TRADES DIRECTORY.] HERTFORDSHIRE. NUR 325 NEWSPAPERS. Tring Gazette (Lewis Poulton, pro- Childs Alfred Percy, Paddock Toad, ]lamet Herald (Gibbs k Bamforth, prietor; . published friday), Western B!ls~ey k 293a_. High st. Watford proprietors; pub. tuesday), Church road, Trmg . Chr1stlansen Em1 1 R. Eleanor Cross assage, High Barnet Waltham & Cheshunt P?cket T1me road, Waltham Cro~s , imet Mercury (Truman Press & Co. Table (.rl. We~sford, publisher), Cax- Clark & Saunders, 31 :::;t. John s road, 11 · t . br h d ' t d ) ton house, Waltham Cross Watford h·op:Iet~r!t ~ ~s.; r:.:t ur ay '49 Watford Observer (Charles Clarke H~nry, Bancroft, Hitchin Ig s e ' g . a . Herbert proprietor Cobley Richard, Bull's Cross farm, Jlamet Press. (E. Cowmg .& Son, prm- & publisher; published friday Cheshunt Waltham Cross ters, propnetors & publishers ; pub- d · bed ) c ll J hn 'Lo gfi Id 1 Oh h t ·d f t d ) H"1 h for satur ay; establis 18 6 3 , 101 u o , n e ane, es un , lis h e d fri .ay or sa ur ay • II 8 g High street, Watford Waltham Cross street, :S:Igh Barnet Watford & West Herts Post (Watford Cutbush William & Son, 47 West Jlarnet .Times (Tru~an P~ess & Co. & West Herts Printing Co. Lim. hill, North road, Highgate N k 14 prop~Ietors; pubh~hed fn. for sat.), proprietors & publishers; Waiter T. & 16 New road & Wood street, 49 High stree.t, High ~arnet Spencer, managing director & sec.; High Barnet llerkhamsted T1mes, Trmg Telegraph published friday), 42 High street, Darby George P. 41 High st. Watford 11; Cbesham .News (Geor~e Loos.ley & Watford Day R. N. 95 Walsworth rd. Hitchin 'Sons, propnetors; pubhs.hed fnday), West Herts Post District Office Debenham Isaac, Much Hadham S.O Castle street & 13 Holliday street, (Walter Standring, district repre- Dunbar Lewis, Heath Park nursery, Great Berkhamsted sentative; published friday), 2o6 Hemel Hempstead :Eas~ Herts & West Essex _News & High street, Great Berkhamsted Eldred E. 145 High st. High Barnet Bishop Stortford Advertiser (H. Fells Wm. & Son 3 Market pl.Hitchin ~opley & C?· printers .& pub- NEWSPAPER REPORTERS. Fells John, Starlings bridge, Hitchin lishersJ; tpubh.sh~d on fnday for Birnes Samuel, Morton rd. Royston Foden W.9 Ma.rlowes,HemelHempstead saturday~, Prmtmg works, North Cossens Herbt. J. 3 North rd. Hertford Francis E.P.&Co. TheNurseries,Hertfd .street, B1shop Stortford Farr Oliver Chas. Codicote, Welwyn Frogley William, High st. Hoddesdon Fmchley Tel~graph (Tru~an Press & Martin Hy. J. Railway st. Hertilord Godfree Frederick, Uhurchgate, Ches­ Co. propnetors; pubhshed satur- Simmons Ge0.109 London rd.St.Albns hunt, Waltham Cross day), ~9 High street, High Barnet Hall Nurseries (C. Worsley, manager), Hemel Hempstead .Advertiser (Gibbs NEWS AGENTS. Bushey Hall rd. Bushey, Watford &i Bamforth, publishers; printed at .Aspland Miss F. High rd.Wlthm.Crss Hamilton J.R. Marsh lane,Wlthm.Crss St. A:bans; published friday), 42 Bell Jsph. 20 Market pi. St. Albans HamiltonR.Crossbrook st.Walthm.Crss High street, Hemel Hempstead Berry Henry Charles, 15 High street Hamilton Thomas, High road, Wal- Hemel Hempstead Gazette & West & The Cloisters, St. Alba.ns tham Cross & Cheshunt Street, Herts Advertiser (H. K. Trotman & Bilson Thomas, Post office, 37 High Waltham Cross Co. publishers; published thurs- street & 98 Queen's road, Watford Harris Harry John, see Burgon & day), 3 .Alexandra rd.HemelHempstd Carter Mrs.G.168 High st.HighBarnt Harris, Wormley Hertfordshire Express (W. Carling & Daniells Edward, 89 The Broadway, HeLstrom C. E. High rd.Walthm.Crss ~o. prop~etors k publishers! P?b- Queen's road, Wat.ford Henderson James, Appleby street, lished fn.), Market place, H1tchm; Dresser T.J. 188 High st. High Barnet Cheshunt, Waltham Cross & at St. Andrews street, Hertford. Driver.A.C.Crossbrook st.Wa.lthm.Crss Holdrup F. Bells hill, High Barnet Te:egrams, "Express, Hitchin.'' Field Robert, Elstree R.S.O Hunter R. Stone cot. Victoria road See arlvertisement . Floyd C.W.3~igh st.HemelHempstd Hut<:hings Thomas, High street, Eertf<frdshire :Mercury (Stephen.Austm Gibbs & Bamforth, 22 Market place, Rickmansworth R.S.O & Sons, proprietors, publishers & St. .Albans Kettle W.B.117 St ..Alban's rd.Watford printers; published saturday), ~ Hart John Wm. High st. Stevenage Lane H.