist elements of MARY CLARE JALONICK the tea party movement. ASSOCIATED PRESS The website’s owner, Andrew Breitbart, said WASHINGTON — An the video shows the civil embarrassed White House rights group condoning apologized on Wednesday the same kind of racism it to a black Agriculture says it wants to erase. Department employee Biggovernment.com is who was ousted for her the same site that gained remarks about race, say- notice last year after air- ing the administration did ing video of workers for not know all the facts the community group when she was fired.
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