& Son, High st.Gt.Berkhamated Fore street, Hertford. See advert Lessware Mrs. M. East Barnet road, Lane k Son, Balshaw nursery, Potton Eerts Advertiser & St. .Albans Times New Barnet End, Great Berkhamsted (established 1855) (.A. E. Gibbs & Loosley George k Son, 12 Castle st. MacDonald James F.R.H.S. Croft J. Bamforth, publishers & proprie- & 164a, High st. Great Berkhamsted nursery, Station rd. Harpendn. 8.0 tors; published friday mid-day for Mann Chas. H. 158 High st. Watford Mackenzie N. Park la. Waltham Cross saturday), 22 Market pi. St. .Albans MarshallF.R.~farket ;:q.BishopStortfd MansellE.Hadham rd.Bishop Stortford Herts & Carobs Reporter & R<>yston Matthews Hy.G. 16 Golden sq.Hitchin Matthews A. High rd.Waltham Cross Crow (Warren Brothers, printers & Mitchell R. C. .Amwell st. Hoddesdon Matthews J.T. Rye nursery,Hoddesdn publishers; published friday), High Patrick A. E. 291c, High st. Watford Miles Wm.H. Park la.Waltham Cross street, Royston Price T.Station rd.Rickmnswth.R.S.O Ne~us Francis J. Potter street,Bishop llerts & Essex Observer (Mardon Rose & Sons, I & 3Railway st.Hertford Stortford 'Brothers, proprietors & publishers; ShoreH.KingEdward rd. Walthm.Cross Newman Hy. 16 Woodford rd. Watfd published on friday for saturday), ShoreR.EleanorCross rd.Walthm.Crss Norwood "\Y. Park rd.Bushey,Watford Nor'h street, Bishop Stortford Smith W. H. & Son, Cheshunt Rail- Paul k Son, Church fields, Brox- llerts Guardian (Henry Light, pro- way station, Waltham Cross bourne S.O. & Old nurseries, Ches- prietor; published saturday), Rail- Svivey Jsph.E.59St . .Albans rd.Watford hunt street, lValtham Cross way street, Hertford. See advert Yiney Mrs. Emma Jane, 70 Marlowes, Paul ·william & Son, London road, llerts Leader (Charles H. Peacock, Hemel Hempstead Broxbourne S.O proprietor & publisher; published Wakenell Montague W. 3 High street, Paul William & Son, High road, Wal- tuesday~). ror Hil!h street, Wat- Hitchin tham Cross & Goldings hill, High ford. See advertisement Warren Bros. High street, Royston Beech, Loughton 11erts Standard k The St. Albans Whitehouse L. High st.Harpenden S.O Phillips Benjamin, I Tennyson villas, Citizen (Truman Press & Co. sole Wilkie l\Irs. I. 22 .Akeman st. Tring Tennyson road & West field common, publi~hers & proprietors; published Young William Edward, Windmill Harpenden S.O on fridays), Victoria st. St. Albans lane Cheshunt, Waltham Cross Pi~g J. C. Gower road; nurseries, Monthly .Advertiser (Paternoster & ' Kneesworth & Mill roads, Royston Bales, proprietors & publishers; NURSERYMEN & SEEDSMEN. Pigg Thomas, Buntingford R.S.O ~tis), 27 Sun street & 27 Market See also Florists. Pollard Arthur Whiting, Longfield la. place, Hitchin · .Ashwood Wm. .Albert st. Stevenage Cheshunt, Waltham Cross North Herts & South Beds Journal Barnwell Edgar, Hammond street, Poulton Bures G. Paradise hill, Ches- (Charles Holmes, proprietor & pub- Cheshunt, Waltham Cross hunt, Waltham Cross lisher; published friday), 8 Brand BeckwithG.&Son, Ware rd.Hodd-esdon Purrot J.&B.Brookhill rd.N ew Barnet street, Hitchin. See advert Bee Geo. H. G. Essex rd. Hoddesdon Purrott John, Ox lane, Harpenden, llickmansworth News (Charles H. Bjorklund & Clapham, FJamstead end, Sli . .Albans Peacock, proprietor & publisher), Waltham Cross Richardson C.2o8High st.High Barnet Ric¥mansworth R.S.O Bolton Geo. Wyddial,Buntingfd.R.S.O Rivers Thomas k Son, The Nurseries, 1ioyston Weekly News (J. Mason, Bonnett & Varney, Longfield lane, Sawbridgeworth R.S.O &.gent; published friday), Market Cheshunt, Waltham C'ross Roberts Chas. Codicote rd. Welwyn hill. Royston Burgon & Harris, Wonnley, Brox- Rochford Edmund, Mill Lane nur- !t. Albans Gazette (James Brimelaw, bourne S.O series, Cheshunt, Waltham Cross proprietor & publisher; published Camp George, London road, Saw- Rochford J. Turnford,Broxboume S.O mid-weekly), 9 St. Peter's street, bridgeworth R.S.O Rochford T.Turnford,Broxbourne S.O St. Albans Carter D. J. Eleanor Cross road, Rose Lewis, Crescent road & Park ~onthgate Times (Truman Press & Waltham Cross road, New Barnet Co. publishers; published friday), Chapman James, Bluecoat gardens & Rvder :Mrs. E. 207 Hi~rh 11t. Watford -49 High street, High Barnet Watton road, Ware Selway J. Goff's oak, Waltham Cross .
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